SAS IR/STU 1 2001-05-11 SAS Group Analyst meeting Stockholm, May 9, 2001 SAS IR/STU 2001-05-11 www.scandinavian.net2 SAS Group 1st Quarter – highlights The Marketplace Impact from weaker U.S. Economy SAS Strong January/ February – Good traffic growth – Stronger Business Class March weaker than expected Capacity adjustments announced April 9 Hotel business as planned Maintained outlook for Full Year 2001 SAS IR/STU 3 2001-05-11 Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 SAS Group Events of note 1st Quarter Jörgen Lindegaard President & CEO as from May 8, 2001 SAS Cargo to be incorporated 2001 Proposal of single SAS share submitted to Parlaments SAS IR/STU 4 2001-05-11 SAS new organization SAS Group will react swifter in the marketplace Board of Directors Strategic Focus Areas - CEO Corporate Development/M&A CEOCEO Customer Satisfaction Strategic Focus Areas - Communications Government & External Strategic Focus Area - HR Relations HR Communications HR Communications People Capabilities Communications AirlineAirline Commercial Commercial AirlineAirline Operations Operations CFOCFO Strategic Focus Area - Strategic Focus Area - Strategic Focus Areas - CFO Airline Operations Airline Commercial Shareholder Value/ Customer Relations Operational Investor Relations Excellence Group Brand & Image Finance & Capital Alliances & Partnerships Corporate Business Control Information Technology Capabilities The new organization- SAS Group shorter lines of command Board of Directors CEOCEO HRHR CommunicationsCommunications Corporate 1) Corporate AirlineAirline Commercial Commercial AirlineAirline Operations Operations1) CFOCFO FunctionsFunctions Scandinavian Scandinavian Scandinavian WorldWorld Ground Flight Cabin Scandinavian Non Airline SalesSales Services Operations Operations Technical Services Businesses Traffic Planning & Execution SAS Int'l Hotels SAS Flight Support Support Services WiderøeWiderøe SAS Flight Academy SASSAS CommuterCommuter Jetpak AirAir BotniaBotnia Scandinavian IT Group MarketingMarketing SAS Hosting NetworkNetwork RevenueRevenue OtherOther AffiliatedAffiliated && ProductProduct SMART ManagementManagement ManagementManagement AirlinesAirlines SAS Trading ManagementManagement SAS Media Aeroxchange SASSAS CargoCargo (1) Includes SAS Airline Accountable Manager Functions Airline business Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 SAS Group Continued growth in revenues - EBITDARdoubled 1st Quarter in MSEK + 13% + 103% in MSEK 1 214 12 137 10 756 597 2000 2001 2000 2001 Operating Revenues Cash flow SAS IR/STU 7 2001-05-11 SAS Group EBITDARlevels up 101% 1st Quarter in MSEK 12 months st Change 1 Quarter Change rolling Operating revenues 12 137 +12,8% 48 921 +10,2% EBITDAR 1 214 +101% 6 268 +45,7% Gains on sales -37 n.m. 1 484 +40,5% Pre tax profit 57 n.m. 1 612 +223% before aircraft disposals SAS IR/STU 8 2001-05-11 SAS Group CFROI - passed hurdle rate of 20% 35% SAS Group's key financial 30% metric 25% Focus on operating cash flow 20% (EBITDAR) 15% CFROI 2001 20% 10% Hurdle rate through cycle 17-20% 5% Target will increase as 0% Capital employed now start 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 '0 '0 rising CFROI Target SAS IR/STU 9 2001-05-11 Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 ROCE (m-b) - affected by large SAS Group increases in aircraft surplus values 30%30% 25%25% Affected by strong USD 20%20% SAS market 15%15% based ROCE 2001 20% 10%10% Hurdle rate through 5%5% cycle >12% 0%0% 33 99 33 99 33 99 33 99 33 99 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 66 77 77 88 88 99 99 00 00 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 00 00 ROCE,ROCE, MarketMarket basedbased HurdleHurdle raterate ROCEROCE SAS IR/STU 10 2001-05-11 SAS Group EBITDAR and EBITDAR margins 1995-2001 77 000000 18%18% 16%16% 66 000000 14%14% 55 000000 12%12% 44 000000 10%10% 8% EBITDAR 8% EBITDAR 33 000000 EBITDAR margin 6%6% EBITDAR margin 22 000000 4%4% 11 000000 2%2% 00 0%0% 19951995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 (12(12 m)m) EBITDAREBITDAR EBITDAREBITDAR marginmargin SAS IR/STU 11 2001-05-11 SAS Group Proposed dividend 2000 approved by AGM’s Local currency Dividend Yield SAS Danmark A/S 3,80 SAS Norge ASA 4,20 SAS Sverige AB 4,50 Average level (SEK) 4,50 4,7% SAS IR/STU 12 2001-05-11 Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 SAS Group Combined Earnings Per Share in SEK 1st Quarter 2001 1st Quarter 2000 EPS 0,09 -1,40 