New Vision Plan Brook New Brooklyn Initiative lyn Prepared by: Neighboring Concepts In association with: Warren & Associates Project Overview John McDonald, founder of landmark McDonald’s Cafeteria. The New Brooklyn Initiative 5IJTSFQPSUDPOTJTUTPGmWFTFDUJPOTXIJDIJODMVEFBmOBMWJTJPOQMBO HVJEFMJOFT BOESFDPNNFOEBUJPOT BQMBOTVNNBSZ BOEBOBDUJPOQMBOGPSJNQMFNFOUBUJPO 5IF HSPVQ FTUBCMJTIFE UIBU UIF SJDI DVMUVSF BOE IJTUPSZ PG UIF DPSSJEPS XBT VOJRVFBOETIPVMECFUIFGPVOEBUJPOPGUIJTJOJUJBUJWFBOEGVUVSFEFWFMPQNFOU 5IFSFGPSF UIFDPNNVOJUZNFNCFSTBSFFODPVSBHFEUPUBLFPXOFSTIJQPGUIF DPSSJEPSQMBO CFDBVTFBGUFSBMMUIJTJTUIFJSWJTJPOGPSJUTGVUVSF Table of Contents 5IF7JTJPO3 0WFSWJFX *OJUJBUJOHUIF1MBO (PBMTPGUIF1MBOOJOH1SPDFTT 5IF1MBDF )JTUPSZPGUIF#FBUUJFT'PSE3PBE$PSSJEPS 'VUVSFPGUIF$PSSJEPS 5IF1SPDFTT 0WFSWJFX -FBEFSTIJQ*OUFSWJFXT $PNNVOJUZ8PSLTIPQT 5IF.BSLFU%ZOBNJDT .BSLFU%ZOBNJDT 5IF4USBUFHJD1MBO 5IF%JTUSJDUT *NQMFNFOUBUJPO "DLOPXMFEHFNFOUT 1MBOOJOH1SPDFTT1BSUJDJQBOUT 'VOEJOH1BSUOFST "QQFOEJY /FX#SPPLMZO*OJUJBUJWF.BSLFU4UVEZ #PBSEFE6Q6OJU4VSWFZ 4JHO*OTIFFUT 2 %FTJHO"MUFSOBUJWFT The Vision One of the most valuable assets of the Beatties Ford Road Corridor is its diversity. Overview Initiating the Plan Section 1: The Vision This community based vision plan This plan concentrates on seven "Make no little plans, represents a collaborative effort of primary districts from Oaklawn they have no magic many individuals. Councilman James Avenue north to Sunset Avenue to stir men's blood." Mitchell established a task force to including approximately two blocks consider the possibilities of smart on either side of the Beatties Ford Daniel Hudson Burnham growth and economic development Road Corridor. These include the along the Beatties Ford Road corridor three major intersections of Oaklawn between Oaklawn Avenue and Sunset Avenue, LaSalle Street and Cindy Road. The task force adopted the Lane. Beatties Ford Road connects name New Brooklyn Initiative uptown Charlotte with I-277, I-85, reflecting upon the similarities and and the Lake Norman area. The connections to the historic heart of plans for a streetcar line on Beatties Charlotte's Black community Ford Road and the future potential "Brooklyn". Once centered on 2nd development of a multimodal station and Brevard streets, Brooklyn con- near Rosa Parks Place reemphasizes tained a diversity of housing types for the importance of the corridor as a all economic groups; commercial, cul- direct connection to the Center City. tural and entertainment venues and The design team took a streetcar transportation. Urban comprehensive look at the area in renewal destroyed Brooklyn in the terms of economic development, 1960s and dispersed much of the revitalization and connectivity. A community to Beatties Ford Road. marketing study was conducted to The goal of the New Brooklyn evaluate the existing market and Initiative is to engage stakeholders development conditions influencing and residents of the corridor to create the corridor. As a result of this effort a vision that will result in mixed use: a better understanding of the transit-oriented development, economic potential of the corridor commercial, office, entertainment was realized. They also coordinated and a variety of residential products, this plan with projects along or as well as improvements in adjacent to the corridor that are technology, infrastructure and safety. under construction, planned, or The end result is one in which currently being planned, including residents determine the future for the the new Pedestrian Overlay District. corridor; striving to make their neighborhoods better places to live, This planning process had a primary work and visit. focus of the community, gathering stakeholders and residents together to listen and discuss the opportunities for growth. This is the Beatties Ford Road community's vision. The following plan recommendations reflect the continued celebration of a community to grow and share its people, its places and its stories. A community sustained in part by a knowledge of its past. 4 Conceptual Drivers of Section 1: the Process The Vision Streetcar Suburbs “For the kids, How do we take advantage of the the more they planned streetcar development? see what we Age Diversity can do, the How do we attract a diverse more they population of single and young understand families ages 25-39? and believe Ratio of Market Rate vs. it.” Affordable Housing How do we create a mix to Sam Young encourage a range of businesses, retail, and amenities? 