« „ ♦ »/ I I V i C T O R i C LlDRÁrTh e La w r e n t ia n 01. 54. No. 2. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, October 2, 1936 >ne Hundred Moore Will Direct Brinckley Will Pep Band; Practice Play at Initial Schalk, Bartella [Seventy-Five Thursdays at 4:30 The pep band, which in recent All College Dance years has provoked considerable Head Committees Are Pledgedcriticism for its inefficiency, will be Annual Climax to Freeh- run under a new system this year. Sixteen Students Re­ »rorities Gain Ninety* Mr. E. C. Moore, director of the nian-Sophomore Battle The Lawrence Woineus College concert band, will diiect ceive All College One; Fraternities* Conies on October 10 Association Stricter both the concert and pep bands this Club Positions Eighty-Four year. The Tuesday afternoon re­ Now that the sophomores have Beware, all breakers of L. W. A. hearsal will be devoted to concert rules! Plans were made for stricter work, and the Thursday rehearsal, pretty well healed their wounded CHOSEN BY ARTHUR IVETAS LEAD CREEKS to pep band. Any who are interest­pride, and the frosh have nearly enforcement of rules at a meeting ed in belonging to the latter organ­forgotten their overwhelming vic­ of the Judicial Board on Tuesday At the first executive Council inety Lawrence college co-eds ization may report at the Conserva­ tory, the occasion will be complet­ afternoon. Miss Woodworth, deanmeeting of the year Student Presi­ tory at 4:30 p. m. Thursday. eluding 24 from Appleton were ed with a bit of rhythm a week of women, addressed the board,dent Robert Arthur, appointed six­ edged to the six social sororities' from Saturday night, October 10, at urging them to carry out all the teen carefully selected students to the campus at ceremonies Sun- Seven Hundred the new Club Alexander. Charley rules under the strictest of penal­ various positions on the All Col­ iy afternoon which climaxed a Brinckley’s orchestra will furnish ties. Arrangements were discussedlege administrative organization. for the supervision of a freshman eek of intensive rushing follow- the music, and dancing will be Donald Schalk, former chairman of by a short period of truce, Mark Approached study table in the library, to pre­ from 8:30 to 12:30 o’clock. vent freshmen from being down­the social committee, has acquir­ ¡ledge banquets at which the new The dance at Club Alexander will town after eight o’clock on week ed the chairmanship of the Pep iris were guests of honor were In Registrations place the finishing touches to All- nights. The safest way this year Commitee. Cornet-playing Robert ven by the various groups follow- will undoubtedly be to obey cam­ College Day. The date was set a Bartella will direct student social kg the ceremonies. pus rules. Six Hundred Ninety-Eight week later than usual because of functions. Debater and actress Eve­ Zeta Tau Alpha sorority pledged In Conservatory the inability of the social commit­ lyn Mertins, was announced as 4 girls including four from Ap- tee to obtain an orchestra any Characters Cast chairman of the Forensic Board. ileton and two from Neenah. They And College The athletic committee is well sooner, and we are sure that cer­ t the Misses Ruth Ritter, Cylva selected, consisting of James Strau- With an enrollment of 634 stu­ tain members of the freshmen class For First Drama; bel, basketball representative, Sam­ Scanlon, Ramona Roehl and Ada dents in the College proper andwill need time out for repairs af­ uel Leete, track representative and emacher, Appleton; Dorothy 64 in the Conservatory bringing the ter the exchange raids on Ormsby Clifford Osen, football representa­ ohnson and Laurinda Rhoad.*s,total enrollment at Lawrence close Rehearsals Starttive. Leete has won the DeGoy El­ eenah; Lois Hutchinson, Green to the 700 mark, 688 to be exact, and Brokaw. lis Plaque for outstanding work in ; Nettie Korth, Elkart Lake; registration will officially close to­ Chairman Robert Bartclla and his To Produce Jackson's track. » uth Pfaff, Wausau; Margaret morrow. As usual, the freshmon aids, Mariam Humlecker and Curt Hester White chairman >t con­ lph, Houghton, Mich.; Mary Jane class claims the largest number of Scheuneman were instrumental in Comedy, the Bishop vocation committee ex-officio, will raettinger, Chicago; Virginia Pot- students with 270 enrolled. The bringing Brinckley and his .welve be assisted by Paul Schmidt and Racine; Hazel Smith, Marsh- sophmore class has 167 members, "Brincklonians” to Appleton fol­ Misbehaves, Oct. 21 Kermit Bury. >ld; and Inez Westberg. the junior class 109, and the seniorlowing their summer engagement at Under the leadership of Donald Ten freshmen girls were taken in- class 81. Twenty-seven students Wausau. After their short stay