JWST465-IND JWST465-Wang Printer: June 11, 2014 12:35 Trim: 244mm × 170mm Index abstract words, 327 Apel, K., 193 Batshaw, M. L., 170 academic language, 7–8, 11, apprenticeship, 200 Bauer, D. J., 45 see also academic language appropriate, 201 Bear,D.R.,204 register aptitude, 231–232 Beck, I. L., 204–207 academic language register, 201 Archibald, L. M. D., 127 Becker,J.A.,48 academic literacy, 7–8, 198–9, Ashmore, R. A., 196 behaviorist perspective/theory, 221, 303, 307, 333–4, 342, Aslin,R.N.,68 379–380 361 augmentative and alternative Benko, S. L., 312, 313, 353 accountable talk, 310 communication (AAC), Berk, L. E., 82, 293 acquisition/learning hypothesis, 169–170 Berko, J., 76 389 autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Berman,R.A.,189 Acredolo, L., 87, 139 2, 147, 152, 261 Bernardini, P., 387 Adams, M. J., 53 autobiographical memory, 265, Bertelson, P., 152, 261 adverbial conjuncts, 297–8 281 Bhatia, T. K., 115, 122, 142 adverbial disjuncts, 297 automaticity, 240 Bialystok, E., 51, 53, 54, 113, affective filter hypothesis, 390 avoidance strategy, 323 116, 126, 134, 238 affective filters, 233 Biancarosa, C., 313, 314 affricates/affricatives, 124 Baba, J., 330, 331, 353 Bickerton, D., 37, 39 African American English (AAE), babble, 70, 122 bidialect, 301–303, 316, 317 87, 199, 301 baby talk, see motherese bilingual first language acquisition agency, 383 Baker, C., 113, 120, 131, 388, (BFLA), 55, 114, 142 Aitchison, J., 75 389 Bishop, D. V. M., 29, 147, 154, Alfassi, M., 210 Baker, S. E., 55 155 Alfieri, L., 307 Ball, A. F., 302, 303 Bissex, G. L., 92, 110, 213 Altarriba, J., 327 COPYRIGHTEDBarnett, W. S., 235 MATERIALBittman, M., 94 Alvermann, D. E., 347 Barratt-Pugh, C., 99, 100, 107 Black,K.M.,44 ambiguity tolerance, 232 Barton, M. E., 48, 59 Blake, R., 301 American Speech-Language- Bartsch, K., 80, 81 Blanton, R. E., 45 Hearing Association, 145, basic interpersonal Bleses, D., 50 409 communicative skills (BICS), Bloom, L., 47, 383 angular gyrus, 41 388 Blum-Kulka, S., 82 antonyms, 204–205 Bates, E., 73, 235, 384 Bochner, J. H., 52 Understanding Language and Literacy Development: Diverse Learners in the Classroom, First Edition. Xiao-lei Wang. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Companion website: www.wiley.com/go/wang/langandlit 448 JWST465-IND JWST465-Wang Printer: June 11, 2014 12:35 Trim: 244mm × 170mm Index 449 bootstrapping, 67, 383–384, cerebrum, 39–40 cooing, 69–70 see also multilingual Chapman, R. S., 152 cooperative strategy, 237 bootstrapping hypothesis, Charity-Hudley, A. H., 319 Copley, J. V., 66 syntactic bootstrapping Charniak, E., 265 corpus callosum, 39 Borkowski, J. G., 397 Cheng, C., 75, 126 Cossu, G., 261 Bornstein, M. H., 44 child-raising strategy, 46 Costa, A., 7 Bos, C., 18 Chomsky, N., 37, 56, 380, 404 Cote,L.R.,97 Bosch, L., 122 Christophe, A., 67, 72 count nouns, 189–90 Bosman, J., 25 chronological age, 6, 110 Craig, H. K., 94 bottom-up reading process, 394, Cicirelli, V. G., 48, 59 Crais, E., 50, 87 402 Clancy, P., 50 Creese, A., 337 Bouchard, C., 45 Clark, E. V., 73, 74 creole, 38–9 bound morpheme, 131, 142 classifiers, 50 critical discourse