The Broadmoor GC in Colorado Springs, Colo, starts off the summer re- sort season with an intercollegiate tourney, May 15-16 . Seven more golf events are scheduled through August . Other events at the Broadmoor include theater, beauty contests, rodeos, ice revues, ski and hockey events . The Dixie Amateur at Palmetto CC in Miami, Fla. was won by Dave Smith of Gastonia, N.C. with a 72-hole total of 286, two-over-par . Held in mid-Feb., the Dixie provided early comment on the new USGA rules . Reaction was mixed, as could be ex- pected . Most of the discussion cent- ered on Rule 34, covering a ball striking an unattended flagstick . Feeling SWINGING seemed to be that this rule will slow play on the green. AROUND The next big Miami event is the Pan American Golf championship at Doral GOLF CC, April 13-19 . Sponsored by the newly-organized International Amateur News of the Golf Golf Association, invitations have been sent to leading amateurs in all Latin World in Brief American countries, the Bahamas, Jamaica and the Netherland Antilles . The 108- hole medal-play tourney is expected to By HERB GRAFFIS draw over 200 players who will compete for the championship crown at 72 holes and for the Smathers Cup at 36. All hazards on a course are not de- signed and planned to add interest to the FRONT COVER game ... A recent PGA report shows golf accidents up from 15,000 in 1961 to You can't always depend on the weather to tell if spring has arrived, so maybe 18,000 in 1962 ... The majority, 10,000 the best tipoff is a golf show. Or, at mishaps, were caused by golf balls hitting least, people in New York, Philadelphia, golfers and nine per cent were caused by Pittsburgh and Chicago must have carelessly swung clubs . Heat prostra- thought that in recent weeks when they visited downtown hotels and exhibition tion felled 10 per cent and over-exertion halls and found that the golfers had disabled seven per cent . Golf cars taken over. On the cover you see Harlan caused seven per cent of the accidents Will, pro at Overbrook GC in the Philly . In terms of number of rounds played, area, helping a show visitor fight his way out of the sand. golf certainly can't be classed as a dan- gerous sport but still there are the physi- AD INDEX Page 177 cal hazards to be avoided. EDITORIAL INDEX Page 178 Details of a National Amateur Tourna- ment of Champions were recently an- nounced by Bob Drum in Philadelphia, Pa. According to the plan, club champions in four flights will compete Selfdem Is published monthly except Nov. and Dae. Accepted aa Controlled Circulation Postage Paid at eel* Plaaea addreee ell advertising, circulation & editorial correspondence to GOLFDOM. 407 S. Devbern St., Chl«i»e «0MS. sometime in May at selected courses in Antonio, Tex., originally scheduled a each state . State Champions in each $2,500 pro-amateur contest to be held on flight will be invited to compete at the opening day . Entry registration re- Doral CC in Miami, Fla. Applications quests were greater than officials had ex- of 1963 club champions should be in pected, so tourney sponsors got an okay Drum's office in the Wellington Hotel, from PGA headquarters to add a second Philadelphia office by mid-April. $2,500 pro-am match at the Pecan Valley The Nevele CC in Ellenville, N.Y., CC in San Antonio . About 50 pros and plans weekly hole-in-one tourneys on 150 amateurs will compete in each of the Saturday afternoons . Also in the offing pro-am events. at Nevele is a new 9-hole layout . Marilynn Smith, who finished third on Ground was broken last month for the the Ladies' PGA offical money list in new 18-hole course in Clinton, Pa. 1963, has signed as playing pro at the The Clinton course will be open gratis Trelawny Club in Runaway Bay, Jamaica one day a week to students from the . Marilynn's contract calls for eight local high school . Fees at the Sleepy weeks a year at the club . Five-foot- Hollow and Manakiki courses in Cleve- three, 107-pound Sandra Haynie, the land, O., have been lowered and a new "Little Tiger" of the Ladies' PGA tour, nine-hole beginners' course is being finished sixth on the 1963 official money planned . Fear of airplane mishaps near list . However, Sandra points out, her MacArthur airport in Islip, N.Y., have led roughest shots are the wedge and three- to the purchase of vacant 287-acres from quarter nine-iron from 50 to 100 yards in a realty development firm . Planned to the green . Her performance on for the site is an 18-hole course plus play- these shots tends to be erratic, either too ground, picnic and recreation facilities. short or too long . Sandra hopes to Another winter-season assistant of overcome these difficulties by increasing Claude Harmon at Thunderbird CC in her weight and strengthening her hands Palm Springs, Calif., is Don Callahan . and arms. Don won't be returning to Echo Lake CC Copies of the PGA Professional Guide in Westfield, N.J. this spring . He's de- go to graduates of the PGA Business cided to join Harmon as assistant at schools and the Ladies' PGA National Winged Foot in Mamaroneck, N.Y. Golf School . Containing some 40 It still looks as if the 1964 Tournament articles covering all phases of the golf of Champions at Desert Inn CC in Las profession, copies can be obtained from Vegas, Nev. April 30-May 1, will have a PGA headquarters or the Ladies' PGA record number of tourney winners to public relations office . Cost is $2. start . Lack of title claims in 1963-64 by any single circuit member has spread Fred Bove, president of the South the starting field. Calif. GCSA, spotlighted a sticky subject in the chapter's March newsletter ... It The 1964 Florida Intercollegiate In- would have been easier for Bove to ignore vitational and the 1964 Intercollegiate discussion of kickbacks from manufactur- Championship were both scheduled at ers' representatives, but he felt it was a Cape Coral (Fla.) CC April 2-4 to attract subject that might need airing . Prob- the largest possible number of collegiate ably this sort of thing isn't common, but stars during the spring layoff . John when it does happen, as Bove points out, Derr, Jack Whitaker and Chris Schenkel it smears the whole profession of course will handle announcing duties for the supts. CBS telecasts of the Masters at Augusta (Ga.) National CC April 11-12 . Cam- To condense Bove's thoughts on the eras will be located at the 15th through matter: The supt. who accepts kickbacks 18th holes. is cheating his club, is guilty of con- spiracy and of maintaining improper rec- The $40,000 Texas Open, to be played ords of expenditures . Such action this month at Oak Hills CC in San doesn't go unnoticed for long by alert club officials . When such legally and been stopped by spectators on the mound morally corrupt practices are uncovered, before it went into the 16th hole pond chances are 10 to 1 the offending supt. Now the green is almost an island and will lose his job ... In replacing such a a misplaced shot can easily hit either supt., club officials are likely to deny water hazard. purchasing responsibilities to the new Tommy Vaughn, for 15 years pro at man . When a job loses some of its Hillcrest CC, Indianapolis, resigns to be- responsibilities, it is logical that the salary come president, pro and manager at is decreased . Kickbacks are an un- Shady Hills GC, Inc., Marion, Ind. savory practice, to use Bove's words, an Shady Hills formerly was known as the "ugly business", one that supts. with pro- AJC course . Vaughn, Joseph F. Sex- fessional responsibility scrupulously avoid. ton, W. Lawrence Sexton, and Richard Hylbert Hams, formerly manager at Shiel bought the 18-hole course and club- Barrington Hills, Sunset Ridge and Park house . Tommy is one of five brothers Bidge CCs in 111. and at Green Meadows who have been pros . Bronte, Tex., to Country Inn in Columbus, O., has been have 9-hole course . Twin Lakes CC to appointed manager at the new Long have two 18s in $35 million subdivision Grove (111.) CC . The course was de- east of Palm Springs, Calif. signed by Robert Bruce Harris of Chicago Dennis, Mass., to build municipal . Clubhouse facilities alone are said to course to plans of Henry C. Mitchell . represent a $2-million investment. Lone Palm 18 being built at Lakeland, Women's Western Golf Association Fla., is bordered by 300 home sites . championship set for July 20-25 at Oak Bill Markham and Fred Barnard building Park (111.) CC . Other events on the Ironwood GC at Gainesville, Fla. WWGA schedule include the Junior In- Macon County Park commission plans to vitational at Glen Flora CC, Waukegan, build nine at Lafayette, Tenn. Build- 111., Aug. 3-7 . Gene Borek is set for ing muny course at Ontario, Ida. Ex- his first season as head pro at Pine Hollow pect to have municipal 18 at Concord, CC in East Norwich, L.I., N.Y. ... The Calif, in play by summer. new head pro at Bellport (N.Y.) GC is Carson Meadows, Inc., to build 18 in Nick Petrillo . The second annual edu- new development at Carson City, Nev. cation forum of the Metropolitan Section Edward H. Conner, Lafayette, Calif., of the PGA will be held at Westchester building 9-hole course .
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