CV +- T +EY Iyttiisih Wj*teica1YX Q4WutaaL. THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. I F,DITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUME II, 1931 ' JULY TO DECEMBER PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. JIM-Y-DF'o., 119311 INJOX I JOVwNAL KEY TO DATES AND PAGES. THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue and the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the second volume for 1931, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement kro. Issue. Pages. Pages. 3678 July 4th 1- 42 1 20 3679 il, h 43- 86 21- 36 3680 18th 87- 130 37- 48 3681 ,, 25th 131- 174 49- 88 3682 Aug. 1st 175- 230 89- 120 3683 8th 231- 282 121- 128 3684 ,, 15th 283- 330 129- 136 3685 ,, 22nid 331 368 137- 148 3686 29th 369- 408 149- 172 3687 Sept. 5th 409- 480 3688 ,, 12th 481- 518 173- 180 3689 19th 519- 554 181 -184 3690 26th 555- 592 185- 192 3691 Oct. 3rd 593- 638 193 -200 3692 ,, 10th 639- 686 201- 216 3693 , 17th 687- 732 217 -232 3694 ,, 24th 733- 786 233- 240 3695 ,, 31st 787- 832 241- 260 3696 Nov. 7tl 833- 878 261- 268 3697 14th 879- 928 269- 276 3698 21st 929- 972 277- 288 3699 28th 973 1018 289- 300 3700 Dec. 5th 1019 - 1072 301- 312 3701 12th 1073 - 1120 313- 320 3702 19th 1121 1164 321- 332 3703 ,, 26th 1165 - 1204 333- 340 INDEX TO VOLUME II FOR 1931 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth., Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Pyelography and Urography; Lunacy and Mental Diseases; Sunlight and Ultra-violet; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt with under various main headings in the JOURNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Correspondence," "Leading Articles," "The Week," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A. and Gottorm Toverud),576-Supplementum III: Alkalis and The Distribution seborrhoea, 322 Abattoir, the public, and disease (Hal Williams), antd FrequenceV of Rickets in ALLAN, Geo. A.: Testimonial to Dr. Jam-les R. 1107 one of the Fisherv Districts of Finmark and Drever, 1065 Relation of Diet to the Disorder (Johan Allergy and the " 1060, 1157 Abdomen, acute. diabetic (R. D. Lawrence, C. G. Kloster), 576-Supplementum proteose," 1109, Millman, and F. E. Pilkington), 530 (0)-Corre- IV: Blood Allergy, review of books on, 1139 spondence on. 588, 680 Sugar itn Normal and Sick Children (Elisa- ALLISON, P. R. (and L. N. PYRAH): Some silo- beth Svensgaard), 1141 grams, 1028 (0) Abdomen, exploration of, indications for Acta Radiologica: Malignant Tumours of the Ernst:-Grosse (Zachary Cope), 1033 Tonsil (Elis G. E. ALMQU[ST, Biologen: Eine Abdominal disease, acute, some Berven), 663-The Origin of Geschichte der Biologie uind ihrer Erforscher, neglected sym- Lymphosarcomatosis and its Relation to rev., 3C0 ptoms in (V. Zachary Cope), 94 (0) Other Forms of Leucosi8 in White Abdominal manifestations in rheumatism. See Mice (Carl Alopecia areata, 831, 928 Rheumatism Krebs, H. C. Rask-Nielsen, and Aage Wagner), Alterative treatment, review of book on, 62 806 Alvarenga prize. See Prize Abdominal pain, review of book on, 570. See also Actinotherapy, centres for (parliamentary Pain 280 note), Ambulance, air, a new departure in (Lieut..Col. Abdomino-pelvic diagnosis, review of book on, E. Mf. Cowell), 752 949 ACTON, Lieut.-Col. H. W.: Report of the Calcutta Ambulance Association, St. Andrews: Annual Aberdeen. See Scotland School of Tropical Medicine, 161 meeting, 75 Acute abdomen. See Abdomen and Abdominal Ambulance Brigade, St. John, personnel of, 1071 Abnormal Importations (Customs Duties) Act. ADAIR, F. L.:-Obstetrics and child health in the Ambulance 967, 1015 United Service, Home: Quarterly report, Abortion, charge of attempting to procure States, 69-(Editor): Cancer, 112 397, 1C06 (IRona ADAMS, A. Wilfrid: A simple fascia cutter for Ambulance Service, Number of Wotherspoon), 1066 living sutures, 194-Spinal analgesia, 212 510 London: calls, Abortion, criminal (Sir Bernard Spilsbury), 946 ADAMS, John (and ABRAHAMSON, Leonard: Subacute bacter ial Philip ADAMS): Generalized Ambulances in Ireland, movement of (parlia- endocarditis following gas gangrene developing during parturition, mentary note), 551 removal of septic foci, 8 1179 America. See United States (0) ADAMS, Philip:-Doyne Memorial Lecture: " An America, South, infant Abscess of breast, 86. 