I M , I 'f ■ MONDAY. MABCR IT. IHO J JKattrl|»Bt»r EoenUtg lirraUk _ ....... Avflrift Dfllljr Nat P i m b B e b Mlao Etoaaor M. Wlnalar, daugh­ Manohsoter Lodge, No. 37, A. F. tbstr left wtaMls at tha parklat Par the MoaUi et Pebraary, 1660 ter of Mr. and M m Andrew Wlna- and A. M., will hmd a atatad com­ Traffic Rules curbing. Partly eleudy, wfa4|y and w a e » Jl^utTowii lar of 14 Jvkoon atreat, la a mem- munication at tha Masonic Tem­ Chief SchsndsI had applied to ■V Ihle altorueea: partly riiudy b v o f tha Elmira Oollaga Olaa ple tomorrow owning at 7:80. Fol­ tha State Traffic Control Com- K um tttg JlFralo and aat n esM teuIgM and WSd* f t t W. a cT iT e f Mm llBrtfc lowing tha business moating, tha mloBlon for parmlasloa to axteJd Beautiful Woolens M lid te Mh n M Mfll iMm ustlMr Club of IM voldoa, which gave a Now Effective Joint concert with tha Bowdoln Square Club o f tha Pratt and tho one hour parking sona from ■ « V w M i ■ —Mug tomorrow. College Glee Club, Saturday In Whitney Aircraft will present a Madison to Foster streets. At a ManehmUr— A City of VUlago Charm iitfm afctm o^elodL Mombora Masonic play, which should prow Elmira, N. T. commission meeting held about fa^pHotod to bring tholr own very interesting. A cordial invita­ No Parking at Park three weeks ago the question of For Xour Easter Wardrobe tion is extended to all Master Ma­ (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Tha OouncUyof Eldara of tho lets on East Center parklet parking was . raised :uid w » MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1950 sons residing within this Jurisdic­ ijferred to the attorney general, VOL. LXIX, NO. 150 . tl U. Ummttv Or. Second Congregational church will tion to attend. Tho degree work haw a meeting this evening at tha Street from Now On and tha latter’s ruling was given «ik DmuMan of ImbriU, V O ’O- will be omitted, but the meeting to Schendel Saturday. M to bring ono c » o« ^ home of Mra Myrtle Williams, will conclude with a social how r tho ponnoy btago to tbrir 1632 Tolland Turnpike. and refreshments. Edward Wilson, polics depart­ Dust On the March Moottng Tuoodoy owning ot tho ment mechanic and utility man, News Tidbits Mrs. Freda Barlow, memory ex­ The Holy Angels Mothers Circle was busy eoMy this morning in­ Hadassah Chapter McCarthy Challenged E ToT c. homo. Mro. Holon Corri- Envoy to Canada g u and K n . Ullian Hutchlnoon pert, will speak tonight before the will meet Tuesday evening at stalling "ho parking" signs the Cttllvd From {/f) Wlrsd Women's Club of Manchester, at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. ai« on tho commlttoo oaoltting length of the parklete on East To Show Movies H n . Holoa OrifTln. Momboro may Its March meeUng at eight o'clock Chvles PIntd of 22 Campfleld Senator Magnuson (D-Waah) tnrito a Mond to Vtond thio moot­ In the HollUter school audllorlum. road. The guest speaker at the Center street. One hour parking And Four Others says that change in Taft-Harlley ing if they with. The lecture is open to non-mem­ meeting will be Father Gadvow- signs were also being placed from Manchester CSiapter of Hadas­ labor law la needed more than ever To Waive Immunity, bers at a moderate fee. ski, assistant pastor at St. Bridg­ Madison to Foster streets on both sah will hold its March meeting to­ to settle msrltlmc hiring hall con­ «ftM Mildred Hobaon, daughter et’s church. Members are remind­ the east and westbound lanes. morrow evening at eight In Temple ed to bring their donations for the troversy .. New York slate law of M m Ethel V. Hobaon of il3 Mias Marjorie Burr, dietitian These changes In the traffic rul­ Easter shower. Beth Sholom. Die in Air Crash barring Communlsto from employ­ W t e r atroot. to a member of he and Purchvlng Agent Eberhardt, ings on Ektat Center street, which The new SSmm. color film strip, of the Memorial hospital attended became effective today, were an­ ment In public school systems has ebetr which will aing at the Lenten Group D, Center Church Federa­ "Serving Israel's Youth” will be Veaper Service at Laaell Junior the recent winter meeting of the nounced Saturday by Chief of ^’o- been ruled valid for second time in And Repeat Charges tion, Mrs. James Elliott leader, will College in Aubumdale, Man., on Connecticut Dietetic Association at lice Herman O. Schendel. The the feature for the evening. The Amhassador Steinhardt court appeals ... Russians are meet tomorrow evening at eight elimination of psrklet parking, he stiip gives a comprehensive cov­ Major Shift blocking Allied effort to trace ree- Sunday evening, March 28. Mlaa the Newington