5 Goals of the Planning Process Section 1: The Vision To serve as a guide for the "strong sense of place" for the development of the vision plan, corridor. It is the successful stakeholders and the design team combination of architecture, outlined goals for the planning circulation, open space and process that provide a benchmark pedestrian amenities that will make from which plan recommendations the corridor more attractive, active, may be measured. safe and interesting. Two categories are within the physical framework. Promote a vibrant, compatible, well-connected mix of uses to Corridor Character: Seven distinct increase the density and activity districts define the corridor as a series of the area, as well as to increase of places along its length. The jobs, residences and the tax base. aesthetic appearance of the corridor, Make Beatties Ford Road more from its historic institutions and pedestrian, bicycle and transit residential fabric to the design of new friendly. buildings and streetscape Preserve the rich history of the enhancement; and infrastructure corridor and enhance cultural improvements, should reinforce the tourism. culturally significant character of the Promote building and streetscape corridor. design guidelines that accent existing architectural fabric and Objectives: are compatible with transit- Encourage and facilitate historic oriented development principles. preservation Build upon principles of the West Initiate a comprehensive End Pedscape Plan. streetscape program Examine, identify and program Encourage compatible and implementation procedures. quality design in new Provide guidance for marketing construction activity future development on the Design appropriate transitions corridor including guidance for between core districts and public/private partnerships and residential neighborhoods development incentives. Utilize image and gateway Allow flexibility in the plan in features to reinforce cultural order to take advantage of future identity development opportunities as Introduce and/or improve they arise. lighting character Promote effective business storefront signage, graphics and These goals are intended to be the window displays driving force in articulating a new Provide additional pedestrian vision for the corridor. In order to amenities achieve results and realize the vision Identify possible “themes” for for the corridor, two key objectives development were established. Corridor Circulation: Enhancements The New Brooklyn Initiative Vision to multimodal accommodations to Plan has two primary elements make the corridor more user- Physical and Organizational. The friendly will prevent Beatties Ford 6 physical framework enhances a Road from being seen as just a way to Section 1: The Vision get to another part of the city, it will reinvestment become a destination that meets the Encourage business recruitment, needs of its users retention and development Diversify tax base Objectives: Invest public dollars strategically Identify new transportation links to leverage private investment Introduce multimodal transportation options Improve functional circulation Corridor Management Structure: Provide traffic-calming measures Management of corridor Promote on-street parking development should be championed Enhance TOD housing/retail by a partnership of community development corporations, church The organization framework coalitions and other non profit establishes the identity for activities, organizations, the City, County and marketing/promotions, social financial institutions. programs and the interaction of residents. Three categories are within Objectives: the organizational framework. Expand and improve technology and infrastructure. Corridor Experience: The corridor is a Create efficient and effective unique place where the environment management structure. can sustain a range of experiences and Maintain physical improvements interactions. The dynamic urban Prepare marketing material for fabric of the corridor should provide development sites an essential part of community life Develop marketing program that is vibrant, interesting and Foster partnerships with private stimulating. development Identify roles, task force and Objectives: committees for achieving Encourage "destination" uses development goals Encourage day/night activities Enhance effectiveness of Facilitate community/cultural neighborhood voice events Provide public space to support festivals, parades, farmers market Introduce/provide a variety of housing options Provide additional recreational activities Corridor Economics / Business Development: The corridor should boast a healthy business environment and strategically brand itself as a center of cultural tourism, entertainment, arts, education and employment. 7 Objectives: Support public/private The Place From Brooklyn to Section 2: Beatties Ford Road The Place From 1850-1960 Second Ward, With its intellectual and cultural more commonly known as the climate,
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