E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2004 No. 131 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE land, and provide for the high quality devel- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. opment in Lincoln County, Nevada, and for A message from the Senate by Mr. other purposes. Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Monahan, one of its clerks, announced Lord God of heaven and Earth, dur- that the Senate has passed with an The message also announced that the ing this time between the national amendment in which the concurrence Senate has passed with an amendment election and the national celebration of the House is requested, bills of the in which the concurrence of the House of Thanksgiving, this country stands House of the following titles: is requested, a bill of the House of the following title: humbly before You, grateful for free H.R. 1113. An act to authorize an exchange elections and our constitutional way of of land at Fort Frederica National Monu- H.R. 4548. An act to authorize appropria- life. ment, and for other purposes. tions for fiscal year 2005 for intelligence and Proud to be Americans, may Your H.R. 1446. An act to support the efforts of intelligence-related activities of the United people find gracious ways to express the California Missions Foundation to re- States Government, the Community Man- thoughtfulness for others and broaden store and repair the Spanish colonial and agement Account, and the Central Intel- ligence Agency Retirement and Disability the parameters of social inclusion into mission-era missions in the State of Cali- fornia and to preserve the artworks and arti- System, and for other purposes. the very fabric of this Nation. facts of these missions, and for other pur- Do not allow partisan differences to The message also announced that the poses. Senate insists upon its amendment to deter leaders from finding ways to H.R. 1630. An act to revise the boundary of strengthen national unity, while al- the Petrified Forest National Park in the the bill (H.R. 4548) ‘‘An Act to author- ways seeking equal justice and greater State of Arizona, and for other purposes. ize appropriations for fiscal year 2005 security for all Your people. H.R. 1964. An act to assist the States of for intelligence and intelligence-re- May Your reconciling Spirit, which Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and lated activities of the United States Pennsylvania in conserving priority lands Government, the Community Manage- first brought the 108th Congress to- and natural resources in the Highlands re- gether, now revitalize this body to ment Account, and the Central Intel- gion, and for other purposes. ligence Agency Retirement and Dis- complete the tasks You set before The message also announced that the them for the common good of all. ability System, and for other pur- Senate has passed with amendments in poses,’’ requests a conference with the Out of gratitude we choose to serve which the concurrence of the House is You humbly now and forever. Amen. House on the disagreeing votes of the requested, a bill of the House of the fol- two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. f lowing title: ROBERTS, Mr. HATCH, Mr. DEWINE, Mr. H.R. 3936. An act to amend title 38, United BOND, Mr. LOTT, Ms. SNOWE, Mr. THE JOURNAL States Code, to authorize the principal office HAGEL, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. WARNER, of the United States Court of Appeals for Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. LEVIN, Mrs. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Veterans Claims to be at any location in the ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, rather FEINSTEIN, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. ceedings and announces to the House than only in the District of Columbia, and BAYH, Mr. EDWARDS, and Ms. MIKULSKI, his approval thereof. expressing the sense of Congress that a dedi- to be the conferees on the part of the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- cated Veterans Courthouse and Justice Cen- Senate. nal stands approved. ter should be provided for that Court and The message also announced that the those it serves and should be located, if fea- Senate has passed bills and concurrent f sible, at a site owned by the United States resolutions of the following titles in that is part of or proximate to the Pentagon which concurrence of the House is re- Reservation, and for other purposes. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE quested: The message also announced that the S. 353. An act for the relief of Denes and The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Senate has passed with an amendment from South Carolina (Mr. WILSON) Gyorgi Fulop. in which the concurrence of the House S. 437. An act to provide for adjustments to come forward and lead the House in the is requested, bills of the House of the Pledge of Allegiance. the Central Arizona Project in Arizona, to following titles: authorize the Gila River Indian Community Mr. WILSON of South Carolina led H.R. 4516. An act to require the Secretary water rights settlement, to reauthorize and the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: of Energy to carry out a program of research amend the Southern Arizona Water Rights I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and development to advance high-end com- Settlement Act of 1982, and for other pur- United States of America, and to the Repub- puting. poses. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, H.R. 4593. An act to establish wilderness S. 1042. An act for the relief of Tchisou indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. areas, promote conservation, improve public Tho. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9685 . VerDate jul 14 2003 01:53 Nov 17, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16NO7.000 H16PT1 H9686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 16, 2004 S. 1129. An act to provide for the protection S. 2847. An act to reauthorize the Water That the Senate passed without amend- of unaccompanied alien children, and for Resources Research Act of 1984. ment H.R. 4306. other purposes. S. 2856. An act to limit the transfer of cer- That the Senate passed without amend- S. 1379. An act to require the Secretary of tain Commodity Credit Corporation funds ment H.R. 4381. the Treasury to mint coins in commemora- between conservation programs for technical That the Senate passed without amend- tion of veterans who became disabled for life assistance for the programs. ment H.R. 4471. while serving in the Armed Forces of the S. 2938. An act to grant a Federal charter That the Senate passed without amend- United States. to the National American Indian Veterans, ment H.R. 4481. S. 1433. An act to authorize the Secretary Incorporated. That the Senate passed without amend- of the Interior to provide assistance in im- S. 2976. An act to amend the Controlled ment H.R. 4556. plementing cultural heritage, conservation, Substances Act to lift the patient limitation That the Senate passed without amend- and recreational activities in the Con- on prescribing drug addiction treatments by ment H.R. 4579. necticut River watershed of the States of medical practitioners in group practices, and That the Senate passed without amend- New Hampshire and Vermont. for other purposes. ment H.R. 4618. S. 1466. An act to facilitate the transfer of S. 2979. An act to amend title 5, United That the Senate passed without amend- land in the State of Alaska, and for other States Code, to authorize appropriations for ment H.R. 4632. That the Senate passed without amend- purposes. the Administrative Conference of the United S. 1614. An act to designate a portion of the ment H.R. 4731. States for fiscal years 2005, 2006, and 2007, That the Senate passed without amend- White Salmon River as a component of the and for other purposes. National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. ment H.R. 4827. S. Con. Res. 8. Concurrent resolution ex- That the Senate passed without amend- S. 1678. An act to provide for the establish- pressing the sense of Congress that there ment of the Uinta Research and Curatorial ment H.R. 4917. should be established a National Visiting That the Senate passed without amend- Center for Dinosaur National Monument in Nurse Association Week. the States of Colorado and Utah, and for ment H.R. 5027. S. Con. Res. 113. Concurrent resolution rec- That the Senate passed without amend- other purposes. ognizing the importance of early diagnosis, S. 1852. An act to provide financial assist- ment H.R. 5039. proper treatment, and enhanced public ance for the rehabilitation of the Benjamin That the Senate passed without amend- awareness of Tourette Syndrome and sup- Franklin National Memorial in Philadelphia, ment H.R. 5051. porting the goals and ideals of National Pennsylvania, and the development of an ex- That the Senate passed without amend- Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month. hibit to commemorate the 300th anniversary ment H.R. 5107. S. Con. Res. 121. Concurrent resolution sup- That the Senate passed without amend- of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. porting the goals and ideals of the World S. 2012. An act for the relief of Luay Lufti ment H.R.
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