TOWER TOPICS FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of ENDICOTT Newsletter JANUARY 2020 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Greetings from the Pastor’s Study!! Several years ago, an apologist and Presbyterian pastor, Francis Schaeffer, wrote a sermon that has gained worldwide renown and has been read by thousands. The ser- mon “No Little People, No Little Places,” denotes perfectly the amazing concern and care that our Lord has for every person on this planet. It makes me ponder the number of places that I have had the oppor- tunity to visit, sometimes intersecting my life and ministry with people who traverse various walks of life. Each person . each place . has had and continues to have a meaningful significance to me. But God’s love for all people is profoundly greater. The simple words of John 3:16 that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about 2000 years ago are just as true today as they were back then. This verse, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” [NIV] has been memorized by multitudes since being recorded in John’s gospel. God’s love is profound and all encompassing, no matter who we are or where we live. As we begin this new year, may this truth be in our hearts and on our lips as we allow Him to use us as His voice and hands to the greater Endicott area. This area may not have the renown that it once had when IBM was located here — just within a few blocks of First Baptist — but there are thousands of peo- ple within a mile of the church doors that need to know that there are “no little people, no little places” as far as God is concerned. They matter to Him! As we press into the near year, may our hearts be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading as to how we, as individuals and as a community of faith can share this good news! ~Pastor Keith ~ Birthdays S U N D A Y M I N I S T R I E S Isaac Bartram 01/01 Jan 05 Jan 26 Jared O’Neill 01/13 Greeters: Tim/Melissa D. Greeters: Clara N./ Joelle Deuel 01/16 Scripture: Dale P. Danielle T. Emily Rice 01/28 * * * Childcare: Marlene D. Scripture: Kyle T. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C. Church: Amanda/AJ R. Childcare: Jean S. Greeter Coordinator Ushers: Tim R./Ayden B. C. Church: Jared o. Anniversaries Jean Stone Aud/Vis: Dave C./Jon B. Ushers: Dale/Karen P. Scripture Coordinator Coffee: Open Aud/Vis: Doug S./Justin B. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Jan 12 Coffee: Open Christi DeLap Greeters: Tim/Emily R. Childcare Coordinator Scripture: Stephanie R. Worship Leader: Kay H. Prayer Chain Requests Childcare: Rebeka M. Linda O’Neill C. Church: Danielle/Kyle T. office_fbcendicott@ Usher Coordinator Ushers: Jackson O./AJ R. yahoo.com Jon Berchtold Aud/Vis: Steve D./Jared O. Coffee: Open Audio Coordinator Jan 19 Happy Linda O’Neill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Greeters: Doug/Jean S. Visual Coordinator Scripture: Linda O. Prayer/Care Visits New Year ! Childcare: Emily R. Debby Green C. Church: Nancy M. If you are in need of pray- * * * er or pastoral care, please Ushers: Jared/Evelyn O. contact Pastor Keith or Aud/Vis: Dave C./Tim M. any deacon: Coffee: Open Dale Peloke Tim Rice P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T S Al/Pat McFall Gary/Kay Hollister Our missionaries: Jim & Robin Heimberger, Mexico Jared/Valerie O’Neill Tim & Patti Long, Baja California/Mexico; Matt & Lori Mann, Laos; Eldad/Anne Marie Cadet Bill & Ann Clemmer; Anne Marie Cadet The spiritual gifts and growth of our church Our Country and its Leaders; our Armed Forces Church family, friends, and our homebound members Health Concerns: Dale Peloke; Jeanne Mellander; The Board of Ministries and its ministry teams All victims and families of random acts of violence, and natural disasters For those who mourn, are ill, lonely, sad or depressed Traveling mercies for our church members For job losses and job searches Our youth/children’s ministry God’s guidance in our time of transition The Pastoral Search Committee Pastor Keith & Nancy Marlett The families of Sharon Ayres & Arlene Tribe ✜ ✜ ✜ W H A T ‘ S N E W ? ? th Please mark your calendars for Sunday, January 26 to attend our annual Vision Banquet. We will have a catered meal in Fel- lowship Hall following the worship service, and then we will cele- brate some of the high points of last year and share some of the plans and dreams we have for the coming year. Childcare will be provided