FALL EDITION | 2013 5750 Executive Drive, Suite 100 • Baltimore, MD 21228-1979 410.788.1066 in Baltimore • 800.867.6776 MD only [email protected] • www.nasw-md.org Fax: 410.747.0635 NASW-MD, through advocacy, education and collaboration with diverse stakeholders and guided by its Code of Ethics will: Promote social justice, promote the social work profession, support professional development of social workers and advance professional social work standards. Congrats, LBSWs BY DAPHNE MCCLELLAN, PHD, MSW Welcome, Dr. Angelo McClain id you know that there are 725 bach- he Maryland Chapter had two elor level social workers in Maryland opportunities in recent months Dlicensed as LSWAs? Since multi- to welcome Angelo McClain, level licensure began in Maryland, these in- T the new national CEO of NASW. Dr. dividuals have been known as Licensed Social McClain accepted the reigns of our orga- Work Associates. How many other profes- nization in May and hit the ground run- sionals with bachelor degrees are known as as- ning. Though Dr. McClain has been a sociates? Teachers with a bachelor’s degree are longtime member of NASW he was not teachers, and nurses with a bachelor’s degree particularly active in its day-to-day op- are nurses. Even though the MSW is consid- erations at either the state or national lev- ered the “accepted” social work degree and is el. Therefore he set himself the goal of preferred for certain social work tasks, there visiting with national and chapter leaders are many important social work jobs which around the country. can be performed by a person with a BSW. We were fortunate to have Dr. Mc- To refer to such persons as associates is de- Clain spend a day in July visiting the meaning. One important change which went Maryland Chapter office. He was met by into effect on October 1st, due to the amend- a contingent of board members, commit- ed Social Work Practice Act, was a change tee representatives and staff who helped in the title of bachelor level social workers. him become acquainted with our chapter The official designation is now LBSW (Li- and our activities. censed Bachelor Social Worker), rather than On Sunday, October 20, Dorothy Har- LSWA. This change, which was suggested by ris, a chapter member and a former na- the NASW-MD Chapter, reflects the fact that tional president hosted a soiree at her these social workers have a college degree and lovely home in Columbia in Dr. Mc- l-r: Dr. Angelo McClain, Danielle Spears, Sara Sirotkin and Dean Jesse Harris are professionals in their own right. This may Clain’s honor. The honoree was met by require a small expense for new business cards, various NASW pioneers as well as cur- but hopefully it is offset by rightful pride in the rent and former deans and social work new title. Congratulations to all LBSWs! program directors from several universi- ties. In addition to Dorothy Harris, an- L H A S other former national president, Ruth I U R E R Mayden, was also present. T The fall weather was wonderful, the ma PAID LEASE food was scrumptious and the home was E P .S. POSTAGE T Permit #5507Permit Baltimore, MD U Non-Profit Org. right out of HGTV. Maryland certainly daD made a great impression on our new chief executive. Thank you, Dorothy! Dr. McClain is interested in hearing from any NASW member who has a sug- Dorothy Harris and Ruth Mayden l-r: Judith Schagrin, Dr. Joan Levy Zlotnik, Dr. Joy Ernst gestion or question. He can be reached at (Hood College) and Dr. Daphne McClellan [email protected] Diagnostic Formulation Using DSM-5 Criteria BY CARLTON E. MUNSON, PHD, LCSW-C DSM training. Dr. Munson is currently work- 2013. This article is the second in a series of ing on a new edition of his book on use of the information articles about use of the DSM- Dr. Munson is Profes- DSM-5. This article is part of a series of articles 5. The DSM-5 includes major and minor sor of Social Work at the to assist social workers in transitioning to the use changes. One major change is the elimina- University of Maryland of DSM-5. tion of the multiaxial system and conver- School of Social Work. The opinions expressed in this article are not sion to a ”nonaxial documentation of diag- He is author of the Men- associated with the policies or positions of the nosis” (APA, 2013, pp. 16-17). This article tal Health Diagnostic American Psychiatric Association or the Nation- illustrates a model for creating a diagnostic Desk Reference that is a al Association of Social Workers formulation based on guidelines explained guide to using the DSM- in the “Introduction” and “Use of the IV-TR and he participat- Introduction Manual” sections of DSM-5. ed in the American Psychiatric Association field The latest edition of the Diagnostic and trials for the DSM-5. He has 30 years expe- Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth