fePEND THAT $ AT HOME AND NOME WILL PROSPER . (v ti tM v? vs. i',-- am 7 V EAGLE vA LiLiE Y 1.N XLi W O VOLUME 2!, NO. 39 RICHLAND, OREGON; THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, L914 $1.50 a year Eagle's Cheese Factory GOODMAICII SAIUjtf Oregon County Fair Dates Looks as if it Would Soon bo a Reality 26 Cotfntids Holding It Downing W6'n by Decision in Fairs This Year JO Rounds 4 Oregon Morrow County, Heppner, F (The NlUWfr in its efforts to- We also received a letter from State Fair, Salem Sept. 17-1- 9. ward getting- - n chceso factory Mr. Jenson ahout your valley, The best match of jts kind ev- 28 to Oct. 3. Is Baker County, Baker, Sept, 14-1- 9 Malheur Cdunty, Ontario, P cstalilishcd. in. Eagld. acting, he very er seen in Eagle was the Verdict and seems enthusiastic 15-1- dairy-men- s Benton Cdunty, Cdrva!!i3, Sept. to a groat extent, as the , ahout the dairy 8 possibilities of most of the enthusiasts who - Polli County, emmissary, therefore each there. We cfcpcct td have a attended the boxing malch at 1749. Dallas, Sept. week will advise what lias been man at Richland in a very, short the Gymnasium Saturday njght. C003 and Curry, Myrtle Point, Sherman Cdunty; Moro, Sep 23-2- accomplished, is 1 Sept. 0. 10. Herewith a timo now, and will try and get It wns cer.tainly one: of the letter from Jfyank VValllnglon, over and talk the situation over hardest contested matches ever Clatsop Codnty, Gcarrieart, Sept. Gilliam CoUiityj Condon, Oc; that ja very ciieoitrag'lng.ED-1TOR.- ) with you. Just at present do seen Here, both of the principals nilamook . Cqunty, fillacr; not think it advisable to try and working with all the skill and Crook County; Prineville, Sept. Sept. 15:18. " ; Baker, Oregon, ugu'st 8, 1911 call the farmers together) ring tactic3 they could master. 23-2- 6. Wasco County, Tils Dalle. 23-2- knock-dv.v- Conilty, 5. Mr. Wm. L. FiowVr, Mr. Jenson seems to think by There was not a single n Clackamas Canby, Sept. Hichland, Oregon; making cheese both at Richland n'or any time during the 16-1- 9. Washington County, to Dear Sir: . ' and lfalfway we could got large match that both men were not East Clackamds, Estacada, Sept. Grove, Sept. 23-2- 5. 8-- 9 in good condition. Downing Vheeler County) Fossill, S"pt. Yours of August 4th received, enough quantities together so we ' ' -- ' T how-ev- er County. 23. t i - ii ... could get refrigerator shipping had the best of the boxing Douglas Roseburg, Sept. ' ; aiso copy oi Mr. jenspn s icuer 10-1- 0. Union County, ilaGrrfnde facilities from Robinotto, which and the referee, awarded Se . to you of rcccHt date. 22-2- 1. is really neccessary to get the the match tb.hini on points after Lane County, Eufine, Sept. 22- - Yamhill County, product on the market in first ten of as skillful rounds a3 one McMimille Sept. 23-2- 6. class condition. would want to See. Lincoln County Toledo) Sept. 22 . .. -- Klamath County Klamath r'ai; PROFESSIONAL Our plant there will make an The5 preliminary bettyjeen lid 25.' . 6. ideal factory and I feel safe in Corson and Walter Jones did nop Lin County! Scio, Sept. 23-2- 5, Sept. saying, if the farmers will co-o- p come off as Corson did not show Multnomah County! Greshem Cmatilla County, Pendleton, Se: 15-19- erate we wiil be making cheese up until late and the mainmatcii Sept. 1 21-2- 6. there within the next few was then about ready to be ptflU ' DENTIST months. eJofT. - & VI Cerrietary being anloncr 'twelve that ia you e and are being erectStl this, ye We appreciate the. interest M' Carroll and Jack Rpgei-a;ar- Cash on hand per lastrepoit.!rj).00 i i It is understood, are taking in tinsit. matter ana to that cloe i Now at HI Ofllcc fn Halfway, Oregon scheduled box ten rounds at Cash received from Holman $18,000 was involved in this deal Watch fur announcement of Rich- can assure you of our hearty sup Cornucopia the fifteenth qf the Bro's .10.00 land Date. port and Thank-in- month and also at this time Kid TOTAX $19.00 '"Motion pictures, tojmghu a you, I remain, Bradford will be pitted Against acc ' 'More cashnaybadly 'needfed if - . , ,:rrr?T" ait iifatiia rtnct' rt Sincerely yours, cne or uor3on-iiooa-fello- w JULj VVUlvIl