Armory noon FOOT today VOL.? Certainly! VANCOUVER, B.C., OCTOBER 12, 1961. RARE, MAN. New winter arena ready next fall? UBC's new winter sports arena should be completed and ready for use by the fall of next year. Dean A. W. Canadian universities Matthews says. Dean Matthews, chairman of ihe student-faculty committee now linked in sports ww studying, plans for the By ROBERT F. OSBORNE arena, . sia y s-,a brief outlining Jft-esident, WCIAU \- \ j,;,- ./• ' minimujii specifications and con­ taining, :rough, a r c h i te ctural Canadian intercoJlegialeathleties came of age ^nJione 7 ttawipgs.wili be ready soon. This date witnessed the. ac­ Construction will begin soon ceptance of a provisional consti­ proper to point out that the es­ after the brief is Ok'd by stu­ tution for a national union by tablishment of the new union dent council and the board of representatives of the Ontario- resulted principally from the governors, he said. Quebec Athletic Association/the encouragement of the East-West Ottawa-St. Lawrence Intercol­ Sir Winston Churchill football RECREATION FIRST legiate Athletic Union. competition by UBC and the en- He said the prime objective Two of its most important pur­ dorsation and active promotion of his committee was to plan a poses are: of the principle by the WCIAU. recreational centre for the cam­ UBC students will be interest­ • To encourage and co-ordi­ pus, .paying particular consider­ ed to know that a key figure in nate inter-association and/or ation to future expansion. this movement was Dean A. W. national championships and Matthews, Dean of the Faculty Matthews said priority would to keep all records and make of Pharmacy and chairman of be given to students, then fac­ awards foir such scholarships. the Men's Athletic Committee, ulty, physical education pro­ . "• To reflect and interpret who acted as chairman of the gram, and then outside organi­ to the Canadian public the meeting in Montreal in June. zations. highest •. possible standard of The WCIAU will be affected amateurj sport and sportsman­ Minimum specifications in­ by the CIAU in at least two ship, r clude: ways. Membership in the new eight standard curling After much consideration, the Union will be restricted to asso­ sheets. meeting decided to call the new ciations having at least three organization by the time-honored member institutions, which have a 195' x 85' hockey rink. name of the Canadian Intercol­ Athletic Boards or equivalent a coffee shop with counter legiate Athletic Union. responsible to their University space to serve hockey It is not i m m o dest or im­ Administrations. spectators. a first aid room. WCIAU changes name a skate shop with rental facilities. Consequently, the WCIAU will University of Manitoba with re­ now have to change its name to lation to the WCIAU. At the • large dressing room facili­ an Association and ensure that annual meeting of the Union in ties. the athletic organizations of its Edmonton last springy Manitoba , The committee had also con­ members are essentially respon­ informed the meeting1 t hat it sidered a secondary building to sible to their Presidents. could not live up to the reg«-> house squash and handball courts lation adopted in 1960. V " It can be seen therefore that and an indoor swimming pool. individual university member­ The effect of -this deeisiop is PLAN SCRAPPED ship in the CIAU is not accept­ that Manitoba is ineligible t& This plan had to be scrapped able. Consequently, any univer­ participate in the men's pro-' at the moment because of in­ sity which desires to participate gram on an official basis and sufficient funds. in national competition, which so any competitions which they will without a doubt soon enter will be exhibition only. The University administration materialize, perhaps with tan­ is contributing $250,000; the gible financial aid from the re- It is important to note that at students $25Q,000. An additional cently approved govern ment the present time, the action of grant of $100,000 from "an as plan to assist amateur sport, will the University of Manitoba con­ cerning their men's program yet unnamed donor is a definite have to be a member in good has not had a detrimental effect possibility. standing of an accepted Associ­ on their Women's program. ation. The hockey rink will have In other words, the Union has GO, MAN, GO! 1,500 seats adjoining it, with This factor may have some not expelled the University of UBC THUNDERBIRD GUARD Bill Berardino (33) watches in­ provision for another 1,500 seats bearing upon the position of the Manitoba. in the future. The curling rink tently as University of AAanitoba forward fires jump shot. has provision for 200 spectators. Basketball 'Birds first practises of the year began this week Parking facilities will be pro­ Reluctant action taken vided behind Memorial Gym, in