biteii -•• I':. i. F%l u it'•; • j ' •' ,< ."; :'H| '.- H)' V >!'.•'':•!••.>;.-J ?. 'H ••'•iy, M W v;-> r^k-xr-i.t>X^: ';Vu^ .vf;'^-.'^; ^ "• ^V4-'' - ^-.i ,T-', "' -•••' .^JjiiliiJJJ.-.; i 'jiXa^^lLU^ '•" mi Hrui—ill imlil in mini 1 rr" ^.m , aH«fk •A: • . -wJ?"- v Jiy rs V"* A. 3*: fe»$ • ^ r vrtK^>M^r> , }¥s^ ^ "\„ , 'i" ' PS* ^ 5^ 4 4 T 1 X » ^ ^ \ ' ' ». '•» **<* S»i *-\ n _W», " W' '*V* *V )? « f *»1 «• PAGE EIQHT. THE G&ANP FORKS DAILY HERALD, ^FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 30, 1916. ii $$$ u.'»,. k-wmm * <Z I NATIONAL LEAGUE fr > — -• • TRAP SHOOIBtS GRAFTON HERE Vmps 0"Day In Bad. VM 1 Boston, June 30—Smith held the TWENTY-ONE TEAMS REGISTERED Boston • Nationals to four hits yester­ TOM f* day and Brooklyn won 2 to 1. The • •f-.l-i GATHERED HERE visitors' first run was scored on a , 3, AND 4; MOORE poor throw to the plate by Evers. Neff forced in the other tally when he CIGAR passed Cutshaw with the bases full. Ofavana fOltd.) Weather Yesterday Prevent­ Boston's run was the result of a pass, a steal and Magee's double. D0U6LEHEADER TEN CENTS Much fault was found w'ith Umpire ed any Extra Good Scores O'Day's judgment on balls and strikes. W : to Manager Stallings and President : —World's Best Shot In. Haughton of the local club conferred Game Sunday at 3 P. M.; to on the field and then the latter took a' seat directly behind the plate, 38. where he, sat for several innings. The Monday at 6:30; Morning With some of the best professional sqore;. and amateur shooters in the country K. H. E. S present, the 21st annual tournament Boston 1 4 2 Game and 3 P. M. on 4th cannot play with another. This of of the Grand Forks Gun club opened Brooklyn ................ 2 9;. 0 course is to prevent loading up as the at the fair grounds yesterday. -The Nell, Hughes and Tragesser; Smith beaten teams are put out of the run­ tournament is on today. and Myers., ning. In the professional class, Geo. Trent GARDNER, CARLISLE PROMWtNI MEN Bie Purses. CHICK EVANS JR. of Brainerd, Minns .finished first with The purses are well worth coming Twenty-Seven Men Face Rixey. FLINGER, MAY HURL 143, while H. C. Rinkle of Minneapo­ New York, June 30.—The Philadel­ after. The winner gets $500, second lis was second with 140. place draws' $300; third $200; the phia champions checked their slump re next four teams get $100 each and O. N. Ford of San Jose, Cal., hold­ yesterday when after suffering five [» ON COMMITTEES all of the remainder of the clubs re­ IS A COMEBACK er of the world's record in the ama­ straight defeats, they won both sec­ Famous Indian Player Here teur class with a straight run of 343, I*3 ceive $50 each. Every club entered tions of a double header from New t*i is assured of $50 at least. The pro­ was first in the amateur event, his York, 4 to 0 and 5 to 2. In the first definite score being 136. Frank Holland of game Rixey pitched remarkably, as f* moters take all gate receipts and ap­ Yesterday; Has 52 Strike­ Commercial Club and Mer­ ply it on the purses and the defioit, The Former National Golf Devils lake, familiarly known as only 27 Giants faced him. New York "Holland's Oldest Son," and A. R. madp four hits off him, but three Havana if any, will be raised in Grand Forks. Chezik of Portal, N. D., were tied at outs in Five Games. fe Advertising matter is being pre­ Champ Breaks Course Rec­ were followed by double plays. In chants Association Com­ pared and will be sent to the various 132 for second. the second game the veteran, Chief cities and towns to let the people In yesterday's events, George Trent Bender, hero of five world's series vic­ fragrance- bine to Boost Event. know about the mamm.oth tourney. ord at Minneapolis. of Brainerd made the high run of tories over the Giants, showed a flash the day, his count being 67 straight. of his oldtlme form' and held the William Gardner, one of the best INKSTER TOURNAMENT POST­ Harry Stair of Crookston ' had 63 Giants to seven scattered hits. Ban­ all around athletes ever turned out of even in 1 PONED. straight. croft virtually won the game for the the Carlisle Indian school, may hurl 4 Minneapolis, June 30. — Charles Mr. Ford's work is attracting un­ league champions in the second in­ one of the games for Grand Forks on $2,600,00 IN GOLD (Chick) Evans, Jr., the amateur of usual attention. He evidently had an July 4, when the Grafton team Is here their Sc * I>uc to the weather tho inkster * ning when he