COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2008 FIRST SPECIAL SESSION OF 2007-2008 No. 57 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVED The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. The SPEAKER. The Journal of Monday, June 2, 2008, is now in print. Will the House approve the Journal? THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O'BRIEN) PRESIDING On the question, Will the House agree to the motion? PRAYER Motion was agreed to. The SPEAKER. The prayer today will be offered by a good JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED friend of the Speaker and this House, Pastor Troy Howell. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal PASTOR TROY HOWELL, Guest Chaplain of the House of of Tuesday, November 18, 2008, will be postponed until Representatives, offered the following prayer: printed. The Chair hears no objection. Let us pray: Almighty God, to You our hearts are open, all desires LEAVES OF ABSENCE known, and from You no secrets are hidden. You meet us where The SPEAKER. The Chair turns to requests for leaves of we are to take the open mind and the willing heart to where You absence and recognizes the majority whip, who requests that would have us be. Every season of life is Your gift to us, a gift Representative TANGRETTI of Westmoreland County be to be trusted and engaged by our living and our loving for a placed on leave for the day. The Chair hears no objection. The purpose much larger than our individual journeys. So in the gift leave will be granted. of this day, grant us Your wisdom and peace for a State and her The Chair turns to the minority whip, who requests that people, for a nation and its citizens caught in the challenges of Representative BASTIAN of Somerset County; Representative these times. MACKERETH of York County; Representative PERRY of In the gift of this day, grant wisdom for those in public York County; and Representative PERZEL of Philadelphia be office, that they might serve in ways that embrace the spirit of placed on leave for the day. The Chair hears no objection. These commonwealth. And, O God, today we thank You for the leaves will be granted. season of service, for this representative body draws to a close. And we ask Your blessing on each one who concludes this Members will report to the floor. elected term of office. For that which this body has accomplished on behalf of the people, we give You praise, O God, as the source of all things good. For that which remains MASTER ROLL CALL undone and which should be done, we yield it into Your holy hands and into the able hands of those who in January will The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll. assemble here. Members will proceed to vote. For every constituent represented in these halls, young and old, student and teacher, parent and child, with work and The following roll call was recorded: without work, in health and in sickness, serving on American soil or in foreign lands, we pray Your hand upon them. For this PRESENT–196 representative body, its great heritage and its hope, for its Speaker and his passion and his advocacy on behalf of the most Adolph Gabig Marshall Ross Argall Galloway Marsico Rubley vulnerable among us, for the privilege of lifting our eyes to Baker Geist McCall Sabatina You, O God, this day, we give You thanks. Amen. Barrar George McGeehan Sainato Bear Gerber McI. Smith Samuelson Belfanti Gergely McIlhattan Santoni PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Benninghoff Gillespie Melio Saylor Beyer Gingrich Mensch Scavello (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Biancucci Godshall Metcalfe Schroder Bishop Goodman Micozzie Seip visitors.) Blackwell Grell Millard Shapiro 182 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE NOVEMBER 19 Boback Grucela Miller Shimkus Maria Melchiorre, who are seated in the gallery. Would you Boyd Haluska Milne Siptroth please stand and be recognized. Brennan Hanna Moul Smith, K. Brooks Harhai Moyer Smith, M. Please welcome Anne Smith and her daughter, Jordan Smith. Buxton Harhart Mundy Smith, S. They are the guests of Representative Marguerite Quinn and Caltagirone Harkins Murt Solobay constituents of Representative Scott Petri. They are here today Cappelli Harper Mustio Sonney visiting the Capitol. They are seated in the gallery. Would you Carroll Harris Myers Staback Casorio Helm Nailor Stairs please stand and be recognized. Causer Hennessey Nickol Steil Civera Hershey O'Brien, M. Stern Clymer Hess O'Neill Stevenson CONDOLENCE RESOLUTION Cohen Hickernell Oliver Sturla Conklin Hornaman Pallone Surra The SPEAKER. Members and guests will please take their Costa Hutchinson Parker Swanger seats. We are about to take up a condolence resolution of a Cox James Pashinski Taylor, J. Creighton Josephs Payne Taylor, R. former member. The Sergeants at Arms will close the doors of Cruz Kauffman Payton Thomas the House. Curry Keller, M.K. Peifer True The clerk will read a summary of the resolution. Cutler Keller, W. Petrarca Turzai Daley Kenney Petri Vereb Dally Kessler Petrone Vitali The following resolution was read: DeLuca Killion