PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 6 " ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18K2-VOL. 35. PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 5. 1898. _ IMUCeT~THREE CENTS MISCELLANEOUS. »»■ ■ ■ » ■ .. ■ mra 1600 MADE PRISONERS^ And 350 THE EXCELLENCE OF SY2UP OF FMS Perished, Commo- is due not Spaniards only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. and we wish to dore Watson only, impress upon Cables all the importance of purchasing the true Washington. and original remedy. As the * genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured ____ by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par- ties. The high standing of the Cali- THE SEA FIGHT. fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi- CERVERA CAUGHT cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has tv uiuuuuo ui xtiiniiica, Jlliilvvia tjie name of the Company a guaranty How Cervera's Fleet Was of the excellence of its remedy. It is Is Prisoner Aboard tiro far in advance of all other laxatives, Sunk, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and Gloucester. bowels without irritating or weaken- ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial New effects, please remember the name of York, July 4.—The New York the Company— Herald has received from its correspond- (Copyright 1898 by the Associated Press.) Ten Miles CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ent at Santiago the following details of West of the Entrance of San- SAX FKANCISOO, Cr.L the destruction of Admiral Cervera’s tiago Harbor, Sunday, July 3,-^4 ji. a., LOUISVILLE, Ey. NEW YOKE, X. Y. fleet: by the Associated Press Despatch Heat Wanda to Port Antonio, Jam., Three of the Spanish cruisers that Monday Morning, July 4, via Kingston, Jamaica, were bottled up in Santiago harbor and BICYCLES! Inly 4.—4.45 a. m.— Admiral Cervera'S two torpedo boat destroyers were pound- leet, consisting of the armored cruisers ed into helpless hulks by the guns of Ad- Cristobal Colon, Almirante Oquendo, tn- miral Sampson’s fleet on Sunday in a :anta Maria Teresa and Vizoaya and two $8,003 vain attempt to escape from the harbor. ;orpedo boat destroyers, the Furor and the The vessels were beached in a last effort Pluton, whioh had been held in the har- We can sell a for you good bioyclo today to save as many of the lives of the crews bor of Santiago de Cuba for six weeks eight dollars. Its a good running service as possible. Admiral Cervera, on hoard the ablo wheel the kind that will take you on past by combined squadrons of Rear a trip and back without breaking down. the Cristobal Colab, headed his fleet in Admiral Sampson and Commodore Others ask $15 for a wheel not as you the endeavor to get away at about 9:30 Schley, lies today at the bottom of tko good. We have others from 310 to $25. o’clock. So little were the Americans Caribbean sea, off the southern coast expecting the dash that the flagship Cuba. The Spanish Admiral is a prisont war on the amriliarv cnnhnAt ftinnnc BICYCLE REPAIRING. New York was cruising up the coast to the east, and returned only in time to ter (formerly J. Pierpont Morgan’s yac and 1000 to 1600 other If you own a bicycle and it needs re- see the finish of the fight and fire a shot Corsair) Spani: pairs, fetch it to we can first offioers and sailors all who t' us, give you Of two at the torpedo boat destroyers. escaped class at work, low prices, and we have Admiral Now on caused the she The Iowa, Massachu- Cervera, Quartered the Gloucester and Sunken frightful oarnage by the best equipped repair shop east of Bos- Indiana, Oregon, Ship Viscaya. / from the Americcan warships are also ton. setts, Texas, Brooklyn and the convert- neld as prisoners of war by the United Punctures repaired, 20 cents. ed yacht Gloucester, formerly tno Cor- Bpokes, 10 cents. States navy. sair, formed in position to give battle as Good single tube tires,, $4 per pair. “The Spaniards when they found they soon as the Colon was sighted rounding would be permitted to live adapted them- the wreck of the Merrimac. The Ameri- selves comfortably to the situation, rolled can vessels did SEMAPHORE’S STORY. not open fire at once, they SAM’S sheir and The More News PRESEAT. oigarettes began playing cards waited until Cervera’s were out of Received From ships imong themselves,” 22 Temple SI. Continued on Second Page. The American victory Is [complete, Told Cevera’s Fleet Was md, according [to the best inform- ft M ft ft ft f«S I A M Spaniards Better Bt Crows. Official of Destruction of ation obtainable at this time, the Jly2 '^dtf Santiago Report Unharmed. American vessels Fleet. were practically un- souched and only one nnan[was killed, WHAT’S THE HIE ;hough the ships were subjected to the p. follow- of the To advertise Madrid, July 4, (4 m.)