THE VOICE 6301 Biscoyne Blvd., Miami 38, Ha. Return Requested Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. IV, NO. 42 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy JANUARY 4, 1963 EXILES WILL THANK GOD, REDEDICATE LIVES TO OUR LADY OF CHARITY Cubans To Rally At Hialeah Outdoor Mass Sunday M<say thousands of refugees Miami's Cuban refugee colony the coming year for the protec- panied the prisoners recently ers from churches throughout Spanish-speaking priests are arf' )/m* friends will crowd to the patroness of Cuba, Our .i!ti- liberated. South Florida, students enrolled scheduled for 3 p.m. Those Hffcsah. Race Track at 4 p.m. Lady of Charity of Cobre, a in diocesan schools, and Broth- planning to assist at the Mass mate restoration of freedom to A, native of Spain formerly Sunday when Bishop Coleman F. statue of whom will be en- ers and Sisters stationed hi the may enter the track from E. their native land. stationed at Cristo de Limpias Carroll will offer Pontifical shrined in a place of honor. Diocese of Miami, the invasion Fourth Ave. (Flamingo Way) The sermon during the Church in Havana, Father Lugo Mass of Thanksgiving at the re- prisoners will be afforded and E. 22nd St. or E. 32nd St. gave the invocation during Pres- quest of and in behalf of all the The Mass will be in thanks- Mass, which will be cele- places of honor in boxes of the ident John'F. Kennedy's review exiles from Castro's communist giving for all the blessings of. brated at a massive altar grandstand. Included will be In a letter to all pastors this of the Cuban Brigade Saturday Cuba. the past year, including tne re- erected on the turf facing the the first 60 of the Cuban invasion week Bishop Carroll empha- cent reunion of the Bay of Pigs grandstand, will be preached in the Orange Bowl Stadium. sized that not only the Cuban ; brigade 2506 released early in Highlights of the outdoor invaders with the r 'T"> - li • • r Isntacl Lugo, During Sunday's ceremonies 1962. refugees but all of the faithful ceremonies will be the second here, and in supplication of O.F.M. Cap., one of, three which will also be attended by should avail themselves of this annual public rededication of God's blessings and graces in priest-chapiains who accom- large delegations of parishion- Confessions by more than 20 opportunity to express their "gratitude to God and to beg His further protection." Smuggled Bread For Mass, 'GRAVEST DANGER' "The recent release of the courageous Cuban soldiers im- Jar A Chalice For Chaplains prisoned for 20 months has deep- By MARJORIE L. FILLYAW Council and for the health of ened in many of the refugees Pope John XXIII. In addition, their sense of dependence upon Using a broken glass jar as a many of the prisoners recited God and their confidence in His chalice and altar breads smug- the rosary aloud several merciful help. Indeed, those who gled into Havana's Principe times during each day. have met and talked with the prison by visitors, three priest- prisoners themselves are im- chaplains captured by Castro A Capuchin priest who was pressed with their strong religi- forces in the Bay of Pigs inva- stationed for five years at the ous convictions, and their de- sion attempt, secretly celebrated Cristo de Limpias Church in sire to bear witness to the eight Masses during their 20- Havana and who served as spir- strength and consolation afford- month imprisonment in commu- itual director at the Trujiilo ed them by the Faith," Bishop nist-controlled Cuba. School in Matanzas, Father Carroll explained. Lugo emphasized the inhuman Relating incidents of physi- conditions which exist in Cas- "The threat of nuclear war cal brutality and inhuman liv- tro's prison. Breakfast, he said, posed by Russia in the neigh- ing conditions Father Ismael consisted of black coffee and a boring country of Cuba a few de Lugo, O.F.M., Cap., who small muffin while unseasoned months ago plunged the whole was wounded-in the invasion; and unsalted macaroni, boiled world into the gravest danger Father Tomas Macho, S.J., pumpkin or yuca (a food simi- experienced in the past year," and Father Segundo Las lar to the American sweet pota- Bishop Carroll said. "While Heras, S.P., all natives of to) comprised lunch. The eve- that crisis has been averted, Spain, arrived in South Flori- ning meal, the priest said, is al- we have yet a communist da aboard an airlift which ways rice and Chinese beans. stronghold close to our shores, brought 1,113 liberated prison- The captives received no milk a tragic disturbing reality ers to Homestead Air Force or meat during their 20-month which obliges us constantly Base. imprisonment and were only Voice Photos