Phillips Vulakovich Denlinger King Pickett Wagner COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DePasquale Kirkland Preston Walko THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dermody Kortz Pyle Wansacz CONDOLENCE RESOLUTION DeWeese Kotik Quigley Waters DiGirolamo Kula Quinn Watson WHEREAS, The House of Representatives of Pennsylvania notes Donatucci Leach Ramaley Wheatley Eachus Lentz Rapp White with deepest regret that the Honorable Joseph C. Manmiller, a former Ellis Levdansky Raymond Williams member of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania who served Evans, D. Longietti Readshaw Wojnaroski the 105th Legislative District, passed away on October 13, 2008; and Evans, J. Maher Reed Yewcic WHEREAS, Representative Manmiller was a veteran of Everett Mahoney Reichley Youngblood World War II and a graduate of Steelton High School, Lock Haven Fabrizio Major Roae Yudichak Teachers College and The Pennsylvania State University. He was an Fairchild Manderino Rock educator and coach for twenty-six years, and he also dedicated his time Fleck Mann Roebuck O'Brien, D., and energy as a PIAA football and wrestling official for thirty years. Frankel Mantz Rohrer Speaker Freeman Markosek For his service, he received the Lock Haven College Alumni Achievement Award and was inducted into the Central Penn Football ADDITIONS–0 Officials Hall of Fame and the District III Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame. Representative Manmiller was a former NOT VOTING–0 Republican Committeeman and Vice Chairman of the Dauphin County Republican Committee. He was elected to the House of EXCUSED–7 Representatives of Pennsylvania in 1970 and served with distinction for fourteen years. During his tenure, he served on the Appropriations Bastian Gibbons Perry Tangretti and Military Affairs Committees and chaired the Capital Budget and Bennington Mackereth Perzel Liquor Control Committees. Representative Manmiller also served on the Board of Directors of the former Farmers Bank and Trust of Hummelstown and the Advisory Board of Dauphin Deposit Bank; now therefore be it The SPEAKER. A quorum being present, the House will RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the proceed to conduct business. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania proclaim with enduring sorrow the passing of the Honorable Joseph C. Manmiller, who served his GUESTS INTRODUCED community and this Commonwealth in a way most befitting the highest ideals of public service; and extend heartfelt condolences to The SPEAKER. Joining us today, as a guest page his wife, Nada Mircheff Manmiller; daughters, Constance Valentine, Nadine Hoover, JoLynn Stoy and Nada Coup; and four grandchildren; and job shadower of Representative David Hickernell, is and be it further Jeffrey Phillips. Please join me in welcoming him today. Would RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution, sponsored by the you please stand and be recognized. Honorable Ronald S. Marsico on November 19, 2008, be transmitted to What would a day in the House of Representatives be if we Nada Mircheff Manmiller. did not have guests of Representative Mario Scavello? Please welcome, as the guests of Representative Scavello, Ronald S. Marsico, Sponsor Donald LeCompte and Thomas Melchiorre from Dennis M. O'Brien, Speaker of the House East Stroudsburg. Donald and Thomas are both students at ATTEST: Resica Elementary School and played on the East Stroudsburg Roger Nick, Chief Clerk of the House North All Star Little League Team. Donald was the student ambassador for the Veterans Day assembly program at his On the question, school. Thomas placed second in snowboarding at Will the House adopt the resolution? Shawnee Mountain Ski Resort. Also, please welcome Donald's parents, Don and Patricia LeCompte, and Thomas's mother, 2008 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 183 REMARKS BY MAJORITY LEADER On the question recurring, Will the House adopt the resolution? The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority leader, Representative DeWeese. The SPEAKER. Those in favor of the resolution will rise and Mr. DeWEESE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. remain standing as a mark of respect for deceased former When I arrived here, Joe had been here 6 years. He was a member Joe Manmiller. Guests will also rise. tough, scrappy, happy character. He was a World War II veteran, and he was an archdeacon of bipartisanship. My (Whereupon, the members of the House and all visitors stood recollections of him are as vivid after hearing the clerk read his in a moment of silence in solemn respect to the memory of the obituary as anything. He was one of my favorite characters, Honorable Joseph C. Manmiller.) and although he left our chamber in 1984, I am sure that Frank Oliver and Mark Cohen and Bud George and several The SPEAKER. The resolution has been unanimously Republicans, Art Hershey and others who are waving at me, adopted. some who have not waved at me for a long time, are remembering the inimitable Joe Manmiller.
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