Tomcborrow's flight Water Usage 727 Friday, July 20 through Sunday, July 22 Norfolk, Va 8:00 a.m. UNAS Usable s age 1054 MI 7590 (Fri),710.20 MIL- Guantan oBay 11:30 a.m. noon 739( (Sat),9.9 1MIL.71 (Sun.) Jamica 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Kingston, goal: 850 K Guantanamo Bay 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m. Consumption: 45K (Fr.),865K (Sat.), S15K 6:15 p.m. NASorfolkVa (Sun.) 1Y:. *1. See page 3 1 Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 46 -- No. 146 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, July 23, 1990 ESWS offers many advantages Jamaican Independence Day tickets are on sale Guantanamo Bay - Enlisted i offering classes in those courses. -. Surface Warfare Specialist. just the Your department head can register I name brings images of the Navy's you for class or you can submit a elite personnel who work many request chit signed by your depart- hours over months to obtain this ment head to Chief Petty Officer goal. Rick Kabrick, Port Services Harbor Is itworth it? ESWS is worthtwo Operations Officer. Philippines -- The rumbling earth has points on E-4/5/6 advancement ex- Once you've finished these re- shaken nerves again in the Philippines. ams. It's also the difference for many quirements, then you can contact Hundreds of people took to the streets in Navy men and women selected for Kabrick or Petty Officer 1st Class panic today after strong aftershocks rattled the hard-hit resort of Baguio. The Master, Senior and Chief Petty Offi- Ross Barber at Port Services. new shocks came as the effort shifted cer. "The first thing we'll do is sit from looking for the living to digging ESWS says you are an expert down and talk with the sailor that for the dead. Foreign experts say they surface warrior and you've devel- wants to be ESWS qualified," ex- believe there aren't anymore survivors oped extensive knowledge of all the plained Kabrick. "We'll see what under the rubble in Baguio. systems and departments of a par- types of ships he's served on and ticular type of vessel. It is the en- what type of ship they would like to South Korea -- South Korea says itwill listed version of being a Surface qualify on." talk with North Korea about obstacles to Warfare Officer. According to Kabrick, someone opening their mutual border for travel. Friday, South Koreas president offered Guantanamo is developing an without the appropriate background to open the border next month. But the ESWS program that will allow naval may find it extremely difficult to North denounced the offer as propa- base sailors an opportunity to get qualify on an Aegis cruiser in the ganda and :aid several preconditions their pin even though they are not minimum 30-day time frame. Fred Chambers, Jamaican Employee Committee chairman, mustbe met. Today, three South Korean part of a ship's crew. "Once we decide on a platform sells Capt. Bill McCamy, naval base commander, the first two cabinet ministers are proposing inter- Before you can even start to earn (ship type) then we'll work with tickets to the Jamaican Independence Day celebration. The Korean talks. your ESWS pin, there are some pre- Fleet Training Group (FTG) to re- event isslated forMonday, Aug. 6, at Phillips Park, at 12:15 p.m. requisites you must complete. They view ships' schedules to see when Tickets can be purchased from all commands, through MWR or Liberia -- The U.S. says it wont inter- include: that type of ship may be in Gitmo for Gitmo's Trzyna Village restaurant.Ticket prices are as follows: vene in Liberia, but a diplomatic source training," said Kabrick. "If we can't Children 5 and under, free, 6-12 are $3 and adults are $6. says President Samuel Doe is hoping - A minimum of 11 months black magic will rescue him from rebel duty on a surface ship. get you set up here, we may get you troops attacking the capital. Doe and - Be an E-4 to E-9 with 3.4 or stateside to catch the ship there." 500 loyal soldiers are holdling out in- hither evals for the last 24 months. The Harbor Operations Officer Navy probes second shipboard rape side the fortified presidential mansion. -Be recommended through the said he works through FTG's Train- AP - For the second time in for crucial evidence in an airplane chain of command up to the Depart- ing Liaison Officer (TLO) to set up three months, a U.S. sailor is being accident that killednine people over Poland --Polish Solidarity leader Lech ment head level. travel arrangements. accused of raping a woman in the sea the Pacific Ocean. A deep-sea probe Walesa appears to have the upper hand - Complete the following "Once we've identified the ship service. Thistime, it involves aNavy will comb the ocean