here, Both veteran actors and new dra­Schalk, the pep committee, tom- Alpha Chi Omega yesterday, two have transferred to Lawrence from they will leave to fill a winter en­ matic aspirants will feature in the posed of Margaret Hendrickson, f them being from Appleton. They other institutions and seven spe­gagement at the Hotel Minneapo­ production of “The Bishop Misbe­ John Bartholomew, Frances Smeth- ncludc the Misses Rosalind Boet-cial students are enrolled in xhclis in Minneapolis. Brinckley's or­ haves on Oct. 24. The cast includes urst, and Thomas Jacobs, surely tiger and Ruth Sieg, Appleton; Lois collcge. The freshman class leads chestra has played on the college five Sunset members and five up­ does not lack experience. John Caverlv, Winnetka, 111.; Lois Hubin, again at the Conservatory where campus for a number of years for perclassmen who are not members Bartholomew was one of the cheer Plymouth; Jaunita Jensen, and Junethe enrollments shows 21 freshmen, both All-College Club and fraterni­ of Sunset. Don’t let the title of the leaders last year; Mr. Jacobs, ac­ Novak. Chicago; Helen Ann Lloyd, 15 sophomores, 16 juniors and 12 ty dances. play be misleading for the cast has tive in college affairs last year, won Marinette; Dorothy Murdock, She­ seniors. already gotten down to business inthe Dean’s Cup and this year leads boygan: Emily Swan, Dixon, III.; The women lead the men by vir­ Works of Van Gogh the routine of rehearsals. the sophomores into the annual All and Dorothy Young, Grard Rapids,tue of numbers in both the col­ Can you imagine Charles Iwartz College Club battle between the Mich. lege and the Conservatory. In the Exhibited at the as a bar tender? You probably re­ sophomores and frosh. Alpha Delta Pi sorority an­ College there are 321 women ar.d member him best as the Irishmen Mr. Bartella, with Marian Hum- nounce* the pledging of Mary Lou 313 men and the Conservatory has College Library in “Yellow Jack.” In that he brave­ leker and Kurt Scheuncmann, will Barta, Appleton; Betty Biety, Chi­ forty women and 24 men. These fig­ On display in th<i library this ly offered up his life for the sake take charge of the All College Club cago, III.; G rada De More. Oak ures, however, are complete up to week are some of the works of Vin­ of science, but in the next play he social activities this year. The en­ Park. 111.; Ruth Lundin, Ironwood,Sept. 30. So there is a possibility cent van Gogh (pronounced vanalmost forfeits his life in a game tire committee is prominent in col­ Mich.; Janice Newell, St. Charles, that the men may catch up with Koh), a Dutch impressionistic pain­ of “catch as catch can.” lege social functions and will soon 111.; Florence and Ruth Perry, Ap­ the women before the final registra­ ter who lived in the latter half of Donald Schalk, another member be heard from for it is whispered pleton; Peggy Powers, St. Charles, tion is completed. No figures have the nineteenth century. This dis­of the cast, was also in “Yellow that an All College Club dance is 111.; Mona Quell, Appleton; Ruth been compiled as yet on the grad­play is a timely one inasmuch as Jack” and in “The Sorcerer.” Shalk in the near offing. Ragland, Elmhurst, 111; Agnes Sen- uate students. the Museum of Modern Art h: New grabbed off the hero's part this The new Forensic Board, consist­ senbrenner, Menasha; Dorothy Wii- York has on exhibition a traveling time. Coincidence. His name 13 ing of Evelyn Mertins, Everett polt. Kaukauna; and Beverly Wil- Munlhe Will Study display of his works which has Donald Meadows in “The Bishop.” Bauman, and Betty Morrison, has terding, Wauwatosa. been shown in New York, Boston, Meadows' affianced one is suitab­good prospects for the coming year. D. G’s Fledge Seventeen Lawrence Libraryand Chicago. ly portrayed by Ann Shattuck, a This is not an entirely new experi­ Delta Gamma pledged 17 girls The Lawrence College Library is A publication of the Museum of new comer in a large Lawrence ence for Mr. Bauman who last year Sunday, three of them being from to have a very distinguished visi­ Modern Art on van Gogh has re­Theatre presentation, However, had charge of Intra-hall debate at Appleton. They include the Misses tor, Mr. Wilhelm Munthe, a Nor­ cently been added to the library, she's shown us her capabilities in Brokaw. Ellen Dricall, Rosemary Mull and wegian, who has been sent to this and there are several other books “Lavander and Red Pepper” which Geraldine Schmidt, Appleton; Betty country by the Carnegie Corpora­ about the artist and his works was given for the members of Sun­ Dr. Kurth Appointed Cochrane, Fox Lake; Eileen Eida- tion to study American libraries. available there. “The Lust for Life” set.
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