INTRODUCTI ON TO GENESIS c. 2091 b.c. 1876 b.c. 1446 b.c. Creation Call of Israel goes Exodus Abraham to Egypt from Egypt AUTHOR, DATE, AND RECIPIENTS Traditionally, Moses is considered to have been the author of Genesis and the rest of the Pentateuch (see Num. 33:2; Deut. 31:24; John 5:46). Of course, Moses lived much later than the events of Genesis. Presum ably, stories were passed down about those earlier events, and Moses brought them all together. The first audience would have been the Israelites Moses led through the wilderness. For readers today, Genesis is an essential introduction to the rest of the Bible. It is rightly called the book of beginnings. THEME The theme of Genesis is creation, sin, and re-creation. God made the world very good, but first cursed it and then destroyed it in the flood because of man’s disobedience. The new world after the flood was also spoiled by human sin (ch. 11). God chose Abraham for a special purpose. Through his family, all nations would be blessed (12:1–3). God’s purpose will eventually be fulfilled through Abraham’s descendants (ch. 49). KEY THEMES 1. The Lord God commissions human beings to be his representatives on earth. They are to take care of the earth and govern the other creatures (1:1–2:25). 2. Instead of acting as God’s representatives on earth, the first man and woman—Adam and Eve—listen to the serpent and follow his advice. Their disobedience has devastating results for all mankind and for the entire created world (3:1–24; 6:5–6). 3. God graciously announces that Eve’s offspring will free humanity from the serpent’s control (3:15). Genesis then begins tracing the history of one family that will become the people of Israel. This family has a special relationship with God and will become a source of blessing to fallen humanity (12:1–3). 4. As a result of Adam’s disobedience, his unique relationship with the ground degenerates, resulting in hard work and later in flood and famine. But the special family descending from Adam also brings relief from the difficulties (3:17–19; 5:29; 50:19–21). 5. While Eve’s punishment centers on pain in bearing children (3:16), women play an essential role in continuing the unique family line. With God’s help, even barrenness is overcome (11:30; 21:1–7; 25:21; 38:1–30). 6. The corruption of human nature causes families to be torn apart (4:1–16; 13:5–8; 25:22–23; 27:41–45; 37:2–35). Although Genesis shows the reality of family conflicts, individual members of the chosen family can also help resolve those conflicts (13:8–11; 33:1–11; 45:1–28; 50:15–21). 7. The wicked are exiled from Eden and scattered throughout the earth (3:22–24; 4:12–16; 11:9), but God is kind to his chosen people and promises them a land of their own (12:1–2, 7; 15:7–21; 28:13–14; 50:24). 8. God is prepared to destroy almost the entire human race because of its corruption (6:7, 11–12; 18:17–33), but he still wants his world to be populated by righteous people (1:28; 9:1; 15:1–5; 35:11). SSB.01.Genesis.indd 27 10/29/14 9:04 AM 01.Genesis.indd 27 10/29/14 11:49 AM INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS OUTLINE I. Primeval History (1:1–11:26) GENESIS A. God’s creation and ordering of heaven and earth (1:1–2:3) B. Earth’s first people (2:4–4:26) C. Adam’s descendants (5:1–6:8) D. Noah’s descendants (6:9–9:29) E. The descendants of Noah’s sons (10:1–11:9) F. Shem’s descendants (11:10–26) II. Patriarchal History (11:27–50:26) The Creation of the World called Night. And there was evening and there was a A. Terah’s descendants (11:27–25:18) In the beginning, God created the heavens and morning, the first day. d 2 b 6 1 B. Isaac’s descendants (25:19–37:1) 1 the earth. The earth was without form and And God said, “Let there be an expanse in C. Jacob’s descendants (37:2–50:26) void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” 7 And God made2 the And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face e expanse and separated the waters that were of the waters. THE NEAR EAST AT THE TIME OF GENESIS under the expanse from the waters that were 3 c And God said, “Let there be light,” and there f 8 above the expanse. And it was so. And God C c. 2000 b.c. 4 Black Sea a was light. And God saw that the light was good. called the expanse Heaven.3 And there was eve- s The book of Genesis describes p And God separated the light from the darkness. i events in the ancient Near East ning and there was morning, the second day. a g n from the beginnings of civilization 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he 9 And God said, “Let the waters under the Hattusha ARARAT S e a to the relocation of Jacob’s HITTITES (Israel’s) family in Egypt. The 1 Or a canopy; also verses 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 20 2 Or fashioned; also verse 16 3 Or Sky; also verses 9, 14, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28, 30; 2:1 Kanesh stories of Genesis are set among Tigris River Rages some of the oldest nations in the Haran DID YOU KNOW? Carchemish Nineveh world, including Egypt, Assyria, 1:1–11:26 Primeval History. Genesis 1–11 surveys the history of Aleppo ASSYRIA Babylonia, and Elam. the world before Abraham, while chs. 12–50 focus on one main In the Hebrew Bible, the title of Genesis is In the M Ugarit family. There are no real parallels to chs. 12–50 in the literature Beginning, the book’s first words. The English title e Mari of other ancient civilizations. However, other ancient stories do d Hamath is related to the Greek word genesis, which means i te exist about both creation and the flood. These stories stand in r Byblos MARI “beginning.” ra ELAM sharp contrast to the biblical account. Generally they depict cre- n Ty re ea Damascus Euphrates Babylon Susa ation as a great struggle, often involving conflict between the n Se River BABYLONIA gods. For example, they claim that the flood was sent because suggests that something was about to happen. There is no reason to a Shechem the gods could not stand the noise made by human beings but ARABIAN think that a long time elapsed between Gen. 1:1 and 1:2. Hebron Ur were unable to control it in any other way. Genesis disproves Zoan DESERT 1:3–5 And God said. God’s absolute power is seen in that he merely Persian such stories by its teachings. There is only one God, whose word speaks and things are created. Each new section of ch. 1 is intro- EGYPT Gulf is almighty. He spoke the world into being. The sun and moon duced by God’s speaking. Everything that God speaks into being is Dumah are not gods in their own right but are created by the one God. It Memphis good (vv. 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31). These verses show how God has is human sin that prompts the flood. These principles in Genesis arranged time in a weekly cycle (Day . Night). God is pictured as N 1–11 run through the rest of Scripture. working for six days and resting on the seventh, which is a model i l e for human activity. Day 4 will develop this idea further: the lights are R R Tema i e 0 100 200 300 mi ve d 1:1–2:3 God’s Creation and Ordering of Heaven and Earth. The placed in the heavens for signs and seasons, for marking days and r S Dedan years and the times of the festivals, such as Passover. This sense of e book of Genesis opens with a majestic description of how God cre- Thebes a 0 200 400 km ated the heavens and earth and then put everything in order so that it time having a structure is further emphasized as each stage of God’s might become his dwelling place. God assigns humanity to govern the creative work is separated into specific days. there was evening other creatures on his behalf, so that the whole earth should become and there was morning, the first day. After each workday there is the temple of God, the place of his presence, displaying his glory. an evening and then a morning, implying that there is a nighttime (the worker’s daily time of rest) in between. Similar phrases divide 1:1 In the beginning. The opening verse of the Genesis creation ch. 1 into six distinctive workdays, with 2:1–3 being a seventh day, account can be taken as either (1) a summary of the entire pro- God’s Sabbath. On the first three days God creates the environment cess of creation or (2) a description of the first event in creation. that the creatures of days 4–6 will inhabit.
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