floor, looking in a dispute with supporters of Prime courses: Basic Damage Control and setup travel, it's up to the person man who allegedly Minister Tadeuse Mazowieckis. Repre- raped a female for a cargo door that blew off a whose getting qualified to have their sentatives of local Solidarity citizens NAVEDTRA 43119-2E; Division sailor aboard the submarine tender United Airlines 747. The mishap committees have rejected a plan tocre- Damage Control Petty Officer department take care or the Tempo- USS Holland when it docked at its caused the victims to be sucked out ate a national citizen's federation. Ma- NAVEDTRA 43119-5Q1; and 3-M rary Additional Duty (T AD) orders," home port in Charleston, S.C. of the plane, boundforNewZealand zowieckis backers favored the move -- Systems NAVEDTRA 43241E-Q2. said Kabrick. Formal charges are still pending. A after takeoff from Honolulu. That Walesa opposed it. If you meet the first three re- To make sure one type of plat- magistrate's hearing has found evi- was in Febrary, 1989. Investigators quirements but have not completed form is not overcrowded, Gitmo's dence to continue the investigation. hope the door will help them finally (continued to page 3) all the correspondence courses, In other news from the sea serv- establish beyond doubt the cause of don't despair. Port Services will be Please see "ESWS," page 3 ice, the Navy starts a search today the accident. Naval Station, USA Hospital holds awards ceremonies in July Guantanamo Bay -- The Naval P02 Timothy Durbin P03 Christopher Simmons SN Erica Schultz News Station held an awards ceremony on P02 Stephen Stansfield P03 James Taylor SN John Valsin July 20, at 7:15 a.m. The following P03 Robert Cohen Letter of Commendation SN Kevin Watkins personnel received of awards from P03 Rafael Fernandez SECNAV SR Kuby Medeiros Washington -- The B-2 Bomber may Naval Base Commander Capt. Bill P03 Mark Harler P02 Dennis Rohne USS have to fly through some heavy flak on Trenton (LPD 14) Capitol Hill this week. In a letter ob- McCamy. P03 Jeffrey Johnson CINCLANTFLT P02 Wilfredo Santiago-Cruz tained by the Associated Press, the Air Navy Commendation Medal P03 Brett King CWO2 Leon Herndon U.S. Army Total Command Force has told Congress it nee.s an Chief John Straub P03 James Markloy COMNAVAIRLANT P03 David Miller extra $1.4 billion to buy two of the Good Conduct Medal P03 Rodney Powers PO1 Alan Eddy NAVSTA SAILOR/NON-RATE planes on schedule. That's expected to PO1 Ronald Reid P03 Robert Reed PO1 Alonzo Oats SAILOR OF THE QUARTER further lessen support for the program PO1 Jeffrey Osborne P02 Michael Wilson among lawmakers. Meantime, Con- P01 Kenneth Tripp SN gressional sources say House Armed Polly Steele P02 Rory Jordan Services Chairman Les Aspin is set to On July 12, the Naval Hospital propose getting rid of the B-2 program CAPTAIN'S HOTLINE P02 Albert Martinez had an awards ceremony. The fol- all together. P02 Robert McCalla lowing personnel received the P03 Herbert Davenport awards listed below. US. -- Advocates pushing for the re- 4800 P03 Michelle McDonald Sailor of the Quarter lease of six American hostages in Leba- FN Lorenzo Brown PO1 Robert Richards Jr non are calling on thepublic to flood the SN Robert Liebig Junior Sailor of the Quarter White House with postcards. It's the (Navy Resale ACTIONLUNE, 4355) SA Henry Whetsell P03 Donna Mason second postcard-writing campaign COMNAVBASE Civilian of geared towards letting the president the Quarter Chief Clifford Hovis know people care about the hostages. Mrs. Belinda Davis Query: I am calling in reference to had been changed and it was forE- P02 Patrick Wylie Navy Achievement Medal a lot of batteries I saw lying in the 7 guests only. What is the pol- Oklahoma -- Thousands of state work- and P03 Steven Ingram Lt. Bruce Peterson water right around the corner from icy why wasn't it publicized. ers in Oklahoma are running out of and FN Betsy Gilmore PO1 Juan Suarez patience. Paychecks for some employ- the Corinaso marina. I was wonder- Reply: Friday. July 20, Naval Base SN Erica Schultz Good Conduct Medal ing why this is done and maybe we Commander Capt. Bill McCamy ees are overdue by 12 days, due to SR Gregory Pineo Chief Deborah Ramsey problems with a new can figure out a better place to be changed club policy to allow all state computer Chief Richard Kabrick PO1 Raymond Vorhes system. One mental health worker says putting batteries. hands to patronize all base restau- PO1 David Gregory P03 Peter Dube he pawned his guitar and VCR to make Reply: The batteries have been re- rants for lunch and dinner; this P02 John McClain P03 Michael Gibson ends meet.
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