INDEX Names mentioned more than once on a page are indexed only once. Names of places are printed in italics. ABERYSTWYTH, 61 Bennett, Walter, 145 Abram, William, 122 Beresford, M. W., 58 Alderley, 79 Bermondsey, 143 Aldersey, 45, 57 Kckerton, 37 Park, 48 Billinge, James, 26, 28 Aldford. 36, 45, 54 Billinge, 17,29 Aldridge, Edward, 27 Birch, Jane, 10, 11; John, 10, 11, 14-5 Alexander, E. P., 101 Birchall, James, 5; John, 6; Joseph, 16; Alford, Lincolnshire, 140 Mary, 2; Richard, 6; Robert, Allerton, 93 1-3, 5-7; Thurstan, 6 Altcar, 137 Birkenhead, Prior of, 96 Amounderness, 63 Bispham, Grammar School, 28 Armour, E. C., 129 n Blackburn, 63 Ascroft, William, 91 Blackheath, 3 Ashcroft, Rev., 18 Blakehurst, Richard, 115 Ashton, James, 18, 19; John, 18, 19, 24; Blundell, Lawrence, 122; Margaret, Nicholas, 19; Nicholas son of 123 n, 157: Nicholas, 123, 155; John, 19; William, 17, 18 Thomas, 155; William, 134, 135, Ashton, Cheshire, 48 137, 141, 153, 155 Ashton-in-Makerfield, Charities, 3, 21-2, Blundeville, Ranulf, 93 25-6, 29-30, 32-3; Grammar Boardman, William, 20 School, 1-34; Sunday Schools, Booth, Elizabeth, 110; Nathaniel, 110 23, 26; vestry, 22 Bollington, 85 Ashton-under-Lyne, 69, 70 BoIton-le-Sands, 80 Ashurst, Henry, 9 Bowden, 35 Ashurst Hall, 9 Bradwater, Sussex, 165 Aston, Sir Thomas, 160 Brick houses, 80-3 Aston-in-Hopedale, 93 Bridgemen, Henry, 66 Bridge Trafford, 48 Brinslcy, John, 11 Broadbank, Briercliffe, Excavation of a BAILEY, Henrietta E., 172; Dr. F. J., circular enclosure at, 145-152 172; Dr. F. W., 172; Dr. R. T., Broadhurst. Joseph, 115 172 Bromborough, 36 Baldock, Richard, 118» Brooks, Peter, 130 Baldwin, Rev. N. R., 131 Bruen Stapleford, 49 Ball, Stanley, 107 Bryce, James, 28, 29 Hampton, Westmorland, 138 Buerton, 49, 54 Banks. Thomas, 115 Buckler, Walter, 96 Barker, Ellen, 68 Burnet, Edward, 34 Barton, S. Saxon, 173 Burnham, abbess of, 165 Barton, 38, 48 Burnley, 145-6 Bateson, William. 115 Burton, Richard, 163-7 Becket, Thomas a. 105 n Burton, 38, 39 Beddow, J., 101 Burtonwood, 24 Bedford, J. L., 101 Butlers of Bewey, 105 n Beeston, 79 Byrom, George, 130 181 182 INDEX CADEROC, William, 47 Chester, Town field, 35 Caldecott, 49 , Whitefriars, 62 Caldwell, John, 4 Chowley, 48, 51 Cambridge, Godshouse, 164, 166: Chumley, Mr., 9 , Gonville and Caius, 10, 11: Church 'Shocklach, 45, 48 , Hinton Manor, 163, 166; Claverton, 36 , St. John's, 15, 125 Clotton, 38, 40-2 Canterbury, 61 Cockerham, 80 Canute, 105 Cocke, John. 69 Carden, 37, 40, 54 Coddington, 36, 37, 38, 48, 51 Carpenter. John, 166 Corles, Helena, 110; Margaret, 109; Carter, Thomas, 118, 120 Thomas, 109; William, 109-10 Catherali, Catherine, 68 Cromwell, Oliver, 13, 96 Chadderton, Bishop, 4 Crosby Hall, 153, 155, 157 Chambres, John, 115 Croughton, 48 Chapman, Robert, 123; Vera, "Open Crewe by Farndon, 51 Fields in West Cheshire," 35-59 Charity Commissioners, 24-6, 28, 30-3, 122, 133, 136 Charles 11, 96 DALE, Catherine, 109; Joseph. 