: v ’ - 'i;i- " NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION F o recast by tJ. 9. Weather Bareaa. OF THE EVENING HERALD New H area. foi- the month of May, 1927 Fail- tonight and Thursday; 4 , 9 9 5 anrhfHlfr Ettftting slii>litlj cooler'tonight. Classifled Adrcrtisiiig on page 8 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1927. PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLL, NO. 207. Coivn- QUAKES ROCK First Actual Lindy Photo Received in U. S. FEAR BALLOON TOWNS ALONG IS LOST OVER LINDBERGH TO LAND JERSEY COAST T H E m A N T IC IN WASHINGTON D. C Brooklyn and Long Island Only One Out of 15 In Na­ m N. Y. IS INDIGNANT Flyer Accepts President's Offer to Return Home On June tional Air Race Not Re­ Also Feel the Shocks; 11 On U. S, Cruiser Memphis-New York Disappoint­ Dishes Are Shattered In ported— Last Seen at OVER PLAN CHANGE ed Over Change In Plan— Hero Attends Races Neat Jersey City. Richford, Vt. Democrats Say Col. Roose­ London and Is Given Great Ovation By Crowds— Offer New York, June 1.— Houses Boston, Mass., June 1.— Two of velt Is Responsible For ed Position By Henry Ford. were rocked in Brooklyn. Long the three balloons in the national, Island and all along the Jersey race from Akron, Ohio, seen overj New England, were accounted fori Lindy Landing at Capital. coast as far as Tom's river today Washington, June 1.— Captain ^ed across the trafk to the special today but the third, the Scr:'pps-j during three earth tremors record­ Charles Lindbergh today accepted jockey club wher^ he viewed the Howard entry, last sighted over, race with the jockey club steward. ed at Fordham University. The New Y'ork, June 1.— Indignation "with thanks” President Coolidge’s Richmond, Vt., was blown in thej Vast crowds sacrificed their tremors e.vteiidcd all along the At­ offer of the United States cruiser storm to sea or into the northern' reached a boiling point among places of vantage they had held lantic coast. Democratic politicians in New York Memphis on which to return to the since early morning, rushing to In Jersey City dishes were hurled wilds of Canada, it was feared. the grandstand to see Lindbergh. V ' ?| City this afternoon when they United States. from the walls of several homes United States Army No. .3. came The Memphis will pick up the “ ’Ere’s Lindbergh,” was the cry uid in Red Bank, houses and build­ s->'> ' , to earth on the Alford "oal near learned that Captain Charles A. raised and they came swarming ings trembled and people ran into Gieenwocd cemetery in Biddeford. Lindbergh will be brought to Wash­ flyer at Cherbourg and come from all over the Downs, breaking straight to Washington, where it is the street. Me., today. 'WTth fog bank.s ahead ington before he comes to New through the police cordons and first yiuikc Here’s one of the balcony scenes from Captain Lindbergh’s Paris visit. It tvas photographed the pilot decided not to attempt an planned that Lindbergh will be making it necessary for mounted Y’ork for the greatest reception ever The iirst quake was reported at at the Aero Club of France. Lindbergh, visiting-the club to receive a gold medal, appeared air voyage over the sea to Nova honored by the government on the police to intervene and hold the Scotia. accorded any individual, and they crowds back. S:23 a. m. It lasted for twenty-five on the balcony and wAved French and American flags. Ambassador Herrick stands beside him. afternoon of Sat .rday, June 11. seconds, according to Prof. Jolin Traveled 705 Miles. were quick to throw the whole Goodyear V., which came to earth Captain Lindbergh’s acceptance TO RETURN O.N WARSHIP. Tynan, of Fordham University. blame on the shoulders of Colonel His plates disclosed that the quake in a field at Hancock, Me., fifteen was cabled to the Stat Department London. June 1.— International Theodore Roosevelt, the former was felt all along the Atlantic miles from Bar Harbor and the by Frederick Sterling, American News Service understands thaj 3 DEAD, 19 HURT sea, was packed up today by 'Ward .■oast. Modern Youth Is O. K. Republican assistant Secretary of charge in London, and relayed to Captain Charles A. Lindbergh will T. Orman, pilot, 1926 national bal­ accept President Coolidge’s invltai The second tremor, lasting loon champion, and his aide, Wal­ War. the president at the White House. mother three full seconds, occurred tion to sail for home on board th< IN TAMPA RIOTS ter V. Morton. They had traveled Roosevelt, they charged, without, It merely stated that Lindbergh ac­ light cruiser Memphis instead ol at S:31 and the third at S:39. 