CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA. m*u0tfO j / } W E N T!L 3 T E RARY ATJ B Finlan, sc,. / Icrttiort 1S5S. CABINET CYCLOPAEDIA. CONDUCTED BY THE REV. DIONYSIUS LARDNER, LL.D. F.R.S. L.&E. M.R.I.A. F.R.A.S. F.L.S. F.Z.S. Hon. F.C.P.S. &c. &c. ASSISTED BY EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN. EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN OF FRANCE. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND JOHN TAYLOR, UPPER COWER STREET. 1839. LONOON : Printed by A. SpomsWOODS, New-Street-Square. Stack Annex \HVo TABLE, ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL, TO THE FIRST VOLUME OF LIVES OF EMINENT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC MEN OF FRANCE. MONTAIGNE. 15331592 A. D. Page 1533. Birth of Michel de Montaigne . 1 Pierre Eyquem, Seigneur de Montaigne - 1 Education of Montaigne and his five Brothers - 2 The Public School of Guienne - - 5 1559. -Slat 26. Friendship with Etienne de la Boetie - . 7 1563. Death of '. de la Boetie - - 9 1566. JEtat 33. Marriage of Montaigne - 9 Death of his father Pierre - - 10,11 Troubles of France . - 10 Duke of Guise - - 11 Henry King of Navarre, afterwards Henri Quatre - - 11 Anecdotes of the Civil War - - 13, 14 1580. J2tat 47. Montaigne's Journey through Switzerland to Munich, and Rome - 17 Venice, . 1581. JEtat48. Citizenship of Rome granted to Montaigne by a Bull of the Pope - - 18 - - Description of Rome 18 Devotion of Montaigne, and Offering at the Shrine of Loretto - 19 Montaigne elected Mayor by the Citizens of Bordeaux. His return home to fill that Office - - 19 1585. .Etat 5*2. Friendship of Montaigne for Mile. Marie de Gournay leJar - - - - - 20 1592. JEtat. 60. Decease of this celebrated Author His Character - - - 21 Montaigne's Essays edited by Mile, de Gournay, with a Preface - - 21 by that Lady A 3 VI ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. RABELAIS. 14831553. A. D. Pe Lord Bacon's Opinion of Rabelais Style of his Romance in Writings 1483. Presumed Date of Birth of Rabelais - -2. His Education in a Monastery - . - - 24 Rabelais assumes the Franciscan Habit, and preaches - -24 Envy of Monks - - 24 His Condemnation to Bread and Water On his Release he turns to the Rule of Benedict Rabelais quits the Monks, and studies Medicine - - 26 His Edition of Hippocrates , His Visit to Cardinal du BelUy His scarlet Gown Established as Physician at Lyons - - 28 Rabelais' Journey to Rome - - His Correspondence Interview with Pope Paul III. - - 29 His Journey to Lyons and Paris - - 29 Rabelais, Abbot of St Maur-des-Foues, and Cure de Meudon 30 His celebrated Work, or Romance . - - 31 Controversy resulting therefrom - - - SI Rome, attack on, by Rabelais - . - - 31 - Francis L protects him from the Sorbonne - 31, 32 Opinions of French Authors on Francis Rabelais - - 34 His Imitators enumerated . - - - 36 His various Works . - 37 His Acquirements In Languages and Science - 38 Exemplary Conduct as a Minister of Religion - - 39 1553. -Etat 70. His Decease - ... 39 Epitaphs for Rabelais . - - 39 CORNEILLE. 16061684. State of French Poetry and Literature - - 40 1606. Birth of Corneille . 40 15901600. Consequences of the Civil War in France . -41 Rise of the French Drama - - - -" 42 " 1629. JEt*t. 23. Corneille writes Melite," a Comedy - .42 1634. uEtat. 28. His early Tragedies, &c. - - - - 42 Cardinal de Richelieu employs Corneille, Rotrou, Colletet, BoU- robert, and L'Etoile on his own Dramatic Works - - 43 Theatre of the Cardinal - - - 43' 1635. Corneille retires to Rouen . - - - 45 His Amatory Poems . 43 " " JEtat. 29. His Medea acted . 44 Corneille's Genius excited by the Study of Guillen de Castro - 45 ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Vll 4. D. Page - Unity, dramatic, considered as a Fetter on modern Talent 45 " " He composed the Cid - 45 - Unparalleled Success of this Drama - 46 1637. Critique of the "Cid" by the French Academy - - - 47 " ' 1639. jKtaL 33. Writes Horace,' a Tragedy - - - 48 " 1646. .Etat.40. Corneille's Tragedy of "Rodogune - - - 52 Success of his "CEdipus" - - 54 1642. Is elected of the French Academy His Manners and Conversation . - - 55 Thomas Corneille's Tragedies . .56 1662. JEtat. 62. Pierre Corneille and his Family established in Paris - ut> Rivality of Corneille and Racine - - 57, 58 Louis XIV.'s Court - - 58 Henrietta of England, Duchess of Orleans - - 58 1684. JEtat. 79. Death of Pierre Corneille - - 59 Veneration for his Memory - - - - 60 Elogeby Racine - - - 61 - - Account of his Sons and Daughter . 61 ROCHEFOUCAULD. 16131680. The Duke de la Rochefoucauld's Maxims - - 63 High Station of his House, and its ancient Power . - 63 Reign of Henry IV. - 64 Reign of Louis XIII. - - - - 64 Cardinald de Richelieu represses the Ambition of the French Nobles - 61 1543. Anne of Austria, Regent of France ... Five Years of Peace and Tranquillity - - 67 1642. JEtat. 