Priests and Deacons INDEX Archdiocesan Priests ..................................................................................................... 1 Priests of the Archdiocese in the Order of Ordination ................................................. 14 Priests and Deacons: Alphabetical Necrology ............................................................ 21 Priests and Deacons: Chronological Necrology by Month, Day and Year .................. 51 Archdiocesan Permanent Deacons ............................................................................ 79 11/30/2020 Archdiocesan Priests Adams, Rev. John E. (1969) Baer, Rev. Timothy K. (1996) Director, S.O.M.E., DC Pastor, St. Nicholas, Laurel Phone: 202-832-9710 Phone: 301-490-5116 Aguirre, Rev. Francisco E. (2013) Baraki, Rev. Tesfamariam (1975) Pastor, St. Catherine Labouré, Chaplain, Howard University Hospital, Wheaton DC Phone: 301-946-3636 In Residence, St. Gabriel, DC Phone: 202-726-9092 Agustin Rev. Patrick S. (2020) Parochial Vicar (pro-tem), St. Francis of Barbieri de Carvalho, Rev. Rafael Assisi, Dearwood (2013) Phone: 301-840-1407 Director of Spiritual Formation, Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Ailer, Rev. Gellert J. (2006) Missionary Seminary, Hyattsville Missionary Assignment, Archdiocese of Eger, Hungary Barry, Rev. John M. (1988) Pastor, Church of the Resurrection, Alliata, Rev. Peter R. (1961) Burtonsville Retired, St. John Vianney, Prince Phone: 301-236-5200 Frederick Phone: 301-440-1784 Bava, Rev. David A. (1973) Pastor, Holy Redeemer, DC Amey, Rev. Msgr. Robert G. (1969) Phone: 202-347-7510 Pastor, St. Mary, Rockville Phone: 301-424-5550 Bazan, Rev. Msgr. Joaquin A. (1962) Retired Anderson, Rev. Nathanael P. (2020) Parochial Vicar (pro-tem), St. Peter, Beaubien, Rev. David W. (1993) Onley Pastor, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Phone: 301-924-3774 Leonardtown Phone: 301-475-8064 Antonicelli, Rev. Msgr. Charles V. (1993) Begg, Rev. Christopher T. (1977) Pastor, St. Patrick, DC/Vice President Faculty, The Catholic University of for Mission for Catholic Charities, America, DC Archdiocese of Washington/ Adjutant Phone: 202-319-5000 Judicial Vicar Benitez, Rev. Carlos A. (2004) Phone: 202-347-2713 On Duty Outside the Archdiocese Astigarraga, Rev. Oscar A. (2018) Benson, Rev. John B. (2019) Parochial Vicar, St. Rose of Lima, Parochial Vicar, Cathedral of St. Gaithersburg Matthew the Apostle, DC Phone: 301-948-7545 Phone: 202-347-3215 Ayala, Rev. Ismael N. (2010) Berard, Rev. Jonathan A. (2016) Pastor, St. Andrew Apostle, Silver Parochial Vicar, Sacred Heart, La Plata Spring Phone: 301-934-2261 Phone: 301 649-3700 1 11/30/2020 Archdiocesan Priests Biondi, Rev. Alberto (2016) Butta, Rev. C. Gregory (1991) Parochial Vicar, St. Catherine Labouré, Director of Pastoral Care, Carroll Manor Wheaton Director, Cardinal O'Boyle Residence Phone: 301-946-3636 Phone: 202-269-7810 Boccabella, Rev. James D. (2009) Byrne, Rev. William D. (1994) Pastor, Our Lady of Grace, Silver Spring Pastor, Our Lady of Mercy, Potomac Phone: 301-924-0067 Phone: 301-365-1415 Boxie III, Rev. Robert P. (2016) Calis, Rev. Joseph A. (1999) Chaplain, Howard University, DC Pastor, St. John the Evangelist, Silver Phone: 202-806-7280 Spring In Residence, Immaculate Conception, Phone: 301-681-7663 DC Campbell, Jr., Most Rev. Roy E. Phone: 202-332-8888 (2007) Brady, Rev. Msgr. John B. (1955) Auxiliary Bishop of Washington Retired Pastor, St. Joseph, Largo Phone: 301-853-4563 Brailsford, Rev. William