CULTIVATING A MISSIONAL CONGREGATION Cultivate a Cultivate a Community Community of Good of Blessing News Cultivate a Community for Others Canon Carrie Headington, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas www.goodnewsinitiative.org Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care, Stephanie Spellers www.episcopalchurch.org 1 CALL OF THE CHURCH “The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” - Book of Common Prayer, p. 854 “The church carries out its mission through the ministry of all its members.” - Book of Common Prayer, p. 854 “The Church is the only institution that exists primarily for the benefit of those who are not its members.” - Archbishop William Temple Defining Evangelism Scripture: From evangélion (Greek): gospel, glad tidings or good news “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15 Tradition: Baptismal Covenant (Book of Common Prayer, 850) Presider: “Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?” Candidate: “I will, with God’s help.” Three Aspects of Cultivating a Missional Church Cultivate a Cultivate a Community Community of Good of Blessing News Cultivate a Community for Others 2 I. Cultivate a Community of Good News a. MOTIVATATION -Get rooted in the story of the good news. “We cannot help but speak about what we have seen and heard.” – Acts 4:20 - o Bible Study – Lectio Divina o Congregational Retreats o Cursillo o Silent Retreats o Revivals o Personal Faith Story Mapping and Sharing o Parish-wide reading of the Daily Office o Parish-wide Book Reading o Way of Love Discipleship Tools https://www.episcopalchurch.org/getting-started-way-love b. PRAYER - “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest therefore to send out workers into the harvest.” – Matthew 9:37-38; Luke 10:2 o Parish Prayer: Harvest Intercessory Prayer Group dedicated to praying for the parish and parish’s efforts to share and be good news. Praying for the laborers of the harvest and the harvest field. For resources on praying for the harvest go to www.harvestprayernetwork.com and in Spanish www.oraciondelacosecha.com o Individual Prayer: Asking God to open your eyes and heart to what He is doing in those around you. Pray how God wants you to love your neighbor. Pray for 3 people whom God has placed around you. c. KNOW THE CALL and Be Equipped to Share Our Faith: o Acts to Action: The New Testament Guide to Evangelism and Mission Edited by Susan Brown Snook and Adam Trambley o 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations by Mary Schaller and John Crilly o Natural Evangelism by J.John We are ALL CALLED! We are all ambassadors! 3 “How then can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.’ ” Romans 10:14 Areas to cover: Cultivating a Missional Life (Prayer, Care, Share) How to share the Gospel narrative, Sharing Personal Faith Story, 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversation Options: o Evangelism Workshops o Evangelism Style Inventories- Spiritual Gifts Assessments o One-to-One Relational Meetings o Sharing Faith Dinners o Story-telling/Story-receiving Workshops o Gratitudes Practice during Church Meetings and Gatherings o Bible Series (read the book of Acts together, read the Gospels together, and explore how Jesus loved and served others.) II. Cultivate a Community for Others “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to ends of the Earth.” – Acts 1:8 a. Get to know Jerusalem (your closest neighbors, family, friends). Who has God placed around you? What is God doing in their lives? How can you join God? o Draw or map your Sphere of Influence, including … o Family: o Friends: o Neighbors: o Acquaintances: o Work or School Colleagues: 4 o Volunteer Groups: o Social Groups: o Civic Affiliations: o Hobbies/ Special Interests: PRAY FOR THESE people and ask God how to best love them. Digital Mission Field: Using Social Media: Sharing words of hope and personal story of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Meet Up b. Get to know Judea (the neighborhood/parish, the physical community around your church). Where and among what people has God placed you? What is God up to in the neighborhood? Who lives in your neighborhood or within the immediate areas surrounding the church? o See Customized Neighborhood Demographic Profile available for every Episcopal parish at www.episcopalchurch.org/posts/evangelisminitiatives/church-demographics. o Percept o See Neighborhood Prayer Walk handout for detailed instructions o Christ for All Peoples Prayer. Care. Share. Invite. Using Social Media. c. Get