Checklist of Birds of Southeast Arizona

Checklist of Birds of Southeast Arizona

TUCSON AUDUBON SOCIETY GREBES Common Black-Hawk U-L-su;R-t Red Knot* Ca-f CUCKOOS, ROADRUNNERS & ANIS Checklist of Birds of Southeast Arizona Least Grebe* Ca-t,w Harris’s Hawk F-p Sanderling R-f;Ca-sp Black-billed Cuckoo* X ©Updated 2011 by Chris Benesh and Mark Stevenson Pied-billed Grebe C-w;U-su Red-shouldered Hawk* Ca-t,w Semipalmated Yellow-billed Cuckoo F-su;X-w Horned Grebe # R-t,w Broad-winged Hawk# Ca-t;X-w Sandpiper # R-f;Ca-sp Greater Roadrunner C-p Locality Red-necked Grebe* X Gray Hawk U-L-su, Ca-w Western Sandpiper C-t;Ca-w Groove-billed Ani* Ca-su,f Eared Grebe C-t;U-w;R-L-su Short-tailed Hawk* Ca-su,X-w Least Sandpiper C-t;U-w Date Time Weather Western Grebe R-t;R-L-w Swainson’s Hawk C-t;U-su White-rumped Sandpiper* Ca-sp BARN & TYPICAL OWLS Clark’s Grebe R-t White-tailed Hawk* X Baird’s Sandpiper F-f;R-sp Barn Owl C-p Observers Zone-tailed Hawk U-su;Ca-w Pectoral Sandpiper U-f;Ca-sp Flammulated Owl F-su STORM-PETRELS Red-tailed Hawk C-p Dunlin R-f;Ca-sp,w Western Screech-Owl C-p SE Arizona is considered to be Arizona south of 33° and east of 112° Least Storm-Petrel* X Whiskered Screech-Owl C-p outside of Maricopa County. Symbols indicating abundance in the preferred Ferruginous Hawk U-w Stilt Sandpiper U-f;Ca-sp Rough-legged Hawk # R-I-w Great Horned Owl C-p habitat are: C–Common, F–Fairly Common, U–Uncommon, R–Rare (usually TROPICBIRDS Buff-breasted Sandpiper* X Golden Eagle U-p Ruff* X Northern Pygmy-Owl U-p reported annually in very small numbers), Ca–Casual (does not occur Red-billed Tropicbird* X Short-billed Dowitcher # R-f;Ca-sp Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl # R-L-p annually), X–Accidental (five or fewer records), I–Irregular (found in varying STORKS & FRIGATEBIRDS CARACARAS & FALCONS Long-billed Dowitcher C-t;R-w Elf Owl C-su numbers from year to year), L–Local, H–Historical records, none since 1970, Wood Stork* X Crested Caracara R-L-p Wilson’s Snipe C-t,w Burrowing Owl U-L-p ?–status uncertain, often complex or changing. Symbols indicating seasonal Magnificent Frigatebird* Ca-su,X-w American Kestrel C-t,w;U-su Wilson’s Phalarope C-t;X-w Spotted Owl U-p incidence are: p–present all year, though not necessarily the same individuals, Merlin U-t,w Red-necked Phalarope U-f;R-sp Long-eared Owl R-w;Ca-su w–winter, sp–spring, su-summer, f–fall, t–transient. Non-native birds and CORMORANTS & DARTERS Aplomado Falcon-E* H Red Phalarope # Ca-t Short-eared Owl R-w those present via introductions are italicized. E–denotes species on the Neotropic Cormorant R-L-p Peregrine Falcon R-p;U-t,w Northern Saw-whet Owl R-p Double-crested Cormorant U-p Prairie Falcon R-p;U-t,w GULLS, TERNS, SKIMMERS & Federal endangered list. NIGHTHAWKS & NIGHTJARS Species in parentheses are undocumented anywhere in AZ by specimen or Anhinga* H SKUAS RAILS, GALLINULES & COOTS Black-legged Kittiwake* X Lesser Nighthawk C-su other physical evidence but are sight records by experienced birders. Species Common Nighthawk F-L-su PELICANS Black Rail* X Sabine’s Gull # Ca-f followed by an asterisk (*) warrant careful documentation for review by the Common Poorwill C-su;Ca-w American White Pelican U-t Clapper