IHE IHURSDA-Ylf,EPORT CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY • MONTREAL • VOLUME 1, NUMBER 5 • OCTOB~R 6, 1977 ATA GLANCE: Bruce Mallen,-Concordia marketing professor, has a new feather in his cap. An invitation to dine with Her Majesty the Queen on the evening of October 17 at the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa along with 450· other Canadians who have contributed to the fields of arts and science in Canada • A first-year Concordia commerce student, Newton Walpert, captured the Quebec Intercollegiate Golf Psychologists to quell Championship last weekend at the Milby Golf Course in Lennoxville. Walpert defeated Universite de Sherbrooke stu­ fear of spiders* On ABC dent Michel Couture in the second hole sudden death win • People in education Terrified of spiders? when it was placed in the ashtray. interested in working overseas are invited Janet Ashdown was. Now she's just Janet squashed herself up into the far to an information meeting at CUSO scared thanks to a psychological flooding corner of her chair as Prof. Sutherland (Canadian University Service Overseas), session in a Sir George TV studio. and her assistant Morrie Golden, a 4824 Cote des Neiges on Wednesday, Oct. , "I can't say that I love spiders now," doctoral student, tried to c~lm her. 12 at 8 p.m. Further information at said Janet, who was completely exhausted At times she broke into tears, but these 735-4561 • English prof Richard Sommer after the session. "But it's not nearly so were stopped by what appeared to be a is one of 22 poets represented in a new bad as it was." feeling of giddy adventure. Vehicule Press anthology, Montreal: · Concordia psychology Prof. Ann Suth­ "That's better," said Prof. Sutherland, English Poetry of the Seventies, edited by erland, who will show the videotape on after a half hour had elapsed. "You see, Andre Farkas and Ken Norris. The ABC's Good Morning America tomorrow you aren't that frightened now." collection is said to be the first major morning, said Janet could dominate her The gradual exposure continued to the ·anthology of Montreal English poetry fear with four more sessions. point when Janet started to prod the here in thirty years. Vehicule credits the Prof. Sutherland said the flooding spider in the ashtray with a long piece of genesis of the current Montreal poetry technique involved a gradual but direct continued p. 9 movement to the 1967 arrival of George . exposure of the phobic to the phobia. Bowering as Sir George writer-in-resi­ Not only was it a victory for Janet and dence • Concordia University Associates Concordia psychology, the university's will hold their 8th Annual Dinner meeting Audio Visual department gets full marks Code coming on Wednesday, November 9 at Hingston too. Hall, Loyola campus. The $15-a-plate "This shows that our new color · After three open meetings - which dinner will feature Sam Berger, president equipment is up to top broadcast only ·the campus press corps attended - of the Alouettes, as guest speaker • Con­ standards, good enough to be shown coast the Concordia Commission on Rights and cordia's dynamo electrical engineers were to coast in the United States," said AV Responsibilities said they would draft a busy in Toronto last week at the director Ben Queenan. final report within ten days. International Electrical, Electronics Con­ Prof. Sutherland, part of the New·Clinic Chairman Michael Sheldon, executive ference and Exposition. Student Branch of Behavior Therapy and Research, 5485 assistant to the Rector, said that after the Chairman Jack Berger and Dr. V.K. Sherbrooke Street W. (where Concordia final outline of the code of rights and Bhargava, faculty counselor, represented psychologists train), is to be interviewed responsibilities was drafted it would be this university at the meeting and on the flooding technique on the ABC sent to the university press and moved to workshop of the Canadian Student morning show. the Board of Governors for approval. Activities_ Committee; while Dr. Bharga­ To illustrate her talk, Prof. Sutherland "There has been a considerable lack of va, D. Eng. student M EI-Torky, prof C.W. performed a therapeutic flooding session interest in this matter," Mr. Sheldon told Trueman, Dr. S.J. Kubina, Mr. A. Skalina before A V's new color cameras with the an impromptu press conference after the and Dr. K.S. Rao all presented papers at Clinic's administrator Janet, who is open meeting ended. the conference proper.