7554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 2"{ William I. Tyler, Granville. Joseph S. Devlin, Sea Girt. Charles L. Jennings, Grayville. John J. O'Hanlon, South Orange. Arthur M. Hetherington, Harrisburg. Edward J. Jennings, Trenton. Arthur H. Bartlett, Hillsboro. James J. Dunne, Woodbridge. Oliver P. Dickson, Homer. NORTH CAROLINA Robert J. Wilson, Kewanee. Berta B. White, Ellerbe. 0. Fred Grissom, Kinmundy. Jennings M. Koontz, .Kannapolis. Charles W. Farley, La Grange. George W. Hardison, Plymouth. Henry C. Johnson, Lawrenceville. Basil D. Barr, West Jefferson. Charles E. Gillespie, Louisville. · George K. Brenner, Madison. SOUTH CAROLINA James Carson, Mahomet. William B. Smith, Greer. Ruth A. Tilford, Mansfield. William T. Hemingway, Hemingway. Hazel E. Davis, Minier. Harriette H. McLaurin, McColl. Jesse C. Moore, Morton. William W. Barr, Jr., Springfield. Lawrence E. Hodges, Mount Prospect. SOUTH DAKOTA William Raymond Grigg, Mount Vernon. James Gaynor, Springfield. Henry B. Shroyer, New Windsor. Warren S. Smith, Norris City. TEXAS William P. Carlton. Oblong. William W. Spear, NiXon. Grace Hiller, Ogden. Louise McElroy, Shepherd. John J. Hart, Ottawa. Emory S. Sell, Texline~ William A. Mills, Salem. WASHINGTON George .C. Miller, Sullivan. Gustave A. Weber, Odessa. Earl B. Strickland, Tolono. Blanche H. Barton, Othello. Oliver M. Colwell, Toulon. William H. Padley, Reardan. INDIANA Andrew J. Diedrich. Valley. Joseph A. McCormick, Ambia. J. Russell Byrd, Bloomfield. WITHDRAWAL Joseph J. Hartman, Earl Park. Executive nomination withdrawn from the Senate April Z1 James E. Freeman, Ellettsville. (legislative day of Apr. 26), 1934 John C. Crosby, Huntington. Ivan Conder, Jasonville. POSTMASTER Ira J. Dye, Kouts. Henry F. Maika to be postmaster at Chadron, in the State Jacob W. Sappenfield, Lyons. of Nebraska. (Nominee died Apr. 21, 1934.) Arthur J. Green, Marion. Frank Chastain, Mitchell. L. Edgar Feagans, Montgomery. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hugh G. McMahan, Rochester. FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1934 Walter S. Kensler, Vincennes. Mamie N. Judy, West Lebanon. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.D., offered KANSAS the following prayer: Hugo A. Simonton, Alta Vista. Zenobia A. Kissinger, Bennington. Gracious God, our Father, Thou who art the creator of James W. O'Connor, Chapman. every good thing, lay Thine hand upon us and bless us. Carl G. Eddy, Colby. Take from us the anxiety of a selfish mind and the Un. .. William H. Danenbarger, Concordia. fruitfulness of cold affections. Grant, our Father, that all John F. Holshouser, Dwight. who are distressed may hear Thee whispering, " Come unto Fred Sessin, Ellis. me and I will give you rest." As we pass through life may Joseph B. Basgall, Hays. our hands be outstretched and our hearts warm to succor Stephen E. Murray, Jamestown. those who may need help and encouragement. At the close Jack W. Boyle, McDonald. of this day give us, blessed Lord God, the sweet conscious .. Mary M. Browne,, Norton. ness that we have been a little closer to the Heart Eternal Noah D. Zeigler, Oakley. In our Savior's name. Amen. Elton L. Pounds, Smith Center. THE JOURNAL Paul L. Turgeon, Wilson. Mr. BYRNS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consmt tha~ MARYLAND the reading of the Journal be dispensed with. William F. Keys, .1'/Iount Rainier. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so ordered. MICHIGAN There was no objecticn. Joseph A. Byrne, Birmingham. By unanimous consent, the Journal of the proceedings of William V. Clegg, Eaton Rapids. yesterday was approved. Arthur A. Baxter, Ionia. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE NEW JERSEY A message from the Senate, by Mr. Horne, its enrolling Ernest F. Rohn, Arlington. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed, with amend.. Richard P. Hughes, Burlington. ments in which the concurrence of the House is requested, Joseph A. Aloia, Garfield. bills of the House of the following titles: John F. Dugan, Garwood. H.R. 4516. An act for the relief of B. Edward Westwood;· Louis C. Parker, Gloucester City. H.R. 4973. An act for the relief of G. C. Vandover; and · Thomas F. Curtis, Lakehurst. !LR. 8889. An act to provide for the custody and mainte .. James A. Cleary, Lambertville. nance of the United States Supreme Court Building and the Patrick J. Whelan, Manville. equipment and grounds thereof. Thomas L. Bell, Montclair. The message also announced that the Senate had passed George M. Gibson, Moorestown. bills and a joint resolution of the following titles, in which John J. Quinn, Perth Amboy. the concurrence of the House is requested: Kathryn B. Donohue, Saddle River. S. 294. An act for the relief of Stanton & Jones; ;1_934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7555 S. 358. An act to authorize the Court of Claims of the I S. 3185. An act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, .united States to hear and determine the claim of Samuel 1 as amended, with respect to farm prices; .W. Carter; S. 3349. An act confer1ing jurisdiction upan the Court of S. 424. An act for the relief of Hector H. Perry; Claims to hear and determine the claim of the Mack Copper S.1161. An act for the relief of Alice E. Broas; Co.; S.1162. An act for the re~ef of Virginia Houghton; S. 3374. An act to extend the times f01' commencing and S.1163. An act for the reh~f of Mary~· Spear; completing the construction of a bridge across Lake Cham- S. 1173. An act for the rel_ief of G~adding, ~c~ean & Co.; plain from East Alburg, vt., to West Swanton, Vt.;· S. 1200. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Millicent Tram- S. 3382. An act to cover the handling of Osage Indian mell; . alcoholics and narcotics; · S. 1263. An act for the reli~f of Wiener Bank V~rem; S. 3393. An act relating to the tribal and individual affairs S. 1281. An act for the r~l!ef of Harry P. Hollidge;. of the Osage Indians of Oklahoma; s. 1505. An act for the rellef of Thomas E. Read; s An t to d th t f ( S. 1541. An act for the relief of Mucia Alger; · 3396 · ac . amen e ac o Janua~ 30, 1897 29 s. 1535. An act for the relief of the Black Hardware co.; ~::!ie0rrm6 •. sec. 2139: U:S. ~Y· ~tat.; sec. 241, title 25, U.S.C.), S. 1757. An act to amend an act entitled "An act ·to in- g certam Junsdic~ion from War Department to corpO!·ate the Mount Olivet Cemetery Co. in the District the Department _of the Int:rior; and . of Columbia"; . S.J.Res. 35. Jomt resolu~1on to provide for the. determma- S.1803. An act for the relief of certain riparian owners tion an~ payment of claims for damage sustamed by t~e for losses sustained by them on the drained Mud Lake fluct1:-ation of the water levels of the Lake of the Woods m bottom in Marshall County in the State of Minnesota; certam cases, and for other purposes. S. 1977. An act to provide funds for cooperation with the SENATE BILLS REFERRED school board at Brockton. Mont., in the extension of the Bills of the Senate of the following titles were taken from public-school building at that place to be available to In- the Speaker's table and, under the rule, referred as follows: dian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation; S. 2322. An act for the relief of A. J. Hanlon; S. 2816. An act to extend the time for the refunding of S. 2357. An act for the relief of Arthur Bussey; certain taxes erroneously collected from certain building S. 2497. An act for the relief of Judson B. Isbester; and loan associations; to the Committee on Claims. S. 2549. An act for the relief of Albert W. Harvey; · · S. 3349. An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Court of S. 2585. An act authorizing and directing the Secretary Claims to hear and determine the claim of the Wiack Cop- of the Interior to cancel patent in fee issued to Victoria per Co.; to the Committee on War Claims. Arconge; ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED S .. 2713. An act for the relief of the estate of Anna Eliza­ Mr. PARSONS, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, beth Rice Denison; reported that that committee had examined and found truly S. 2744. An act for the relief of Anna Carroll Taussig; enrolled bills and a joint resolution of the House of the fol­ S. 27 45. An act to provide for changing the time of the lowing titles, which were thereupon signed by the Speaker: meeting of Congress, the beginning of the terms of Mem­ bers of Congress, and the time when the electoral votes shall H.R.191. Ai;t act for the relief of William K. Lovett; H.R. 210. An act for the relief of Anne B. Slocum; be counted, and for other purpo~es; . S. 2769. An act to provide funds for cooperation with H.R. 232. An act for the relief of Anna Marie Sanford; 'Marysville School District, No. 225, Snohomish County, H.R. 233. An act for the relief of Florence Hudgins Lind- 1 Wash., for extension of public-school buildings to be avail­ say and Elizabeth Lindsay; able for Indian children; H.R. 264. An act for the relief of Marguerite Ciscoe; S. 2816. An act to extend the time for the refunding of H.R. 323. An act for the relief of Harvey M. Hunter; certain taxes erroneously collected from certain building and H.R. 408. An act for the relief of William J. Nowinski; loan associations; H.R. 470. An act for the relief of the city of Glendale, S. 2871. An act giving jurisdiction to the Court of Claims Calif.; to hear and determine the claim of the Cherokee Fuel Co.; H.R.
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