to beg divine help for the de- served eggs four times. liverance of the Cuban people INVASION CHAPLAINS released with more shown with Father Ismael de Lugo, O.F.M., Revealing that they had cele- and for the safety of the rest brated Masses in a swamp Father Lugo said that there than 1,000 other prisoners by Castro were wel- Cap., Father Xomas Macho, S.J., left, and Fa- daily until their capture within (Continued on Page 2) corned to Miami by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll ther Segundo LasHeras, S.P. (Continued on Page 2) a week after the ill-fated invasion in April, 1961, the three priests said that Cuban militia had confiscated their Leader Says Brigade Fought chalices, breviaries \and bibles, before imprisoning them with For Christianity, Freedom more than 200 soldiers in an already overcrowded area of The objective of Cuban Bri- to remain calm and pray to the Principe Prison. gade 2506 was not to bring "just Blessed Virgin. A short time political freedom to Cuba, but after, he recalled, they found a Cuban women visiting the also reestablish Christianity on fresh water stream flowing from prison brought altar breads the island," according to Man- a large rock in the middle of the concealed in scapulars and uel Artime, civil leader of the swamp. shirt sleeves, Father Macho abortive invasion at the Bay of .,snabling the priests to diST Pigs. While in prison each invasion ^Holy Communion sever- The 30-year-old Cuban, who soldier carved a wooden rosary the men. A small was studying to become a from cigar boxes with a razor bottle of wine, which was al- physician before the Castro blade, Artime said. lowed for medicinal purposes, Revolution, and who spent the The work and devotion of was dispensed by a dropper to last eight months in solitary three chaplains, Father Lugo, conserve it for the celebration confinement without clothes, Father Macho and Father Las of Mass whenever possible. termed the survival of the Heras, was praised by Artime Confessions were heard regu- prisoners "a miracle. I am who recalled that when Mass larly and whenever prisoners sure our being alive today is was offered on Christmas, requested the Sacrament. due only to God and our 1961, prison guards fired shots Blessed Lady," he said. The The priests, who arrived in over the heads of the priests, faith of the invasion brigade Miami dressed in khaki uni- and the prisoners who were is stronger today thanTjver be- forms issued to them by the singing. fore, he added. Air Force, told of daily reci- tation of the rosary by all of During the week after the in- "We are ready to go back," the prisoners. According to vasion attempt when they.were the young Cuban leader declar- Father Lugo, prayers were CIVIL LEADER of Cuban Invasion Brigade 2506 is shown talking with. Bishop Coleman F. Car- living in the swamps, Artime ed. "You must be either with offered publicly for the is 30-year-old Manuel Artime who was imprison- roll who presented him with a medal from said, the brigade became des- God or against Him and we an success of the Ecumenical ed in solitary confinement for eight months. He the 21st Ecumenical Council at the Vatican. perate for water. He urged them with Him." Smuggled Bread For Mass, Jar A Chalice For Chaplains (Continued From Page 1) es' in Christian Doctrine for were only two lavatories and one and one-half hours daily for two showers available for 27 weeks at the Isle of Pines. more than 200 prisoners for During Advent, he said, the whom soap and tooth paste men composed poems about were not provided. the Nativity and wrote them on the prison walls. Since the Stating that they had been priests were held incommuni- interrogated for long periods of cado and were not able to cel- time and frequently in the early morning hours, the priests told ebrate Mass, the prisoners of sleeping in areas about three read the Mass aloud daily feet wide under glaring lights from a Missal found in the which burned constantly. "We cell. covered our eyes with handker- Four priests arrested in Ha- chiefs," Father Macho de- vana by Castro forces before clared. the invasion attempt are still PRIEST BEATEN imprisoned on the Isle of ''es, The untiring work of Dr. Jose according to the 1L -ied Almeida, 28-year-old Catholic priests. They are Father Fran- physician who accompanied the cisco Lopez Blazquez, Father Brigade, was praised by the Jose R. Fidalgo, O.P., Father Hialeah Race Track Will Be The Scene Of Outdoor PontificalJMass At 4 P.M., Sunday, Jan. 6 priests who noted that only one Jose Luis Rojo Seijas and Fa- prisoner had died as a result ther Reynerio Lebroc.
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