Proposal Title Status Source Effective Date Intent Number 2018-10 COMMITTEES -- GENERAL Adopted NCAA Division I Immediate To increase the size of the Walter Byers Scholarship Committee from six to COMMITTEES -- ASSOCIATION- Final Council (Strategic seven members; further, to specify one position shall be allocated for a WIDE COMMITTEES -- WALTER Vision and Planning former student-athlete. BYERS SCHOLARSHIP Committee) COMMITTEE -- COMPOSITION -- FORMER STUDENT-ATHLETE 2018-11 NCAA MEMBERSHIP AND Adopted NCAA Division I Board 08/01/2019 To specify that an institution's president or chancellor and all athletics CHAMPIONSHIPS AND Final of Directors department staff members (full time, part time, clerical, volunteer) shall POSTSEASON FOOTBALL -- (Commission on attest that the obligations of Constitution 2.1 (Principle of Institutional CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS OF College Basketball Control and Responsibility) and Constitution 2.8 (Principle of Rules MEMBERSHIP -- ELIGIBILITY FOR Association-Wide Compliance) have been met; further, to specify that an institution that fails CHAMPIONSHIPS -- ATTESTATION Issues Topical to complete the annual institutional eligibility certification by September 15 OF COMPLIANCE OBLIGATIONS Working Group) shall be subject to removal from and/or ineligibility of individuals to serve on an NCAA board, council or committee. 2018-12 INFRACTIONS PROGRAM -- Adopted NCAA Division I Board August 1, 2019; applicable to new and open To establish an independent alternative resolution program to investigate INDEPENDENT ALTERNATIVE Final of Directors cases, including cases in which the and adjudicate select infractions cases. RESOLUTION PROGRAM (Commission on enforcement staff has begun investigation College Basketball or issued a notice of allegations, subject to Enforcement and the period in which a referral may be Infractions Working requested. Group) 2018-13 INFRACTIONS PROGRAM -- Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate To specify that (a) If an institution employs an athletics department staff PENALTIES -- AGGRAVATING Final of Directors member who is subject to a show-cause order and during the period of the FACTORS, FINANCIAL PENALTIES (Commission on show-cause order, that individual's conduct, or for a director of athletics AND PENALTY GUIDELINES College Basketball and/or head coach, conduct involving any program which he or she has Enforcement and oversight, results in an institutional Level I or Level II violation, the Infractions Working employment is considered an aggravating factor; and (b) Financial Group) penalties may include the loss of all revenue sharing in postseason competition (including the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship) for the entire period of a postseason ban. Further, to increase penalty guidelines, as specified. 2018-14 INFRACTIONS PROGRAM -- REVIEW Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate To establish a negotiated resolution process to allow the enforcement staff AND INVESTIGATION OF ALLEGED Final of Directors to negotiate a resolution with an institution or involved individual about VIOLATIONS -- NEGOTIATED (Commission on alleged violations and proposed penalties, subject to the review and RESOLUTION College Basketball approval of the Committee on Infractions, as specified. Enforcement and Infractions Working Group) 2018-15 INFRACTIONS PROGRAM -- NOTICE Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate To specify that: (a) Facts established by a decision or judgment of a court, OF ALLEGATIONS AND Final of Directors agency, accrediting body or other administrative tribunal of competent Date Printed: 05/09/2019 1 of 18 Proposal Title Status Source Effective Date Intent Number OPPORTUNITY TO RESPOND -- (Commission on jurisdiction, or by a commission, or similar review of comparable COMMITTEE HEARINGS -- BASIS OF College Basketball independence, authorized by a member institution or the institution's DECISION -- IMPORTATION Enforcement and university system's board of trustees, may be accepted as true in Infractions Working concluding whether an institution or individual violated NCAA legislation; Group) and (b) Evidence submitted and positions taken in such a matter may be considered in the infractions process. 