STAATSKOERANT, 17 DESEMBER 2008 NO.31704 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT DEPARTEMENT VAN VERVOER No. 1355 17 December 2008 THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LIMITED Registration No: 98/09584/06 DECLARATION AMENDMENT OF NATIONAL ROAD N9 SECTION 7 AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION No. 2136 OF 1992 By virtue of section 40 (1)(b) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and the National Roads Act, 1998 (Act NO.7 of 1998), I hereby amend declaration No. 2136 of 1992, Schedule A paragraph (5), by substituting the descriptive wording from "at the Middelburg South Interchange" up to "near the town of Colesberg", with the subjoined sheets 1 to 29 of Plan No. P651/08. (National Road N9 Section 7: Middelburg - Colesberg) MINISTER OF TRANSPORT ,t. t. ... KWANONZAME ~ REM 984 oJ' MIDDELBURG 'b MIDDELBURG TOWNSHIP INTERCHANGE REM 984 3992 AL 1 AL2 ~'7'.~ AL4 AL5 AL6 AU N9/6 DECLARATION PLAN No. P672/08 i:!!::,iI;DrO~SI.iEzg~8:2"'~F2 .. (J) (:;fR2 '. REM 984 MIDDELBURG ,t. (!).. ARl l;/ ...... ",,;P:; ~ 'i _\ <,)00 t. TOWNSHIP N10/4 . ". ~ <J' ~ J> (J) ~ DECLARATION ". REM 984 _2,000 PLAN No. P607/06 o ~ ~ "m JJ o )- § '" if? /5 Z . " "­ -~ :;.:: ::-. '> "' AU ". '" .. '" ...J. ~ REM 984 '>'~-::~." ~ REM 984 ARB "., ........, B ~ '"o "";' ..... AL '" m MIDDELBURG '" (J) <:.: ?!l,. " m A R~:.:::- ..., ..... ...... ", ..... TOWNSHIP s: AL9 OJ ':"::;,::=-:, •.••. .. ':'Q.. m JJ REM 984 «:.;:. ... >... ... -!- I\:) AR10..,.;····.? ..A l l 0 .::; :;: y ~, 500 o •• ~ ... -,<, g GROOTFONTEIN No. 81 ~ ~ REMAINDER ... Y -;,> 0 MIDROS 50 REM 984 ~ Y -;,> 00 ()) 0 .... slel die podreserwe voor van 'n gedeelte Vel von z Suid- Afrikoonse Podogentskop Bpk. Die figuur ge toon represents the rood reserve of a portion Sheet of 29 9 Seksie c.> von Nosionole Roete ...J. South Africon Notionol Roods Agency Ltd. The figure shown p 01 Notional Route N9 Section 7 P651/08 ~ U'I CI'I o y -] o o 0, 8 GROOTFONTEIN ~I :g ... ,.., 81 'II"'" 'II"'" 0! I~ Ii'I MIDDELBURG LG REMAINDER C5 'II" • ./:>. '" -iJ L4 L5 ~ EXT.8 PTN.14 ""/ "" R9 Q- tf'Q; REMAINDER G) y -] 000 ~ REMAINDER m § 8 II '" Z ... ". s: GROOTFONTEIN ... ... GROOTFONTEIN m '" ..,'" ~ 81 Y -I Sao 81 ~ :/ G) "" '" '" .,. \>< 0> ~ 0> ~ J> ~ o : J> '" REMAINDER ""'"... 9 '" '"... 0 'b 0 rn o GROOTFONTEIN 0 0 -1f '"0 81 "o l25 m REMAINDER () m --\- s: mOJ II ,"- I\) 'l -\ 0;00 o o .~:-UB 119 ()) REMAINDER ..... >< R27 R28 R29 .,. -t GROOTFONTEIN ~ REMA INDER GROOTFONTE I N PTN.15 ~; 81 u' ""'"... ~ REMAINDER 81 'f -2 000 ~ ~ Vel von stel die podreser .... e voor von 'n gedeelte Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionole Podogentskop 8eperk Die figuur getoon ."........... ......... Sheet 2 of 29 ...........««.:<-:.>:-:-: represents the rood reserve of 0 portion The South Africon Notionol Roods Agency Limited The figure shown ............................................. von Nosionole Roete N9 Seksie 7 Pion - of Notionol Route Section P651108 '" '" I ... \: \: + GROOTFONTEIN .... ® ... '"II> '"... '"J> \0 .... .... 81 '"0 '"0 0 '" "'0 GROOTFONTEIN REMAINDER 0 0 0 0 '" REMAINDER '"0 0 0 0 81 REMAINDER Y -2 000 PTN.15 PTN.15 j PTN.15 ,J., L27 L28 L29 + L30 L25 L26 L30A R33 ;;40 R41 R32A t<." R3S - R42 (J) '" >< '" '".. GROOTFONTEIN ;;. PTN.15 + GROOTFONTEIN ;;. '" '"J> II> II> ~ .... '-I 81 81 (J) ~ :g REMA I NDER '" 0 REMAINDER REMAINDER 0 0 0 "m >< '" lJ + .. » Z GROOTFONTE IN GROOTF ONTE IN': J> CD J> .... 10 .... .-1 -t (To .... .... ...... 