D e n v e r C a t h o l ic ' li * 9 Vol. IX<VI No. 8 35 Cents Ninety-nine years of service to the Gospel March 8, 7000 ' i s 0 { ) Vi 1^, A Lenten prayerbook rests amid ashes. Lenten Season Focal point of Jubilee journey begins with Ash Wednesday — 3, 13, 15 •«' *'8 t'< 's . Members of Legatus of Colorado are joined at the chartering ceremony by Archbishop Choput and Father Samuel Aquilo. Catholic leaders Executives balance needs of faith, family, work — 12 Archdiocesan pilgrims return from Jubilee journey — 3, 13 Msgr. Walker Nickless and priests of the Archdiocese of Denver celebrate Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. ( Jl-rsIVHv’ ( A ll l( )l K k'h( ilMhk M,II( h H, /OOO "S ^ Marriage Is Foundation Of Our Culture Colorado depends on strength of marriages and families own public, civic identities are finally The coliiimi appeared in the Feb. 27 issue of dependent on the much more intimate the Rocky Mountain News. Archbishop's liy / he law not only regulates, it also identity of the relationship at their root teaches. And in teaching, it Column - marriage. embodies and protects the con­ Asserting the special rights of tradi­ tional married life is not "discrimina­ victions of the petiple who create it. By Most Rev. Here's an example. The Catholic tion." It's common sense, and it's a Church in Colorado supports appro­ Charles J. Chaput matter of social hope and survival. Ongoing events priate legislation which would class O.F.M. Cap. Whatever the intent of individual mar­ violence against homosexuals as a ried couples, marriage itself is, by its highlight Jubilee "hate crime" involving special penal­ f t nature, fundamentally ordered to tin- ties. The reason is simple. Hatred it was 50 or 100 years ago, despite our bearing and rearing of the next genera­ Next Wojtyla seminar: March 15 aggravates the evil of a crime. A moral nation's divorce statistics. tion. That involves the most serious The special Jubilee Year seminar difference exists between attacking If the last few decades have shown responsibilities in any adult's life — series on the life and thought of Karol persons for their money, and attacking us anything, it's this: When "tradition­ and those responsibilities in turn Wojtyla (f’ope John Paul II) will con­ them because they're Asian, or Jewish, al" marriages dissolve, the children of deserve and require the special protec­ tinue Wednesday evening, March 15. or homosexual. Both are grave crimes. those marriages suffer. As Barbara tion of the society which will draw its Mr. Sean Innerst, long-time theologi­ The latter is compounded by a particu­ Dafoe Whitehead and others have life from those children. Therefore, cal adviser to Archbishop Charles lar hatred. Whatever the content of a written, the social re.search clearly excluding other relationships from the Chaput and now provost of Our person's behavior, he or she never demonstrates that intact, two-parent privileges accorded to marriage is also the Lady of the New Advent Theological loses the right to be free from violence families (with one mother and one essential. It will do little good to pay Institute, will examine the content of motivated by hatred. The law can father) are vital to the well-being and pious lip service to marriage if we then Redemptor Hominis ("Redeemer of legitimately seek to ensure that. success of children — and not just to create alternative arrangements with Man"), the Holy Father's powerful Here's another example. The children, but to society at large. That similar legal privileges. Doing so first encyclical. All are welcome. Catholic Church in Colorado also sup­ doesn't mean blended or single-parent might keep "marriage" in our cultural Refreshments will be served. A ques­ ports legal efforts to define marriage as families will fail their children. It does vocabulary, but it would effectively tion and answer session will follow a unique relationship between one mean that in those contexts, the task of diminish its importance - maybe not Mr. Innerst's prepared remarks. The man and one woman; to protect and parenting becomes harder, and the intentionally; maybe not immediately seminar will begin at 7:00 p.m. in advance marriage's privileged status children involved will have more ...but irreversibly. Rooms 123-125 of the John Paul II in society; and to exclude other types numerous and serious obstacles to Coloradans are rightly concerned Center. of relationships from sharing in that overcome. There is no joy in noting with justice for all citizens, not only in mi status. The law can legitimately seek this: Every priest knows from his pas­ this election year, but in every year. Jubilee pilgrimage brochures to ensure the.se goals as well. In fact, as toral counseling the kind of extraordi­ But the public