2018-16 ATHLETICS PERSONNEL AND Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate; for contracts or appointments To: (a) Require that contractual agreements or appointments between an INFRACTIONS PROGRAM -- Final of Directors executed on or after 8/8/18., Immediate, 02/ institution and a president or chancellor, director of athletics and any CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS AND (Commission on 01/2019 contracted or appointed athletics department staff member include a EXPECTATIONS AND SHARED College Basketball stipulation that the individual cooperate fully in the infractions process and RESPONSIBILITY -- Enforcement and be subject to investigation, adjudication and penalties, up to and including RESPONSIBILITY TO COOPERATE Infractions Working discharge; (b) Further define full cooperation in the infractions process; (c) Group) Authorize the Committee on Infractions to prescribe penalties during the investigation for failure to cooperate; (d) Establish that a hearing panel may infer that failure or refusal to produce requested materials supports an alleged violation; (e) Establish that a hearing panel may view that failure or refusal to participate in an interview supports an alleged violation; (f) Protect a "whistleblower" who voluntarily reports information about a potential violation; (g) Expand the mitigating factor of affirmative steps to expedite final resolution of the matter to include the timely submission of a summary disposition report; and (h) Confirm that information upon which a hearing panel bases its decision could be information that both directly and circumstantially supports an alleged violation. 2018-17 ATHLETICS PERSONNEL -- Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate To require that: (a) Contractual agreements, including letters of CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS -- Final of Directors appointment, between a full-time or part-time athletics department staff ATHLETICALLY RELATED INCOME (Commission on member and an institution shall include the stipulation that an athletics AND BENEFITS College Basketball department staff member who receives athletically related income or Apparel Companies benefits from a source outside the institution must report such earnings to Topical Working the president or chancellor on an annual basis, as specified; and (b) A full- Group) time or part-time athletics department staff member who receives athletically related income or benefits from a source outside the institution must report such earnings to the president or chancellor on an annual basis. 2018-18 AMATEURISM -- DRAFT AND Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate In men's basketball, to specify that an enrolled student-athlete may enter INQUIRY -- EXCEPTION -- MEN'S Final of Directors the National Basketball Association's draft each year during his collegiate BASKETBALL -- FOUR-YEAR (Commission on participation without jeopardizing eligibility in that sport, provided: (a) The COLLEGE STUDENT-ATHLETE -- College Basketball student-athlete requests an evaluation from the National Basketball NBA DRAFT -- EVALUATION FROM National Basketball Association's Undergraduate Advisory Committee before entering the draft; NBA UNDERGRADUATE ADVISORY Association Topical (b) The student-athlete requests that his name be removed from the draft COMMITTEE Working Group ) list and declares his intent to resume intercollegiate participation not later than 10 days after the conclusion of the draft combine; (c) The student- Date Printed: 05/09/2019 2 of 18 Proposal Title Status Source Effective Date Intent Number athlete's declaration of intent is submitted in writing to the institution's director of athletics; and (d) The student-athlete is not drafted. 2018-19 AMATEURISM -- DRAFT AND Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate; will apply in the event that the In men's basketball, to permit an enrolled student-athlete to enter and INQUIRY -- EXCEPTION -- MEN'S Final of Directors NBA and NBPA amend their collective remain in the National Basketball Association's draft and retain his amateur BASKETBALL -- FOUR-YEAR (Commission on bargaining agreement to specify that an status, as specified. COLLEGE STUDENT-ATHLETE -- College Basketball undrafted student-athlete who returns to NBA DRAFT -- NBA DRAFT National Basketball college loses his NBA eligibility until the COMBINE INVITATION Association Topical conclusion of the next men’s basketball Working Group) season. 2018-20 AMATEURISM -- USE OF AGENTS -- Adopted NCAA Division I Board Immediate; an NBPA-certified agent is In men's basketball, to permit a prospective student-athlete identified as an NCAA-CERTIFIED AGENTS -- MEN'S Final of Directors considered an NCAA-certified agent until elite senior by USA Basketball and an enrolled student-athlete or two-year BASKETBALL (Commission on the NCAA agent certification program is college prospective student-athlete who has requested an evaluation from College Basketball operational, which will be not later than the NBA Undergraduate Advisory Committee to enter into an agreement and Agents and Advisors August 1, 2020., Immediate; applicability to receive benefits from an NCAA-certified agent, as specified. Topical Working an elite senior high school prospective Group) student-athlete to be determined after NBA and NBPA evaluation of, and determination permitting, the eligibility for high school students to enter the NBA draft. "Expenses
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