Rail-E # R-su? Bonaparte’s Gull U-I-t;Ca-w,su Arizona Bird Committee. Those followed by a # warrant briefer details. Written Buff-collared Nightjar* R-L-su Brown Pelican R-I-su,f Virginia Rail U-L-p Laughing Gull* Ca reports and physical documentation (photo, video or audio recording) should be Sora U-t,w Mexican Whip-poor-will C-su Franklin’s Gull U-sp;R-f BITTERNS & HERONS Purple Gallinule* Ca-t sent to Gary H Rosenberg, Sec’y, AZ Bird Committee, PO Box 91856, Tucson, Heermann’s Gull # Ca American Bittern R-t,w Common Moorhen U-p SWIFTS AZ 85752. Mew Gull* X (Black Swift)* Ca-t,su Tucson Rare Bird Alert: (520) 629-0510 X3. Please report your unusual Least Bittern U-L-su;R-w American Coot C-p Great Blue Heron F-p Ring-billed Gull F-t;R-su,w Chimney Swift* ?Ca-su;X-t sightings in SE Arizona ASAP to the number given on the RBA, currently Great Egret U-L-p;R-t,w CRANES Western Gull* X Vaux’s Swift U-t (520) 629-0510 X3. Snowy Egret U-t,su;Ca-w Sandhill Crane C-L-w California Gull R-t White-throated Swift C-su;U-w Little Blue Heron # Ca Herring Gull # Ca-f;X-sp,w SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS Greater Scaup # Ca-t,w PLOVERS Least Tern # R-sp;X-f HUMMINGBIRDS Tricolored Heron # Ca Broad-billed Black-bellied Lesser Scaup C-t,w Reddish Egret* Ca-su, f Black-bellied Plover R-t Gull-billed Tern* X Whistling-Duck U-su;R-w Harlequin Duck* X American Golden-Plover* Ca-t Caspian Tern Ca-t Hummingbird C-su;R-w Cattle Egret R-t,su;Ca-w White-eared Hummingbird # R-su Fulvous Whistling-Duck* X Surf Scoter # Ca-t Green Heron F-p Pacific Golden-Plover* X Black Tern R-sp;U-f Greater White-fronted Goose R-t,w White-winged Scoter # Ca-t Snowy Plover R-t,su Common Tern # Ca-t Berylline Hummingbird# R-su Black-crowned Night-Heron U-p Cinnamon Hummingbird* X Snow Goose U-t,w Black Scoter* X Yellow-crowned Night-Heron* X Semipalmated Plover U-f;R-sp Arctic Tern* X Ross’s Goose R-t,w Long-tailed Duck # Ca-t,w Killdeer C-p Forster’s Tern R-f;Ca-sp Violet-crowned Cackling Goose # X? Bufflehead U-t,w IBISES & SPOONBILLS Mountain Plover R-L-w Royal Tern* X Hummingbird U-L-su;R-w Canada Goose U-w White Ibis* X Elegant Tern* Ca Blue-throated Common Goldeneye R-t,w STILTS, AVOCETS & JACANA Hummingbird F-su;R-w Brant* X Barrow’s Goldeneye* X Glossy Ibis* X Black Skimmer* X White-faced Ibis F-t;Ca-w Black-necked Stilt C-L-su;R-L-w Magnificent Trumpeter Swan* X Hooded Merganser R-t,w American Avocet F-L-su;F-t Pomarine Jaeger* X Tundra Swan Ca-t,w Roseate Spoonbill* Ca-su,f Hummingbird C-su;R-w Common Merganser U-t,w Northern Jacana* X Parasitic Jaeger* X Plain-capped Starthroat* Ca-su Wood Duck U-t,w Red-breasted Merganser R-t,w AMERICAN VULTURES Long-tailed Jaeger* X Gadwall F-t,w Lucifer Hummingbird # R-L-su Ruddy Duck C-w;U-su Black Vulture R-p SANDPIPERS & ALLIES Ruby-throated Hummingbird* X Eurasian Wigeon Ca-t,w PIGEONS & DOVES Turkey Vulture C-t,su;R-L-w Spotted Sandpiper C-t;U-w Black-chinned Hummingbird C-su,t American Wigeon C-t,w QUAIL, PHEASANT & TURKEY Rock Pigeon C-p California Condor-E* H Solitary Sandpiper U-t Anna’s Hummingbird C-w;U-su Mallard U-p;C-w Scaled Quail C-p Wandering Tattler* X Band-tailed Pigeon F-su;R-w Eurasian Collared-Dove F-p Costa’s “Mexican” Duck U-L-p Gambel’s Quail