GOVERNMENT OF MANIPUR DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION(S) No. 0510112018-CFO/DE(S)Pt-II Imphal, the I ~ ctober , 2020 To All Zonal Education Officer, Directorate of Education(S) Subject:- Employees' Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 (EPF & MP Act, 1952)- compliance by Schools in Manipur. Sir/Madam, Kindly find enclosed a copy of letter sent by Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (Ministry of Labour, Govt. oflndia) Ref. No. NE/Imp/Enf/Cov/213 dated 17th July, 2020 on the cited subject. As per letter, a good number of private schools in Manipur have already been covered under the purview of the Employees' Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952 for social security benefits of its employees. At the same time some of the private schools are disobeying mandatory provisions of the Act which may be intentional or otherwise. Therefore , all the Zonal Education Officers are requested to look into the matter so as to bring all remaining private school to make mandatory provision of the EPF & MP Act, 1952. The brief list of Schools who have been defying the EPF & MP Act, 1952 are also enclosed herewith. ~~I~ (M. Rubina Devi) Chief Finance Officer Directorate of Education(S) Copy to : 1. Director, Directorate of Education(S) 2. Additional Director(V /H), Directorate of Education(S) 3. Guard File •trecrl'lf' Etin. (S) Lamph~' fUcei~ Lia. N•. - ----- ~... ~ - - ~ J 2> ~ {P'_-:=- 11 J lirt••llW Phone:0385-2442815 Cf,J.T.J 1;fi ~~RtaiP.fu w ro;:r Employees' Provident Fund Organization ( J3.l1i ~I 'l-fITTf Wq5'R) ( Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India) Special State Office, Palace Compound, Imphal, MANIPUR - 795001. ~ ire";e-mail : ss o.i mphal@e pfindia.gov.in f.No.NE/I /Enf/Cov/ J} I g Date: 17/07/2020 To ~The Director, Department of Education (5), Govt. of Manipur, Lamphel, Imphal West - 795 004. Sub: Non Compliance of Employees' Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 by Schools in Manipur - reg. Sir, Please refer to your letter vide Ref.No .05/01/2018-CFO/DE(S) dated the 11th July, 2019 on the subject mentioned above (copy enclosed for ready reference). In this regard, it is to inform you that a good number of private schools in Manipur have already been covered and come under the purview of the Employees' Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and are currently, availing the social security benefits for its employees. At the sarne time it is also seen that a major chunk of the schools are still avoiding the mandatory provisions of the Act which may be intentional or otherwise, but considered as depriving the rights and benefits of their respective employees as per the provisions of EPF & MP Act, 1952. Therefore, your good office is requested to kindly look into matter personally so as to bring all the remaining private schools into the fold of mandatory provisions of the EPF & MP Act, 1952 to avail the social security benefits envisaged under the schemes framed thereunder. A brief list of such schools that are still yet to register, is enclosed herewith for favour of your kind administrative action. Yours faithfully, v~q-e~ Encl: As above. ~ · (S.SAKA) Assistant P.F" Commissioner Copy to: 1. The Regional P.F. Commissioner-I, Regional Office, Guwahati, Bhangagarh, Guwahati, Assam - t.fa , 781 005 for kind information. ~ . 2. The Commissioner, Education (S), Govt. oi' IVianipur '1' Assistant P.F . Commissioner }k 7? ., ( r ,.: ;f?· No.05/01/2018-CFO/DE(S) Imphal, the July, 2019 "-i . •::~·r· 1;1 ··~_,,. i. '/. Sir, I,/,.. f . I <" 1 J. 1 // ,) '.. \ 1 ~ :_) ! ( ).. ·d ~· :·t~ 1:>. ·P1c·:t . :.;1.l;;·rn·:.,[:: .~r<~;1:·~~f;I · . ·. · ., <', .. t" Copyto. ·.s': ·: .~ •. ,,~,.1 1 . .. ; . ·'f1f;" 1. The Commiss'ici ner) Ed ucatibn (S), 'Govttdf Manipur .: ":;1:; i 2. Guard file · ' ' l · · :' ,.i~t./ 'i ·. Brief List of Schools who have been defying the EPF & MP Act, 1952 (Not exhaustive): 1. Brajalal Institute of Sciences, Moirangkhom, Imphal - 795 001. 2. Mount Carmel Academy, Katomei, Senapati District, Manipur - 795 I 06. 3. MIS Daikho Va School, Sena pa ti Bazar, Manipur - 795 106. 4. Vale Academy, Airport Mamang, Konjeng Leikai, Imphal, Manipur - 795 001. 5. Comprehensive Concept School, Sangaiprou Mamang, Konjeng Leikai, Imphal, Manipur - 795 001. 6. Grace Reach Academy, Hiyanglam, Thoubal District, Manipur - 795 132. 7. Grace Academy, Tarung, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur - 795 004. 8. E lite Senior Second ary School, Singjamei, Impha l, Manipur - 795 003. 9. MIS Khuman Maheikol, Mayang Imphal, Near Radio Station, Imphal West, Manipur - 795 009. I 0. MIS Meera Public School, Mongsangei, Impha l West, Manipur - 795 004. 