Park Management Plans and Park Development Pollok Country Park Public Consultation November – December 2010 Produced by Stephen Frew Corporate Policy Officer Chief Executive’s Office Tel: 0141 287 0242 Email: [email protected] Contents 1. Background 3 2. Park Usage 3 3. Park Safety 6 4. Park Information and Features 8 5. Park Events 10 6. Park Activities 11 7. Park Management and Priorities 12 8. Parks Management Plans 14 9. Park Development 16 10. About You 18 2 1. Background The Council's Land and Environmental Services carried out a consultation on draft Park Management Plans for seven city parks. A Park Management Plan is required to make an application for the Green Flag Award® scheme. The Green Flag Award® scheme is the benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces in Scotland, England and Wales. It was first launched in 1996 to recognise and reward the best green spaces in the country. The Management Plans were available online through the Council’s website (www.glasgow.gov.uk) and within the local area of each of the parks involved. Responses were welcomed from both the general public and other interested stakeholders both locally and nationally. Response Rate: Online (www.glasgow.gov.uk) – 130 The Burrell Collection - 54 Pollokshaws Library - 7 Total Response - 191 2. Park Usage Question 1a: In general, what do you normally use the Park for? (select all that apply) Activity Number Percentage (%) Recreation – Cycling 64 34% Recreation – Walking 126 67% Recreation – Other 92 49% Recreation – Dog Walking 26 14% Route to Work/Education 10 5% Route to Shops 1 * Route to other activities 14 7% Do not use the park - - Other 39 21% Base: 187 Question 1b: If other, please specify A large number of responses mentioned running and jogging, particularly the Saturday morning Parkrun, as a major activity within the park. Other activities highlighted included use of the play park and visiting the Burrell Collection. 3 Question 2: Thinking about your main use of the Park, how often do you use it? 80% 70% 71% 60% 50% 40% % 30% 20% 10% 11% 7% 9% 0% Every day 5 - 6 times a 3 - 4 times a 1 - 2 times a Never week week week Base: 177 Question 3a: Would you consider your use of the park to be seasonal? 90% 80% 87% 70% 60% 50% % 40% 30% 20% 10% 12% 0% Yes No Don't Know Base: 188 4 Question 3b: If yes, when are you most likely to use the park? (tick all that apply) 100% 90% 92% 92% 80% 82% 70% 60% 67% 50% % 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Spring Summer Autumn Winter Base: 67 5 3. Park Safety Question 4a: How welcoming or otherwise would you say the park is? 60% 60% 50% 40% 30% 31% % 20% 10% 5% 0% Very Fairly Neither Nor Fairly Very Don't Know/No Welcoming Welcoming Unwelcoming Unwelcoming Opinion Base: 184 Question 4b: If unwelcoming, please provide details Respondents felt that there was inadequate signage at the entrance and within the park which made it difficult to find attractions or routes through the park. Question 5: How safe or otherwise do you feel in the park? Time Very Fairly Neither Fairly Very Do not Don’t Base Safe Safe Nor Unsafe Unsafe use Know (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) park at (%) this time (%) Morning 100 74 3 1 - 2 1 181 (55%) (41%) (2%) (*%) (1%) (*%) Afternoon 103 66 3 1 - 6 8 182 (57%) (36%) (2%) (*%) (3%) (4%) Evening 23 49 15 19 9 56 8 179 (13%) (27%) (8%) (11%) (5%) (31%) (4%) 6 Question 6: In your opinion, how much of an issue, or otherwise, are the following in the park? 70% 60% 50% Significant Problem 40% Moderate Problem Minor Problem 30% Not a Problem 20% Don't Know 10% 0% Litter Graffiti Dog Fouling Vandalism Anti-Social Behaviour Base: >184 Question 7: Are there any other issues which you feel are a problem? Respondents highlighted a number of issues which they felt were problems within the park. Dogs being off their leash and not under the control of their owners was mentioned, particularly in or around the mountain bike track. The issue of dog waste was also highlighted, with respondents identifying the need for more bins to be provided in certain areas of the park. ‘Badly planned provision of dog littler bins: they seem to cluster in some areas and be entirely absent from other large sections.’ It was suggested that specific areas for dog walking would be beneficial. Another issue highlighted was traffic within the park, particularly cars on the main drive ways. Parking was seen as a particular problem with passing places and grass verges used for parking when the park is busy. A number of suggestions were put forward, including, ‘Better to have car parking on the perimeter of the park, with good reliable bus service from the car park to the Burrell. Such a scheme would enhance the park’s green credentials and possibly strengthen the application for the Green Flag Award.’ Flooding on roads and pathways was also mentioned as restricting access to certain areas (Pollokshaws West Station) of the park, particularly during the winter months. 7 4. Park Information and Features Question 8: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding information provision WITHIN and SURROUNDING the park? Strongly Agree Neither Disagre Strongly Don’t Base Agree (%) Nor (%) e (%) Disagre Know (%) e (%) (%) There are sufficient 27 81 24 35 5 7 179 signs providing (15%) (45%) (13%) (20%) (3%) (4%) direction WITHIN the park There are sufficient 20 79 32 31 6 12 180 signs providing (11%) (44%) (18%) (17%) (3%) (7%) direction in the area SURROUNDING the park There is sufficient 19 67 39 41 4 9 179 information about (11%) (37%) (22%) (23%) (2%) (5%) specific features WITHIN the park Question 9: How would you rate the following aspect of the park in terms of their maintenance? Very Good Neither Poor Very Don’t Base Good (%) Nor (%) (%) Poor Know (%) (%) (%) Grass 81 86 9 1 - 1 178 (45%) (48%) (5%) (*%) (*%) Trees 80 85 6 3 3 2 179 (45%) (47%) (3%) (2%) (2%) (1%) Shrubs 69 92 12 2 1 2 178 (39%) (52%) (7%) (1%) (*%) (1%) Bedding Displays 74 60 31 5 - 8 178 (42%) (34%) (17%) (3%) (4%) Paths 64 92 13 4 4 1 178 (36%) (52%) (7%) (2%) (2%) (*%) Trails 59 86 19 7 - 7 178 (33%) (48%) (11%) (4%) (4%) Seats/Benches 41 81 30 10 2 13 177 (23%) (46%) (17%) (6%) (1%) (7%) 8 Question 10: Do you agree or disagree with the introduction of more natural features within the park? Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Don’t Base Agree (%) Nor (%) (%) Disagree Know (%) (%) (%) Wild Flower 72 75 21 6 1 4 179 Meadows (40%) (42%) (12%) (3%) (*%) (2%) Wetland 54 63 33 20 4 5 179 Creation (30%) (35%) (18%) (11%) (2%) (3%) Long Grass 65 78 22 6 - 7 178 (Wildlife) (36%) (44%) (12%) (3%) (4%) Bird/Bat Boxes 81 72 20 2 1 4 180 (45%) (40%) (11%) (1%) (*%) (2%) Hedgerows 57 68 34 8 1 8 176 (32%) (39%) (19%) (4%) (*%) (4%) 9 5. Park Events Question 11: How do you feel about the current number of events held in the park? 70% 60% 62% 50% 40% % 30% 20% 17% 17% 10% 0% Too Many Just Enough Too Few Don't know Base: 179 Question 12a: Which of the following types of events, if any, do you think there should be more of in the park? (Glasgow Show, Great Scottish Run, galas and fun fairs) (tick all that apply) 80% 70% 67% 60% 60% 62% 57% 50% 53% 55% 40% % 30% 20% 10% 0% Art Music Sport Environmental Family Children/YP Base: 58 Question 12b: Other, please specify Orienteering and mountain biking were also put forward as specific activities respondents would like to see within the park. 10 6. Park Activities Question 13: How do you feel about the current number of activities available in the park? 70% 60% 62% 50% 40% % 30% 20% 17% 19% 10% 0% Too Many Just Enough Too Few Don't know Base: 178 Question 14a: Which of the following types of activities, if any, do you think there should be more of in the park? (Wild About Glasgow, nature walks etc.) (tick all that apply) 70% 60% 65% 60% 61% 50% 40% 42% % 30% 20% 10% 0% Art Sport Family Children/YP Base: 57 Question 14b: Other, please specify Respondents mentioned environmental activities, particularly nature and educational walks, as being welcomed. 11 7. Park Management and Priorities Question 15: Please choose from the following list, what you think should be the main priorities for the park. (please select your top three) The three main priorities highlighted by respondents were: 1. Trees and woodland 2. Signage and park information 3. Wildlife in park and green spaces Other issues identified, include: x Sports facilities x Access to public toilets x Local nature reserve Question 16: Please tell us what you like best about the park. The majority of respondents thought the mix and variety of formal and informal spaces within the park from the woodlands and open fields to plant and flower display was the best thing about the park. The park is seen to provide peace and tranquillity within an urban setting, particularly the north wood. ‘It’s a country park and it feels like a bit of Scottish countryside – yet its the city.’ As a result of this, it was seen as an ideal environment for walking, running or just to find some peace and quiet.
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