IHWJl VUIlklU t winner ine rne sextan is Kepc ,ac worK an Frank Wallingtori match for" six rounds. t ? Z - summpr as l.s.planned. ftjake alj :t remittances payable to Mrs. An- Harvest Home Meeting Satur mum L. PATTERSON ATTENTION K. OF Pi nie Haley, Treast. or hand dona: WOODSON day afternoom ' AT L AW The Grand Chancellor, Frank tion td same. AND RESTAURANT I - tx U. S. COMMISSIONER S. Grant with other members FRESH BREAD YOUNG COOP LE wed will be here on Monday, August 31st to dedicate our Castle Hall. if& DEAL SB EVERYDAY H. MC ARTHUR B. A. There will be work in first and . ANYTHING. I .TJ-rE- " second decree. us turn out PHYSICIAN AND At the Methodist .Parsonage Let PASTRY LINE BAKED, and do our part right. Tell By a,deal, recently conpluded, Tuesday afternoon about 5 . TO- - ORDER . SURGEON others that you meet. .George Densley and o'clock Elvira Harville and Icey between hm "i i 'ftiwwlh'ii rfjMt.ft)t longs' day Fraternally, Irvine Lodge. No. Mr. B'rooksl.G66rge bought one Phono two oh all lines, Hewitt were united in Wedlock RICHLAND OREGON' or night. by Frank Hopkins. Stella Tay- 86, K. of P. by W. G. Saunders, band and leased another, a total D. G. 0. of 2,600, sheep, all ewes, added RICHLAND" '.; OREGON lor and Earnest Hewitt acted aS witnesses, while the .guests pres- to hisjtands. The band leased o ; e o o c o o , vj. 4 r a N. ent were Mr. and Mrs'. Hewitt was taken liver for three years. SANDERS Scmethjng entirely diiter$ht This, makes in the neighborhood RICHLAND and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Seige. are the pictures shown by Par v Physician and Some anxipua moments were of 4000 sheep that Geo. Densley Surgeon ker's Electric Biograph, Thurs owns and controls, they being Livery arid Fggd. spent in waiting for the license davs .at Richland. Fridays at )fflco in"Govcr Building. Phono to. stagp split into three bands and a pieci which was arrive, on the New-Bridge- Central dnytirop. nQno long ring , they arc plain and George also secured .Brooks bay Stable"'' on any phono at night. that afternoon and asr.tne stage (Ad.) do not flicker. an&,thj&usQ.of corrals and pas- RICHLAND ROBINETT STAGI RICHLAND OREGON didnol; arrive unty Tale some, an- ture, he a large silo LINE IN CONNECTION xiety wad felt tlat the. license Jim Downing' iwd Dick Diilard atage leaves Richland H.uO sfteep feeding purposes, this it. jr would not arrive, however it returned from Bak-- yesterday. for Arrives at Rubinutt 10:Q0 a. kEV. FRANK HOPKJNS came safely in and the young v Roturninu lcavs Rubineti l couple were made happy. arrives at Fkhlnud 3:S0 cHUricH The newly weds expect to leave LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE in a few days for Washington Gcou teams and tournfr' IDAHO STATE LIFE where they will spend their hon- pvortpt and first class sorvicc eymoon, after which they ,will every patron. Travolmer n-.- . INSURANCE CO. patronuge solicited. Rev. Frank' Hopkins, Pastor return to Eagle Valley and'make their home In ils beautiful and FRED COOPER, 'Pre ' - i jo c iar ores tor anv services run- quiet confines. They believelilco II KU l.u Richlana Or UUIUU. Will ivuuwuun;, many others that there is only MM . Joint fn reach, if myeei vices are one place to live apd, that is in IIUUUUUi "Famous Eagle Valley.'1 OREGON tICHLAND .'. A Harvest Home meeting vyili he Baird & Comparii "iv .Ti 1 n n Dillard a t ii n u.,ar ni'n Jim Downing, Dick City Hall, Kictuana, Sat- and Chas. Ivellol' left Richland; held at the ft JS LICENSED FUNERAL .i OTARY PUBLIC Monday morning to bo pre- p. m. Ev- ma, Agent for LIVERPOOL, LONDON early urday afternoon at 2:00 andGLOMiJ sent at tho Justice Court at Bale-or- . is urged to be preseat. A PENNSYLVANIA eryone SUca csskets i :j, fc1' AMERICAN CENTRAL It seems that tho first rej k ul Jhtifis Co, to fnvm-er-s IiiHurHiico of North w also special invitation is extended .America port that Mrs. Kellor as ' VBTNA INSURANCE Ou instigated was not true, as ohu merchants ofNew Bridge and A policy in oltltor irmmn liwurunci and was not one of thoso to'mako tho CpME. mm vecinity. BE SURE ANI?f . mi rniii.ANiii OREGON trip..
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