Jean Claude Nouchy :: Curriculum vitae – 2020 (Experienced Houdini Teacher, V ! T"#$ead, V !#on%&et &upervi&or' :: (a)e * date o+ ,irth : -pril,*2th, *./0 citi1en&hip : 2talian current re&idence: $ondon, 3nited 4in)dom lan)ua)e& : luent: talian, En)li&h, rench5 6a&ic: 7pani&h5 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: pro+e&&ional Experience : 20*.#(re&ent Jelly+i&h (icture& $T" – $ondon – C !# !#Cro8d& 7upervi&or "ream8or9&: Ho8 to Train your "ra)on, Homecomin) – $ead ! (-mmy -8ard Nominated' :undi&clo&ed; :in pro)re&&; % C !# !#Cro8d& 7upervi&or 2o*<#pre&ent – Vi&ual Cortex $a, $T" – $ondon – ounder Vi&ual Cortex $a, +ocu&e& on the creation o+ Vi&ual E++ect& +or movie& and commercial& and the advanced trainin) +or pro+e&&ional& and &chool &tudent& o+ the (7ide !' Houdini =" &o+t8are ## >ith 20 year& o+ teachin) experience, previou&ly 7o+tima)e, 2 have ,een actively involved in Teachin) Houdini in the +ollo8in) &chool& and 3niver&itie&, and V ! ,outi?ue& in the la&t &everal year&, includin): -ccaEdi – @ilan – 2taly (20*.' Vi ! 7chool – Thiene – 2taly (20*A%20*B' Event Hori1on 7chool – Turin – 2taly (20*B%20*B' $a7alle 3niver&ity – 6arcelona – 7pain (20*/%20*B' @y4ey 7tudio& – @ilano 2taly (20*=%20*0' ramea&tore – $ondon – 3nited 4in)dom Co++ee and TV – $ondon – 3nited 4in)dom Came7y& – $ondon – 3nited 4in)dom De,ellion Came& – Ex+ord – 3nited 4in)dom 74F 7port – 2&le8orth – 3nited 4in)dom 20*. – Creat V ! – $ondon – 7enior 7imulatio ! T" E@EC-: ! T", =A0 proGected proGect includin) )rain, li?uid&, volume& &imulation&5 20*B#20*. – 3nion V ! – $ondon – $ead Technical "irector $ead ! arti&t, Houdini &enior T" and pipeline T", $ead Cro8d T" ## Houdini V ! Technical "irector on proGect& includin) the +ollo8in): year: 20*B (roGect: Eutlander &ea&on < (Net+lix' >ater 7imulation +or t8o epi&ode&5 (roGect: (ope (Net+lix' Houdini Cro8d Team lead and Houdini (ipeline5 20*A#20*B – 7ide ! – $ondon#Toronto – Technical 7upport Technical 7upport and trainin) on ,ehal+ o+ 7ide ! 7o+t8are ## Houdini V ! Technical "irector on variou& proGect& includin) the +ollo8in): 20*/#20*B client#7tudio: @il9 V ! (roGect: -dri+t 20*A client#7tudio: @un9y $ondon (roGect: >hi&9y Calore ( ilm' entire ,oat cra&hin) &e?uence V !5 client: Cla&&8or9& 34 proGect: Hyudai 4orea multiple &creen& video in&tallation 20*0 client#7tudio: rame&tore C C $ondon (roGect: 7hell 7hape&hi+ter A0H (roGect: 7pectre (00/' openin) title& client:Cla&&8or9& 6arcelona (roGect: $exu& (China' commercial Curriculum vitae – 20*. year: 20*< client: 79y 7port& $ondon (roGect: (C- Tour 2ntro client: ETC $ondon (roGect: Candy Cru&h 7a)a TV commercial& ((et De&cue, arm Heroe&, Delea&e the @a)ic' (reviou& Experience& Jean Claude Nouchy :: Curriculum vitae – 2020 (Experienced Houdini Teacher, V ! T"#$ead, V !#on%&et &upervi&or' :: (a)e 2 2o*2#2o*< – 2n9ymind 34 – $ondon – V !#(ipeline 7upervi&or, on%&et V ! &upervi&or V ! 7upervi&or, V ! Technical "irecor (V ! T"' and pipeline developer +or the &tudio on variou& proGect& includin) V ! &upervi&or and T" +or The No&tal)i&t5 2o*2 – @icro&o+t – $ondon – V ! T" Vi&ual E++ect +or the I7e&ame 7treet – 7ea&on *J epi&ode&5 2o*0#2o** – Cine&ite – $ondon – Houdini V ! T" Houdini V ! T" +or John Carter , Thern ! and I8eddin) +i)ht&J &e?uence5 2o*o – Deali&e 7tudio – $ondon – Houdini V ! T" ! T" +or $i%Jin) I6a&9et,allJ Commercial5 2ooB#2o*o – "ou,le Ne)ative – $ondon – Houdini V ! T" Houdini V ! T" +or the movie& 20*2 % IFello8&tone par9 &e?uenceJ 2ronman 2 – I@onaco &e?uenceJ 2nception – @ountain Ho&pital explo&ion - minor part +or 7orcererK& -pprentice and 7cott (il)rim +ilm& 2oo/#2ooB – rame&tore – $ondon – Houdini V ! T" Houdini V ! T" +or the movie& Chronicle& o+ Narnia – (rince Ca&pian I>ater)od &e?uenceJ Tale& o+ "e&peraux – Variou& e++ect& throu)hout the +ilm 2oo/ – Deali&e 7tudio – $ondon – Houdini V ! T" Houdini V ! T" +or 7hee,a Commercial5 2oo0#2ooA % $umi? 7tudio& % Turin % -vidL!72, 7ide x Houdini % ! T" and &upervi&or Houdini $i)htin) and V ! T" +or the +eature animated +ilm "on9ey !ote ( ilmax' and other& includin) -na&tet1i and 7tone @erchant5 2oo0 % reelance % @ilan % -vidL!72, -vidL"7, "i&creetLCom,u&tion Compo&itor and =" $i)hter#modeler, reelance5 2oo=#2oo<#2oo0 % (lay&to& % @ilan % )ame development % Technical "irector ="#cinematic& 7upervi&or, compo&itin) and editin) $ead arti&t, Dender+arm head5 2oo2 % !at (roduction % @ilan % commercial& and tv &pot& % =" -rti&t and Compo&itin) =" animator and V ! 7upervi&or +or a &atellite televi&ion &tation5 !at al&o provided external production& +or cu&tomer& &uch a& "i&ney Channel and @edia&et (local maGor televi&ion &tation'5 2oo*#2oo2 % 7o+tima)e % @ilan % &o+tima)e re&eller % Technical 7upport and 6eta te&ter Technical &upport, ,eta te&tin) and demo arti&t +or product &uch a& 7o+tima)e =" and !725 2ooo#2oo* % (hoenix Tool& % @ilan % &o+t8are development % Technical 7upport and 6eta te&ter Technical 7upport, Content arti&t, re&pon&i,le +or 6eta Te&tin), M#-5 "emo -rti&t +or Camera @atchin), ur#Cloth &imulation&, "ynamic& and CC x inte)ration5 2nter+ace "e&i)ner and 8or9+lo8 con&ultant +or NE!37 – Camera @atchin)#CC inte)ration &o+t8are5 2ooo % 7H7 @ultimedia % @ilan % po&tproduction and televi&ion % Technical 7upport and 7y&admin Net8or9 -dmini&trator in >indo8& NT#2000 and 3nix#$inux environment&5 -l&o re&pon&i,le +or hard8are and &o+t8are a&&i&tance to &everal 7H7N& client& li9e maGor local televi&ion& and po&tproduction concernin) "i)ital#analo) Video 7erver& and 7tora)e5 *..B#*... % 3p)rade -TC % @ilan % trainin) center % 7o+tima)e and $i)ht&cape Teacher 7o+tima)eL=", 7o+tima)eL!72 and $i)ht&cape certi+ied Trainer5 Cour&e& in =" Computer -nimation at di++erent level& (*0*,202,=0*, -dvanced, -nimation'5 *..B#*... % @ade in pixel % @ilan % po&tproduction % =" -rti&t 7o+tima)eL=d operator, (o&t (roduction +or variou& commercial&5 *..A#*..B % Eurotravel % -o&ta % prepre&& and pu,li&hin) % 2" -rti&t Craphic& +or EurotravelN& catalo)& and adverti&in) material5 Colla,oration 8ith &everal )raphic &tudio& (adverti&in), architectural and >e, "e&i)n'5 26@ -7# <00 Gunior co%admini&trator5 pro+e&&ional Trainin): 2oo* % 7o+tima)e HM % @ontreal (Canada' 7o+tima)e -C7D % !72 technical &upport, "i&tri,uted renderin) on multiE7 net8or9&5 2ooo % Clo,al 4no8led)e % @ilan (2T-$F' >indo8& 2000 7erver, -dvanced 7erver % NT Net8or9in), @ulti E7 net8or9&, TC(5 2ooo % 7C2 % (ari& ( D-NCE' 7C2#Ciprico 7-N % @ulti E7 net8or9 &tora)e area net8or9 &y&tem5 *... % -utode&9 % 7an ranci&co (3N2TE" 7T-TE7' $i)ht&cape Trainer % 2ndoor#Eutdoor reali&tic li)htin), $i)ht T" +or technical &upport and trainin)5 *..B % 7o+tima)e -TC % @ilan (2T-$F' < month 2nten&ive Cour&e on modelin)#li)htin)#animation#renderin), CC ri))in), "ra8in)5 *..B % 7o+tima)e -TC % @ilan (2T-$F' 7o+tima)eL=" =0*, 7o+tima)eL=" Character animation5 *..A % Turin (2T-$F' Net8or9 -dmini&tration (>indo8&, No8ell' % Client#7erver, 7-N, (2(, TC(5.
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