to know Samaria (the margins of your community; groups, cultures and generations with whom you do not have relationship, and from whom you or your church has been alienated). Who is the Other through whom God might long to speak to you? Who is forgotten, broken-hearted, neglected, or suffering? o See your parish’s Neighborhood Demographic Profile o See Neighborhood Prayer Walk handout (pp. 12-16) for detailed instructions 5 PRAYER CARE SHARE INVITE Using Social Media. d. Get to know the ends of the Earth (global mission and awareness). In what other parts of the world and creation is God calling you to build relationship? What groups from around the globe is God bringing to your city- new immigrants/ refugees? o Consult Parish, Diocesan or Church-wide leaders around Global Mission Partnerships o Consult with Lausanne Global Evangelization Congress, Anglican Global Missions Partners, New Wineskins, and Episcopal Relief and Development, Episcopal Migration Ministries Next Steps as You Cultivate a Community for Others … 1. As you notice who and what is around you in each of these concentric circles, ask simple questions: o What is God up to in their midst? o How can I/we build relationship with the people and communities I’m/we’re discovering? o What are their needs and longings? How can I bless and love them? o What are our needs and longings? How could they bless us? o If Jesus met this person or group, what would he do? What would He say? 2.Care for the poor and those on the margins. Matthew 25: ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did for the least of these, you did it to me.’ Pay special attention to your church’s Outreach and Service programs and turn Outreach into Reaching Out. 6 o Invite people to be part of the service and outreach. o Tell the story of who you are and why God in Christ draws you to serve and be present o Invite those among whom you are ministering to be part of church activities. o Invite the guests to also be hosts, helping and even leading the reach out/outreach effort 2. Create new ways of interacting with people beyond your church o Host gatherings or even Theology on Tap at pubs, coffee houses, parents’ lunch spots, etc. o Engage with arts and civic organizations, other local nonprofits or social groups, and ask how your church could be helpful o See with Ideas for Turning Your Church into a Center for Blessing 7 III. Cultivate a Community of Blessing “I will bless you so that you will be a blessing.” – Genesis 12:2 a. Practice the Art of BLESSing:1 Be – just be present Listen – create a listening space where people can share stories Eat – welcome people to the table, just like Jesus did Serve – love and care for people’s felt needs Share – share your story and the story of God’s love and life (Gospel, Personal Faith Story) b. SEEKER SAFE HAVENS: Make your church a spiritual safe haven for doubters, skeptics, seekers and the curious. o Seeker Bible Studies- Rebecca Manley Pippert o Q Place o Alpha o Transforming Questions o Explore God o Way of Love o Christianity Explored c. COMMUNITY EVENTS: Getting to know your Community Events: (See p. 17) – These are events where people can get to know your community and ecperience radical hospitality. d. INVITE A FRIEND SUNDAYS/ PLUS ONE EVENTS/CHURCH MISSION e. GO Beyond the Church Walls: Where do people frequent? God is at work there. Join God. -Example Theology on Tap events -Worship, meals, parties in the local park. f. CULTURE OF INVITATION: PRAYER, YOU PLUS ONE, SOCIAL MEDIA 1 Coined by Leslie Stewart, church planter in Diocese of Dallas. 8 g. Observe your hospitality and incorporation practices. Do people feel blessed when they enter your church? Would they want to return and become part of the community? See Hospitality 101 handout (pp. 10-13) h. Practice regular, generous hospitality that keeps in mind the experience of strangers and newcomers. See handout with Ideas for Turning Your Church into a Center for Blessing (pp. 17). EVANGELISTIC SYSTEMS AND WORKING TEAM 1. Equipping for Faith Sharing- Bi – Annual Epiphany/ Pentecost 2. Care for the poor – 1-2 key ministries 3. Quarterly Community Events (Ideas on p. 17) 4. Ongoing forums for seekers (1/2 out in the community) 5. Intercessory Prayer for Parish Ongoing and at all events and Sundays 6. Guest Services (Plus One) Sundays with Meal – Monthly or every 6 weeks 7. Make flyers, evites, social media memes, for all events and things happening in the parish. Cultivate an ethos of invitation.
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