September 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1673 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A PROCLAMATION THANKING PRI- COMMENDING CHARLES A. COHEN, Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my col- VATE FIRST CLASS RYAN A. AN OUTSTANDING CITIZEN OF leagues in the People’s House join in com- MARTIN FOR HIS SERVICE TO INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA AND RE- mending Charles Cohen for his life of service, OUR COUNTRY CIPIENT OF THE NEW JERU- civic stewardship and commitment to Indian- SALEM AWARD apolis and Israel Bonds. He has exhibited outstanding leadership HON. ROBERT W. NEY HON. JULIA CARSON qualities that deserve high praise. OF OHIO OF INDIANA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAYING TRIBUTE TO FBI DEPUTY DIRECTOR BRUCE GEBHARDT Wednesday, September 22, 2004 Wednesday, September 22, 2004 Ms. CARSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, it is Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, we hereby offer our with profound pleasure and privilege that I rise HON. MIKE ROGERS heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, to commend to the nation, Charles A. (Chuck) OF ALABAMA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and community of Private First Class Ryan A. Cohen, an outstanding American and citizen Martin upon the death of this outstanding sol- of Indianapolis, Indiana. Wednesday, September 22, 2004 dier; and Mr. Cohen will be honored October 17, with Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I Whereas, Private First Class Ryan A. Martin the New Jerusalem Award at the Indiana- rise today to pay tribute to Deputy Director was a member of the 216th Engineer Battalion Israel Dinner of State. Chuck is an active com- Bruce Gebhardt for his 30 years of distin- of the Army National Guard serving his great munity leader, a prominent attorney and a guished service to the Federal Bureau of In- nation in the country of Iraq. He was a leader longtime supporter of Israel Bonds. vestigation. His breadth of knowledge and ex- in his unit and is to be commended for the State of Israel Bonds/Development Corpora- perience in national security, terrorism and in- honor and bravery that he displayed while tion for Israel is an international organization telligence issues have made America mark- serving our nation in this time of war; and offering securities issued by the government of edly safer in the wake of September 11, 2001. Whereas, Private First Class Ryan A. Martin Israel. Since the first bond was sold in 1951, Mr. Gebhardt entered on duty as a Special will be remembered for his unsurpassed sac- Israel Bonds has secured close to $26 billion Agent with the Bureau on July 7, 1974, and rifice of self while protecting others. His exam- in investment capital for the development of began his career investigating organized crime ple of strength and fortitude will be remem- every aspect of Israel’s economy, including and narcotics. Mr. Gebhardt was the recipient bered by all those who knew him. agriculture, commerce and industry. of the FBI Medal of Valor as a result of action Charles Cohen was born in Greenville, KY, taken during an airplane hijacking event in Therefore, we join with the family, friends and graduated from Greenville High School as Denver, Colorado in 1976. More recently as a and the citizens of our great nation in thanking the salutatorian. He received a B.S. degree in Special Agent in Charge, Mr. Gebhardt Private First Class Ryan A. Martin of the Accounting in 1963 and a J.D. degree in 1966 oversaw numerous operational success in or- United States Army for his service to our at Indiana University-Bloomington. At school, ganized crime, counterintelligence, counterter- country. Your service has made us proud. Chuck was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in rorism, cyber crimes and white collar crimes. the U.S. Army and made the Law Review. But today, more than ever, America owes a f After completing his education, the honoree debt of gratitude to Bruce Gebhardt for his work to retool and reshape the FBI after Sep- HONORING FRED HATMAKER served with the U.S. Army in the Medical Service Corps. His display of leadership tember 11, 2001. earned him the Bronze Star for meritorious In August 2002, Mr. Gebhardt was ap- HON. LINCOLN DAVIS service in a combat zone and the rank of Cap- pointed by Director Mueller to serve as Deputy tain. Director for the FBI and for the last 2 years he OF TENNESSEE In 1971, Chuck moved to Indianapolis and has been responsible for restructuring the FBI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES co-founded the firm of Garelick & Cohen, (now into a counterterrorism and intelligence fo- Cohen, Garelick & Glazier). He is currently the