109 Charnley, Thomas, 14; Christopher, Davis, E. V., 113 14, 15, 16 Dee, river, 37, 45, 48, 52-4, 58 Cheaveley, 51 Delamere, 37, 59; forest, 76 Cheetham, Thomas, 72 Denbighshire, 36 Cheshire. Open fields in West, 35-59 Dennil, Mr., 66 Chester, Edward, 140; Frances, 139, Derby, James earl of, 13 140; George, 140; John, 140; Derbyshire, Richard, 20 Matilda, 140; Matthew (senr.), Dewhurst, J. C, 100 122-3, 133-6, 138-40; Matthew Domesday Book, 51, 54 (jurtr.), 139 «, 140; Dr. Richard, Downall, Thomas, 20 164, 166; William, 140 Downham, 84 Chester, 18, 36 Duddon, 48 , Abbey Gateway, 62, 63, 64 Dukinfield, 110 , Abbey of St. Werburgh, 36, 38, 49, Dunham on the Hill, 38, 45-7, 54, 58-9 54, 101 /;, 105, 159-162 Dyson, James, 115; Shusanna, 115 , Archdeacon, 63, 127 n , Bishop of, 4, 62, 105, 127, 139 , Bluecoat School, 93, 97, 98-9, 102-3 EARWAKER, J. P., 62, 111 , Bridge of Sighs, 98 Eccleston, 37, 125 , Cathedral Church of St. John, 97, Eden, Margaret, 2; Thomas, 2, 6 101 n Edward I, 93 , Chapel of St. John the Baptist, Edward VI, 2 93-103 Edwards, John, 99 , Church of St. Olave, 103-10 Edwardson, William, 73 , Consistory Court, 64 Egerton, Rev. Thomas, 127 , Corporation, 97 Elizabeth I, 80 , Dean of, 100 Elizabeth, Lady Ferrers, 165 ' . , Diocese, 64, 65 Ellom, William, 68 . ' , Earl of, 93, 96, 105 Elton,42-5 ''^ , Ellesmere and Chester canal, 97 Endowed Schools Act, 9 '' , General Cemetery, 108 Eton School, 164-7 ' '"; , Hospital of St. John the Baptist, Everard, William, 129 '~ 93, 96-7, 100-1 Ext wistle Moor, 146 , King's School, 62-3 Eynon, son of David, 47 , Lower Bridge St., 103, 108 , North Gate, 93, 97 , Probate Registry, 61 , Record Office, 61 FARINGTON, E., 131 , St. Mary on the Hill, 107 Farndon, 36, 38^tO, 45, 51, 54 , St. Michael's, 105, 107 Farnham, 164 INDEX 183 Farrington, Avice, 131 Handley,49, 51 Finch, Henry, 16 Hanmer, Sir Thomas, 105 Flint, 96 Hardy, Thomas, 25, 26 Foley, J. W., 153 Harley, Robert earl of Oxford, 161 Ford, Mr., 9, 10 Harris, S. A.. "Paradise St. in Liveroool: Forde, Frederick, 99, 101 the derivation of the name," Formby, Rev. A., 139 143-4 Forrnby Chapel, 125 Harrison, James, 107; John. 117-8, Forshaw, James, 22-\ 120, 134-6, 141; Thomas, 97; Foulk Staple/on/, 49 William, 122 France, R. S., 140 Harrop. John, 70 n Frosterley School, 127 Hatton, Richard, 20 Furness, 63 Haydock, 17 Fylcle, 80-3 Hayes, Rev. E. N., 131 n Hebden Bridge, 146 Helsby, Thomas, 107 GARSWOOD, 5, 13, 34 Hemingway, Joseph, 107, 108 Gastrell, F., 7, 13, 16, 19, 96-7, 99 n. Henry III, 93 105, 120 Henry V, 96, 164 Gee, John, 115 Henry VI, 164 Gerard, John, 4; Sir John, 29; Lord, 33; Henry VII, 111 Mr. (School-master) 14; Thomas Henry VIII, 80 (Yeoman), 6; Thomas (Governor), Heron, George, 130 16; Sir Thomas, 3-6 Hesketh, Henry, 109; Mary, 109 Gerrard, Thomas, 10 Heysham, Robert, 130 Gladstone, Robert, 172 Hindley, 12 Golborne Bellow, 49 Hinks, John, 127 Golborne David, 49 Hockenhull, 49, 51 Golden, Edmund, 64 Hodgkiss, W. J., "Seneley Green Gram­ Gorst, Roger, 107 mar School, Ashton-in-Maker- Gowy, river, 37, 44, 48, 52-4, 58-9 field", 1-34 Grafton, 49 Hodkinson, Mary, 125 Graham, John, 101 Holden, Father, 157 Granville, G. B., 101 Hollowmoor Heath, 44 Great Barrow, 44 Holme, Randle, 97, 106-8, 159-61 Great Boughton, 93 Holt, Robert, 27; Roger, 14 Great Crosby, Book of Town's Stock, Holt, 37 137 Norton, 36, 45, 47, 49, 51, 58-9 , Chapel of St. Michael, 117, 121, House-types in