2019 Products available through US Foods Culinary Equipment & Supplies®. To place an order, log on to your US Foods Online account, or contact your US Foods sales representative. Please allow up to 10 business days for delivery. LUNA™ ASH NEW Platter Rectangular Platter Platter Square Plate Plate 7551483 & 6120213 6045977 & 5666989 9135126 & 3861578 5442209 & 2909804 3521079, 7917790, 6342293, 8338387 & 3085224 Bowl Pasta/Rim Soup Bowl Nappie Bowl Saucer Cup 6603050 & 9052116 5269760 3777696 3859995 5566139 & 2020969 LUNA ASH SPECKLE COLORS, ROUND, SQUARE & ORGANIC A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 7551483 Platter, 12 ½" x 6 ½" 12 LU-14-AS 6120213 Platter, 10" x 5 ½" 24 LU-12-AS 6045977 Rectangular Platter, 13" x 6 ½" 12 LU-133-AS 5666989 Rectangular Platter, 6" x 4" 36 LU-64-AS Bouillon Salt & Pepper 9135126 Platter, 13 ¼" x 9 ¼" 12 LU-139-AS 4798836 8638952 3861578 Platter, 11½" x 8" 12 LU-118-AS 5442209 Square Plate, 10" 12 LU-22-AS 2909804 Square Plate, 7" 24 LU-77-AS 3521079 Plate, 12" 12 LU-21-AS 7917790 Plate, 10 ½" 12 LU-16-AS 6342293 Plate, 9" 12 LU-8-AS 8338387 Plate, 7" 24 LU-7-AS 3085224 Plate, 5 ½" 36 LU-5-AS 6603050 Bowl, 14 oz, 9" x 4 ½" 12 LU-44-AS Sugar Container Sauce Dish 9052116 Bowl, 7oz, 7" x 4 ½" 24 LU-43-AS 9310306 9318713 5566139 Pasta/Rim Soup, 48 oz, 10 ½" 12 LU-120-AS 2020969 Pasta/Rim Soup, 20 oz, 8 ½" 12 LU-3-AS 5269760 Nappie Bowl, 14 oz, 5 ¼" 12 LU-18-AS 3777696 Saucer, 5 ¾" 24 LU-2-AS 3859995 Cup, 9 oz, 3 ¾" 24 LU-1-AS 8638952 Salt & Pepper Shakers, 2.5oz 24 LU-101-AS 4798836 Bouillon, 9 oz, 3 ¾" 24 LU-4-AS 9318713 Sauce Dish, 3 oz, 3" 36 LU-11-AS 6015817 Endeavor, 14 oz, 3 ¾" 36 LU-17-AS 8147924 Creamer, 4 oz, 2" 24 LU-40-AS Endeavor Mug Creamer 9310306 Sugar Container, 14 oz, 4 ½" 12 LU-61-AS 6015817 8147924 1 LUNA™ MIDNIGHT BLUE NEW Platter Rectangular Platter Platter Square Plate Plate 1792867& 2553059 8772005 & 2618078 8054077 & 2834339 6312837 & 5228792 7088635, 1347130, 5666944, 2796743 & 5036667 Bowl Pasta/Rim Soup Bowl Nappie Bowl Saucer Cup 6033224 & 2596675 3657309 & 2596675 4460011 4840775 6923971 LUNA MIDNIGHT BLUE SPECKLE COLORS, ROUND, SQUARE & ORGANIC A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 1792867 Platter, 12 ½" x 6 ½" 12 LU-14-MI 2553059 Platter, 10" x 5 ½" 24 LU-12-MI 8772005 Rectangular Platter, 13" x 6 ½" 12 LU-133-MI 2618078 Rectangular Platter, 6" x 4" 36 LU-64-MI Bouillon Salt & Pepper 8054077 Platter, 13 ¼" x 9 ¼" 12 LU-139-MI 