analysis (CDA), Bradley, R., 116 clause density, 356, 366 19, 30 brain lateralization, 40, 115 Coates, J., 45 critical framing, 22–3, 347 brain plasticity, 41 code-switching, 118, 141, 316, critical literacy, 25–6, 31, 106, Braxton, B., 101 319, see also translanguage 198, 219–20, 254, 306, 347–8, Brice, A. E., 41, 186, 204, 342, cognates, 129 see also emergent literacy 343 cognitive academic language critical mass, 115, 140, 386 Broca’s area, 40,41 proficiency (CALP), 388, 401 critical period of language Brown, A. L., 210 cognitive flexibility, 113, 140 acquisition, 41 Brown, D. W., 303, 319 cognitive theory of language cross-linguistic interaction, Brown, H., 217, 218 acquisition, 383 118–19, 136, 230, 234 Brown, H. D., 115, 117, 227, Cohen, A. D., 97, 239, 241, 248, cross-linguistic phonological 229, 231, 237, 301, 323, 330, 249, 324, 333 interaction, 125–6 332, 387 Coiro, A. D., 53, 54 cross-linguistic synonyms, 128 Brown, J. R., 48, 59 Coll, C. C., 186 Crosser, S., 102 Brown, S., 117, 230, 231, 232, Collier, V. P., 322 Cruz-Ferreira, M., 122, 123, 233, 236, 257, 379, 380 common underlying proficiency 124, 128, 129, 130 Brozo, W. G., 307 model (CUP), 387 cultural schemata, 334 Bruck, M., 134 communication-language cultural template, 46 Burman, D., 44, 45 approach, 392, 402 culture modeling, 310 Burns, T. C., 122 competence, 117, 229–230, 388, Cummins, J., 240, 387, 388 Byrne, B., 152, 261 390, see also developmental Cunningham-Andersson, U., 134 interdependence hypothesis, Cunningham, P. M., 53 C-unit, 190 input hypothesis, pragmatic Curdt-Christiansen, X. L., 240 Cain, K., 153, 265 competence Curenton, S. M., 265 Calkins, L. M., 215, 223 competition model of language Curtis, S., 43, 59 Campbell, B. C., 185 acquisition, 384 Curwood, J. S., 319 canonical babbling, 70, 123, 151, comprehension monitoring, 192, Cusworth, R., 95 173, 174 308 capacity theory of writing, 396–7, Conboy, B. T., 131 Dale, P., 44 402 conceptual framework, 19, 378 Damianova, M. K., 86 Caravolas, M., 52 concrete words, 327 Davidson, C., 93 Carhill, A., 337 Connelly, V., 211, 212 de Boysson-Bardies, B., 69, 70 Carle, E., 101, 102 Connor, C. M., 89, 94 De Houwer, 70, 72, 73, 77, 114, Carreker, S. H., 18 content language, 7 116, 118, 122, 123, 124, 126, Carroll, J. B., 232 content schemata, 334 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, Casanave, C. P., 334 contextual abstraction, 294–5 137, 141, 142, 187, 235, 385, Caspi, J., 48 contextualized language, 80, 81 386 categorical model, 391, 402 conventional print, 53 De Vries Guth, N., 335 Cecil, N. L., 94 conversational schema, 82 decentration, 185 JWST465-IND JWST465-Wang Printer: June 11, 2014 12:35 Trim: 244mm × 170mm 450 Index decibel (dB), 157 ecology, 46 frontal lobe, 40 decoding, 201 Edwards, J., 20, 30, 31 funds of knowledge, 19–24, 31, decontextualized language, 80–1 egocentric, 67, see also egocentric 241–2 decontextualized talk, 97 speech, inner speech deductive language learning, 231 egocentric speech, 86, see also Gadamer, H.