• Potential Rhodes frightened of spiders. He said he hoped to have code - Scholars have until October 25 to get their Other than the presence of a spider administrators, one for each campus on a applications in. Two Rhodes Scholarships crawling in an ashtray, the session looked part-time basis, by next September. are awarded annually in Quebec; and much the same as the usual talkshow Before that he hoped to get the unlike past times, women and men may interview. administrative difficulties of the ombuds­ both now apply. Forms and information At first Janet was frightened by the man's office ironed out before the end of are available from Mr. R.P. Duder, Bishop very thought of a spider in the studio. this academic year. Court A 225-1; 879-4136. And hurry. There were a couple of cries of revulsion -C.McC. FOR THERECORD: Re-evaluation rules elude Senate The :question of how students' · work Prof McEvenue pointed to the other the need to cut dowri the number of should be re-evaluated once again-boggled side of the coin, saying that when a appeals, which glut the offices of depart­ Concordia Senate. chairman is asked to judge, the bias is in ments every year. After three hours of debate and three favor of the professor, his colleague. There was disagreement on how serious straw votes, Senate asked for a new Prof. Daviq Frost said that the student the problem of frivolous appeals was. On report in accordance with its wishes to be was in the same position. "If he decides further examination, some departments drawn up by the steering committee. against a student, he may be sent to were harder hit than others. Its wishes must be discerned from the Coventry by his fellows," he said. That raised a proposal of a multi-appeal straw votes, which showed tentative Prof. Harvey Shulm_an objected to system, in which each faculty and or · accord on aspects of suggestions put students being involved in the academic department could go its own way. But the before Senate. re-evaluation. bulk of Senate appeared to want a Senate agreed ·(26-4) that there should "I have no objection to students being university-wide system. be a university-wide system of appeal for involved · in the appeals procedures, to With debate ranging over several the re-evaluation of students' marks. insure that the procedure of appeal is points, Father Russell Breen, Vice Rector , Senate unanimously agreed that before being applied fairly and correctly," he for Arts and Science, suggested narrow­ any appeal procedure, students must be said. "But academic re-evaluation is the ing down the issues to a vote to help focus advised to see the professor concerned. respopsibility of faculty." the fast-diffusing debate. But Senate disagreed (12-16) that all The LSA proposal stressed student Straw votes were taken and Senate cases of appeal should go to an evaluator. rights to appeal and access to the full decided to refer the issue for a new report Based on this, the steering committee appeal process. to the steering committee. must attempt to come up with a politically The Preston-Slack proposal stressed -C.McC. acceptable solution before Senate's meet- ing Oct. 21. · The voting came after nearly three hours of debate in which faculty disputed LETTERS: with faculty and student with student. Before them were two proposals, which Press ·Club award; debating society grew to four and five proposals, made up informally on the Senate floor. In the Thursday Report of September 2. That Mr. Gill was chosen, after Up till now, Concordia has been 29, an article on the Women's Press Club deliberation by a group of professionals operating under the regulations of the scholarship included a number of errors. under my chairmanship, on the basis of a Loyola and Sir George campuses, which Besides misquoting David Oancia concern­ demonstrated aptitude for and interest in were never applicable on a university­ ing the criteria for the award, several science writing. wide basis. other inclusions were inaccurate. I was I made no further comment. At first assistant deans Eileeh Preston quoted as saying that I had problems David Oancia and Brian Slack came up with an 18-point getting a job and was only in Hay River Director, Journalism Program plan of academic reform, in which they for 2 months. In fact, I had no trouble Ed. Note: We concede and regret the attempted to combine the two sets of getting the job, and was there for 3 error of stating incorrectly that Gill was academic regulations. months. empl.oyed by The Hub, Hay River, This was countered by a seven-point The killer was calling "The Hub" the N. W. T., for two months when it was in plan by the Loyola Students' Association, wildly inappropriate name for the paper in fact three months. The description of the· which advocated more student input than Hay River. Since Hay River has for about Hub was simply a pl.ay on the cliche "hub 1 the first proposal. fifty years been called "The · Hub of the of the universe", with no malicious intent.
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