M. (2004) In Residence, St. Francis of Assisi, Carloni, Rev. William P. (2011) Derwood Pastor, Holy Name, DC Phone: 301-840-1407 Phone: 202-397-2525 Brault, Rev. Y. David (1977) Carson, Rev. Daniel B. (2012) Pastor, St. John the Baptist, Silver Vicar General and Moderator of the Spring Curia/In Residence, St. Patrick, DC Phone: 301-622-1122 Phone: 301-853-4523 Brice, Rev. Donald (1958) Cassin, Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. (1954) Retired Retired, St. Peter, Waldorf Phone: 301-843-8916 Briese, Rev. Michael W. (2009) Pastor, St. Mary, Charlotte Hall Chimiak, Rev. Msgr. Karl A. (1980) Phone: 301-934-8825 Chaplain, United States Air Force Bryant, Rev. Michael F. (1969) Choi, Rev. Martino I. (2015) Chaplain, DC Detention Center, DC Chaplain, George Washington Phone: 202-698-4932 University In Residence, Holy Comforter-St. Phone: 240-544-7585 Cyprian, DC In Residence, The Cathedral of St. Phone: 202-546-1885 Matthew the Apostle, DC Phone: 202-347-3215 Buchmeier, Rev. Robert P. (1991) Pastor, Holy Cross, Garrett Park Close, Rev. Frederick J. (2001) Phone: 301-942-1020 Pastor, St. Anthony of Padua, DC Phone: 202-250-8208 Burney, Rev. Keith T. (2016) Parochial Vicar, Church of the Little Clyne, Rev. Andrew C. (2018) Flower, Bethesda Parochial Vicar, Holy Redeemer, Phone: 301-320-4538 College Park Phone: 301-474-3920 2 11/30/2020 Archdiocesan Priests Coan, Rev. Gregory S. (2003) Dakes, Rev. John T. (1987) Chaplain, Washington Adventist Pastor, Jesus the Divine Word, Hospital, Takoma Park Huntingtown Phone: 240-637-4000 Phone: 410-414-8304 In Residence, Our Lady of Sorrows, Daly, Rev. Peter J. (1986) Takoma Park Retired Phone: 301-891-3500 Daniel, Rev. Timothy G. (2014) Coelho, Rev. Brian A. (2007) Administrator, Ascension, Bowie, Pastor, St. Mary, Star of the Sea, Indian Phone: 301-262-2227 Head Phone: 301-753-9177 DeLeon, Rev. Jose R. (2008) Pastor, St. Bernardine of Siena, Colliou, Rev. Alain M. (2009) Suitland Pastor, Our Lady Help of Christians, Phone: 301-736-0707 Waldorf Phone: 301-843-8823 Dempsey, Rev. Msgr. Patrick E. (1997) Conley, Rev. Rory T. (1989) Retired Pastor, St. Mary, Bryantown Phone: 301-870-2220 DeNigris, Rev. Emanuele (2005) Rector, Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Cortes-Campos, Rev. Roberto J. Hialeah, FL (2002) Phone: 305-882-1728 Pastor, St. Mark the Evangelist, Hyattsville DeRamos, Rev. Fidel S. (1964) Phone: 301-422-8300 Retired Cortinovis, Rev. Charles A. (2009) DeRosa, Rev. Vincent J. (2008) Priest Secretary to Cardinal Gregory, Pastor, St. Mary, Mother of God, DC Archbishop of Washington Phone: 202-289-7770 Phone: 301-853-4500 Diaz, Rev. Alejandro (2011) Criscuolo, Rev. Msgr. Salvatore A. Pastor, St. Ambrose, Cheverl (1978) Phone: 301- 773-9300 Retired Dignan, Rev. Eamon (1959) Cusick, Rev. Kevin M. (1992) Retired, St. John, Hollywood Pastor, St. Francis de Sales, Benedict Phone: 301-373-2281 Phone: 301-870-4991 Dillon, Rev. John J. (1998) Cusick, Rev. Mark A. (2013) Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, Derwood Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, DC Phone: 301-840-1407 Phone: 202-581-2010 Dixon, Rev. J. Isidore (1964) Cwik, Rev. Joseph R. (2019) Retired Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Mercy, Dolan, Rev. Michael F. (1997) Potomac Retired Phone: 301-365-1415 3 11/30/2020 Archdiocesan Priests Dorsonville, Most Rev. Mario E. Fangmeyer, Rev. LeRoy J. (1989) (1985) Pastor, Mother Seton, Germantown Auxiliary Bishop of Washington Phone: 301-924-3838 Phone: 