Operational support and management Executive Direction and Management Headquarters (including the DIST Hub in Kuala Lumpur), and an ad hoc inspection of an operation in Africa to look into The formulates policy, ensures effective reported management concerns, were also conducted. management and accountability, and oversees UNHCR activities An Inspection Review Board (IRB), comprising members worldwide. It designates corporate and operational priorities in mandated to provide an objective analysis of each inspection consultation with senior management and endeavours to secure report, was piloted in 2010. At the end of its trial phase, it was political and financial support for the organization. The assessed as having enhanced the quality of inspection reports. Executive Office comprises the High Commissioner, the Deputy One advanced and one basic inspection training workshop High Commissioner, the two Assistant High Commissioners for were held. The advanced workshop was attended by both IGO Operations and for Protection, the Chef de Cabinet, and their and selected non-IGO staff from HQ and field operations. The staff. The Inspector General's Office, the Ethics Office, and basic workshop was attended by senior HQ-based colleagues UNHCR's office in New York report directly to the High with a view to further expanding the Inspection Service’s roster Commissioner and work in close coordination with the Chef de of non-IGO participants who could participate in future Cabinet. inspection missions. The ensures that all staff members A review of lessons learned from 2010 inspections was understand, observe and perform their functions consistent with undertaken, which resulted in an action plan to adjust the the highest standards of integrity and fosters a culture of respect, “Conduct of Inspections” methodology in 2011, including further transparency and accountability throughout the organization. revisions to the Inspection Handbook. The Ethics Office also oversees the policy on protection from Key findings from inspections and investigations undertaken retaliation for individuals who report misconduct, or who in 2010 include: participate in audits, inspections, investigations, or inquiries, or l The effectiveness of the decentralization and regionalization in the work of the Ombudsman. initiatives under UNHCR’s reforms needs to be further The (IGO) supports the evaluated in terms of structure, roles and responsibilities; effective, efficient and accountable management of UNHCR l Policies and procedures with regard to RSD and resettlement operations, including through preventive and pre-emptive operations need to be reviewed to ensure the existence of an measures that minimize the need for remedial action; and effective anti-fraud mechanism; upholds an environment of integrity in UNHCR by contributing to the maintenance of the highest standards of l Morerigorouseffortsarerequiredinsomeofficesto personal and professional conduct by staff. The IGO also implement UNHCR’s 10 Point Plan of Action in order to participates in the development of relevant UNHCR policies better address issues related to mixed migration; and monitors their implementation and impact through its l Living and working conditions in some remote field offices inspection, investigation and ad hoc inquiry activities. still need to be improved to bring them up to UNHCR’s The IGO was restructured in May 2010, resulting in the minimum standards; upgrade of the Inspection and Investigation Sections to Services. l Team work and team spirit need to be improved in some field The increase in responsibilities is aimed at strengthening their operations and Headquarters units, by establishing management and providing balance with other oversight more transparent and timely decision-making processes; entities in UNHCR. The results-based management activities contained in the l Further training and capacity-building is required for IGO road map have continued to provide direction for all aspects programme and field staff, as well as for implementing of the work of the Office, notably those aimed at improving the partners in areas of programme approaches, instructions and management of UNHCR’s programmes. Tothis end, the IGO is tools, standards and indicators, and the results-based working closely with the Regional Bureaux and Divisions to management approach to programming; and ensure wider dissemination of good practices and recurrent l Conflict at the workplace, often caused by managerial findings from investigation and inspection missions. shortcomings, should be addressed in a timely and In 2010, the undertook standard constructive manner through mechanisms involving all inspections of UNHCR’s operations in Argentina, Burundi, oversight actors; such as the use of management reviews led Chile, Indonesia (as well as Timor-Leste), Kenya, Mauritania, by the Bureaux and ad hoc inspections and inquiries . Russian Federation, South Africa, and the countries under the In 2010, the received 1,105 complaints purview of the Regional Representations in Pretoria and which had to be assessed for possible misconduct. The majority Brussels. A standard inspection of the Division of Information of complaints were linked to protection and assistance activities, Systems and Telecommunications User Services Section at and these were referred to the Bureaux. Torespond to the need UNHCR Global Report 2010 371 for improved interaction between people of concern and UNHCR, operations and to ensure that the organization’s policies are the IGO is working closely with the Bureaux to determine how to coherent and consistent. The activities of the Service focused on best respond to beneficiaries in a prompt and meaningful manner. six key themes: 1) refugees in urban areas; 2) protracted refugee The Service opened 76 cases of alleged staff misconduct in situations; 3) emergencies and natural disasters; 4) humanitarian 2010, which represents a decrease of 30 per cent compared to space; 5) refugee education; and 6) mixed migration. previous years. The decrease is largely the result of a preliminary PDES evaluated the implementation of the urban policy in assessment and screening process. The Service has actively sought Nairobi, San José and Dushanbe. The PDES team also undertook to provide guidance to complainants encouraging them, where evaluations of UNHCR's work in protracted refugee situations in appropriate, to use alternative conflict resolution mechanisms or Serbia and the United Republic of Tanzania. The evaluation of the to explore managerial actions to address their grievances. protracted refugee situation in Tanzania was undertaken in close Twenty-five per cent of the cases of alleged staff misconduct collaboration with the Danish Government. related to workplace harassment or abuse of authority. A PDES also reviewed the response to the emergency in significant increase in the total number of complaints received Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and UNHCR's involvement in through online mechanisms was observed. protection in natural disasters. A review of the implementation of The Investigation Service dispatched teams to four countries in results-based management in the Field was also undertaken. Africa to look into allegations of workplace harassment, abuse of The section conducted a review of UNHCR's work in insecure authority, resettlement fraud and sexual abuse and exploitation environments and began to examine UNHCR's relationship with (SEA). Following one investigation into allegations of SEA, the non-State actors. A global review of refugee education was Service developed a draft policy and guidelines for the protection initiated, focusing on the issues of access, quality and protection. of witnesses, who are often vulnerable beneficiaries. PDES staff met Executive Committee members in February Anew case management software was purchased in 2010 2010todiscusstheService’sfunctionsandworkprogramme.The to allow more efficient registration, management and tracking of Service strives to maintain a close working relationship with cases. Toincrease its capacity, the Service provided training in Executive Committee members that conduct or commission basic investigation techniques for 46 field staff. These colleagues evaluations of UNHCR programmes, so as to avoid any could support future IGO investigations. duplication of activities. An ad hoc inquiry team was dispatched in late August to look PDES continued to represent UNHCR in the United Nations into financial management at one Country Office. A report of the Evaluation Group (UNEG) and the Active Learning Network on findings was submitted to the High Commissioner in September Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action 2010. The Inspector General led a compliance mission to Ethiopia. (ALNAP). In 2010, PDES published 10 papers in the series “New Overall, compliance in implementing inspection Issues in Refugee Research”. The Service is also a regular recommendations remained high (approximately 90 per cent) contributor to . throughout 2010. continued to represent Deputy High Commissioner UNHCR at UN Headquarters and to promote the organization’s policy positions, operations, and concerns. The Office also The Deputy High Commissioner oversees and provides strategic provided advice to the High Commissioner on evolving political leadership for all functions related to the managerial, financial and and policy matters and kept Headquarters and the Field informed administrative running of the Office. In 2010, the focus was on the of developments
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