70 J,..ONG BEXTON. NORTHUMBERLAND. [KELLY'S Brown William, Clifton terrace SincJair Rooert K. Heugbenden villas Hewiaon Geo. cowkeeper, 4 Wilson's ter Bunn Amos, Linden villa Slatef John F. Stone villa Jackson Jas.cowkeeper,Forest Hall farm BnttElrcaaeRoJ>el'tH.B.,C.M:.6 South view Slater Thoma!!, Stone villa Jeffrey George, butcher Cargey ;Misse3tt Sommerville house Smith A,lfred, 5 South view Kay Brothers, brick manufacturers Colbeck Henry, Woodbine villa Snowden WilIiam, 4 South view Kirtley In. general dealer & postmaster Cooper Miss, Swiss villa Spence George William. I Eastern villa Knox Thomas, provision dealer Crone Stephen C. :Forest villas east Strachan Thomas, 90akhnrst terrace Laverick Nicholas Jefferson, stationer. Davison Mrs. Cheviot view Taylor Samuel, Holme vi1\a Forest Hall road Dodd George U. Rose villa Taylor WiIliam John, Forest hall Long John, paraffin oil dealer Dodd Thomas, Rose villa Thompson John McGregor James, tailor, 2 South view Dunn George Henry, Hawthorn villa Thompson Josepb, 3 South view Pattison Mary (Miss), dress maker, Elvin Henry A. LabuTnum villas Toovey Alfred F. Clifton terrace 'Forest Hall road Emb1eton William, C1ifton terrace Towick Thomas, The Cottage Pigg John, grocer, Forest Hall road Ferguson ~fatthew, West view Tully J ames E . Purvis Robert, cowkeeper Fisher James, Olive villa Wake Mrs. 7 WiIson terrace Robson Rt.glass &cbina repair. Burn cot. Foggin William, Benton view White Mrs. Robson Robert, jun. painter, Burn cot Foggin William Shield, Briar edge Wilson Henry, I Oakhurst terrace Sample Robt. corn. trav. 6 Wilson's tel" Furniss John, 8 Oakhurllt terrace Yeates Thomas H. Forest Hall road Scott John, grocer, Forest Hall road Gilfol'd Mrs. Springwood Scott William, boot & shoe maker Greatbead Alfred, 9 South view COlllMERCIAT" Slater John F. artist, Stone villa Hancock William Ashton Alder WilHam,contractor,F'orest Hall I'd Snowball In. Henry, plumber & gasfittl" Harrom William T' AlexanderWm.statn.mstr.Frst.Hall stn Spence John, cowkeeper, Forest Hallrd Hunter William, 3 Oakhurst terrace Armstrong Joseph Storey, cart owner Tate WilIiam S. butcher, Forest Hall rd Johnson Peter, Greenside villa Armstrong Robert,cowkpr. F'ir Treefrm Thompson Brothers, cart owners Jones John Rock, Laburnum villa Atkinson Robert,farmer & tax collector, I Thompson John & Son, nurse1J'men~ Kay James, 2 Wi1sou terrace Glebe farm Clousden Hill house Keeling Mrs. Cliftou terrace Begbie In. commission agt.Prospect ho Thompson EIIen (Mrs.), cowkeeper Langie Frederick Buttercase Robert M.B., C.lII. surgeon, Tomkinson Robert, painter LiIley Henry John, CIifton terrace medical officer to parish of North Wilson JamesMarshalI,insurance agent~ Monta1di Victor A. Villa Rosina Long Benton, 6 South view 1 Wilson's terrace MOl'peth John, 1 (jlaremont villas Cargey The Misses, ladies' school, Som- Wi'lson Thomas Dawson, insurance OliveI' Charles Edward, 7 Oakhurst ter merviIIe house agent,s Wilson's terrace PoIlock John, 2 Claremont villas DoddGeo. Underwood,guardian,Rose viI houdfoot Arthur, SQuth view Dodd Thomas, relieving officer for Long Little Benton. Reah John George, 2 Oakhurst terrace Benton district & Tynemouth union, Anderson Thomas, Higges Main house~ Reed Richard BagnaIl, Springfield ho Rose villa Bigges main Richardson George Hy. 2 Eastern villa Durey John, stationer Edwards Frederick H. Eastern villa :Richardson James, Benton view Forest Hall Reading Room (Robert White Benry. Western villa Robinsoll Edward, South view Pattison, manager), Forest Hall I'd Woods John Anthony, Benton hall Robson Frederick, Woodside Greathead Alfred, commission agent, Dodds John Cummins, farmer Robson Mrs. Benton view 9 South view Laws John, farmer, College farm Bodenhurst WilIiam, Heugbenden villa flaIl Elizabeth(Mrs.),grcr.ForestHall I'd Pnrvis Mark, farmer, Renton Park (arm Sacher Wilhelm, Clifton terrace HaUWalt.timber mer. joiner &. saw mills Urwin Thos. Wm. cowkpr. Benton prk Sample Robert, 6 WiIson terrace Hancock Wm.Ashton ~I.R.C.v.s.vet.srg. Widdrington Septimus, beer retailer,. Sitnmons Robert, Briar edge inspector to the Board of Agricultnre Bigges main BENWELL is a township, village and a parish, formed fine mansion of stone, purcha!