rience teaching psychopathology and providing Edition (DSM-5) was released on May 18, National Association of Social Workers Maryland Chapter Suite 100 5750 Executive Drive, MD 21228 Baltimore, DSM-5 Continued on page 14 Page 2 The Maryland Social Worker FALL EDITION | 2013 PI RES DENT’S REPORT Greetings to Our Members NASW-MD By Cherie Cannon, BO ARD OF DIRECTORS LCSW-C C HERIE CANNON President he fall season marks not only a 4. Meet the needs of our current members; the MD General Assembly this session that CHRisTINE GARLAND change in the weather, but a busy and will have an impact on social workers and President-Elect Ttime for the Chapter. Since the last 5. Develop new and interesting CEU train- those we serve. Social Workers are needed newsletter, the Chapter has been engaged ings. to testify in Annapolis and/or provide expert ANNA williams in many activities. In July, Dr. Angelo Mc- I mention these goals because we would advice on how the social work community Vice President Clain, NASW CEO visited the Chapter like your input. We welcome your ideas would be impacted by a particular piece of office and received briefings from the fol- and support in implementing these goals in legislation. Meetings are typically held on ERIN walTon lowing committees: Mentoring, Children, the coming year. In September, over 250 Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. at the Chapter of- Treasurer Youth, and Families (CYF), and Aging. He mental health professionals attended the fice. For those who cannot attend the meet- SHANNON SHAW was very impressed with the committees’ Eighth Annual Clinical Conference at the ings in person, we welcome you to partici- Recording Secretary numerous accomplishments and by the Maritime Institute. The conference eval- pate via conference call. Call the Chapter committee members’ dedication to serve. uations were very positive, and attendees office for details and meeting dates. MIKE LUGINBILL In August, the annual board retreat was were pleased with the variety of present- Finally, social workers continue to face Southern MD Representative held at Bon Secours. The retreat was well ers, topics, and the location of the confer- tough challenges with the recent govern- ANITA ROZAS attended by both the Chapter board mem- ence as well. ment shutdown, a divided Congress, the Western MD Representative bers and committee chairs. As a group, we In November, the Chapter’s Legislative Affordable Care Act, and uncertainty on developed these five goals with objectives Committee will begin its preparations for many fronts. Let’s embrace these difficult LISA connoRS to concentrate on in the coming year: the coming MD General Assembly session. times and consider them to be an opportu- DEVON HYDE 1. Increase membership; We are looking for people to serve on this nity to demonstrate the value of the social Suburban MD Representatives 2. Connect with current members; very important and time-sensitive commit- work profession and the resiliency of social 3. Generate revenue; tee. There are a number of bills going before workers. REBECCA demaTTIA ANGELA BLAKE Eastern Shore Representatives DONNA WELLS EXECUTIVE KIM FLASH DIRECTOR’S PAULETTE HENDRICKS REPORT Metro Baltimore Representatives KIMBERLY soloVY Give a Little, Get a Lot Graduate Student Representative By Daphne McClellan, danielle BOUCHARD Ph.D., MSW U ndergraduate Student Representative NASW-MD would like to open by thanking each professional development of social work- board members and members of PACE (our O FFICE STAFF and every one of you for your mem- ers and advance professional social work political action committee). We currently bership in NASW. I know that during standards.” We take this mission very seri- have board vacancies in Western Maryland I DPA HNE McCLELLAN, Ph.D. difficult economic times it is easy to look ously and each year your board of directors and Southern Maryland; these two posi- Executive Director at one’s obligations and choose to let go of matches its annual goals and objectives to tions can be filled immediately by an ap- some magazine subscriptions, some char- the mission of the organization. pointment by the chapter president. Also JOHN KosTA ities you have been supporting, or some Everything we do: legislative advocacy, within this paper you will find a call for Deputy Director organizational dues. I have done it my- practice committees, collaborating with nominations for the elections which will self, so I appreciate the fact that you choose BSWE and schools of social work, con- be held in the spring. Each branch will JENNI williams tinuing education, chapter publications need a new branch rep at that time. Could Director of Communications to maintain your membership in NASW.
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