The Weather Aterage Daily Net Press Ron Forecaat of C. S. Weather Bnrau MONDAY* JANUARY 25, I960* V for the Week End^ HanrhPBt^r lEtiftiing l|pralJi Jan. 16, 1880 PAGE FOURTEEN Fair, coM tonight.^ Low 10 to at no cost to the patients, uporr re­ Potluck Planned Tour HOOVER SalM Md 20. increastdg clon^neaa. eool •Marine Pfc. Joseph H. Brooks, ferral by their own pjsyslclans. Service for this area, 13,067 ■Wednesday. High In 80s.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F .! Mrs. Patients referred to this diagnos­ Memher of the Audit Brogan-Beer About Town Brooks. M Broad St., was pro­ tic clinic come from Rockville, Ell­ By We-Xwo Group ABC APPUANCE Riirean of OIrenlatlon, Manrhentpr-^^^^City of ViUdfe Charm moted recently to his present rank ington,'Bolton, 'Vernon, as well as while serving with the Tenth Ma­ Heads Area from Manchester. and REPAIR The January meeting of the This We-Two group of,the Con­ PRICE FIVE CENTS Women'i Club of Manchester will rine Regiment, an artillery unit of Malcolm 'W. Thompson, member cordia Lutheran Church win have 18 MAPDE ST.—m i 9-8878 MANCHESTER, CONN., T U E ^ A Y , JANUARY 26, I960 be heM tomghl eft 8 at Second Con­ 1 the Second ■ Marine Division at Heart Drive of the Board of Directors from an "experimental” potluck tomor­ VOL. LXXIX, NO. 98 (SIXTEEN PAGES) gregational Church- The speaker Xlamp Lejeune, N.- C. He was Rockville, will assist in , the or­ row beginning at 7 p.m. Everyone 'A. for the evening will be Mr. George graduated from Manchester High ganization of the Heart Fund attending will bring a favdrite H. Bean. "Country Auctioneer." School. Mrs. Leon A. Thorp, secretary of campaign In the Vernon-Ellington- dish; Des'hert and coffee will be who will relate anecdotes from his the Board of Directors of the Man­ Bolton section of the Manchester A Brazilian teacher, Senora Mar­ provided. AUTO Pinney Opens experiences and ftlao hcfid an auc- chester Area Heart Aaen., will be area. Thompson ha.s been as.shola- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walters, tion of articles donated by. the got Matossn, who is visiting Man­ tion treasurer in Rqckvllle, and a newly elected presidents of the OLLIE’S BODY chairman .of the association’s members of the executive board chester, will speak at the Rotary member- of the Board of Direc­ group, will be in charge. Hosts and Drug Cost Cuts ’60 Campaign, of the club, Mr*. Don Giilnan Is Club of Manchester tomorrow at month-long Heart Fund drive. tors, for several years, and has Hostesses will be Mr. end Mrs. A WELDING in char^ of the arrangements for 6:30 p.m. at the Manchester Coun­ Dr. Harold J. Lehmus. president, been active in developing Heart Charles Brendel. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ★ AUTO BODY ond the evening, and Mrs. Charles try Club. ' announced the appointment today Assn, programs throughout the lism Stavens and the Walters. Blasts Ribieoff Packard and Mrs, Eidward Fitz­ as the first step in organizing the area. Other new officers are Mr. and FENDER REPAIRS gerald will be co-hojrtesses. The Men's Club of Zion Evan­ annual Heart Fund campalgh Mrs, Walter Meier, vice presidents; gelical Lutheran Church will meet which will be conducted through­ ★ COMPLETE CAR Due by Feb. J. 5 Hartford, ’ Jan. 126 (JP)— tonight at 7:45 at the church. Mr. and Mrs. George Krause, reo The Holy Ghost Mothers Circle out the Manchester area, as well as GFS Sets Service Qi'ding secretaries; Mr. and Mrs. PAINTING State Rep. A. Searle Pinney of will meet at 8:1.S p m. tomorrow at in thousands of communities across ■William Stavens, corresponding LACQUER and ENAMEL Brookfield, House Republican the home of Mrs. Thomas Blanch­ An orienUlion training meeting the nation, during February. The To Admit 30 Girls TEl. Ml 8-8028 //p\__ ^^pharmacists, the State Pharmdey for new board and committee mem­ secretaries;' Mr. and Mrs. Charles leader, opened the GOPs 1960 ard. 106 Frances Drive. Mrs. drive vyill reach its climax on Brendel. treasurers; Mr, and Mrs. Rirtford, Jan. 26 Commission and the State Medical Gerard D'A\’lgnon "Hi he co- bers of Manchester Girl Scouts, Heart Sunday, Feb. 28, when hun­ State Welfare Ommissioner state election campaign today scheduled for tomorrow, has been In observance of GirM' Friendly Ernest J. Tureck, hospitalit'y; Mr. 281 ADAMS ST. Society. hoetess. dreds of local volunteers will msike and Mrs. Robert Brickhouse, pro­ Berhard Shapiro says it will The commissioner siso an­ witit a' 3-prpnged attack on postponed to Feb. 17. ■Week Jan. 24-31, an admission door-to-door collections. Last year, gram, and Mr. and Mrs. George nounced another program to cut Gov. ’^'^braham Ribicoff'a residents of the Manchester area service will take place 'a t . St. be at least