81 0 .... o WOLVE KOP 81 o 0 '"0 000 0 '"g o 0" '/ ~-2 REMA i NDER 0 12 m REMAINDER REM, (J) PTN.2 m s:: III L30A L31 U8 L38AI I~ I\) '" ,,:, " ::.: )¥.:.' .,', :;t::':-:':-:',.,,'.,:- L, .:': -:":-:-: -:-: -:-: -:.: ~ ~; ~~: ~r-:,'"" ,~,l;. R47 R47A I~ "I REM. '" PTN.2 "~,,,,,' ~ d ,0<> -r~ -t GROO -+.-. ,,,:,, .; TFONTEI t +II> ... N. " .. ,"" • \0 81 .... .... g " 0.... <1' \0 0 \8 g '"0 stel die podreserwe voor von 'n gedeelte Vel von Die Suid Afrikoonse Nosionoie Podogentskop Beperk Die figuur getoon Sheet 3 of 29 z represents the rood reserve of a portion 9 The figure shawn von Nosionale Roete Seksie Pion c..:> The South African Notional Roads Agency Limited [£I] N9 7 ...... 1n)U/1~< of Notionol Route Section P651108 --~ -~ ........ ~ .... CD ,>< >< ~ -2 !!lOO >< Z + .. VI t;. (7) 9 '"J> WOLVE KOP J> w .... .... J> ...... O--W:- WOLVE KOP .... '"0 12 '" REM. 0 '"0 ~ REM. 0 PTN.2 0 0 ~ '"0 12 0 PTN.2 REM PTN.20 PTN.l1 PTN.22 REM ... ... PTN.l1 ..,~ (,;.r,~ ~'1. JJ .a..,- L43 +L44 L48 " L49 R50 L50A O-J R58 (j) PTN.20 REM. PTN.21 REM. PTN.2 0 PTN.2 >< REM. < >< '" PTN.12 REM m .. ~ PTN.l1 ::0 ~ .. Z '" J> '" WOLVE KOP .... .. s: .." --:; J m 12 .." o Z ~0 't -3 000 g -l (j» ,.. o t. t. I~ J> WOLVE KOP ®I -' ~ ..,. REM ...., REM o ..,. 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",,> i-/ ~o stel die podreser",e voor von 'n gedeel!e Vel von z Die Suid Afrikoanse Nosionole Podogentskop Beperk Die figuur getoon Sheet 5 of 29 represents the rood reserve of 0 portion 9 (,V The South Africon Notionol Roods Agency Limited The figure shown von Nosionale Roete N9 Seksie 7 Pion .... of Notional Route Section "-J LaH>U<~!U P651/08 o .... _. ... ...... ........ -~ -- ... L---- -- --_ __ _._- _- --- --- _---- ./>. !O ... 0 cO ~ Y cco/' ~:P WOLVE ", <, OJ ? I:l Z <00, <o'b 0 ~ 00 I' $00 01 00 ",<o'b ® KOP 12 0 <J:) x"> :> '" x"> ..... REM TWEE REMAINDER "'I- REMAINDER "'I- "'I- PTN.) 0 FONTEIN 1 1 PTN.9 A" PTN.26 j PTN.II / SS L99A 1100 110, 1102i l10) rl, L104 s.~ LI07 '" RI20A RIllA RI12 R113 RI16 ....'" ---0-- ."; RI20 ~~ ~ .;; -'" PTN.ll (j) -- -- ~"!v. REMAINDER REt.4 TWEE o -(:F'C PTN.) C REMAINDER < I:lI:l m /00, II I' FONTEIN 11 <o'b ."> WOLVE ~ Z ."> '" s:: ~+ KOP 12 ~ ",/+. zm $0 -I 0 (j) ~ !- !- Xj coey ~ Xj ..,tS7 » <." 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Die figuur geloon Sheet 6 of 29 l :-:.:.>:-:-:.:-:-:-:-........... represents the rood reserve of a portion The figur e shown von Nosionole Roete Seksie The South African Nationol Roods Agency Limited ::::=:::::;:;::::::::: N9 7 Plan - of Notionol Route Section P651/08 g :5 REM PTN.S V) 0, @ 0> ... ... ... L!2! L!22 '" REM PTN. a ...'" ';' ';' PTN.12 R131 R13a '" '" REM. PTN.S REM PTN.4 REM PTN.S U> 0 0 0 0 0 0 V) / 8 ~ ... TWEE ... REM. ~ '" U> ," "'" PTN.S A FONTEIN 1 1 o m r r .JJ "$ NAAUW "6 » ,# 000 Z 000 01 .-1 POORT 1 ~., ~ REM PTN.! ::> ;> REM PTN. I "'-l PTN.! 0\- 0\- @ o REM PTN.l m U>m X ---- - --11~:;-9"[150 1151 LISr -------. ll53__ J;,P.l_____ SEFlv :.. s: L1 48~ ~•....••. ,~.,.,.,.,.,~ _ \.~AO _____ .JJ'.:..L_SJ;I!Y!.. --- -' ... o:J m - <D'" ".... .JJ REM. Q: 0 II) PTN.S o o 0° (Xl ""i ;> '>' NAAUW ::> CO ;- OJo~ (;j ",n" ~ POORT 1 TWEE 'I' 'I' REM PTN.I FONTEIN ::> ::> REM PTN.! .... .... z stel die padreserwe voor von 'n qedeelte Vel von p Die Suid Afrikoonse Nasianale Podogentskop Beperk Die riguur getoon ........... 29 ~ 7 .......... reserve of a portion Sheet of t.) .:-:-:.:.:-:-:-:.;-:< represents the rood The liqure shown ..... ~ . ~ ... von Nosionole Roete Seksie The South Alrican Notional Roods Aqency Limited :::=::::::::::;::::::: N9 7 Plan "'-l 01 Notional Roule Section P651108 ~ ... - ... ... I\,) x >< >< ~& 000 .
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