173 ophtbalmological mortality in, 254 Absenteeism due to catarrhal conditions melange," 105-Awarded American Journal of Surgery, October issue (T. E. A. Stowell), 985 (0) the Doyne memiiorial medal, 105 dedicated to Rudolf Matas, 927 ADDIS, Thomas (and Jean OlIVER): The Renal See Academi6 de M6decine: Bi-centenary of the Lesions in American Medical Association. Association French Academy of Surgery, Bright's Disease. rev., 569 AmIEs, C.: Two new laboratory instruments, 552-Founds ADDISON, 0. L.: Acute osteomyelitis,897 the scopometer and the haemoglobiDo- prizes for the best work on the cure of Addison's disease. review spectro- diabetes and of tuberculosis, 755 of book on, 950 meter, 993 Adenoid and tonsils operations, 553 Amnesia, hyoscine, in with or without Acad6mie Royale de Chirurgie, second centenary Adenoids, 681 labour, of, 1118-French surgery in the eighteenth chloroform (Andrew M. Claye). 12 (0). See century, 1118 Adenomata, cervical, 831, 928 also Hyoseine ADIE, W. J.: Argyll Rtobertson pupils true and Amnesia, unusual case of (F. B. Mallinson), 103 false. 136 (0)-Cerebral haemorrhage, 209 Amytal (R. Garry), 266 ACADEMY, ROYAL, OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND: Alfred: C. Election of officers, 704 ADLER, T7e Pattern of Life, rev., 300 Anaemia, achlorhydric, simple, treated by iron ADLER, S. (and 0. THEODORI: Skin infection in (D. Hare), 888 (0) Significance of the sulci of the brain, 117 canine visceral Leishnianiasis, 1179 C. Section of 1feclicine.-Treatitient of empyemua, Anaemia, megaloblastic (G. W. Goodhart), 60 1184 Adoption of Children (Scotland) Act. 279 Anaemia, microcytic, chronic (L. J. Witts), 883 Adrenaline and ephedrine solution (hypoloid (0) - Correspondence 1007, 1157. Section of Patholog!l.-The seditrmentation epinalin), 853 on. 1059. test. 1092-Carcinomla of appendix. 1093- See also Colour index Sarcoma of testis, Adrenaline, tetany after exercise in an asth- Anaemia, nutritional, in infancy, report on 1093 matic relieved by (J. A. Simpson Emslie), 146 (Helen M. M. Mackay and Lorel Goodfellow), Section of Surgery -ardiospasm, 948- ADRIAN, E. D.: The Parotid tumours. 948-Some old physiological basis of 615 journeyman sensation, 578 Anaemia, pernicious, cases wanted at Guy's surgeons, 948 Advertisement, an Elizabethan medical, 1103 Hospital, 681 Academy of Surgery, Advertisements of food products in America Anaemia, pernicious, hog's stomach in, 76,1008 French, second centenary (Morris Fishbein), 711 to of, 552 Advertisements Anaemia, pernicious. ilesistant treatment Accident, an historical (death of Mr. Huskissoi), Riegulation (Amendment) Bill, (A. M. Kennedy), 5 (0) 115 551 Anaemia, pernicious, treatment (Astley V. Africa, East: East African Medical Service, Clarke), 895 Accidents, motor. how hospitals can obtain information 473 payment from insurance companies for. 366 concerning, Anaemia and polycythaemia (A. E. Boycott), Accidents: Street, in London (parliamentary 1184 note), 227 - Road, in AFRICA, SOUTH, UNION OF: Anaemia, secondary, varieties of and their the Metropolis (Darlia- Aviation, possibility of spread of formidable treatment (L. J. 256, mentary note 327-Road, doctors anid, 359 epidemic Witts), 883-Discussion, .Accion Medica: October and ilisease by, 720 256 Novemnber issue Institute for Medical Research. See Research Anaemic breakdowns connected with haemo- devoted to tuberculosis, 1017 Malaria control in the Union, 719 33 Acetylcholine, dosage of, a correction from the Pneumonia lytic jaundice, Epitome of October 17th, in, 1191 Anaerobic streptococci. See Streptococci 928 Anaesthesia. avertin, in gynaecology (James Achalasia of the cardia (H. B. Butler), 565 (0) West: Achondroplasia and mental Africa, West African Medical Staff Young), 1026 (0)-Correspondence on, 1155 deficiency, 827 dinners, 130-Information concerning, 472 Anaesthesia. deaths associated with, 1009, 1060, Acidity, gastric, 1147 After-care Association. See Association 1109,1158, 1197 Acidity and malignancy, 1062 Age limits, 1018,1120 Acidosis and ketosis in children, 1064, 1157 Anaesthesia, ether. convulsions during, 275, 358, ACLAND, the late Agra, school medical examinations in, 273 400, 513, 587, 679 1009. 1159 Theodore Dyke, Order of the Air ambulance. See Ambulance Anaesthesia, oxygen during, a tube for deliver- Nile conferred on, 407 Air Force Medical Service, Acne vulgaris, effect of sunlight on, 368 Royal, information ing, 611 ACQUAVIVA, A.: Les Der-matoses InesthUtiques; concerning, 468, 618 Anaestbesia. progress of (R. J. Clausen), 211, leur Traitement par les Agents Air travel, public health problems of (A. 374 (0)-Discussion. 211-Leading
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