705 miles, the longest distance of however, permitting the use of their First the Strongest College Heads Assert cepted the President's invitation the destroyer Breck. sailing fronj any of the balloons reported from names, had suggested to influential Cherbourg on Saturday as previous* The first shock recorded on the Akron. Washington friends, that Lind­ “with thanks” and would arrange the details with Vice Admiral Bur- ly arranged. I’ordham seismograph was the Encountered Rain. bergh be asked to come to Wash­ President Goolidge’s cablegranf strongest. j Editor's Note— This is the first of.^ the commencement-time views of rage, United States naval com­ Mob Tries to lynch Slayer Orman said over the long dis­ ington. They charged that Roose­ mander in European waters. had not reached the American eni'< Asbury Park. Red Bank and I two articles on “Mo<Icni Youth” educators on the college graduate tance telephone from the home of velt was piqued because of certain bassy at 10 o’clock, but Captaii( 'FreeholJ, X- J., were thrown into j as viewed by New England col- of 1927 and the so-caRed “flaming Howard W. Y'oung at Hancock, plans in connection with the New GERMANY SORE, TOO Lindbergh was informed of its com wild excitement by the detonations. I lege presidents. The second arti­ modern youth.” Of Five— Soldiers Use near whose piazza they alighted, Y’ork reception. tents by International News Service( Kvei-y home and building in the that rain had been encountered Berlin, June 1.— Now the rows cle will appear tomorrow. Youths All Right Roosevelt Speaks over Captain Lindbergh begin. Faster Vessel. three cities trembled. Police ra­ throughout the trip. Goodyear V Col. Roosevelt, in a statement to Captain Lindbergh said that th-t “The present undergraduates, as Machine Guns, was scheduled to go on to Nova While Ne^w Y’ork and Washing­ tions and municipal buildings were Boston, Mass.. June 1.— Modern I know them, are as fine a lot of International News Service, prompt­ ton are reported fighting for the fact that the Memphis was a faste* showered ■with telephone calls and Scotia but the fog, lightning and youth is ”0. K.” The college presi­ young men as have ever been at ly denied these charges, branding privilege of welcoming the flier vessel, enabling him to reach AmerJ inquiries by frightened citizens. It rain became too severe. The balloon Bowdoin.” declared President Ken­ them as untrue in every respect. back to America, Germany Is ex­ ica by June lit or shortly thereat* was at first supposed tliat the Rari­ dents say so. Tampa, Fla., June 1.— Three dropped two hundred feet in land­ ter, appealed to him, though he wa^ neth C. M. Sills of that institution Grover Whalen, chairman of pressing considerable chagrin that tan Arsenal on the Raritan river, "Prexy'' knows for he has close ing. The highest altitude attained sure he would be comfortabla of learning which is situated at killed and nineteen injured was the Mayor James J. Walker’s commit­ Lindbergh will not visit here and had blown up- contact with the thousands of men by Goodyear V was 16,800 feet aboard the destroyer and did not Brunswick, Me. toll attributed by police today to tee for reception of distinguished attention is called to th fact that The commaudin.g officer at Fort and ■women of tomorrow— the over the Adirondacks. In the rain mind traveling upon the smallei pitched battles during the night guests, said the change in Lind­ he has only visited countries Hancock, Sandy Hook, said the seniors of today. ‘T have no patience with the cur­ and fog travel was guided by radio which were recently enemies of boat. Presidents of Xew England col­ rent criticism that the younger gen­ between National Guard troops compass. bergh’s destination had “disrupted The airman slept a little latei tremors had been felt there and most of New York’s plans.” The Germany. similar reports came from half a leges deny in no uncertain terms eration is going to the dogs,” he guarding the county jail and mobs The balloon sighted flying low off “Wire Pulling” than usual this morning, but-arose the current criticism that Ameri­ continued. “The present graduate is Nashau, N. H., was reported as great reception in the bay and the about nine o’clock and breakfasted dozen towns along the Atlantic determinedly seeking B. F. Levins, The Vossiche Zeitung declares ca’s younger generation is literally perhaps a little less eniandable to "No. 10^’ but was believed to be parade of 10,000 troops from the with Mrs. Houghton, wife of the ■oast within a radius . of several Battery to 59th street and Fifth that' “political wire pulling” has •‘going to the dogs.” 35, alleged confessed slayer of five the tenth entry or Army No.
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