29. The Prince de Marsillac (afterwards Due de la Roche- foucauld) returns to Paris - - 6.1 1644. Battle of Rocroi gained by Conde over the Spaniards - - 67 Civil War in France - - 68 The Fronde . - 68 Barricades of Paris - - - 68 De.Retz, Cardinal, Coadjutor of the Archbishopric of Paris - 68 Account of the Princes de Conde, de Conti, and their Sister the Duchess de Longueville - - - 68 1650. Cond and his Brother imprisoned at Vincennes - - 72 Liberated by the Frondeurs - - - - 73 His Actions with Turenne - - - 80 Is defeated by Turenne near Paris - 81 Raises the Standard of Rebellion in Holland - - 82 Peace concluded between the Court and the Fronde - - 83 Louis XIV. assumes the Government of his Kingdom - - 83 1653. War of the Fronde terminated, and the Party dissolved - 83 1653. JEtat. 40. Duke de la Rochefoucauld retires with his Family to Danvilliers to recover from his Wounds . 83 A 4 Vlil ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. D. Page Recalled by Mazarin to Court . - - 84 Literati in Paris in the Reign of Louis XIV. - .85 1680. JEt*t. 67. Death of the Duke de la Rochefoucauld - - 89, 90 " " Critique on his Maxims - . - 91 Memoirs of the Regency of Anne of Austria, Widow of Louis XIII. 96 MOLIERE. 16221673. Distinguished Writer* of the Age of Louis XIV. - - 97 Family of Poquelin - - 97 1632. Birth of Jean Baptiste Poquelin, who assumed the Name of Mo. litVe - . - - - 98 His Studies at College . - - 99 His Fellow-Students under Gassendi . - - 99 1641. JEtat. 19. Attends on Louis XIII. as Royal Valet-de-Chambre - 100 Execution of Cinq. Mars - - 100 Cardinal de Richelieu's Plays, and Encouragement of Actors - lol 1643. JEtat 21. Molidre studies the Law - . .101 Molidre's taking the Stage for his Profession offensive to his Relative* - - - - 101 His Theatrical Company . - 102 The Fronde and Civil War injurious to the Theatre - -102 Molitjre's Company perform at Bordeaux, where he produces an unsuccessful Tragedy - - 103 His early Comedies - - - 103 His excellent Farcical Interludes performed at the Prince de Conti's Mansion of Pezenas ' - - - 105 MoliOrc and his Comedians established in Paris - - 106 They perform at Court - 106 " Les Precieuses Ridicules," a Satire on the HMel Rombouillet 107 The Poet Voiture - - 108 1659. JEtat. 57. Moliere's Satire of the Affectation then in Fashion - 109 Fete given by the Finance Minister Fouquet to Louis XIV. - 111 Le grand Cond patronises Moliere - - 113 Moliere decried for being an Actor, is protected in his duties as Royal Valet-de-Chambre by Louis XIV. - - -114 MolUre's Marriage ... 115 " " He writes 1'Ecole des Femmes - 1 17 The Court Ballets - - - 118 " Tartuffe" - 119 The Soldiers of the King's Body Guard, deprived of their free Admission to the Theatre, create a Riot - - - 121 " 166C. .Etat. 44. Le Misanthrope" - .122 " " Scene from the Amphitryon - . 124 Moliere writes "1'Avare" - - -127 " " Scene from the Comedy of George Dandin - 127 " " Unprecedented Success of Tartuffe - -126 ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. IX A. D. Page Friendship of Moliere with Boileau, Racine, and the Wits of hi Time - - 131 A Supper Party described 131 " " ... Monsieur de Pourceaugnac - - 132 Molidre's Comedy of "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" - -133 Scene from "Les Femmes Savantes" - - 135 " 1673. Moli&re writes Le Malade Imaginaire" - -138 JEtat. 51. Is carried from the Stage in a dying State - - 139 Funeral Rites denied him ... 140 Character of MoliSre - 141 His Charity . - - 143 His Style . - - 146 His Troop of Comedians dispersed - - 148 LA FONTAINE. 16211695. 1621. Birth of Jean de la Fontaine - - 150 His Father a Keeper of the Royal Domains in his District - 150 La Fontaine enters the Oratoire, a religious Order - - 151 He throws off the fetters of a monastic Life, and marries Marie d'H^ricart - 151 The Keepership of the Royal Domain is devolved on him - 151 La Fontaine reads an Ode by Malherbe, and commences Poet - 152 He studies the Classics - - 153 His Style simple, unaffected, and something antiquated - 153 His Study of the great Italian Writers, of Rabelais, and of Cle- - - - - ment Marot . 154 " " Writes Adonis in Heroic Verse - - - 155 Is jealous of M. Poignan, a military Man, and rights him - 156 His Wife's Temper - .157 His own Forgetfulness, and Anecdotes explanatory of its in- tensity ... - - 157 The Duchess de Bouillon notices him - - 158 His Appointment in the Duke of Bouillon's House - - 159 The Duchess takes him to Paris - 159 Account of the Mancinis, Duchesses of Mazarin, and of Bouil- lon - . - - - 159 La Fontaine's Parisian friends, Moliere, Racine, and Boileau - 160 - His Distractions, or Absences of Mind - 160 Forgets home and his Wife - 161 His Journeys to Chateau Thierry . - 161 Receives a Pension from Fouquet - 162 - Elegance of his fugitive Poetry - -162 - Fouquet disgraced - 162 La Fontaine endeavours to soften Louis XIV. towards this un- fortunate Minister - - - - 162 " Contes et Merveilles, en Vers," of La Fontaine 163 " " His Psyche and Cupid - - 163 X ANALYTICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A. D. Page His Fables . - . - 16* " Joconde," his most popular TaJe .
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