LS,,#M§TED AN iso 9Ooi . 2Oceto8iFA:Fw/2o2i-2o22 |3th August, 2021 BSE Limited Corporate Relationship Department First Floor, New Trading Ring Rotunda Building P.J. Towers, Dalal street ` Mumbai -400 0Q1. Dear Sirs, Sub: Newspaper Advertisement -Extracts of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30th June, 2021 pursuant to Regulation 47 of SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Pursuant to Regulation 47 of the SEBl (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we enclose herewith copies of Extracts of Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for Quarter ended 30th June, 2021 in Mathrubhumi (Malayalam) and BusinessLine (English) daily newspapers on 13th August, 2021. You may kindly take the above information on record. ThankingYou, Yours faithfully, For KSE Limited arayanan ChiofFinancial Companysecretary Corporate Office: P.B. No. 20, Solvent Rc>ad, lrini.alakuda. Kerala-680121 Tel: 0480 2825476, 2825576, 2826676 CIN No. L15331KL1963PLC002028 Email: [email protected] Website` www.kselimited.com tT\)Om]Jiom6m9neiocon 16o-eicLadino ed®ldh9io ri¢)m}.no)ot;.a®ct.(T\)1./S1.o®eJ.a®oU. cdb®6m866neoda>6o. ®6a@oufro±i6oT39ct Oflon6' &%edcfoco?muon£,®#%%.Cj::in®frDf rL!|m6(n!®oo2Jl g2roToion6m oj®1dLai 6>06wh6i6ieiorfl rLrflo3I eonlflm)ri} a(u)a. 51.6)da,.r5ron7logr fe>eoo@ #@rfeal%no./£gg#9on6on@:oedd%d%a: eJodbdo.a)6mJodfao`?(T\)6dcood)d'(Bloculdhaild}6)orb ®1j2|6. ndElo https://sslcexam.kerala.gowin. atT>ode, 6].6"l.tT\il. QJ`©ou)mof`ei6§gou@cg6r 8oo www.thslcexam.kerala.gov.jn o€)mJ] 6iru #Td:%s%:sg&coalia?acin#ao¥=#¥7 ®6oJco)6o riom}.(T`)1.I ng)rn}.51. oj`a60®ujldbcod}6r 2309467, 2309466. mJ6xhmjobda9ed Euffldso6o. Effiee,,#M§TED CIN No: L15331 KL1963PLC002028 Registered Office: Post Box No. 20, Solvent Road, lrinjalakuda, Kerala -680121 Ph: 0480 2825376, 2825476 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www. kselimited.com sinl s ;T,j'L:,5Qrfaifek,§fi`tied:;;s-%i=;f€!*;:i;€,,±:Sj;;ft*€ych6tiaed^ytt; Particulars . t',3uQh¥u`d2,t%:v.|< ;?;3'i i,2P21;r',[J.,,Jqited.? jj;?i.&3,;,es.?1,i;i j..i155157.30 Total Income from OperationNetProfit/(Loss)for.theper S 40556.02 41 161.79` 37939.62 od (before tax. Exceptional and/or Extra-ord nary Items) 878.49 3859.55 . 3513.75 14300.66 Net Profit /I(Loss for the penod before tax after Exceptional and/or Extra®rdNetProfit/(Loss)fortheperiinary Items)odaftertax (after 753.93 4249.91 3513.75 14968.80 ' 2652.82 Exceptional and/or Extra-ord nary items) I 558.01 3190.99 1 1 293.03 Total Comprehensive Income for the period Only at Rellance Dl9ltal [Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the period (after fax) I 2613.06 596.00 3202.38 11225.21 and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)I ASUS HN256T Paid up Equity Share Capita 320.00 320.00 320.00 320 00 Other Equity 23988.62 Earnings Per Equity Share of Rs.10 each (for continuing and discontinued operations) (not annilalised) Basic (Rs.) 17.44 99.72 82.90 352.91352.91 I-k- KEIVLNATOR 8 XG Diluted (Rs.) loth Gen Core 15 . S12GB SSD 17.44 99.72 82.9o FHD screen . Windo`^rs 10 See note 2 Of the full format of (he Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30m June, 2021. 