301-853-4566 Faust, Rev. Louis J. (1974) Downs, Rev. James L. (1966) Retired, Mother Seton, Germantown Retired Phone: 301-924-3838 D’Silva, Rev. Percival (1964) Fecteau, Rev. Raymond L. (1972) Retired, In Residence, Shrine of the Pastor, Our Lady of the Visitation, Most Blessed Sacrament, DC Darnestown Phone: 202-966-6575 Phone: 301-948-5536 D'Souza, Rev. Tony A. (2014) Fermín, Rev. Angel G. (2015) Parochial Vicar, St. Martin of Tours, Administrator, Our Lady, Queen of the Gaithersburg Americas, DC Phone: 301-990-3203 Phone: 202-332-8838 Dudziak, Rev. Msgr. Paul M. (1969) Fields, Rev. Kevin A. (2018) Pastor, St. Stephen Martyr, DC Parochial Vicar, St. Mary, Rockville Phone: 202-785-0982 Phone: 301-424-5550 Duggan, Rev. Robert D. (1969) Filardi, Rev. Msgr. Edward J. (1994) Retired Pastor, St. Paul, Damascus Phone: 253-2027 Early, Rev. Francis J. (1985) Retired Finamore, Rev. Robert A. (1970) Retired East, Rev. Msgr. Raymond G. (1981) Pastor, St. Teresa of Avila, DC Fish, Rev. Matthew J. (2015) Phone: 202-678-3709 Administrator, Holy Family, Hillcrest Heights English, Rev. Msgr. William J. (1969) Retired Phone: 301-894-2222 Enzler, Rev. Msgr. John J. (1973) Fisher, Most Rev. Michael W. (1990) President and CEO, Catholic Charities Auxiliary Bishop of Washington of the Archdiocese of Washington Secretary for Ministerial Leadership, In Residence, St. Bartholomew, Archdiocese of Washington Bethesda Phone: 301-853-4550 Phone: 202-772-4300 Fitz-Patrick, Rev. David M. (1979) Retired Esposito-Garcia, Rev. Juan (2008) Congregation for Bishops, Rome, Italy Flum, Rev. Martin E. (2001) Villa Della Nocetta 63, Rome 00164 Pastor, St. Dominic, Aquasco Italy Pastor, St. Michael, Baden Phone: 240-681-3551 Essex, Rev. Msgr. Donald S. (1973) Retired Foggo, Rev. Shaun T. (2013) Pastor, Our Lady of Sorrows, Takoma Evans-Campos, Rev. Blake (2010) Pastor, Nativity, DC Park Phone: 202-726-6262 Phone: 301-891-3500 4 11/30/2020 Archdiocesan Priests Foley, Rev. William E. (1979) Glasgow, Rev. James D. (2020) Pastor, Shrine of the Most Blessed Parochial Vicar (pro-tem), Sacrament, DC Annunciation, DC Phone: 202-966-6575 Phone: 202-362-3323 Gallagher, Rev. Charles M. (2010) Golas, Rev. Robert W. (2003) Pastor, Immaculate Conception, DC Pastor, Holy Ghost, Newburg Phone: 202-332-8888 Phone: 301-259-2515 Gonzalez, Rev. Avelino A. (2006) Gallaugher, Rev. Daniel T. (2009) Staff Member, Pontifical Council for Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Heart of Christian Unity, Rome, Italy Mary, Lexington Park Villa Della Nocetta 63, Rome 00164 Phone: 301-863-8144 Italy Gamrot, Rev. Jaroslaw S. (1991) González, S.F., Most Rev. Francisco Pastor, Holy Face, Great Mills (1964) Phone: 301-994-0525 Retired Auxiliary Bishop of Washington Gancayco, Rev. Richard K. (1992) Gonzalo, Rev. Andrew B. (1994) On Leave Pastor, St. Benedict the Moor, DC Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul, DC Garcia, Rev. Benjamin A. (2017) Parochial Vicar, Our Lady Help of Phone: 202-488-1354 Christians, Waldorf Goode, Rev. William F. (1960) Phone: 301-843-8823 Retired Gardiner, Rev. Richard E. (1967) Gregory, His Eminence Wilton Retired Cardinal (1973) Archbishop of Washington Garrett, Rev. Benton L. (2006) Military Chaplain Phone: 301-853-4500 Gaskin, Rev. Grant D. (2006) Griffin, Rev. Carter H. (2004) Military Chaplain Rector, Director of Priest Formation and Ongoing formation, St. John Paul II Giese, Rev. Samuel C. (1985) Seminary, DC Pastor, St.
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