234 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 JANUARY, 1953 the south-eastern boundary .of plot 224b, thence ' . (18) Parish of South Cove. Footpath (No. 12) under the St. Olaves swing 'bridge, in a south- > . beginning on the east side of the Cove Bottom easterly direction along the bottom-of Herringfleet Road north of Brick Kiln Farm and running due Hills, thence along the western boundaries of • east to the Southwold-Wrentham road. Plots Nos. 118, 124 & 127, the eastern'boundaries (19) Parishes of Wtentham and Frostendert. of Plots Nos. 180 and 181 and terminating at the • Footpath (No. 7 and part of No. 10) beginning on Herringfleet—Somerleyton Parish Boundary (O.S. the south side of the London-Great Yarmouth Suffolk (East) IH.8, J.V.5 and IV.9 Editions of Trunk Road (A. 12) west of Guild Hall Lane and 1905 and 1927). running in a southerly direction, thence branching (4) Parish of Herringfleet. Footpath (No. 8) off in a'south-westerly then southerly direction to beginning on the St. plaves—Somerleyton Road, Valley Farm. south of St. Olaves station and proceeding through (20) Parish of Frostenden. Footpath (No. 9) High Plantation (Plots Nos. 227 & 207) to Blocka running from Gipsy Lane due north over Plot Road at a point west of its junction with Blocka "No. 190 to Valley Farm (O.S. Suffolk (East) XXIX. 1 Edition of 1927). Lane (O.S. Suffolk (East) III.8 and IV.5 Editions of (21) Parish of Blundeston. Footpath.(No. HA) 1905 and 1927). beginning at the road near Blundeston' Hall and (5) Parish of Herringfleet. Footpath (No. 9) ' proceeding north over Plot No. 322; along the beginning on the north side of Blocka Road opposite western side of Plot 305 thence via Haden's Loke Herringfleet Hall Lodge and proceeding north to'Market Lane (O.S. Suffolk (East) IV. 11 Edition through Plots Nos. 6 & 4 to the southern side of of 1905). Decoy Ground, thence following the southern sides (22) Parish of Blundeston. Footpath (Part of of Decoy Ground and The Carr (Plots Nos. 5, 2 No. 20) beginning on the south side of Waddling and 12) and terminating at Blocka Lane (O.S. Lane and proceeding in a southerly direction via Suffolk East IV.5 Edition of 1927). The Warren for a distance of approximately (6) Parish of Herringfleet. Bridleway (No. 13) 180 yards. leading from the St. Olaves—Somerleyton Road (B) BY THE ADDITION ON THE SAID DRAFT RIGHTS OF via Wilderness Lane (Plots Nos. 73 and 212a) to WAY MAP OF THE PATHS DESCRIBED BELOW : — the river wall (O.S. Suffolk (East) III.8 and IV.5 (1) Parish of Belton. Footpath beginning at the Editions of 1905 and 1927). sluice on the right bank of the River Waveney at (7) Parish -of. Herringfleet. Bridleway (No. 14) the Belton-Burgh Castle Parish boundary and pro- leading from the St. Olaves—Somerleyton Road ceeding in a south-easterly direction over the near School Bungalow along the north side of marshes to Marsh Lane, thence over the lane to the allotment gardens (Plot No. 125) and the southern four, crossways at the junction of Station Road boundary of Plots Nos. 123 and 196 to the river North and St. John's Road. wall (O.Si Suffolk (East) IV.9 Edition of 1927). • ' (2) Parish of Blundeston. Footpath beginning at • Heath Lane near the Parish gravel pit' and proceed- . (8) Parish of Herringfleet. Bridleway (No. 15) ing diagonally over an arable field (Plot 217) to a .leading from.the St. Olaves-Somerleyton Road near point near a smaller pit, thence along the hedge- St. Margarets Church via Marsh Lane (Plot No. row on the west side of Plot 231 until joining with 176) through Plot No. 185 to the river wall (O.S. another path (No. 8) at the south-west corner of Suffolk (East) IV.9 Edition of 1927). Plot 231 which proceeds between houses and allot- (9) Parish of Herringfleet. Footpath (No. 12A) ments to reach The Street (O.S. Suffolk (East) .leading, from the St. Olaves-Somerleyton Road via •IV. 11 Edition of 1905). '•Heath Road' and Ravine Road to the boat hards (3) Parish of Blundeston. Footpath proceeding (O.S. Suffolk (East) III.8 Edition of 1905). from a point approximately 67 yards south of (10) Parish of Herringfleet. Footpath (No. 12B) The Warren thence in a north-westerly directidn leading from the bottom of Heath Road to the on the south side of Plot 67 to Waddling Lane top of the railway embankment (O.S. Suffolk (East) east of Whitehouse Dyke and forming a continua- III.8 Edition of 1905). tion of Path No. 20 (O.S. Suffolk (East) IV. 14 Edition of 1927). (11) Parish of Reydon. Footpath (Part of No. 3) The paths described above are shown on maps over the north-west corner of Plot 270 (O.S. deposited at the County i Hall, Ipswich, and at the Suffolk (East) XXIX.9 Edition of 1904) between the offices of the Lothingland Rural District Council, Halesworth-Southwold Road and the path which Rectory Road, Lowestoft, and which may be seen at proceeds from the Halesworth-Southwold Road fo either place free of charge between the hours of Reydon Cottages. 9. a.m. and 5 p.m. (9 a.m. and 12 noon Saturdays). (12) Parish of Benacre. Bridleway (No. 5) Any representation or objection with respect to beginning at the Kessingland Parish boundary the determination shall be made in writing addressed between Sluice Cottages and Benacre Sluice and to the undersigned at the County Hall, Ipswich, extending in a southerly, direction across Benacre before the 16th day of February, 1953, and shall state Denes to Covehithe Cliff. the grounds on which it is made. (13) Parish of South Cove. Footpaths (Nos. 5 Notice is also given that the East Suffolk County and 6) from the east side of the Southwold- Council; may in due course determine further to Wrentham Road opposite Church Farm in an modify the particulars contained in the said draft easterly direction to Covehithe Lane at Barnes Farm rights of way map. Notice will be given of any and from the' Southwold-Wrentham Road at Ash such further modifications. Tree Corner in an easterly direction to Covehithe • Dated this 7th day of January, 1953. Lane. G. C. LIGHTFOOT, Clerk of the County (14) Parish of South Cove. Footpath (No. 7) Council. beginning on the east side of the .Southwold- County Hall, Ipswich. Wrentham road and proceeding in a south-easterly (432) •direction, crossing Covehithe Lane and terminating at another path west-of Cove Farm. • COAL ACT, 1938 AND COAL INDUSTRY (15) Parish of South Cove. Bridleway (No. 9) NATIONALISATION ACT, 1946. beginning on the east side of Covehithe Lane and PURSUANT to paragraph 6 (2) of the Second - proceeding in an easterly direction as far as another Schedule to the Coal Act, 1938 the National Coal path (near Cove Farm) which proceeds diagonally Board hereby give notice that they propose to over Rough Walks and terminates at the Southwold- exercise the right to withdraw support vested in them Wrentham road. ' ' by virtue of paragraph 6 (1) of the said Schedule (16) Parish of South Cove. Footpath (No. 10) and the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act, 1946 so beginning on the west side of the Southwold- far as the said right applies in relation to any land Wrentham road opposite ".Half Way House" and within the areas situate in the Parishes of Glyn- running in a north-westerly direction diagonally corrwg, Michaelston Higher and Baglan Higher (Det) over a field to terminate at Spooners Lane. in the County of Glamorgan indicated by red colour on a plan which is deposited and open for inspection (17) Parish of South Cove. Footpath (No. 11) at the National Coal Board's Divisional Estates .Office beginning on the north side of the minor road at 31, Charles Street, Cardiff.—Dated 6th January, which leads from the Southwold-Wrentham road 1953 via Jay's Farm to Cove Bottom at a point near - A. E. HORTON, Registrar. the Jay's Farm buildings and proceeding due north National Coal Board, Hobart House, Grosvenor across Spooners Lane to the Southwold-Wrentham Place, London, S.W.I. Serial No. 1417. road opposite the Clay Pit near the' Rectory. (093).
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