5287976 5287976 2834339 Platter, 11½" x 8" 12 LU-118-MI 6312837 Square Plate, 10" 12 LU-22-MI 5228792 Square Plate, 7" 24 LU-77-MI 7088635 Plate, 12" 12 LU-21-MI 1347130 Plate, 10 ½" 12 LU-16-MI 5666944 Plate, 9" 12 LU-8-MI 2796743 Plate, 7" 24 LU-7-MI 5036667 Plate, 5 ½" 36 LU-5-MI 6033224 Bowl, 14 oz, 9" x 4 ½" 12 LU-44-MI Sugar Container Sauce Dish 2596675 Bowl, 7oz, 7" x 4 ½" 24 LU-43-MI 3191181 8582981 3657309 Pasta/Rim Soup, 48 oz, 10 ½" 12 LU-120-MI 2992911 Pasta/Rim Soup, 20 oz, 8 ½" 12 LU-3-MI 4460011 Nappie Bowl, 14 oz, 5 ¼" 12 LU-18-MI 4840775 Saucer, 5 ¾" 24 LU-2-MI 6923971 Cup, 9 oz, 3 ¾" 24 LU-1-MI 5287976 Salt & Pepper Shakers, 2.5oz 24 LU-101-MI 3250383 Bouillon, 9 oz, 3 ¾" 24 LU-4-MI 8582981 Sauce Dish, 3 oz, 3" 36 LU-11-MI 8147805 Endeavor, 14 oz, 3 ¾" 36 LU-17-MI 9987856 Creamer, 4 oz, 2" 24 LU-40-MI Endeavor Mug Creamer 3191181 Sugar Container, 14 oz, 4 ½" 12 LU-61-MI 8147805 9987856 2 LUNA™ TERRACOTTA NEW Platter Rectangular Platter Platter Square Plate Plate 7443099 & 2464779 2472541 & 2221768 1679016 & 9970875 7007577 & 8976060 7472589, 5761421, 5155503, 8948527 & 4414588 Bowl Pasta/Rim Soup Bowl Nappie Bowl Saucer Cup 9096994 & 2791004 9134049 & 2791004 3932451 5928550 6265769 LUNA TERRACOTTA SPECKLE COLORS, ROUND, SQUARE & ORGANIC A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 7443099 Platter, 12 ½" x 6 ½" 12 LU-14-TA 2464779 Platter, 10" x 5 ½" 24 LU-12-TA 2472541 Rectangular Platter, 13" x 6 ½" 12 LU-133-TA 2221768 Rectangular Platter, 6" x 4" 36 LU-64-TA Bouillon Salt & Pepper 1679016 Platter, 13 ¼" x 9 ¼" 12 LU-139-TA 4146818 8415331 9970875 Platter, 11½" x 8" 12 LU-118-TA 7007577 Square Plate, 10" 12 LU-22-TA 8976060 Square Plate, 7" 24 LU-77-TA 7472589 Plate, 12" 12 LU-21-TA 5761421 Plate, 10 ½" 12 LU-16-TA 5155503 Plate, 9" 12 LU-8-TA 8948527 Plate, 7" 24 LU-7-TA 4414588 Plate, 5 ½" 36 LU-5-TA 9096994 Bowl, 14 oz, 9" x 4 ½" 12 LU-44-TA Sugar Container Sauce Dish 2791004 Bowl, 7oz, 7" x 4 ½" 24 LU-43-TA 3575686 4952104 9134049 Pasta/Rim Soup, 48 oz, 10 ½" 12 LU-120-TA 1906473 Pasta/Rim Soup, 20 oz, 8 ½" 12 LU-3-TA 3932451 Nappie Bowl, 14 oz, 5 ¼" 12 LU-18-TA 5928550 Saucer, 5 ¾" 24 LU-2-TA 6265769 Cup, 9 oz, 3 ¾" 24 LU-1-TA 8415331 Salt & Pepper Shakers, 2.5oz 24 LU-101-TA 4146818 Bouillon, 9 oz, 3 ¾" 24 LU-4-TA 4952104 Sauce Dish, 3 oz, 3" 36 LU-11-TA 4389495 Endeavor, 14 oz, 3 ¾" 36 LU-17-TA 4501586 Creamer, 4 oz, 2" 24 LU-40-TA Endeavor Mug Creamer 3575686 Sugar Container, 14 oz, 