Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Stone-Campbell Books Stone-Campbell Resources 1965 History of the Churches of Christ: Virginia to Newfoundland James L. Lovell Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books Part of the Canadian History Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, History of Religion Commons, History of Religions of Western Origin Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Lovell, James L., "History of the Churches of Christ: Virginia to Newfoundland" (1965). Stone-Campbell Books. Book 72. http://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books/72 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Stone-Campbell Resources at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stone-Campbell Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. c~ Edited by JAMES L. LOVELL •• AN INSERT Rockland and in a Bible Class in Dexter . Brother Harp left in 1956 and South Side was again supporting the The material for this publication was gathered in work done by Bro. Norman Gipson and those who fol­ 1960, 1961 and 1962 and , of cour e, there is much since lowed. that time which could be added . BRUNSWICK I was out of the countr y when the "History" was Report should read: By Russell Gleaves , Marjorie printed by Bro. Eugene S. Smith , Jr ., who did thi s Libby, Herbert Morang and Rosamond Whitney . work without charge as his contribution to the cause of Christ in the North Atlantic states. There are a DANFORTH number of errors (which are not his fault) but non e Instead of August R. Dalbeck, it should be Angu s so far as I know but what can be corrected. In no and the same correction should be made at Milbridge. case in this work did I attempt to sit in judgment. KITTERY Not knowing the chur ches along the Atlantic so Richard and Jane Hardy have worked with his well myself, I asked Bro. H arold Thomas if he would church from the beginning. They have been supported make such corrections which he might find and thi s in recent years by the Granny White Pike Church in he ha s done. There are certainly others but we are Nashville , Tennessee. The church in Kittery now has passing these along with much historical informat ion a good building and a good program . of the churches , hopin g that it may serve as a basis for those who may wish to build upon it in years to MARYLAND come. Aside from Brother Smith's most generous contribu ­ At Forest Heights, Glen Burnie, Hagerstown and tion , we have over $400 invested in the work , and other places throughout the book, certain things as whatever the "Histor y" may be worth to you we will "one picture of the building" etc., should not ha.ve ap­ be grateful. Twent y-five hundred copies were printed peared but any careful reader will know this. and if we can get 25c or 50c for each copy all of us will be benefitted. MASSACHUSETTS (Jame s L. Lovell, Augu st, 1965 ) BROOKLINE Box 146, Palos Verdes Estate s, Calif. The Brookline Church (before it moved to Brook­ * line) met in the Phillips Brooks H ouse on the Harvard * * campus . ( Some four years before this several members CORRECTIONS. By J. Harold Thomas had moved out from the Phillips Brooks House to meet in the home of George Wallington in Medford - a This is not a directory of churches. Title of the book church later to merge with the work at Melrose ) . should be "History of the Churches of Christ - Virginia The church in Greater Boston area began in the to Newfoundland." early 20's as reported by Sister George Wallington (see MAINE "History"). A contingent of former Nova Scotians , the BANGOR Bur gesses, Richardsons, Myles and others; the Alec Madison Wright of Ohio conducted a series of meet ­ Sutties from Scotland, the Paul McNiels from Texas ings in Bangor many years before a permanent con­ (via Georgia) were among the faithful added to the gregation appeared. This meetin g was in the 20's or charter group. George A. Klingman , F. L. Rowe, A. early 30's. Harris Lynam , Mississippi born , met Edna W. Hastings , E. H. Ijams, San Davis Tatum ,, W . R. White during World War I and married her . After Smith were among those who held meetings and preach­ living in Mississippi for some time they moved to ed on occasions during the 20's and 30's . Arthur Gra­ Maine where Brother Lynam was employed by the ham was the first full-time preacher ( 1936-38) , fol­ B&M R.R. The Lynams kept in touch with churches in lowed by 0 . H. Tallman (1939-41). Perhaps Brother Portland , Unity , Danforth and Lambert Lake thou gh Novious also preached for an extended period. The they were rarely able to meet with them. In 1944 succession of preachers following the move to Brook­ Thomas Page , working out of Brookline , Mass ., visited line was J. Harold Thomas and LeMoine Lewis (1942- Bangor and initiated a correspondence between Bro­ 43) joined in 1943 by Tom Page . (In 1944 Brother ther Lyna m and Brookline brethren , J. Harold Thoma s Page moved into the Natick and Worcester works ) . and Paul McNiel visited Bangor in 1945 and met with Brother Lewis preached in Brookline from 1944 to Brother Lynam. Sister Angle and other member s of her 1949. He was followed by Wendell Needham whose family in the depot in Old Town , Maine , the place of work was for about a year and then the church was Brother Lynam's work. In the fall of 1945 Broth er without a full-time man for two years during whi ch Thomas returned for a meeting in a hall a hove a re s­ time Leroy Garrett and Billy Green preached fre­ taurant on Central Street in Bangor. This was the be­ quently. In 1952 Joe Sanders came and remained four ginning of regular meetin gs in the Y.M .C.A. buildin g. years, assisted some of the time by Abe Malherbe. Robert C. Jone s came for a day with Brother Thoma s Harold Thomas returned in 1956 and remained for and returned to Te xas with intere st in this work and two year s. Roy Ward and Don McGaughey were as­ in 1946 Soutl1 Side Church sent John Fogart y and he sociated with him and upon his leavin g in 1958 they rem ained until 1949. In the meantime LeMoine Lewi s. accepte d full responsibility for the mini stry , sharin g Henr y Forgy, Dewey Pruitt , Floyd Medley , Richard this through 1963. Don is now preaching for the Walker , Paul McNiel and others went to lead in Lord's church in Torrance , Calif., and teaching at Pepper­ day services. The Marvin Martin s. Russell Gleaves' and dine. Denton Crews is preaching at Brookline , and the Perr y Kemplin s came and the work was revived in program of the church is abetted by the presence of Milbridge. Brother Thom as followed in the Bangor a number of students in Harvard Divinity School­ work in 1949 and rem ained through 1955 with Marvin William Martin , Warren Lewis. Leonard ·Tester and Martin , Kenneth David son and E. R. Davi s, Jr. , as Harold Straughn. One project of these brethren is the a sociates. In 1955-56 H arold devoted much time to Hou se of the Carpenter . a mini str , to the inner citv tele ision and assisting in the \. ork of Milbrid ge ,1nd ,1f tea hin g ,rnd servi e. · · (over ) FALLMOUTH WHITE PLAINS Tom Yoakum is presently preaching. There has been For information contact And y Ran dall, 18 Lake good progress here and this work, reinforced by a con­ Shore Dr. , Plea santvi lle, N .Y. tingent of Air Force personnel who are members of the church. PENNSYLVANIA NEW HAMPSHIRE ALTOONA There is a church here -c ontact Harold McKee] Box After the history of the church in Seabrook, MEND ­ 184, Mill Creek, Pa . ' HAM - BERNARDSVILLE and MT. HOLLY are BROCKHAVEN shown. These two places are in New Jersey. Should be changed to BROOKH"AVEN . COATSVILLE NEW JERSEY Should be changed to COATESVILL E. BERNARDSVILLE( See Mendham) DARBY Shown in "H istory" under New Hampshire. There is a church here and for inform ation write Lo COLLINGSWOOD Howard Johnson 105 W. 13th St., New York, N.Y. Flusing , N. Y., should be changed to Flushing and KELTON the church at 56th and W arringin should be changed 1938 is shown in two places in thi s histor y and in to 56th & Warrington. both cases it should be 1838. MORRISTOWN UNIONTOWN The information of this church should be combined The last part of this report is information on the with the church at Whippany. Thi s is one of the grow­ church in CHERRY TREE and it should be pla ced in ing number of churches in the Northeast where our proper order . Negro brethren demonstrate the power of the Holy VILLANOVA Spirit working through them. Thi s church was estab ­ In 1963 the church here started meeting on the cam­ lished through the efforts of the Church in the Wild ­ us of N.I.C.E. wood in Bernardsville . Jackson Simmons , an employee WEST ISLIP of Clinton Davidson doing most of the preaching. The This is where the Exodu s/ Bay Shore group meets- church was established in the late 40's or early 50's .
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