Vetertna hospital. o'clock In the Federation Room Hobaon la a atudent In the freah- They found the meeting most In­ said is the result of a ruling made erage of Hadasssh’s Child Welfare Victim as Plane Ex­ ords of 430,000 German war dead, Miss Catherine Putnam of the high by Attorney General Wiiltom ij. says American source in Berlin Hanson Tells Senate m u claaa. teresting and gained many Idev school faculty will speak on cur­ and Vocational Education program plodes Soon After Deceased Candidate In step and time saving. Hadden stating that such parking O f EKplomats Hnll-stripping winds in west dimin­ Loyalty F iles rent events. Mrs. Charles Lynn Is conflicts with Section 2t509 of the in Israel—in immigrant comp*, in ish, giving farmers In four-stale Is Given 315 Votes, Foreign Relations Sub­ jOgt l|c William C. Roaa of chairman of the refreshment com­ Taking Off Today; Po­ Worceater, Maaa., received the 1049 revision of the General Sta­ the Alice U Seligsberg school, the area chance to size up damage Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ mittee. Brandeis Vocational Center and Nashua, la., March 28.—(/P) committee He is Not O>mmendatlon Ribbon at a cere­ anth, which was to have conduct­ tutes. lice and Military Si­ To Halt Reds caused by severe dust storms. T o B e D enied monial held Friday morning, Mar-h Details of Boling the Institute of Fashion Design. Diplomatic sources in London —H. D. 'Taylor, who died Sat­ Communist, Never Haa ed a rummage sale on Thursday of A son, Peter, was bom to Mr. Mrs. Manning Fendell will be the 24, at Fort McPheraon, Georgia. The section in question etstes, lent on Any Sabotage say Big Three foreign ministers of urday, got 315 of the 650 votea this week, h v decided to cancel It. and Mrs. Hamilton Grant of Pala­ narrator. A social hour will follow Baulbg*, S8” coat for mayor In yeaterday'a Been One and Never S gt Roaa la the huaband of the Members are urged to save arti­ tine, III., on Sunday, March 26, at in effect, that any stationary veh­ Shakeup Designed to U. S., Britain and Francs will meet Probe Group fanner Mloa Marie Gullfoyle, and all members and friends ore municipal election. E. L. cles, although It is probable the Elmhurst hospital, Elmhurst, Til. icle on a hghwsy must face In cordially invited to attend. Ottawa, Ont., March 28.— In London In May to discuss new Has Belonged to Com- d i^ h ter of Mra. Arthur McCrohon tho same direction as traffic end moves In cold war agaihsl R\issla .Strike, who got 335 votea, was sale will not take place before fall. Mrs. Grant is the former Betty (JP)— A U. S. embassy p l^ e Deal With Commun elected to the post. of 183 Irving afreet. must have its right hand wheels PreShrunk Heavy fog blindfolds New York iiiuniHt Front Organ­ B vstow of this town. crashed apart in flaming ism in Fat* East; Re­ While House Advisor Tho ballots had been printed Mra. O. R. Ferland of 17 Oval within 12 inches of the curb. The city early today, disrupting ship­ The Holy Innocents Mothera oneway traffic lanes on East Cen­ Wool and Rayon wreckage with an explosion ping and keeping score of planes Asserts Triimuii's l*osi- prior to Taylor'a death. ization at Any Time Circle will meet Wednesday eve­ Lane wUl grant the use of her publicans Hit Acheson home for the meeting of 3t. Ray­ Youth Conference ter street result In vehicles that “ like dynamite” today, killing circling for hours over area wait­ tion Outlined by As­ ning at the home of Mra. Henry are parked at the greens having TAMPAX Ambassador Laurence A. ing for chance to land ... John L. Washington, March 28c^^ W. GledhUl, Elm Hill Road, Tal- mond's Circle, tomorrow evening Weahington, March 28— The at eight o'clock. Steinhardt and four other Lewis, president of United Mine sertion from Hoover (/P)— Haldore Hanson today cottvUle. To Be Held Here In 3 sizes Gabardine first major State department Workers, will get hero’s ncclnlm Expert Sees challenged Senator McCarthy persons. The two-engine C-47, In celebrations throiighout nation s A son was bom on March 20 at shakeup In months, designed to Key West, Fla., March 28—(/P) (R., Wis.), to waive his sena­ (for monthly en route to the United States, Throughout portions of the nddwiwt and sonthwivit, scenes like this soft coal fields Saturday. the Hartford hoapiUI to Mr. and Announcement of the date* and omaahed onto a mow-covered deal more effectively with Com­ A highly-placed White Houae ad­ torial immunity and repeat noHary munism In the Far East, Is In the were bringing bnck memories of the dust bowl of the '80s.
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