C-p KITES, HAWKS & EAGLES Greater Yellowlegs C-t;Ca-w Hummingbird C-w,sp;U-L-su Blue-winged Teal U-t,R-w N “Masked” Bobwhite-E R-L-p? Osprey U-t,Ca-w Willet U-t White-winged Dove C-su;R-L-w Mourning Dove C-p Calliope Hummingbird U-f;R-sp Cinnamon Teal C-t;U-w,su Montezuma Quail U-p (Swallow-tailed Kite)* X Lesser Yellowlegs F-f;U-sp Bumblebee Hummingbird* H Northern Shoveler C-t,w Ring-necked Pheasant R-L-p White-tailed Kite R-I-p Upland Sandpiper* X Inca Dove F-p Common Ground-Dove U-su;R-w Broad-tailed Hummingbird C-su;U-t Northern Pintail C-t,w Wild Turkey R-p Mississippi Kite U-L-su Whimbrel # Ca-t Ruddy Ground-Dove # R-w,Ca-P Rufous Hummingbird C-f;U-sp Garganey* X Bald Eagle R-t,w Long-billed Curlew U-t;R-p Allen’s Hummingbird# R-su,f;X-sp Green-winged Teal C-t,w LOONS Northern Harrier C-t,w Hudsonian Godwit* X PARROTS Canvasback U-t,w Red-throated Loon* X Sharp-shinned Hawk C-t,w;R-su Marbled Godwit R-t Thick-billed Parrot* H TROGONS Redhead F-t,w;R-su Pacific Loon # Ca-t,w Cooper’s Hawk C-t,w,U-su Ruddy Turnstone* Ca-f;X-sp Elegant Trogon U-su;R-w Ring-necked Duck C-t,w Common Loon R-t,w Northern Goshawk R-p Black Turnstone* X Eared Quetzal* Ca? KINGFISHERS SHRIKES Rock Wren C-p SILKY FLYCATCHERS Common Yellowthroat C-t,su;U-w Red-backed form# Ca-w Belted Kingfisher F-t,w Loggerhead Shrike C-p Canyon Wren C-p Phainopepla C-p Hooded Warbler # Ca-t,su;X-w White-winged form* X Green Kingfisher R-I-L-p Northern Shrike* X Sinaloa Wren* X Wilson’s Warbler C-t;Ca-w Yellow-eyed Junco C-p Carolina Wren* X LONGSPURS & SNOW BUNTING Canada Warbler* X WOODPECKERS VIREOS Bewick’s Wren C-p Lapland Longspur* Ca-t,w Red-faced Warbler C-su, X-w CARDINALS, GROSBEAKS & Lewis’s Woodpecker R-t,w White-eyed Vireo* Ca-t,su,X-w House Wren U-su;C-w Chestnut-collared Longspur C-t,w Painted Redstart C-su;R-w ALLIES Red-headed Woodpecker* X Bell’s Vireo C-su Pacific Wren # R-w McCown’s Longspur U-L-w Slate-throated Redstart* X Northern Cardinal C-p Acorn Woodpecker C-p (Black-capped Vireo)* X Winter Wren* Ca-w? Snow Bunting* X Fan-tailed Warbler* Ca-sp;X-f Pyrrhuloxia C-p Gila Woodpecker C-p Gray Vireo R-L-su Yellow Grosbeak* Ca-su Sedge Wren* X WOOD & OLIVE WARBLERS Rufous-capped Warbler* Ca? Williamson’s Sapsucker R-t,w Yellow-throated Vireo # Ca-t,su Marsh Wren F-t,w Yellow-breasted Chat C-su Rose-breasted Yellow-bellied Sapsucker# R-t,w Plumbeous Vireo C-su,t;R-w Olive Warbler C-su;R-w Grosbeak R-t;su,Ca-w Red-naped Sapsucker F-t,w Cassin’s Vireo F-t;R-w DIPPERS Blue-winged Warbler* Ca-t;X-w TANAGERS Black-headed Grosbeak C-su,t Red-breasted Sapsucker# Ca-t,w? (Blue-headed Vireo)* X American Dipper R-L-su;Ca-w Golden-winged Warbler* Ca-t;X-w Hepatic Tanager F-su;Ca-w Blue Grosbeak C-su;Ca-w Hutton’s Vireo C-su;U-w Tennessee Warbler* R-t Summer Tanager C-su;Ca-w Ladder-backed Woodpecker C-p KINGLETS & GNATCATCHERS Lazuli Bunting C-t;R-w Warbling Vireo C-t,su Orange-crowned Scarlet Tanager* Ca-t Downy Woodpecker* X? Golden-crowned Kinglet U-p Indigo Bunting U-L-su;U-t Hairy Woodpecker U-p Philadelphia Vireo* Ca-f;X-sp Warbler C-t;U-w;R-L-su Western Tanager C-t,su;Ca-w Varied Bunting F-L-su Red-eyed Vireo* Ca-t Ruby-crowned Kinglet C-t,w;R-su Nashville Warbler

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