Новости систематики низших растений — Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 53(2): 315–332. 2019 Checklist of ascomycetous microfungi of the Nuratau Nature Reserve (Uzbekistan) I. M. Mustafaev, N. Yu. Beshko, M. M. Iminova Institute of Botany of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Corresponding author: I. M. Mustafaev, [email protected] Abstract. A checklist of ascomycetous microfungi of the Nuratau Nature Reserve (Nuratau Mountains, Uzbekistan) was compiled for the first time as a result of field research conducted in 2009–2017. In total, 197 species, 3 varieties and 51 forms of micromycetes belonging to 66 genera and 30 families have been identified. Among them 19 species (Asteromella tanaceti, Camarospori- um achilleae, Diplocarpon alpestre, Diplodia celtidis, Hendersonia ephedrae, Mycosphaerella artemi- siae, Neopseudocercosporella capsellae, Phoma hedysari, P. mororum, Phyllosticta prostrata, P. silenes, P. trifolii, Ramularia trifolii, Rhabdospora eremuri, Selenophoma nebulosa, Septoria cyperi, S. dauci, S. ranunculacearum, S. trifolii) and one form (Erysiphe cichoracearum f. tanaceti) were found for the first time for the mycobiota of Uzbekistan. 30 species of microfungi were recorded on 31 new host plants. The most abundant species are representatives of the cosmopolitan genera Ramularia, Sep- toria, Erysiphe, Leveillula, Mycosphaerella, Phoma, Cytospora, Sphaerotheca, Phyllosticta and Mars- sonina. The annotated checklist includes data on host plant, location, date and collection number of every species. Keywords: Ascomycetes, biodiversity, host plants, mycobiota, micromycetes, new records, Nuratau Mountains. чек-лист сумчатых микромицетов нуратинского природного заповедника (узбекистан) и. м. мустафаев, н. Ю. Бешко, м. м. иминова институт ботаники академии наук республики узбекистан, ташкент, узбекистан Автор для переписки: и. м. мустафаев, [email protected] Резюме. В результате исследований, проведенных в 2009–2017 гг., подготовлен анноти- рованный список сумчатых микромицетов нуратинского природного заповедника (хребет нуратау, узбекистан). на территории заповедника выявлены 197 видов, 3 разновидности и 51 форма, относящиеся к 66 родам из 30 семейств. из них девятнадцать видов (Asteromella tanaceti, Camarosporium achilleae, Diplocarpon alpestre, Diplodia celtidis, Hendersonia ephedrae, Mycosphaerella artemisiae, Neopseudocercosporella capsellae, Phoma hedysari, P. mororum, Phyllosticta prostrata, P. silenes, P. trifolii, Ramularia trifolii, Rhabdospora eremuri, Selenophoma nebulosa, Septoria cyperi, S. dauci, S. ranunculacearum, S. trifolii) и одна форма (Erysiphe cichoracearum f. tanaceti) выявлены впервые в узбекистане. 30 видов микромицетов обнаружены на 31 виде но- вых растений-хозяев. наиболее распространенными являются представители космополитных родов Ramularia, Septoria, Erysiphe, Leveillula, Mycosphaerella, Phoma, Cytospora, Sphaerotheca, Phyllosticta и Marssonina. аннотированный список содержит подробную информацию по каж- дому виду, включая питающие растения, местонахождение, дату и коллекционный номер соб- ранных образцов. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2019.53.2.315 315 Mustafaev et al. Checklist of ascomycetous microfungi of the Nuratau Nature Reserve Ключевые слова: Ascomycetes, биоразнообразие, микобиота, микромицеты, новые наход- ки, питающие растения, хребет нуратау. The Nuratau Nature Reserve (NNR) is situated between 40.468487°N to 40.562476°N and 66.65931°E to 66.927651°E in the central part of the Nuratau Ridge, a major ridge of the Nuratau Mountains (Fig. 1). It is a strictly protected area of IUCN Cate gory I established in 1975. The area is 177.52 km2, and altitudes ranging from 530 to 2169 m a. s. l. The Nuratau Mountains with the adjacent small insular ridges are the peripheral northwestern branches of the Pamir-Alay mountain system wedged deeply into the Kyzylkum Desert. They consist of two parallel mountain chains ex- tended on 250 km along the right bank of the Zeravschan River. On southeast, the Nuratau Mountains are separated from the Turkestan Range by Sanzar River Valley. The northern branch of Nuratau is approximately 200 km in length, and the highest peak is 2169 m a. s. l. North of Nuratau, on the southeastern edges of the Kyzylkum Desert, there are some small residual ridges, Pistalitau, Balyklytau, Uchkulach and Egarbelistag. They are 11 to 40 km long and 453 to 654 m a. s. l. The southern branch of the Nuratau Mountains includes Aktau, Karatau, Karakchatau and Khobduntau ridges (maximum altitude is 1993 m a. s. l.). The climate regime is temperate continen- Fig. 1. Location of the study area. 316 Новости систематики низших растений — Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 53(2): 315–332. 