4 G8 GTX 1650 Graphic§ Note: The above is an extract of the detailed format of the Financial Results for the quarter ended 30th June, 2021 filedwiththeStockExchangeunderRegulation33OftheSEBI(ListingObligationsandDisclosureRequirements)Regulations,2015.ThefullformatoftheFinancialResultsforthequarterended3OnJune,2021areavailable ,ontheStockExchangewebsiteatwww.bseindia.comandontheCompany'swebsiteatwww.kselimifed.com. For KSE Limited c!.".vT500ape``co¢..I I ,. in,I Sd/- -I. Wa ..-. lrlnjalakuda A.P. George N ` ..-.--.. I I ..--. E.I -. N. A' rl g 12lh August, 2021 M!P:¥ifgotDqpe8c%} ®© ® BusinessLine FRIDAY.AUGUST 13 ©ASHOK LEYLANI= Aa|.ki Jeet; Hamari Jeet. ASHOK LEYLAND LIMITED Regd. Office :1, Sardar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai -600 032; Ph:+9144 2220 60 EREr,,#M§TED L34101TN1948PLC000105;Website:u±Qk!etland2QQmEmajlid:seer CIN No: L15331 KL1,963PLC002028 Registered Office: Post Box No. 20. Solvent Road, Irinjalakuda, Kerala -680121 EXTRACTOF`STANtDALONEANDCONSOLIDATED Ph : 0480 2825376, 2825476 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.kseliinited.com UNAUDITED FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2021 Sfandalone Particulars Quarter Ended Year Ended Rs. In lakhI.year,ended 30.06.2021 30.06.2020 31.03.2021 Qu'arterended : I Parttoulars Unaudlted Audited 3o.o6.2o2f, r,Una'uditedII .31:03.2021I.Adife"*, • I 30.06.2020 31.03i2021J /: Total revenue from operat`ons uQ,41161._79 Unaudited37939.62 Aud!tedi „155157.30 2,950.99 Total Income from operationsNetProfit/(Loss)fortheperiod (before tax,Exceptionaland/orExtra-ordinaryItems)NetProfit/(Loss)fortheperiodbeforetax(afterExceptionaland/orExtra-ordinaryItems)NetProfit/(Loss)fortheperiodaftertax(afterExceptionaland/orExtra-ordinaryitems)Totalcomh. Net (Loss) / Proffi before exceptional items and tax 40556.02 (380.93) Net (Loss) / Profit before tax 878.49 (382.61) 3859.55 _ 3513.75 14300.66 Net(Loss)/Profitforthepenod/year 753.93 4249.91 3513.75 14968.8o Tbtalcomprehensive(Loss)/lncomeforthepen.od/year |comprising(Loss)/Profilforthepen.od/year(after`ri) 558.01 andOtherComprehensivelncome/(Loss)(aftertax)I 3190.99 • 2652.82 11293.03 pre ensive Income for the period[CompnsingProfit/(Loss)fortheperiod(after tax)andOtherComprehensiveIncome(aftertax)IPaidupEquitysharecapi.tal. Paidiipequitysharecapital 596.00 otherequfty 3202.38 2613.o6 11225.21 Eamingspershare(ofRo.1/.each) ' ',' 320.00 320.0023988.62 a) Basic Other`EquityEarningsper E uitysh fR b) Diluted q areo s.10each(forcontinuinganddi.scontinuedoperations)(notannualised) Basic (Rs.) 17.4417.44 99.7299.72 82.9682.90 Diluted (Rs.)'Seenote2of the full format of the Financial Results forNote:Theaboveisanextractofthedetailedformatof,withtheStockExchangeunderRegulation33Regulations,2015.ThefullformatoftheFinancontheStockExchangewebsiteatwww.bs6indi 352.91352.91 the Quarter ended 30th June, 2theFlnanclalResultsforthequa:fa:hRee§:,%'tLj:A:gq9ab#8:t::::a.comandontheCompanysw021.rter ended 30th June, 2021 filedandDl8closureRoqulroments)d30thJune,2021areavallableebslteat\^MMr.ksellmlted.com. -For KSE Llmlted Sd/- lrinjalakuda A.P. G®orge |2th August, 2021 Aa(P:#gtDqFe8cq:i.
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