11. Nongpok Maheikol, Brahmapur Ari barn Leikai, Near Thum bu thong, Imphal, Manipur - 795 001. 12. Mis Bishnupur Public School, Bishnupur, Manipur - 795 126. 13. Brighter English Academy (Run by MDFf International), Oinam Ward No.2, Bishnupur, Manipur - 795 134. 14. D'Regina School, Chingmeirong East, Imphal, Manipur - 795 002. 15. Uni on Model Engli sh Schoo l, Kom lat habi , Chandel Di stri ct, P.O . Pal lei, Manipur - 795 135. 16. Victory Hi gh Schoo l, Sum ak Le ikai, Kakchin g, Ma nipur - 795 103. 17. Martin Grammar English School, Irum, Ka kching, Manipur- 795 103. 18. Kakchin g Publi c Schoo l, Kakchin g Wa iri , Ma nipur - 795 I 03. 19. M.G. Evergreen Higher Sec. School, T ui shimm i, P.O. Pa ll el, Manipur - 795 135. 20. fdea l Hi gh Schoo l, Mo ln oi, P.O. Pa ll el, Manipur - 795 135 . 21. Si nanu In stitu te of Sc ience, Mar in gp hai, P.O. Pa ll el, Ma ni pur - 795 135. 22. New Mod el High School, Ma rin gph ai, P. O. Pall el, Manipur- 795 13.5. 23. Little Sta r English Higher Secondary School, T houbal Haokha, M anipur - 795 138. 24 . Vision C reative School of Science, T houbal Okram, Manipur 795 138. 25. V.M. Nazareth Engli sh Hi gh Schoo l, Ga ngpij ang Vill age, P.O & P.S. Sa ikul , Ka ngpokp i Di stri ct, Ma nipur - 795 118. 26. L.L. Henj ou Engli sh Hi gh Schoo l, P.O & P.S. Sa ikul , Kangpokp i Di stri ct, Manipur - 795 118 . 27. Chri sti an Engli sh Hi gh Sch oo l, New Saikul , P.O & P. S. Sa iku l, Ka ngpok pi Di stri ct, Ma nipur - 795 118. 28 . L.M. Engli sh High School , Mo lko n Bazar, P. O & P.S . Sa ikul , Kangpokp i Di stri ct, Manipur - 795 118 . '• 29. S.L. Memorial Higher Secondary School, Supermaina, Sadar Hills, Manipur- 795 129. 30. D. Paul School (Catholic Mission), Molkon Village, P.O & P.S. Saikul, Kangpokpi Di strict, Manipur- 795 118. 31 . Diamond English School , Kangpokpi Di strict, Manipur - 795 I 29 32. The Fancier Hr. Sec. School, Thoubal Wangmataba, Manipur - 795 138. 33. Sofia English School, Thoubal Wangmataba, Thoubal District, Manipur - 795 138. 34. Koinonia High School, Japhou Bazar, Chandel Ditrict, Manipur- 795 127. 35. St. Joseph High School, Panchai, Japhou Bazar, Chandel District, Manipur - 795 127 36. Prim Rose English School, Khabeisoi, Imphal East, Ukhrul Road, Manipur - 795 010. (Phone.9089321033) 37. Progressive English School, Lamding, Lamding, Thoubal District, Manipur - 795 010. 38. Pemton Devi English School, Ningthoukhong, Kha Leikai, Bishnupur District, Manipur - 795 126. 39. Rural Public School, Wangj in g, Thoubal District, Manipur - 795 138 . 40. LCM English School, Moirang, Bishnupur District, Manipur - 795 126. 41. Pangaltabi Hi gh School, PS: Kakching, PO: Sugnu, Manipur - 7_95 103. 42 . Ganga Academy, Su gnu , Ch and el Di strict, Manipur - 795 127. 43. M/S Hol y Child English School, Su gnu Zou Yeng, Chandel District, P.O. Su gnu Manipur - 795 101. 44. Stand ard Hi gh School, Sugnu Tribal, Chand el Di strict, P.O . Sug nu fv1anipur - 79 5 l 01 . 45. Grace Engli sh School , Sugnu Tribal, Chand el District, P.O. Sugnu Manipur- 795 101. 46 . M/S Y.N. Mod el English Juni or High School, Kwakta Bazar, Churachandpur Di stri ct, Manipur - 795 133. 47. M/S T. Lail oiphai Hi gh School , La il oiphai Vill age, P.O. Sugnu , Manipur- 795 101 48. MIS Brillia nt Public School, Sa murou, PO/PS Wangoi , Imphal West, Manipur - 795 009. 49. Iboton Hi gh Schoo l, Yumn arn I-Iuid ro rn , Imphal West, Ma nipur - 795 132. 50. Dawn Publi c School , Yu111n a111 Huidrom, P.O. Wango i, Imphal West, Manipur - 795 I 32. 51. Sur Ras hi Elite School, Ko nchak, Ma ya ng Imphal, Manipur - 795 132. 52. M.R. Bengun Hi gh School, Mayang Imph al, Manipur - 795 13 2. 53. Pi shak Macha Vid ya Mandir, Mayang Imphal, Manipu r- 795 132. 54 . Sa nato111bi Hi gh Schoo l, Ko nchak, Maya ng Imphal, Manipur- 795 132. 55 . Anga nghal Hi gh School , Wa ngoi , Imph al West, Ma nipur- 795 132. 56. Nirma ia High School, Wangoi Bazar, Imphal West, Manipur - 795 132. 57 . St. Steph en Hi gh School, Konchak, Mayang Imph al, Manipur - 795 132. 58. La mjin g Me ira Sindarn Sang, Poura bi , Imph al East, Manipur - 795 0 l 0. 59. Special Regular E nglish School, 59. Special Regular English School, Nambol, Bishnupur District, Manipur - 795 026. 60. P.P. Christian School, Lairouching, Senapati District, P.O. Karong -795 007. 6l. St. Paul School, Puni Village, Khongnem, Senapati District, P.O. Karong-795 007. 62. Grace English School, Khabung Karong, Senapati District, P.O. Karong -795 007. 63 . Holy King School , District Council Colony, PO- Senapati -795 129.
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