2019 tal semiarid with a mean annual temperature of 14°с and a mean annual precipitation of 300–400 mm. The flora of the Nuratau Mountains includes 1289 species of vascular plants, 34 of them are local endemics; the checklist of the flora of the Nuratau Nature Reserve includes 820 species of 385 genera and 81 families (Tojibaev et al., 2017). Studies on microfungal biota of Uzbekistan were performed by N. G. Zaprome- tov, P. N. Golovin, B. D. Kleiner, L. A. Lebedeva, N. I. Gaponenko, T. S. Panfilova, M. Sh. Sagdullaeva, F. G. Akhmedova, S. S. Ramazanova, Sh. G. Kamilov, A. Sh. She- raliev, Ya. S. Solieva, Kh. Kh. Nuraliev, Yu. Sh. Gafforov and others (Gafforov, 2017). The synopsis of ascomycetous microfungi was published in “Fungal flora of Uzbeki- stan” (1983–1997). A preliminary checklist of ascomycetous microfungi from the southern part of the Republic of Uzbekistan was prepared by Gafforov (2017). The mycobiota of the Nuratau Mountains and the NNR was poorly studied un- til our study. Some data on different taxonomical groups of ascomycetous microfungi of this area were published by author (Mustafaev, Nuraliev, 2012; Mustafaev, 2014a, 2014b). The current study aims to compile a checklist of ascomycetous microfungi of vascular plants of the NNR. The present checklist it the second work about ascomy- cetous microfungi of Uzbekistan, and serves as one of the sources for complete list of ascomycetous microfungi of the Rebuplic of Uzbekistan. Material and Methods About 700 samples of microfungi were collected in 2009–2017 in different habi- tats of NNR which are designated in the checklist by following abbreviations: AbV — Andibarout valley (40.52187°N, 66.74111°E), AnV —Andigen Valley (40.54722°N, 66.68990°E), BMt — Beshbarmoq Mt. (40.47933°N, 66.81148°E), GV — Gurdara Valley (40.50202°N, 66.91888°E), HMt — Hayatbashi Mt. (40.49895°N, 66.72956°E), HV — Hayat Valley (40.51717°N, 66.74893°E), MV — Majrum Valley (40.56529°N, 66.70258°E), PMt — Parandaz Mt. (40.48409°N, 66.79121°E), QV — Qarisoy Valley (40.49812°N, 66.80710°E), TV — Tikcha Valley (40.48898°N, 66.76365°E). Specimens were examined with a light microscope and identified using the relevant literature (Vasjagina et al., 1961; Bizova et al., 1968; Morochkovskiy et al., 1969, 1971; Shvar- sman et al., 1971, 1975; Sutton, 1980; Fungal…, 1989–1997; Melnik, 1997; Crous, 2009; Wikee et al., 2011; Quaedvlieg et al., 2013; Woudenberg et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2013; Rahimova et al., 2014). Host plant species were identified using “Conspec- tus Florae Asiae Mediae” (1968–1993) and “Flora of Uzbekistan” (1941–1962). All collected specimens are stored in Tashkent Mycological herbarium (TASM) of the Institute of Botany. Voucher specimens for each species of ascomycetous microfungi are cited in the checklist below. Name of collector is designated by abbreviation: IM ― Ilyor Mus- tafaev. The taxonomy and nomenclature of Ascomycota in the checklist follows interna- tional databases “Index Fungorum” (2018) and Mycobank (2018). The nomenclature of host plants is given according to The Plant List (2013). 317 Mustafaev et al. Checklist of ascomycetous microfungi of the Nuratau Nature Reserve Results and Discussion A checklist of ascomycetous microfungi of the Nuratau Nature Reserve is compiled for the first time as a result of field research conducted by authors in 2009–2017. In total, 197 species, 3 varieties and 51 forms of ascomycetous microfungi belonging to 66 genera and 30 families were identified. Among them, four genera and four species have been reffered as incertae sedis. 19 new species and one new form to the mycobiota of Uzbekistan were found. They are Asteromella tanaceti, Camarosporium achilleae, Diplocarpon alpestre, Diplodia celtidis, Erysiphe cichoracearum f. tanaceti, Hendersonia ephedrae, Mycosphaerella artemisiae, Neopseudocercosporella capsellae, Phoma hedy- sari, P. mororum, Phyllosticta prostrata, P. silenes, P. trifolii, Ramularia trifolii, Rhab- dospora eremuri, Selenophoma nebulosa, Septoria cyperi, S. dauci, S. ranunculacearum, S. trifolii. All these new findings are indicated by asterisk (*) in the checklist below. In addition, 30 microfungi are recorded on 31 new host plants in Uzbekistan. Ascomycota (Berk.) Caval.-Sm. Pezizomycotina O. E. Erikss. et Winka DOTHIDEOMYCETES O. E. Erikss. et Winka BOTRYOSPHAERIALES C. L. Schoch et al. Botryosphaeriaceae Theiss. et P. Syd. *Diplodia celtidis Roum. — on Celtis australis subsp. caucasica (Willd.) C. C. Towns.: MV, 20 V 2017, IM551. D. mori Westend. — on Morus alba L.: HV, 15 VII 2017, IM530. D. pistaciae Berl. et Bres. — on Pistacia vera L.: HV, 15 VII 2017, IM550. Dothiorella sarmentorum (Fr.) A. J. L. Phillips — on Prunus domestica L.: HV, 15 VII 2017, IM552. Microdiplodia juglandis Died. — on Juglans regia L.: HV, 13 VII
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