Memorial Gym. This action was taken with behind Brock, and on the newly ents at Canadian universities great reluctance but at the same acquired wireless station land. should be entitled to an athletic time with firmness in the belief i programme which provides Special consideration is being that a good, strong program opportunities and conditions given to lighting and press and is in the best interests of all equal to or comparable with PRO G R A M television space, said Dr. Math­ institutions. The Union is look­ those at institutions of equiv­ ews. There will be office and ing to the future and in order to alent academic status in the U.S. • 12:3(1—Armoury opens management space as well, he raise its standards to meet the All things being equal, sincere said. best in the East is anxious to and capable students should not • 12:40—WAD skit—"Belle-hop Bash" EfGHT DRESSING ROOMS expand and improve its pro­ feel it necessary to attend an gram. There will be two main team American university to obtain • 12:50—MAD skit—"Jockstrap Jamboree" dressing rooms with separate New developments are taking a more satisfying experience in lockers and shower facilities. place in higher education-in the athletics. Whether we like it or • 1:00—"Broads and Brawn Broomball Bash" Four more rooms with joint fac­ West and it is quite possible that not this is a matter which has ilities will be included for P.E. within the near future other some influence on public atti­ • 1:20—Fencing Exhibition and two smaller rooms for refer­ institutions will be seeking tudes and university morale. ees and faculty. membership in the WCIAU. The WCIAU and the CIAU • 1:35—Judo Exhibtion can and will provide improved Dr. Mathews said the arena The University of Alberta at and attractive program if will be located north of the Calgary is a good example and • 1:45—Gymnastics Exhibtion the various student bodies Empire pool and east of the stad­ has therefore been included in demonstrate an enlightened in­ ium. It will consume almost one certain of our schedules on an • 2:00—Weightlifting Exhibition terest and an appropriate pride of the present gym playing exhibition basis. in university athletics in fields. It is my contention that stud­ Canada. Page, 2 THE ATHLETES FOOT Thursday, October 12, 196L THE ATHEETFS F0PT MAA President says Published only once in the calendar year (thank God) by the Men's Athletic Association and the Women's Athletic Association. New system to add strength Editor: Keith Tolman Staff' R. Legree, Mike Hunter, Denis Stanley, Pat By GEORGE TURPIN Athletic Association but will Nichols. Barb. Whidden, Ann Pickard, and all the President, be the administrative body con­ nice managers who "turned in their reports. Men's Athletic Association trolling MAA. Some of the This is a year of re-organi­ duties of the athletic director zation and progress for Men's (Mr. R. J. Phillips), such as Athletic Association. The aim appointment of managers and Body and soul . of this re-organization is to handling of eligibility will be provide a stronger and more ". it appears that physical training, no less than educa­ unified e x e c u tive body to done through this new body. tion in literature and the arts really has to do with the handle administration affairs. A careful observer will soul. The two together should produce a harmonious de­ In the past, the voice of notice that the new form of velopment of the spirit and the philosophic elements in Men's Athletics Association the Men's Athletic Association human character." —The Republic of Plato. has often seemed too small for is somewhat similar to the The opportunity for physical development offered by a body of its size. This has not Women's Athletic Association athletic competition is obvious. But athletics offer much been because of a lack of en­ plan. Keith Tolman, our execu­ more than the development of the physical self. thusiasm on the part of MAA, tive member, initiated this re­ Fair play, courage, and sportsmanship are all learned rather it has been because of organization. The new con­ On the playing field. There one learns to give his best, and the difficulty of unifying the stitution will be presented to £ven a little bit more, not for his own advantage, but because voices of the 27 different the Men's Athletic Directorate sports in men's athletics. - of his responsiiblity to the team. There one can relieve the in two months for approval tensions of a frustrating day or enjoy the companionship of This stronger executive will MAA has previously suffer­ teammates. be the glue that binds the ed from a dicordant and vary­ To those who have never played any sport, we say: potentially-powerful body of TURP1N You should experience the joy of serving a tennis "ace"; the Men's Athletic Association.
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