$ed froUl John Sowerby esq. January 17th, 1843, from that of St. John, Newcastle, by J. W. Pease esq. banker J.P., Il.C.L. of Pendower, and and is on the north bank of the Tyne, 2~ miles south-west presented by him to the diocese as the residence of th& from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the Tyneside division of the bishop. In this parish is a very fine well, noted for the {X)unty, west division of Castle ward, Newcastle-upon-Tyne purity of its water; it is supplied from a constanlly flowing petty sessional division, union and county court district, spring in the grounds of Benwell 'J ower, and is used by the Newcastle-upon-Tyne rural deaneJ,"Y, archdeaconry of North­ inhabitants for domestic pnrp0tles. There are two extensive umberland and diocese of Newcastle. A Local Board of collieries here. '1'he reservoir and works of the Newcastle, Health of nine members was established here I June, 1878; and Gateshead Water Company are also here. Sir Hugb this board also includes part of Fenham in its district. Edward Adair bart. D.L., J.P. of Flixton Hall, Bungay,. The church of St. James is a building of stone in the Per­ Suffolk, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are­ pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave and a western Major BJackett.Ord J.P. of Whitfield Hall, Lang1ey-(ln-Tyne tower containing one bell: there are seV'eral memorial R.S.O. Thomas E. Crawhall esq. the representatives of the stained windows and some good sculpture at the east end of late Buddle Atkinson esq. the representatives of the 1a1;& the chancel, presented by Ralph Brown esq. of Benwell Henry Mi1vain esq. .l.P. of North Elswick Hall and John Grange: the church affords 800 sittings. The register OIiver Scott esq. The soil IS strong loam; subsoil, clay. dates from the year 1832. The living is a vicarage, net The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, turnips yearly value £350, with residence, in t,he gift of the Bishop and some land in pasture. The area of the township is­ of Newcastle, and held since 1877 by the Rev. Francis I,296 acres; rateable value, £34,265; the population of Bromley M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, and hon. canon the parish of St. James, Benwell, in I891 was 27,039, of of Newcastle. Divine service is conducted in the Board which IO,354 are in BenweU township; the population of school on Sundays. There are Wesleyan Methodist chapels the local board district is 10,517, of which I63 are in Fenharn. at New and South Benwell. Scotswood is a village, on the north bank of the Tyne, The Royal Victoria Asylum, for the industrious blind of over which is a handsome suspension bridge, uniting thee the counties of Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland and counties of Northumberland and Durham, in the townships: WestrnorJand and the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, is at of Benwell and East Denton, partly in Benwell and Newburn BenweIl Dene, and is a voluntary charitYl instituted in parishes, with a station on the Carlisle section of the Nortb 1838, in commemoration of the coronation of Her Majesty Eastern railway, 3l miles west from Newcastle-upon-Tyne. the Queen. Here is the Catholic church, dedicated to St. George, and This place was the site of the Roman station Oondercum, there are Wesleyan and Methodist New Connexion chapels. and in Oct. J862, inBenwelI Little Park, outside the eastern There are fire-brick works belonging to Mr. Wil,liam C. ra.mpart of t.he station, remains were discovered of a build­ Gibson and the shipbuildingyard of Scotswood Co. Limited. ing with a rOllnd apse, in which lay three human skeletons Above the village is the site of the encampment of the side by 8id6, together with a fibula, the bronze handle of a Scottish army, under General Leslie, in the year 1640, from ~hest and coins of NeI'o, Trajan, Antoninus Pius, Faustina, which this pla(.'e takes its name. The population is returned Severus, Va!erianus and the usurper Laelianus : two altars with the townships in which the village is situate. were also found, one of which, 4 feet 4in. high and r6in. wide, was highly ornamented and bore the inscription:­ POST, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office, u DEO A:VTE~OCITICO ET NVMINIH .A.VGVSTOR Scotswood (Railway Sub-Office. Letter!! shOP-Id have AEL. VIHIVS X LEG XX V. V. V. S. L. M. ;" the other B.S.O. Northumberland added).-John f. Py~. post.­ and much plainer altRr had a longer inscription with a master, I,.etters arrive a.t "} a.IIl, &; ~ &; 6 p.m,; disw similar dedication. BenweU Park is the seat of Mrs. Mu!­ patphed at 10.10 R.m. I, 4.I5 &; 8.30 p.Pl- Sunda:ys, open casta;- BenweU lIall, of John LiddeIl esq. and Benwell l;l to IQ a.m. ; dispatched 9 p.m, . Cottage. of Mrs. 8cott~ and there are many other good POST &; T. O. BenweII.-William (Jarr, sub-postmaster. Tesidences. Benwell Tower, the residence of the Rt. Rev, Letters arl'ive from Newcastle a.t 8.30 a.m. 4- &. V p.~., Ernest Boiatui' Wilberfotce a. •. Bishop of Newcastle, is • dispatched a.t 8.45 a..rn. 12,45. of, 'I k 9 p.tn.
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