4 ½" 12 LU-61-TA 4389495 4501586 3 QUAD™ COAL NEW Plate Soup Plate Bowl Fruit Dish 4123887, 7708366, 4267208 4749856 7638686 & 4565649 7116647 & 2866514 Sauce Dish Saucer Cup 1006730 1852887 8491026 QUAD COAL RUSTIC MATTE, SQUARE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 4123887 Plate, 11 ⅝" 12 QP-20-MB 7708366 Plate, 9 ¾" 24 QP-9-MB 4267208 Plate, 7 ¾" 24 QP-7-MB 2866514 Plate, 6" 36 QP-6-MB 4749856 Soup Plate, 16oz, 8 ½" 24 QP-18-MB 7638686 Bowl, 26oz, 7" 12 QP-33-MB 4565649 Bowl, 16oz, 5 ¾" 24 QP-32-MB 7116647 Fruit Dish, 6oz, 3 ¾" 36 QP-31-MB 1006730 Sauce Dish, 2oz, 2 ¾" 36 QP-30-MB 1852887 Saucer, 5 ¾" 36 QP-2-MB 8491026 Cup, 8oz, 3 ½" 36 QP-23-MB 4 QUAD™ ASH NEW Plate Soup Plate Bowl Fruit Dish 7278099, 3987097, 6930295 5203939 5979550 & 8180021 9148267 & 3043574 Sauce Dish Saucer Cup 3255880 3604619 6724870 QUAD ASH RUSTIC MATTE, SQUARE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 7278099 Plate, 11 ⅝" 12 QP-20-MG 3987097 Plate, 9 ¾" 24 QP-9-MG 6930295 Plate, 7 ¾" 24 QP-7-MG 3043574 Plate, 6" 36 QP-6-MG 5203939 Soup Plate, 16oz, 8 ½" 24 QP-18-MG 5979550 Bowl, 26oz, 7" 12 QP-33-MG 8180021 Bowl, 16oz, 5 ¾" 24 QP-32-MG 9148267 Fruit Dish, 6oz, 3 ¾" 36 QP-31-MG 3255880 Sauce Dish, 2oz, 2 ¾" 36 QP-30-MG 3604619 Saucer, 5 ¾" 36 QP-2-MG 6724870 Cup, 8oz, 3 ½" 23 QP-23-MG 5 TORINO™ COAL NEW Coupe Plate Pasta Plate Coupe Bowl Deep Coupe Plate 9378459, 4290772 7210535 9106681 2412789 & 7536778 Sauce Dish 1617515 TORINO COAL RUSTIC MATTE, ROUND COUPE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 9378459 Coupe Plate, 12" 12 TN-21-MB 4290772 Coupe Plate, 10" 24 TN-16-MB 7536778 Coupe Plate, 7" 36 TN-7-MB 7210535 Pasta Plate, 40 oz, 10" 12 TN-110-MB 9106681 Coupe Bowl, 20 oz, 6 ¾" 12 TN-207-MB 2412789 Deep Couple Plate, 7 ½" 36 TN-307-MB 1617515 Sauce Dish, 2oz, 3 ⅛" 48 TN-4-MB 6 TORINO™ ASH NEW Coupe Plate Pasta Plate Coupe Bowl Deep Coupe Plate 9562122, 7742894 4651623 1528633 3296691 & 7345185 Sauce Dish 5868192 TORINO COAL RUSTIC MATTE, ROUND COUPE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 9562122 Coupe Plate, 12" 12 TN-21-MG 7742894 Coupe Plate, 10" 24 TN-16-MG 7345185 Coupe Plate, 7" 36 TN-7-MG 4651623 Pasta Plate, 40 oz, 10" 12 TN-110-MG 1528633 Coupe Bowl, 20 oz, 6 ¾" 12 TN-207-MG 3296691 Deep Couple Plate, 7 ½" 36 TN-307-MG 5868192 Sauce Dish, 2oz, 3 ⅛" 48 TN-4-MG 7 SHANGHAI BOWL NEW Shanghai Bowl 4327288, 8380063, 4672362, 1644223 & 6744984 SHANGHAI BOWL ROUND