during the informational portion of the banquet. So plan to come and celebrate . and share in what God has in store for us in 2020. We look forward to seeing you there. [Reports are due into the church office by no later than January 13th for inclusion in the 2019 Annual Re- port. Thank you for your timely submissions.] Christi will be compiling an New Office Hours updated 2020 Church Directo- th As I begin my 25 year of administrative support to ry. Please let her know if you the good folks of First Baptist Endicott, the Board have any changes to your in- of Ministries has approved my request to “semi- formation byJanuary 20th. retire” and reduce my office hours to 15/week. The church office will now be open Monday-Friday th Thank you! from 9:00—Noon beginning January 6 . Blessings, Christi Pastor Keith will be in the office on Thursdays. 2020 Proposed Budget Messages for him can be left with Christi or you Presentation can email him on the church pastor’s email ad- dress: [email protected] Thursday, January 16th Paid Caregiver Job Opportunity at 7:00PM First Baptist Church of Endicott Baraca Room We are searching for a caring dependable adult who has experience working with young children to A time for discussion, questions and answers. provide care, supervise, and teach for a total of 2 hours each Sunday morning. If you know of an indi- vidual who may have interest in applying for this position, please have them contact Linda O’Neill 2020 Proposed Budget Vote [607-759-2516—[email protected]]. Sunday, January 19th Following the worship service All church members are encouraged to vote. F O R Y O U R I N F O R M A T I O N . Board of Ministries Meeting Highlights December 17, 2020 Financial Team We are very happy that our year-to-date giving is at 106.77%. We have taken out a loan for the roof repair and are preparing to start a capital campaign to cover the cost of the roof. Worship Team Our services are going very well. We are looking forward to our Sunday 12/22 Children’s Christmas pageant and our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Boy Scout Sunday will be on February 9. Diaconate Team Memorial plaques have been made for Carole Shrewsbury and Elizabeth Damron. A new communion set and new candles for the altar will be purchased from the Memorial Fund. Discipleship Team The ABW Christmas Brunch was wonderful with great food, good devotionals and a fun gift exchange. Sunday school classes and bible studies are going well. Fellowship Team Preparations are being made for the Vision Banquet which will take place on Sunday January 26th. The ABCNYS Shrove Pancake Supper will be in Fellowship Hall on Tuesday February 25. Outreach Team Our activities at the parade on the avenue had good support and turnout from our FBC volunteers. It was a very cold day and our hot cocoa and cookies were very welcome. It was mentioned that our nativity float showed the true meaning of Christmas. Resource Team Our new furnace is working very well and keeping our church warm during the recent cold weather. Pastor’s Report Pastor Keith has been updating our website. He also has several fresh ideas and suggestions for ways to grow our church in the future. Linda O’Neill, for the Board of Ministries: Jared O’Neill, Moderator; Linda O’Neill, Church Clerk; Kay Hollister, Financial Team Leader; Gary Hollister, Re- source Team Leader; Debby Green, Worship Team Leader; Cindy Starring, W O M E N O F F I R S T B A P T I S T BIBLE STUDY Broome-Tioga Women’s Monthly Women’s Bible Study Prayer Meeting Wednesday, January 15th Tuesday, January 7th 10:00AM 2:00PM—Emerson House Church Lounge Ladies Christmas Brunch Thank you to all who donat- ed to our Angel Tree this year! We were blessed to help 4 families (10 children) have a brighter Christmas! Your continued generosity is much appreciated. Thank you to all who gave all Mug ‘n Muffin Gathering the generous donations to the UE High School Tiger’s Saturday, January 18th Closet for our students. They are greatly appreciated by all. Baraca Room Thanks so much! A “baby shower” to benefit Life Choices Cen- ter. They are in need of diapers, especially Nurses: Melissa, Michelle, Sara sizes 5,6, and 7. Clerks: Karen, Melita See Amanda Rice for more details. www.abwm- ABW Futures✝ nys.org I N L O V I N G M E M O R Y Sharon L. Ayres, born on Oc- tober 13, 1942, and went to be with the Lord on November 27, 2019. She was 77 years old.
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