-G., 26–7 deep orthography, 234 private speech Gambrell, L. B., 211 Dehart, G. B., 185 Ehren, B. J., 348 Ganger, J., 72 deictic gestures, 87 Ellis, N. C., 228 Garc´ıa-Perez,´ R. M., 154 deixis, 158 emblems, 139 Gardner-Neblett, N., 89 derivational prefix, 189 emergent literacies, 63 Gardner, R. C., 54, 55 derivational suffix, 189 emergent literacy, 90–108, Garton, A., 92 descriptive-developmental model, 161–162 Gass, M., 228, 251, 322, 326, 392, 402 emotion words, 327–9 342 descriptive grammar, 342 emotion-laden words, 327–8 Gathercole,V.C.M.,85 DeTemple, J. M., 81 EmPOWER, 361–2 Gawlitzek-Maiwald, I. DeThorne, L. S., 44 Enguidanos, T., 248 Gazzaniga, M., 41 developmental age, 6 environmental print, 99 Gee, J. P., 19, 397–8, 403, 404, developmental interdependence episodic memory, 327 407 hypothesis, 388, 401 Erbaugh, M. S., 234 Geist, K., 169 Dewaele, J.-M., 55, 114, 353 ethnotheories, 381 Gelman,S.A.,133 Diaz,C.J.,24 event schema, 266 genderlect, 300, 319 Dickar, M., 302 event-related potential (ERP), 42 general academic language, 7, Dickinson, D., 110, 133 Everett, D. L, 37, 50, 59, 83 198 differentiation hypothesis, 141, explicit learning, 228 gerund, 189 see also separate development expository texts, 196, 277, 358–9 Giambo, D. A., 138 hypothesis extensive reading, 341 Gildersleeve-Neumann, C., 123 digital print, 53 extralinguistic cues, 83 Gillam, R. B., 6, 70, 146, 192, direct feedback, 253 194, 263, 356, 358, 359, 363, disciplinary content-based Fabiano-Smith, L., 126 368, 394 instruction (DCBI), 311 false friends, 230 Gillon, G., 270 discussion-based instruction fan fiction, 313 Gilman, P., 102 (DBI), 309 fast mapping, 72–3, 188 Girbau, D., 149, 155, 268 distributed characteristic of FastForWord program, 393 Gleason, J. B., 147, 155, 156, multilingual word learning, Feltmate, K., 151, 160 162, 171, 264 234–5 Fenson, L., 72 glides, 124 Dodd, B., 123, 124, 125, 257 Fernald, A., 48 Godley, A., 301, 303, 316 Donahue, M. L., 46 Ferris, D. R., 334, 353, 395, 399 Goldin-Meadow, S., 37, 38 Dopke,¨ S., 387 fictional narratives, 89, 110, 209 Goldman, S., 84, 265, 277, 304, Dornyei,¨ Z., 54 figurative language, 252–3, 308, 309, 311, 319 Down syndrome, 147, 151 299–300, 315, 331, 344–6, Goldstein, B., 70, 119, 123, 124, dual-system hypothesis, 118, 362 125 see also differentiation finite verb morphology, 156 Gollan, T. H., 116 hypothesis, separate flap, 123 Gombert, J. E., 193 development hypothesis Fletcher, P., 29, 147, 149 Gonzalez,´ N., 133 Dwyer, E. J., 353 fluency, 91, 105 Goodman, J. C., 48 dynamic systems view, 381 formal operational thought, 293 Goodwyn, S. W., 87 dyslexia, 154–5, 175 formal schemata, 334 Gorman, B. K., 90, 200 fossilization, 228 Graham, S., 211, 212 Eccles,J.S.,186 free morpheme, 131, see also Graves,M.F.,353 echo reading, 247 unbound morpheme Greenspan,S.I.,335 Eckman, F. R., 387 Freire, P., 25 Gregory, E., 27, 31, 46, 214, 240 eclectic approach, 398 fricatives, 124 Grice, P., 237 JWST465-IND JWST465-Wang Printer: June 11, 2014 12:35 Trim: 244mm × 170mm Index 451 Grimm, H., 29 Iluz-Cohen, P., 161 Kaplan, R. B., 334 Grosjean, F., 116, 119 implicature, 133 Kavale,K.A.,18 Gut, U., 119, 135 implicit learning, 228 Kay-Raining Bird, E., 132, 152, Gutierrez-Clellen,´ V.
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