MIA Totals: WWI 3,344 - WWII 78,537 - Korea 8,104 -Vietnam 1,706 - Persian Gulf 40 - Somalia 8 I N C O M I N G ! The Monthly Newsletter of ROLLING THUNDER, INC . Indiana Chapter #1 “POW-MIA – You are not Forgotten” http://indianarollingthunder.com Chapter Officers Eddie “Scooby” Rutledge President Judy “Scooter” Brinkley Vice-President Crystal “Baby Girl” Smith Secretary Terry “Flash” Sanderson Treasurer “ We ride for our Brothers that can’t – Educating the Public, Keeping Faith with those who still serve “ “Americas’ POW/MIA truly die, only when they are forgotten.” Scooby’s Scoop December 2011 I hope all had a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving and start of the holiday season!! As we prepare to enter 2012, I hope that we all will continue to dedicate ourselves not only to our issues, mission, and our POW/MIA's, but to our chapter!! 2011 was a very good year and prosperous for Rolling Thunder® Indiana Chapter 1 and now we are beginning our plans for 2012. With that being said, 2012 renewals are being prepared to be sent out. As you receive your renewal, please keep in mind that renewals MUST to be returned by February 28 th , 2012 . Please be sure that your 2011 and ANY past dues are up to date. Renewals will be available at upcoming meetings beginning in December. We want all of our members to remain in good-standing and in compliance with the Rolling Thunder National Constitution. We must continue to educate the public, participate in meetings, events and other functions throughout the year, but mostly continue to be the eyes, ears and voice of our missing and keep the light of hope burning bright to one day light a path for their safe return home!! I personally believe that 2012 will be another great year for our chapter as we press forward with our mission and hopefully bring ALL of our American POW/MIA's as well as our live POW/MIA's home!! Again, I would like to personally thank each and every member of our chapter, especially our Officers and Board members for all of their hard work and efforts set forth not only in 2011, but also in years past!! Please keep all of our POW/MIA's, military personnel past, present and future and members of our Rolling Thunder family who are going through tough times in your warmest thoughts and prayers. Keep up the GREAT work and Thank you!! CHAPTER MEETING Our next chapter meeting will be DECEMBER 18, 2011 AT 1230 HOURS AT THE HVAF!!! Immediately following the meeting, we will break bread with our homeless Vets and maybe “kick out” a few Christmas carols!! As previously discussed at the November chapter meeting. It IS NOT necessary to bring desserts to the December meeting at the HVAF!! Larry Paynter is taking care of that for the chapter!! Thanks Larry!! This is a very special time for our chapter as well as a way to share some tidings of good cheer with those who have given so much!! HVAF is located at 964 North Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. The phone number is 317-951-0688. 2011 ROLLING THUNDER INDIANA CHAPTER 1 MEMBER OF THE YEAR Ron “Zeke” Jolly was awarded Rolling Thunder Indiana Chapter 1 Member of the Year for 2011 during his B-Day Party on December 4 th , 2011. CONGRATULATIONS BROTHER!! (Please view more pics from “Zeke's party in our chapter website photo gallery) . B-Day pics courtesy of Ms. Cindy Grubb. Thank You!! Ron hanging with the gang!! Blow Ron Blow!!! CONGRATS ZEKE!!! Ron receiving the 2011 RTI Indiana Chapter 1 Member of the Year Award!! Yummy, Yummy, Yummy!!! INDIANA CONGRESSMAN TODD YOUNG In last month's newsletter, I mentioned that members of our chapter visited Congressman Todd Young on Capitol Hill last month at the National Conference. Congressman Young graciously agreed to cosponsor H. Res. 111. Congressman Young went above and beyond!! Congressman Young prepared a letter requesting that the POW/MIA flag be flown at Lucas Oil Stadium during the 2012 Super Bowl!! WOW!! Thanks Congressman Young!! POW/MIA LICENSE PLATE Keep up the GREAT work promoting our plate and Thank you!!! If you need POW plate brochures for distribution or information, please contact any one of your chapter Officers or Board members!! To check out the Indiana POW Plate video, please visit the following link: http://box.net/shared/bocaia923d . Again, a special Thanks needs to go to Jeff McShay and everyone who assisted with this project!!! The Indiana POW/MIA Plate Today • The total plate sales in 2011 from January through November were 1,954 more than doubling plate sales in 2010 (942), during the same time. • At the current rate of sales, we estimate sales to reach or exceed 2,200 for the year. • This year, we have deposited $48,850 into the Veterans Affairs Trust Fund. ANNUAL STATE OF THE CHAPTER