pursuit of justice ulti Fnglish-language brochures out­ a matter of cultural survival, it must. nary pressures which can break mar­ mately depends on the health of the lining the Jubilee Year indulgi'iice Marriage, as we traditionally under­ ried couples apart today. Our public and pilgrimage churclies for the stand it, is the foundation stone of our response should locus on easing tho.se .society pursuing it; and the health ot Archdiocese of Denver have bei-n culture. Its central importance crosses pressures and reinforcing our support Colorado depends preeminently on tlu' proviek-d to all parishes and missions all denominational lines. It's the fun­ for marriage, not redefining it or estab­ health of its marriages and families of the .irchtliocese and should now be damental community which gives life lishing parallel structures which erode Nothing can replace marriage as vm‘ available in local parishes. Spanish- to the rest of society. But marriage is marriage by sapping its special status. understand it - a permanent, loving language brochures are in production also uniquely vulnerable because it The "tradition" in traditional mar­ relationship between one man and one and will be available shortly. provides tlie intimacy, permanence riage, after all, is not .some dead habit woman. And nothing should bi and mutual dependence reejuired for of the past. It's the voice of learned allowed to parallel or redefine it. It Mark your calendars! the creation and rearing of new life. Mark your calendars now for two The unic]ue legal status of marriage and re-learned experience. Alternative di)esn't matter that "traditional" mar major archdiocesan Jubilee events. exists largely to protect the children arrangements don't work. If more riages can and do fail. That they also "Pentecost 2000: Go Make Disciples who depend on marriage to thrive. As than 30 states have already passed succeed, again and again, generation of All Nations" will take place at the a result, tinkering with the identity of laws rea.s.serting and protecting the tra­ after generation, is the source of our John Paul II Center on the afternoon marriage tinkers with the welfare of ditional identity of marriage, it's life as a people. of Sunday, June 11. The gathering children. That remains as true today as because they understand that their will include two major pre.sentations on the new evangelization, including the concluding address of the arch­ Official Appointments bishop's Jubilee lecture series, .semi­ Ministry of Reconciliation Correction Capuchin Franciscan Friars will be nars, a children's track, and Mass cel- Reverend Mr. Leonard Polak, a dea­ The article about Ash Wednesday ebr.ited by the .irchbishop. The con, appointed to St. Catherine of available throughout the day to in the last issue stated that the law Jubilee Year eucharistic congress Siena Parish in Denver effective March administer the Sacrament of fast is binding on those 21 to 60. A will taki' place- on thi- afternoon of 1, 2()()(), until June 1, 2003. Reconciliation at the following parish­ number of readers and pastors called Sunday, September 17, at the es: March 9-10: St. Louis Church, 3310 to point out that the law is, in fact, Llnive-rsity ot Di-nver's Magness S. Sherman St., Englewood (303-761- binding on those from 18-59. /Xri'na and will involve parishes and Archbishop's Schedule 3940); March 13-17: Immaculate Heart Due to a typesetting error, St. John of Mary, 11385 Grant Drive, Catholics froni arouiid northern March 8: Mass and distribution of the Evangelist Parish in Lovelami Colorcuio. W.itch the Ri-gister for fur­ Northglenn (303-452-2041); March 20- was listed as being in Longmont. ashes at the Cathedral of the 21: Sts. Peter and Paul, 3900 Pierce St., ther di-tails. Immaculate Conception (5:30 p.m.); Wc apologize for any misunderstand Wheat Ridge (call tor times: 303-424- ing these errors may have caused. March 9: Catholic Foundation meet­ 3706). Archbishop's Jubilee lecture series ing at JPII Center (11 a.m.); March Ki­ rlu- archbishop's next Jubilee Year ll: Archdiocesan Pastoral Council talk on thi- basics of Christian living weekend meeting at JPII Center; in the ni“w millennium will take place Denver Catholic Register Denver Catholic Register (USPS 557-020) March 12: Rite of Election at is published weekly except the last week of Wednesday, April 5, at 7:15 p.m. The Cathedral (2:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. - two Published by the Archdiocese talk is tentatively set for tin- Vehr December and the first week of January by ceremonies). Mass at Cathedral (6:30 the Archdiocese of Denver, 1300 S. Steele Library at the John Paul II Center. p.m.); March 13: Rite of Election at of Denver, 1300 S.
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