hit a home run with for a double header. The famous * bascbal tournament lias . again * Edgewater club of Chicago, who two off day yesterday, and with a high two on bases. Luderus made seven GOES TO WINNERS North Dakota wind to contend with redskin spent Wednesday and Thurs­ * been postponed, this time until * years ago lost the national open golf hits in seven official times at bat in day here and consulted with local cigars * Friday. July 7th. Fnrdvillc, Ink- * championship by one stroke, bids fair could not get started. this series before he flied out to Burns to win that honor this year, in the Following are the scores made yes­ in the third inning of the second manager, W. E. Quigley, about com­ * stcr and Larlmore are in the * terday: ing down. At present he is with the 4,V- *v * tournament. Bigger arrange- * opinion of close followers of the game. game. The scores: Fordville club, and may throw for Strongest Aggregation of * montg are now being made for * He gained a three-stroke lead yester­ Professionals. R. H. E. •iS them today at Inkster, if the weather * the now date. Besides die base- * day in the annual tournament at the Geo. Trent, Brainerd 143 New York 0 4 2 permits playing the tournament games 7 -ains Ever Seen in * ball games there wil be a merry- * Minikahda club links here, and leads H. C. Rinkle, Minneapolis...... 140 Philadelphia 4 8 0 there. * go-round, shows ithri a big dance. * the field with a total of 139 for the R. R. Barber, Minneapolis ...... 134 Anderson and Raridan; Rixey and Gardner had clippings showing that Northwest. * Everybody is welcome to one of • first 36 holes. R. E. Simmons, Minneapolis.... 131 Killefer. he pitched five games this spring at * cleanest Uttlc cities In the state * Evans made. 70 in the morning J. H. Stair, Crookston 131 Second game. R. H. E. Cincinnati, and struck out 52 men in * on July 7th. • round and broke the course record in Amateurs. New York 2 7 2 the five contests, a record which needs *»••««*••*•***#••**•* the afternoon when he turned in a O. N. Ford, San Jose, Cal 136 Philadelphia 5 11 1 no explanation. • Gardner has been A joint meeting of the directors of card of 69. Wilfrid Reid, Wilming­ Frank Holland, Devils Lake 132 Perritt, Schauer, Schupp and Rari- doing professional coaching in foot­ the Commercial club and the Mer­ Harry Sallee, $10,000 Man, ton, DeL, professional, was second in A. R. Chezik, Portal, N. D 132 dan; Bender and Killefer. ball, baseball and basketball for the chants' association directors was held today's play, with 142. Reid made E. J. Lempe, Grand Forks 131 past seven years and has a country­ yesterday afternoon and the work of Quits Baseball; Tired of 70 in the morning and was 33 strokes Zeider Steals Home. wide reputation as an athletic teacher. promoting the great baseball tour­ for the first nine holes in the after- St. Louis, June 30.—The St. Louis He is perhaps better known as a nament to be held here July 10 to 16 Game, Jumps St. Louis non. Then he started putting badly I AMERICAN ASS'N. I Cardinals returned here yesterday football player than a pitcher, having * was threshed out in detail. and took 39 for the second nine. • — • after a long road trip and were de­ played on four of Glenn Warner's J. R. Carlcy. cashier of the First St. Louis, Mo., June 30.—Harry James Barnes of Whltemarsh club, feated by Joe Tinker's Cubs 3 to 2. famous teams, two years at fullback National bank, was selected as chair­ Sallee, pitcher for the St. Louis na­ Philadelphia, and Bob Peebles of Minneapolis Loses Again. Zeider's steal home was the feature of and two years at end. In the last game man of the committee on finance. He tionals has retired from the game,' Kansas City were tied with 145. Minneapolis, June 30.—Hits were the game. The score: he played against Minnesota in 1907 •will choose the remainder of his dele­ according to a statement issued by Barnes was 71 in the morning and 74 not forthcoming in the pinches and R. H. E, he scored the two touchdowns and gation. Clarence Sheppard is chair­ Schuyler Britten, president of the in the afternoon, while Peebles was Minneapolis lost ite second chance In St. Louis 2 9 0 Carlisle won 12-10. Capron made one club yesterday. The statement of three days , to take, .first place from Chicago 8 6 2 man' of the committee on rules and 73 and 72. of his famous long dropkicks in that dianapolis.
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