MEETING On January 15 th , 2012, at 1230 hours, we will be having our ANNUAL STATE OF THE CHAPTER MEETING!! This is our first chapter meeting of the New Year; therefore, it is pertinent that ALL chapter members be present as we really “kick off” the New Year and get our game plan up and running for 2012!! We will be discussing such topics as our financial position, past, present and future, renewing memberships and sharing valuable information with the entire chapter!! PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS ACCORDINGLY!! ANNUAL TRIP TO WASHINGTON, DC (MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND) ROLLING THUNDER XXV, ROLLING THUNDER XXV!! What more really needs to be said!!! This year marks the 25 th Anniversary of Rolling Thunders demonstration in Washington, DC!! This years demonstration and protest ride promises to be the mother load of mother loads!! We will be commencing with our preparations for this years “Ride to the Wall” prior to the January 15 th , 2012 chapter meeting!! We will meet at 1100 hours and begin the brainstorming process of what went well last year as well as things that we can improve on!! I encourage EVERYONE to join this committee!! This is a fun and rewarding committee due to all of the pieces that need to be discussed, fine-tuned and implemented!! Also, this is an opportunity to be apart of something that is so very, very special!! AGAIN, EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO BE APART OF THIS COMMITTEE!! SEE YOU THERE!!! Further details will be forthcoming!! WREATH LAYING CEREMONY There will be a wreath laying ceremony held at the Indiana Veteran's Cemetery on December 10 th , 2011 at 1200 hours in Madison, Indiana. Anyone interested in attending and would like to carpool down to Madison should meet at the Vets Center at 0900 hours for a 0930 hours departure. If you have any questions contact Dick Harrington at 317-652-8251. The Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery is located at 1415 North Gate Road Madison, Indiana 47250.The phone number is 812-273-9221 Special thanks to Linda Harrington and Ruth Smith for knitting the scarves and everyone who supported their project by their generous donations as well as bringing items to put in the “goodie” bags!! We will be stuffing “goodie” bags on Friday, December 16 th , 2011 at 1900 hours at the Vets Center. The more “stuffers” we have the quicker we can get it done!! Rolling Thunder Indiana Chapter 1 member Michael Byrd was awarded his chapter “boot” patch at the November chapter meeting. CONGRATULATIONS MIKE!!! CHRISTMAS CAROLING AT THE RICHARD L. ROUDEBUSH VAMC On Saturday, December 17 th , 2011, we will be Christmas Caroling at the VA Hospital. The hospital is located at 1481 West 10 th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202. We will meet in the atrium of the VA Hospital at 1000 hours. After we go caroling at the VA Hospital, we will go to the VA Domiciliary and attempt to throw out a few more tunes. The VA Domiciliary is located at 725 North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. We will head on over to the Working Man's Friend located at 234 North Belmont for lunch!! This has always been a very special time not only for the chapter, but for our Vets!! SEE YOU THERE!!! Oh Yeah...now wouldn't be a bad time to start warming up those wonderful singing voices!! NEW YEAR'S DAY BRUNCH On January 1 st , 2012, we will be kicking off the new year by meeting for brunch at the MCL Cafeteria in Castleton @ 1100 hours. The MCL cafeteria is located at 5520 Castleton Corner Lane Indianapolis, Indiana 46250. SEE YOU THERE!!! MOTORCYCLE EXPO AND WORLD OF WHEELS Early next year we will be participating and having a booth at the Motorcycle Expo and World of Wheels which is held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Volunteers are needed to work both of these shows, i.e. selling “mini” bike raffle tickets as well as educating the public about the POW/MIA issue. If interested in volunteering for one or both of these shows contact either Terry “Flash” Sanderson at [email protected] . Or Paul “Shakes” Giambrone at [email protected] . Details will be forthcoming on both of these events!! CHAPTER HOLIDAY RAFFLE Raffle tickets are currently available for $10.00 per ticket. The prize is a $1,000.00 gift card. Just think of all the extra Christmas shopping that you can do!! So get your tickets A.S.A.P!!! See Brenda Stanley or Linda Cope for tickets and details. The drawing will be held December 18 th , at 1300 hours at the chapter meeting. NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN!! POW/MIA “VANITY” LICENSE PLATE POW/MIA “vanity” plates are available for $10.00 each.
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