A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 4327288 Bowl, 56 oz, 8" 12 SH-8 8380063 Bowl, 36 oz, 7" 24 SH-7 4672362 Bowl, 24 oz, 6" 24 SH-6 1644223 Bowl, 14 oz, 5" 36 SH-5 6744984 Bowl, 7 oz, 4" 36 SH-4 8 VALE™ Platter Plate Bowl Pasta/Salad Bowl 7323000, 7636439, 6596104 & 9670680, 8815853, 3198416 & 6004955, 1407421, 3274393 & 9808227, 1508044, & 5352937 4928034 3867388 2663491 VALE BRIGHT WHITE, UNIQUE SHAPE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 7323000 Platter, 12" x 10 ¼" 6 VL-178 7636439 Platter, 14 ½" x 6 ½" 12 VL-14 6596104 Platter, 11" x 5" 12 VL-115 4928034 Platter, 8" x 3 ¾" 24 VL-8 9670680 Plate, 12" x 10 ¼" 6 VL-21 8815853 Plate, 10 ½" x 9" 12 VL-16 3198416 Plate, 8" x 7" 12 VL-22 3867388 Plate, 6" x 5" 24 VL-6 6004955 Bowl, 36 oz, 12" x 10 ¼" 12 VL-45 Bowl Soup/Salad Bowl 1407421 Bowl, 23 oz, 10" x 8 ½" 12 VL-44 5841776 5981918 3274393 Bowl, 12 oz, 8" x 6 ½" 12 VL-18 2663491 Bowl, 4 oz, 5" x 4 ¼" 12 VL-15 9808227 Pasta Bowl, 12 oz, 10 ¼" x 8 ¼" 6 VL-120 1508044 Pasta Bowl, 5 oz, 8" x 5" 12 VL-3 5352937 Pasta Bowl, 1.5 oz, 4 ¼" x 3 ¼" 24 VL-43 5841776 Bowl, 14 oz, 7 ¾" x 4 ¾" 12 VL-180 5981918 Soup/Salad Bowl, 27 oz, 8" x 6 ¾" 12 VL-88 9 VALE™ Soup Bowl Saucer Cup Plate/Saucer 2284539 & 2905608 7517148 & 3680743 9583799 & 7115014 7267159 Sauce Dish Bouillon Creamer 7896409 3386615 5864697 VALE (continued) BRIGHT WHITE, UNIQUE SHAPE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 2284539 Soup Bowl, 28 oz, 10 5/8" x 8" 12 VL-118 2905608 Soup Bowl, 16 oz, 9 7/8" x 8" 12 VL-108 7517148 Saucer 6 ¼" x 5" 12 VL-2 3680743 Saucer, 5" x 4" 24 VL-36 9583799 Cup, 8 oz 12 VL-1 7115014 Cup, 3 oz 24 VL-35 7267159 Plate/Saucer, 7 ½" x 6 ¼" 12 VL-77 7896409 Sauce Dish, 2 oz, 3 ½"D 36 VL-11 3386615 Bouillon, 7 oz, 3 ½"D 24 VL-4 5864697 Creamer, 5 oz, 4 ¾" x 2 ¼" 24 VL-60 10 SLOPE™ Platter Plate Bowl Saucer 6938565, 9686969, 2214692 & 5874215, 7622631, 1355477, 4887546, 4036205 & 5644582 7223813 8410369 5086307, 4961417, 9044770, 5061052 & 7851939 SLOPE BRIGHT WHITE, SQUARE SHAPE A-CODE DESCRIPTION PACK SIZE MFR# 6938565 Platter, 14 ½" x 8 ¼" 12 SP-50 9686969 Platter, 13 1/8" x 7" 12 SP-14 2214692 Platter, 11 ½" x 6 ½" 12 SP-13 Tall Cup 8410369 Platter, 10" x 5 ¼" 12 SP-12 5272809 5874215 Plate, 12" square 12 SP-21 7622631 Plate, 11 ¼" square 12 SP-20 1355477 Plate, 10" square 12 SP-10 5086307 Plate, 9" square 24 SP-9 4961417 Plate, 8" square 24 SP-8 9044770 Plate,
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