—-The neavy Are Spaniards all the time ing semi-official statement was issued Washington, July 4.—The Secretary of She battle lasted. unless people rend your ads. ? the has reoelved the this afternoon: Navy following: Admiral Cervera mad* as gallant dash They read ours, and then bring their Playa, via Hayti. and “The Semaphore from Morro Castle to for liberty and for the preservation of his dyeing, cleansing carpet beating Washington, July 4.—At 41:30 tonight the Navy Department posted the appended trans- Secretary of Navy: to us. We back our with the af- 8.—8.15 a. m.—The ships this morning as has ever oocurred up advertising Santiago says Spanish squadron, lation of a cipher cablegram received from CommodoreJWatsoR: Siboney, July fleet good work. ter a cannonade with tho Americans under myjoommand offers the nation as l n the history of naval warfare. It is similar to that received from Admiral today Sampson, but contains the additional a Fourth of July present, the destruction In the face of ovei whelming showed no signs of injury, therefore tho information odds, with CflCTCD^ C Forest City Dye Home and that 3SO Spaniards were killed or drowned. 160 wounded and 1,600 of the whole of Csrvara’s fleet. Not one St*am captured. nothing before him but inevitable de- rUoiLli U Carpet Cleansing suffered from terrible Eczema. American news of tho rout of Admiral It Vt orks. My baby Commodore W'atson’s despatch follows: escaped. attempted to escape at 9.80 Doctor and every remedy tried, to no account. struction or surrender if he remained any 13 Preble Cervera must be untrue. a. m. and at 2 p. m. the last, the Cristo- Preble St., o|»p. House He cried all the time and his face was like utterly bal in the which the Kid Gloves raw del 4.—To the of Colon had run ashore sixty miles ongep trap American E6*- Cleansed Every Day. meat. I had to carry him on a pillow, Moreover, Admiral Cervera’s squadron Piaya Este, July Secretary Navy, Washington: At 9:30 a. in. today the and was fairly discouraged. I used half a west of Santiago and has let down her leet held be made a bold dash from Spanish squadron, seven in all, one came oat of him, box of Cttticura (ointment) and Cuticura is faster than Admiral Sampson’s. including gunboat, Santiago in column and colors. she harbor at the time the Soap, and in one week was Americans my baby entirely were totally destroyed within an hour, except the Cristobal Colon, which was chased The Infanta Maria cured. as forty- Teresa, Oquendoe REMEMBER THE To-day his skin is as smooth silk. east expeoted him to do so, and fighting MAINE, Mrs. J. C. FUEESE, 360 8.1st st., Brooklyn, N.Y. SVATSOS GOING AT OSCE. live miles to westward by the Commander in Chief, Brooklyn, Oregon and Texas, surrender- and Vizcaya were forced ashore, burned Is advice for but Spefdt Cure Treatment Skin-Tortured and svery inch of his way, even when his good everybody, fob to the was blown up within twenty miles of ship Babies.—Warm baths with and ing Brooklyn, bn: beached to prevent you should also remember when iu Cuticura Soap, eentl® sinking. •uuiuuugo wiiu t/uncunt, greater oi esin cures. Santiago, the Furor and Pluton were was ablaze and sinking, he tried to escape want of Sold throughout tho world. Potter Drtto aitd Cttem. within four miles of the None of our or men destroyed port. cne doom wmcn was written on Cobp., Prop#., Boston. How to Cure Baby’s Eczema, free. officers were injured, except on board Brooklyn. Chief Yeoman the Loss one killed and two wounded. Ene- SUMMER Ellis was killed and one man wounded. Admiral Ccrvera, all nuzzle of every American gun trained FOOTWEAR, B mbardraeiit of Spanish Cities to commanding officers, except- my’s loss probably several hundred from that our stock is and in the ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ o »«*««««« UJL jpon his vessel. complete ■«9 ^tjucuuu, uuuui act WIUCI UUIV.CI 5 iflIIU AtUVV Ult'U UIV pilSiUlierS. ADOUt Killed gun lire, explosions and drowning. latest while our are as style, prices The Americans saw him Begin. or drowned and About 300 prisoners, including Admiral the mQment he low as consistent with the quality of 160 wounded, latter b$tug cared for on Solace and Olivette.
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