Audit Report To the readers of University of Canterbury and Group’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 The Auditor-General is the auditor of the misstatements that were not corrected, we Independence University of Canterbury (the University) and would have referred to them in our opinion. When carrying out the audit we followed the group. The Auditor-General has appointed The audit involved performing procedures independence requirements of the Auditor- me, Julian Tan, using the staff and resources to test the information presented in the General, which incorporate the independence of Audit New Zealand to carry out the audit financial statements and statement of service requirements of the Institute of Chartered of the financial statements and statement performance. We assessed the results of those Accountants of New Zealand. of service performance of the University and procedures in forming our opinion. In addition to the annual audit of the group, on his behalf, for the year ended 31 Audit procedures generally include: University and its subsidiaries, we perform December 2007. • determining whether significant financial an annual audit of the Vice-Chancellor’s and management controls are working and declaration on the performance-based Unqualified opinion can be relied on to produce complete and research fund external research income In our opinion: accurate data; and other audit-related assignments. These • the financial statements of the University assignments are compatible with those • verifying samples of transactions and independence requirements. and group on pages 49 to 79: account balances; – comply with generally accepted Other than the audit and these assignments, • performing analyses to identify anomalies in we have no relationship with or interests in accounting practice in New Zealand; the reported data; and the University or any of its subsidiaries. • reviewing significant estimates and – fairly reflect: judgements made by the Council; • the university and group’s financial • confirming year-end balances; position as at 31 December 2007; and • determining whether accounting policies are appropriate and consistently Julian Tan • the results of operations and applied; and Audit New Zealand cash flows for the year ended on On behalf of the Auditor-General that date. • determining whether all financial statement Christchurch, New Zealand disclosures are adequate. • the performance information of the University and group on pages 13 to 47 We did not examine every transaction, nor fairly reflects its service performance do we guarantee complete accuracy of the achievements measured against the financial statements and statement of service performance targets adopted for the year performance. ended on that date. We evaluated the overall adequacy of the The audit was completed on 26 March 2008, presentation of information in the financial statements and statement of service Matters relating to the electronic presentation and is the date at which our opinion is of the audited financial statements and expressed. performance. We obtained all the information statement of service performance and explanations we required to support our The basis of our opinion is explained below. This audit report relates to the financial statements opinion above. and statement of service performance of the University In addition, we outline the responsibilities of of Canterbury and Group for the year ended 31 December the Council and the Auditor, and explain our Responsibilities of the council and the auditor 2007 included on the University of Canterbury’s web site. independence. The Council is responsible for preparing The University of Canterbury’s Council is responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the web site. We financial statements in accordance with have not been engaged to report on the integrity of the Basis of opinion generally accepted accounting practice in New web site. Zealand. Those financial statements must fairly We carried out the audit in accordance with We accept no responsibility for any changes that may reflect the financial position of the University have occurred to the financial statements and statement the Auditor-General’s Auditing Standards, and group as at 31 December 2007. They must of service performance since they were initially presented which incorporate the New Zealand Auditing on the web site. also fairly reflect the results of operations and Standards. The audit report refers only to the financial statements cash flows for the year ended on that date. and statement of service performance named above. We planned and performed the audit to The Council is also responsible for preparing It does not provide an opinion on any other information obtain all the information and explanations performance information that fairly reflects which may have been hyperlinked to/from these financial we considered necessary in order to statements and statement of service performance. the service performance achievements for the If readers of this report are concerned with the inherent obtain reasonable assurance that the year ended 31 December 2007. The Council’s risks arising from electronic data communication they financial statements and statement of responsibilities arise from the Education Act should refer to the published hard copy of the audited service performance did not have material 1989 and the Crown Entities Act 2004. financial statements, statement of service performance misstatements whether caused by fraud and related audit report dated 28 March 2007 to confirm We are responsible for expressing an the information included in the audited financial or error. independent opinion on the financial statements and statement of service performance Material misstatements are differences or statements and statement of service presented on this web site. omissions of amounts and disclosures that performance and reporting that opinion to you. Legislation in New Zealand governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements and would affect a reader’s overall understanding This responsibility arises from section 15 of the statements of service performance may differ from of the financial statements and statement of Public Audit Act 2001 and the Crown Entities legislation in other jurisdictions. service performance. If we had found material Act 2004. 2 University of Canterbury 2007 at a Glance 2004 2005 2006 2007 1 Students enrolled (Headcount) 2 13 430 13 555 13 908 17 966 Equivalent Full-time Students (EFTS) 3 12 731 12 654 12 090 14 646 Full-time Equivalent Academic Staff (FTE) 656 680 681 778 Staff : student ratio 1 : 19.4 1 : 18.6 1 : 17.8 1 : 18.8 EFTStudents Undergraduate – sub-degree 558 495 376 642 Undergraduate – degree 10 272 10 304 10 083 12 215 Total undergraduate 10 830 10 799 10 459 12 857 Postgraduate – taught 917 868 863 955 Postgraduate – research 984 987 768 834 Total postgraduate 1 901 1 855 1 630 1 789 Total returned to Ministry of Education 12 731 12 654 12 090 14 646 Plus contract teaching and unfunded PhDs +219 +222 +239 +82 Total Taught EFTS 12 950 12 876 12 329 14 728 International students enrolled in degree courses (EFTStudent) 1 947 2 006 1 660 1 667 PBRF funding received $1.9m $4.7m $13.6m $22.0m Completed PhD theses 91 64 83 99 Completed Masters theses 187 188 166 207 Operating (All amounts net of GST) 4 In $ 000 In $ 000 In $ 000 In $ 000 Government grant $81 482 $82 716 $79 744 $105 730 Tuition fees $68 346 $71 017 $69 300 $76 001 Research funding 5 $10 462 $19 153 $31 305 $42 315 Cost per EFTStudent $13.9 $14.9 $16.4 $16.7 Capital expenditure (as per cashflow) $19 550 $17 998 $19 334 $30 071 Financial position Fixed assets $420 950 $553 601 $554 779 $700 978 Net current assets (liabilities) ($3 567) $6 072 $18 565 $25 742 1 2007 increases reflect the impact of the merger of the Christchurch College of Education with the University from 1 January, 2007. 2 Excludes UC Opportunity students. 3 EFTStudents Returned to the Ministry of Education. 4 In the “Operating” and “Financial position” sub-sections of this table 2004 and 2005 figures are not comparable with 2006 and 2007 since figures for these latter two years have been prepared in accordance with NZ IFRS (New Zealand International Financial Reporting Standards). 5 All figures include PBRF funding received. Annual Report 07 3 “It is with satisfaction that I present the 2007 annual report, and commend it to you as a record of a demanding year in which the University performed admirably and moved ahead in terms of size, quality and reputation.” 44 UniversityUniversity ofof CanterburyCanterbury Chancellor’s Welcome Welcome to the 2007 Annual Report of the phases of the construction project will see Wellington and in October Superintendent University of Canterbury. the progressive refurbishment of the Plant Sandra Manderson left after four years on 2007 was a momentous year as the University and Microbial Sciences building, the Zoology Council to take up a police liaison role in grew in size some 20% following the merger building and the Geological Sciences building. Washington. At the end of the year Ms Bundy with the Christchurch College of Education, A major development during the year was finished her term on Council, and Professor Hempenstall retired from the University and and embarked on a capital development the purchase of the Blue Gene IBM Super the Council. programme after five years of relative Computer, the largest research computer in austerity. Australasia. Council debated
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