Cash Earnings 0,91 -0,64 SAS IR/STU 13 2001-05-11 SAS Group Current equity structure is not optimal from a capital market point of view Danish Private Norwegian Private Swedish Private state shareholders state shareholders state shareholders 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% SAS Danmark A/S SAS Norge ASA SAS Sverige AB 2 2 3 /7 /7 /7 SAS Group Airline Business Non-airline Business ♦ Individual market capitalisation too low to attract strong investors’ interest SAS Group A single share will enhance interface with the capital market Danish Norwegian Private Swedish state state state shareholders 14% 14% 21% 50% SAS AB Airline Business Non airline Business SAS’ operations will remain unchanged as an effect of the unification Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 SAS Group Transaction structure ♦ SAS AB makes public offers for New share structure SAS Danmark A/S, SAS Norge ASA No. of outs. Market and SAS Sverige AB in exchange shares (m) Par value1 for new shares in SAS AB value (bn) ♦ Exchange ratio is 1:1 SAS Danmark 47.0 DKK10 DKK4.1 ♦ SAS AB domiciled in Sweden A/S ♦ Listings on all Scandinavian stock SAS Norge 47.0 NOK10 NOK4.3 exchanges ASA SAS Sverige 70.5 SEK10 SEK7.2 ♦ Offer recommended by SAS Boards AB of Directors ♦ SAS AB 164.5 SEK10 SEK17.1 UBS Warburg and Morgan Stanley Note: Dean Witter have delivered fairness 1 Bloomberg as of 25 April 2001 opinions which confirm the conditions of the deal ♦ The exchange offers will i.a. be conditional on 90% acceptances SAS IR/STU 16 SAS Group Historic volumes traded have been low...One month weekly average volume traded — 1 January 1999 – to date 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 (000s shares) 1,000 0 Ja n-99 Ju n -99 No v-99 Apr-00 Sep-00 Feb-01 SAS Da n m a rk SAS No rg e SAS Sve rig e SAS Gro u p TheThe threethree holdingholding companycompany structurestructure hashas significantlysignificantly limited the liquidityliquidity inin thethe SASSAS sharesshares TheThe creationcreation ofof aa singlesingle SASSAS shareshare shouldshould enhanceenhance itsits relativerelative liquidityliquidity significantlysignificantly whichwhich willwill benefitbenefit allall shareholdersshareholders inin SASSAS asas itit willwill openopen forfor greatergreater interestinterest fromfrom institutionalinstitutional investorsinvestors SAS IR/STU 17 SAS Group ...but share unification will increase weightings in in major indices ♦ SAS AB is expected to be included in the following indices — Affärsvärlden’s General Index (full market value) — OMX Stockholm Index (free float) — Copenhagen KFX Index (registered shares in Denmark) — Oslo General Index (registered shares in Norway) — MSCI (free float) — FTSE Europe ex-UK (free float) — STOXX (free float) SAS IR/STU 18 Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 SAS Group SAS target is to become the third most traded European airline 600 8,000 500 6,000 400 300 4,000 200 2,000 100 Weekly turnover (US$m) turnover Weekly 0 0 Market capitalisation (US$m) p e u KLM italia r Franc Al Lufthansa SAirGro Ai SAS Group British Airways Average weekly turnover in US$m — 1 January 2001 – to date SAS IR/STU 19 SAS Group SAS AB expected to be listed July 6, 2001 Key dates Date Event 8 May Q1 results announced Offer to shareholders 21 May Prospectuses published to stock exchanges and on Internet [ ] June Danish parliament approval 22 June Norwegian parliament approval [ ] June Swedish parliament approval 29 May Acceptance periods commence 25 June Acceptance periods close 6 July New SAS share starts trading on Stockholm Stock Exchange, Copenhagen Stock Exchange and Oslo Stock Exchange SAS IR/STU 20 Business Area SAS Airline SAS IR/STU 21 2001-05-11 Scandinavian Airlines System, Investor Relations Tel. +46 (0) 8 797 1451 Fax: +46 (0) 8 85 58 76 e-mail: [email protected] --- Homepage: www.scandinavian.net -- Results Jan -Mar 2001 SAS Airline Sharp increase in passenger load factors - growth trend in Business Class RPK Business Class Passenger load factor 1998-2001 total system 1995-2001 Year on Year values Moving 12 months values 25% 68% 20% 15% 67% 10% 66% 5% 0% 65% -5% 64% -10% -15% 63% DEC94 JUN DEC95 JUN DEC96 JUN DEC97 JUN DEC98 JUN DEC99 JUN DEC00 JAN98 JUL JAN99 JUL JAN00 JUL JAN01 SAS IR/STU 22 2001-05-11 SAS Airline Key profitability drivers Traffic growth (RPK) up 6% Business Class (RPK-C) up 9% Cabin factor up 1,3 p.u.
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