Feb. 15 before his The Past Chief Daughters of Mary’s Eplscopah Church tomor­ Stoneman, ways and means. the cost of drugs for welfare re­ W i Scotia will meet at the home of -The combined anniial. meetings contributed more than J15.000 to plan for cutting the cost of Democratic^ administration. ^ I and elections of the Central Con­ row at 7 p.m. Members will dlscusss program cipients said-it will be given a _Pinney, attabKed what he called Mrs. George Torrance, 2^ Edger- the Heart Fund, and more than arid projects plans proposed by. the drug prescriptions for welfare Tells Press necticut and Hartford County af­ Eleven junior, girls will be ad­ RUG and test run in the New Haven srea. the Democrats ahti-histamine, all- ton St., tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. 800 volunteers assisted on Heirt executive committee for the year. patients can be put into effect. Gastro Aide filiates of the Associated Restau­ Sunday. mitted by their leader, Mrs. How­ ThlB one has the backing of Ed­ preach-no-practic€,\and credit- ard Andersop, and 19 senior girls T^e commissioner announced, the ward Mogull, president of the card approach to state, problems. Miss Mary F, Waterous of rants of Connecticut will he held Aid Rosearrb plan would be "held In abeyance" Avon, teacdier of biologry at Hart­ tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at the During the past year, the Man­ will be admitted by their adviser UPHOLSTERY Pharmaceutical Assn., snd Felix The GOP Iegislati\^ leader Nq Reprisal Mrs. Everett Kelsey. Refreshments until that dale yesterday after ford High School and geology at Grantmoor re.staiirant, Newington. chester Area Heart Assn, made a PRESCRIPTIONS meeting with representatives of Blank, director of the pharmacy made his charges in a speeClt pre­ Hurls Defy the Hartford branch of the Uni- considerable contribution to heart will be served after the service. commission, he said. 5- pared for the weekly Republican Girls’ Friendly Society, the old­ GLEANING the Connecticut Pharmaceutical v-erslty of Connecticut, will speak Modern Trends in Architec­ research. In addition to the funds Free Delivery Aasn. and other'.state officlalg.for The proposal is to, invite bids du;c4i treat luncheon. est national group for girls, was Pinney said the ami-histamine Gohsidered on "Background for Conservation" ture" will Be the topic of Philip remitted to support the national several hours. ;. x, for iuppljdng drugs to be ,furi At Marines at a meeting of the Laurel Garden J, DiCorcia. Manchester architect research program, the association founded in 1877, and a local branch LIOGETT DRUG A newsman who asked if i’:e 'pished to welfare patients, in approach was one in which pallia­ Club of East Hartford Feb. 4 at with offices iir the Parkade, at a at St. Mary's Church ih 1906. It is KHOPPINO PARKAPE Ttl. Ml 9.17S2 tives are given to provide tem­ appropriated more than, $2,000 nouncement meant tljat the policy hoarding and convaleacent homes . ■ Waahjngtbn, Jan. 26 (A*)-— jsj.’ , ^ p mT Srthe Wickham Memorial meeting of the. Kiwariis Club of from its'budget to help support a a society to promote fellowship* w'oultt take effect after Feb. 15 waa in the New Haven area. That porary relief" , of di.sease symp­ prayer and service to others. HavanitKCuba,' Jan. 26 (/P) Pre.sirlerit Eisenhoweij declared Manchester tomorrow noon at the research project being conducted Ml 3.5747 told by Bhapiro tfiat a decision area was selected. Shapiro said, toms. —Cuba'a minister of justice Manchester Country' Club. at Hartford Hospital. The aasocia would have to wait until that dale. because some -700 welfare ■ re­ On the ittate level, Pinney said, toda.x- that “ international The Manchester PTA Council tion also co-sponsored a course in Shapiro’s proposal Is to have cipients are In such institutions .said today “ th^re will be mil­ wdll meet tonight at 8 in-the Ver- communism” is seeking to \The youth and St. Camillas com­ electrocardibgraph.vliography ifor eastern doctors prescribe drugs for welfare there. (ronttiiiied-on Page Two) lions of cadavers’^^HU.S. Ma­ sti'oy democracy in Cuba and planck Sijhoo' cafeteria to hear mittees of the Guild of Our Lady Connecticut ph.vsicians, and assist­ patients by their generic names in­ Mrs. Simon Bernstein discuss the rines land in thi.s conijtry. to wreck Cuban-American of iSl.\ Bartholomew’s pariah will ed a number of physicians In ob­ January Special! Garner's stead of by brand names. When he The telerised remark.s bf! the Bloomfield'library plan. Refresh­ meetxt'ofnoTrow at 8 p.m. in the taining the latest information in 8 SITMMEI^ ST. sinnouriced it, fie ,sald the state friendship. , ments will precede the meeting.
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