rural Lancashire and 123, 126-7, 129-30, 137 Cheshire, 75-91 , Chapelwarden, 133 « Howard, John, 97 , Free Grammar School, 117-141 Howe. Christopher, 115 , Land Tax Assessment, 137 Huntington, 51 , Manor of, 132 Hurst, N., 153 , Register of baptisms, 138 Hurte, John, 165 Great Langdale, Axe 'factory', 145, 151 Hutchinson, G. N., 115 Great Stanney, 49 Huxley, 49 Greene, Peter, 10 Grene, Patrick, 165 Grosvenor, Sir Richard, 105 WDINSHALL, 49, 50 Guest, Richard, 18 Isle of Man, 34 Guilden Sutton, 44, 48 Gunpowder Plot, 4 JACKSON, J. W., 155 James, E. M., 123 n HALE, 19, 73 Jenkinson. Samuel, 16-7 Halsall, Rev. Anthony, 122-4, 130; Johnson. Robert, 109 Catherine, 124, 126 Johnston. F. R., "Richard Burton, Halton, 61 vicar of Lancaster, 1466-84", Handbridge, 36, 93 163-7 184 INDEX Jones, B. C, "The Lancashire Probate Lowe, Henry, 16: John. 17; John Records," 61-73 (grandson), 17; Roger, 10, 13, Jones, Rev. I. L., 27 14; William, 17 Lune, river, 80 Lunt, 124, 126 KELSALL. 37, 38, 42 Lurtin, Anne, 137; Elizabeth, 138; Kendal, 63 John, 134, 136-8; Nicholas, 137; Kenyon, Lord, 89; Roger. 89 Margaret, 138; Robert, 138; Kerridge, E., 58 Thomas, 137; William, 137 Kerridge, 85 Lydyat, Thomas, 73 Keys, Roger, 165 Lyme Park, 89 Kidd, Rev. John, 118, 121 Lymm, 79 Knott Hill, 70 n Knowell, Henry, 5; William, 5 MACCLESFIELD, forest of, 76 Mainwaring. Edward, 65; George, 109; LANCASHIRE Record Office. 61, 63, Lady, 96 126, 163 Manchester, 63, 72 Lancaster, 13 , Grammar School, 125 , Priory Church of. 166 , School of Architecture, 75 , Richard Burton vicar of, 163-7 Manistre, B.E., 151, 152 Langley, Edmund, 70 n Manley, 36 Lathom, Henry, 68 Mara ami Mondrem, forest of, 38 Latimer, Bishop. 2 Marple, 88, 89 Lawton, 36 Martindale, Adam, 11, 12, 15 Lea, 48, 51 Mary, Queen of Scots, 4 Leach, G. B., 151 Mawdesley, Robert, 9 Leche, John, 40, 54 Mellintf, 129 n, 131-3, 139, 140 Leese, 36 Melville, Rev. J., 33 Leigh, Ebenezer, 27-9; Mr., 14 Mercer, Ellen, 125-6; Rev. John, 125; Lesser chapels of Cheshire, 93-115 Margaret, 126; Thomas, 123-6 Levesey, John, 101 /; Merchant Taylors' School, Great Crosby, Leycester, Sir Peter, 160-2 117-141 Leyland, 63 Merchant Taylors' Company, 118; Uchfield, 62, 63 Court of, 120, 123, 127, 135; , Episcopal Registers of, 107 Minute Book, 124 Liege, English college at, 4 Mills, Edmund, 166 Lincoln, Bishop of, 165 Milton, 51, 54 Little Barrow, 44 Molyneux, Sir Richard, 137 Little Crosby, Chapel, 157 Moody, Richard, 71 , Hall, 157 Morgan, Frances, 139 , theHarkirk, 153-7 Mottram, Andrew, 110 Little Sankey, 67, 69 Mottram, 113, 115 Little Stanney, 48 Mouldsworth, 48 Liverpool, Common council of, 143 , Common Shore, 143^1 NANTW1CH, 93 , Exchange Buildings. 135 Navenby, 165-6. 167 , Grove St., 173 Naylor, Margaret, 137 , Hunter St., 138 Nelson, Dr. Philip, 173 , Paradise St., 143-4 Nelson, 145 , Park Lane, 140 Nether Kellet, 61 , Rodney St., 136 Newlon-by-Chester, 36 , South Castle St., 140 Newton Charles, 115 , University, 145, 151 Newron-le-Willows, 4, 17 Llandaff, bishop of, 127 Nicholas, bishop of Chester, 16 Lloyd, Edward, 10 Nichols, Mrs., 113 London, Great fire of, 120 Nightingale, Mrs.
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