cused agency. As Deputy Director, Mr. Wednesday, September 22, 2004 managing partner. Gebhardt has made important contributions to Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, Fred Mr. Cohen is an active member of the Jew- the national security of the United States and Hatmaker of LaFollette and Knoxville, TN, re- ish Community Center of Indianapolis, serving more fully prepared the Federal Bureau of In- cently passed away at the early age of 63. as a life board member and past president. He vestigation to fight terrorism both at home and is also active with the Jewish Federation of abroad. Fred was a good friend not only to me, but Greater Indianapolis and has served in numer- Mr. Speaker, I would like to offer my best many within the community. He can best be ous positions including president and cam- personal regards to Deputy Director Gebhardt characterized as one who loved to be in the paign chairman, as well as chairman of the on his retirement from the FBI and wish him middle of things. Fred was always there for a Benefits Committee, the Israel Emergency all the best in the future. I would also like to laugh, a serious discussion, a game of cards, Campaign, and currently serves as chairman ask my colleagues to join me in thanking him and was more than willing to take a good of the Long Term Endowment Campaign and on behalf of the American people for his serv- humored poke at someone whenever an ap- the Overseas Committee. ice and commitment to our collective security. propriate occasion arose. In addition, he is a member of the board of f Fred was an educator, banker, and busi- directors of America’s Voices in Israel and an IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS nessman. He was as devoted to his profes- intermediate cities representative on the sions as he was to his friends and family. He United Jewish Communities board of trustees. was restless in every venture he undertook. I Mr. Cohen is the recipient of the L.L. Good- HON. LINCOLN DAVIS OF TENNESSEE think this came from his need to find his place man Young Leadership Award, the Liebert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the world. This I can say for sure, he Mossler Award, the Martin L. Larner Leader- brought an unending amount of energy with ship Award, the Endowment Achievement Wednesday, September 22, 2004 him and will forever be remembered for his Award, and the Hasten Hebrew Academy HAI- Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, the storytelling. You can rest assured that he Life Award. 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment having been probably never believed what he said himself. Chuck and his wife, Karen, are the parents activated and mobilized as the 278th Regi- Fred will be missed very much by all who of three children: Brad, Amy Kaissar, and mental Combat Team has some of Ten- knew him. Danielle Bautista. nessee’s finest soldiers. They are currently ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:38 Sep 23, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22SE8.001 E22PT1 E1674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 22, 2004 training in Camp Shelby, Mississippi, before THE HENRY FORD for 61⁄2 years, Water Systems Operator for 2 moving to the National Training Center in Ft. COMMEMORATIVE CELEBRATION years, Senior Water Systems Operator for 11⁄2 Irwin, California, for additional training. Before years, Maintenance Supervisor for 7 years, departing for their duty location in Northern HON. JOHN D. DINGELL and held his current position as Public Works Iraq they will return to Tennessee where they OF MICHIGAN Maintenance Superintendent for 16 years. Exemplifying the best in humanitarian lead- will appropriately have a sendoff on Veterans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Day. ership, Mr. Hall was awarded Volunteer of the Headquartered in Knoxville, the 278th is the Wednesday, September 22, 2004 Year for all greater Los Angeles for his con- only enhanced Armored Cavalry Regiment in Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tributions to build the Saint Harriet’s Children’s the National Guard and one of only two in the honor the contributions of the late Henry Ford Home. He was also awarded Kiwanian of the United States Army. The 278th is the largest as the ‘‘Father of Industrial Education’’ and to Year in 1984, 1990, and 1992. He was also unit in the Tennessee Army National Guard, express my deep gratitude for his enormous president of the Kiwanis Club from 1989– with units stretching from one end of Ten- contributions to education, particularly tech- 1990, secretary from 1992–1993 and lieuten- nessee to the other. A large portion of the nical training. ant governor in 2002.
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