April 14, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E721 and Development summits. Laura will also be in which the government finally defeated ter- In some parts of my district, gas is now at expected to volunteer in her community, write rorist forces within its borders, the Republic of $4 a gallon. articles for the Army Reserve Teen Panel’s Sri Lanka recently celebrated its second New Mr. Speaker, I am angry. People back home quarterly newspaper, and prepare presen- Year at complete peace. are angry, and this Congress should be angry. tations to inform Army Reserve Leadership In his New Year address, President For too long, Washington has been ignoring about the issues of Army Reserve youth. I am Mahinda Rajapaksa stated celebrating the our nation’s need for liquid fuel. confident that Laura will excel in her position New Year is a ‘‘time when all enjoy the free- Let’s be completely honest: We need liquid as a member of the Army Reserve Teen dom achieved in our Motherland. Therefore, fuel, and we will always need liquid fuel—in Panel. this New Year will help bring a renewal in spir- my lifetime, in my children’s lifetimes, in my I would like to offer my continued support of it and new expectations to the people about grandson’s lifetime. the Army Reserve Teen Panel and the bright future progress.’’ So why isn’t Washington doing anything to young men and women like Laura who rep- I would like to wish a happy new year to the address that need? resent our Army Reserve youth. I would like to 250,000 Sri Lankan-Americans, along with the Alternative energy is fine. Solar power, wind express my gratitude, once again, to the Army 21 million citizens of Sri Lanka, a dynamic na- power, even nuclear power—those are all well Reserve members who fight for America. tion of South Asia. and good, but they’re not going to move our Once again congratulations to Laura Hahn During this time of national reconciliation, I nation’s cars. They’re not going to move our and thank you to the military personnel and look forward to a new era of Sri Lankan-Amer- nation’s trucks and trains. They’re not going to their families who sacrifice so much for our ican relations built on economic, strategic, and keep our planes in the air. Nation. political cooperation between our two demo- Why does every energy plan we have seem f cratic societies. to downplay our need for liquid fuel—liquid f fuel that can be and should be produced here REINTRODUCTION OF THE SEP- at home? TEMBER 11 FAMILY HUMANI- CELEBRATING EARTH DAY Instead, we rely on foreign sources for our TARIAN RELIEF AND PATRIOT- liquid fuel. The United States may be the rich- ISM ACT HON. ALBIO SIRES est, most powerful nation in the world, but we OF NEW JERSEY ask other countries to provide the resources HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we need to power our factories, drive our vehi- cles, heat our homes, and live our lives. OF NEW YORK Thursday, April 14, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And when there is a problem virtually any- Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, on April 22nd, we where in the world, we pay for it here at the Thursday, April 14, 2011 celebrate the 41st Earth Day and recognize pump. We pay for it when we buy milk, bread Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, today, I am the achievements Americans have made to and eggs. We pay for it when we pick up our reintroducing the bipartisan September 11 improve our environment. kids at school. We pay for it when a police car Family Humanitarian Relief and Patriotism Act Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Americans patrols our neighborhoods. We pay for it when with Representatives PETER KING, JERROLD have worked to improve the air we breathe we go on vacation. NADLER, GARY ACKERMAN, RUSH HOLT, RAUL and the water we drink. Four decades later, So much of our economy is tied to the rise GRIJALVA, YVETTE CLARKE, ANTHONY WEINER, we have made great strides towards pro- and fall of gas prices. And every single sign ELIOT ENGEL and STEVE ISRAEL. tecting our planet for future generations by we see—the unrest in the Middle East, the The losses that resulted from terrorist at- making investments in a clean energy econ- economic tiger in the Far East, the coming tacks of September 11, 2001 are tremendous. omy to create millions of American jobs, lower seasonal spike in energy prices as Americans For a dozen individuals, the turmoil of the at- energy costs for American families and busi- head into the summer vacation season—com- tacks continues as they remain in jeopardy of nesses, and reduce our dependence on for- pels us to act. being deported since their immigration status eign oil and our carbon foot print And what is Washington doing? Nothing. was linked to a family member who was em- We must tackle tough environmental chal- And that’s what makes me—and the Amer- ployed at the World Trade Center. To address lenges, such as climate change, through in- ican people—so angry about this problem. this situation, I am reintroducing the Sep- vestments in a clean energy economy to wean It’s not that we don’t have the resources. tember 11 Family Humanitarian Relief and Pa- our nation off of our dangerous dependence We do. From the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico, triotism Act, which would provide for the ad- on foreign oil and create green American jobs. we have plenty of liquid fuel here in the United justment of status or the cancellation of re- It is also important that as we find ways to re- States. We also have plenty of other natural moval for those who are the spouse, child, de- duce our deficit that we do not jeopardize the resources that can be used to free up liquid pendent son, or dependent daughter of victims safeguards in place to protect our air and fuel to move our cars, trucks, trains, and who were killed on 9/11. water. planes. The Department of Homeland Security It is necessary to continue to push forward For example, in my home state of Pennsyl- under the Bush administration and the Obama with a clean energy plan, but the environ- vania, we have up to 500 trillion cubic feet of administration has allowed the affected mental challenges we face cannot be solved natural gas available in the Marcellus shale. In spouses and children to stay here while a per- by laws alone. That is why it is important on northeastern Pennsylvania, we’re sitting on manent solution is crafted by Congress. Near- this day for every American to take a moment more natural gas than Saudi Arabia has oil! ly ten years later, the surviving spouses and and recognize the simple things that they can What’s more, there’s research that indicates children of legal employment-based visa hold- do within their own homes and communities to there is another, deeper layer of different ers and undocumented workers who were contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet shale that can yield even more natural gas in killed during the attacks should no longer be Earth. the future. in limbo. f It’s not that we don’t have the innovators. I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- We do. In and near my district, we have bril- tion. Those who lost so much on 9/11 deserve GASOLINE PRICES liant people figuring out ways to extract natural answers and should be given legal status in gas from Marcellus shale, and make our abun- the U.S. HON. LOU BARLETTA dant coal cleaner, and turn that hard coal into f OF PENNSYLVANIA liquid fuel. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES So what’s the problem? CELEBRATING THE SRI LANKAN To me, the answer is simple: Washington. NEW YEAR Thursday, April 14, 2011 At a time when gas prices are crushing our Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I’m angry. economy, we must use all the ways we can to HON. JOE WILSON This week, I drove down to Washington provide people with some relief. OF SOUTH CAROLINA from my hometown of Hazleton—a commute I Instead, we tie up liquid fuel producers in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES make each week. As I filled up my tank, I got red tape. angry. We need to cut that tape. We need to tap Thursday, April 14, 2011 At home right now, gas prices average in to our nation’s vast natural liquid fuel re- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- about $3.80 a gallon. That’s almost a dollar a sources. And we must encourage innovation er, having just ended a decades long conflict gallon more than just six months ago. for new liquid fuel sources. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:03 Apr 15, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14AP8.017 E14APPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS.
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