Diederich families in the Retterath church records The earliest church records of St. Remigius Roman Catholic parish at Retterath in the Eifel district of West Germany begin in 1734. The old church records are now preserved in the archives of the Diocese of Trier. Some years ago, Peter Bauer and Nikolaus Hermann of Mannebach and Karl- Josef Toner of Daun obtained a copy of the old records and arranged for them to be compiled and organized by family group. For the period 1798 – 1899, the church records were supplemented by information in the old records of Virneburg which are now in the archives of County Mayen. The Diederich families are numbered from 203 to 450 in the compiled church records. These are the earliest Diederich males, in birth sequence: xi.LUKAS DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1643. xiv.PAUL DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1662. i.PETER2 THEDERICH, b. Bef. 1670. xxii.STEPHAN DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1675. xxviii.STEPHAN DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1675. viii.PETER DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1679. xix.MICHAEL DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1680. v.ANTON DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1686. ii.OSWALD DIEDERICHS, b. Bef. 1700. iii.PAUL DIEDERICHS, b. Bef. 1700. iv.JOHANNES DIEDERICHS, b. Bef. 1700. vii.BARTHOLOMAUS DIEDERICH, b. Bef. 1700. xvi.NIKOLAUS DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1700. xviii.NIKOLAUS DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1701. xxi.REMIGIUS DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1710 vi.JOHANN DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1715. ix.JOHANNES DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1715. x.ANTON DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1715. xii.PAUL DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1715. xiii.PETER DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1715. xv.JOHANN DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1716. xx.MICHAEL DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1718. xxv.MICHAEL DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1720 xxvii.STEPHAN DIEDERIGS, b. Abt. 1720. xvii.JAKOB DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1720.. xxiii.JOHANNES DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1722. xxiv.MICHAEL DEDERICH, b. Abt. 1722.. xxvi.BARTHOLOMAUS DIEDERICHS, b. Abt. 1723. Please note that there were a lot of them. This means that the Diederich family was well established in the Retterath area by the time of the earliest extant church records in 1734. Therefore, they may have been there prior to the Thirty Years war which raged from 1618 to 1648 or they may have been imported into the area shortly after 1648. Please note that the first Diederich record is Number 203 for Peter Thederich of Arbach. This is an archaic spelling of the name Diederich. The name is derived from Theodoric, the name of the great leader of the Ostrogoths (454-526). I believe that this may give a clue to the ancient origins of our family, that is, that we are decendants of Ostrogoths. Of course, we are a mixture of many other peoples including the Celts, Franks and other Germanic tribal groups but at some point, our Diederich ancestors adopted a "clan name" of Theodoric. After some centuries of linguistic changes, the clan name used by our ancestors became Theuderich and then Thederich and finally Diederich and in some other areas, the clan name became Dietrich. A linguist who is well versed in German history could do a much better job of explaining this. Furthermore, I do not mean to imply that we are descendants of Theodoric himself although we might be. But I believe our clan name was adopted because our ancestors were Ostrogoths and they regarded Theodoric as a great hero and leader. See the related article about Theodoric which is taken from The Catholic Encyclopedia. Theodoric is well known also because of his defense of members of the Christian faith who espoused Arianism, an ancient heresy that held that Jesus Christ was not divine. Fundamentally, the Arians believed that Jesus was a great prophet, perhaps the greatest of the Jewish prophets, even greater than Moses, and certainly divinely inspired, but he was not God or co-equal with God or the Son of God. The Arians engaged in all sorts of complex intellectual arguments which included theological terminology bordering on jargon to explain their concept and that certainly was a major factor in their inability to win the theological argument. See the related article about Arianism, also taken from The Catholic Encyclopedia. These are the Diederich (Diederichs) families in the Retterath church records: 203 Arbach Thederich Peter 1. Margarethe (oo 5.2.1713 Adam Meurer, Ditscheid (Nh 1/138)) 204 Diederichs Elisabeth oo 25.11.1721 Johann Peter Müller, Virneburg (Nh 1/142) 205 Lirstal Diederichs Oswald Maria Catharina Heimbürger + 26.11.1736 (1/282/1) + 11.12.1743 (1/299/7) Zuordnung unklar. 206 Oberelz Diederichs Paul Maria + 01.03.1756 (1/330/9) + 25.01.1736 (1/280/3) Bemerkung zum Tod: Zuordnung unsicher 1. Johann Jakob oo 01.02.1757 Anna Catharina Paulus 274 2. 16.02.1734 Peter oo 29.05.1759 Catharina Bauer 282 Peter Michaels, adol.; Maria Elisabeth Schneiders, adol. 207 Lirstal Diederichs Johannes Barbara syn. + 11.03.1758 (1/339/6) + 02.12.1763 (1/365/1) 1. Anna Margarethe 2. 07.03.1734 Maria oo 19.02.1754 Nikolaus Peters 1926 Matthias Diederichs, Hilligsberg; Maria, Tv Paschalis Diederichs, Lirstal 3. 02.09.1736 Nikolaus + 05.05.1739 (3 J)(1/287/7) Nikolaus Diederichs, adol.; Maria Wilhelms. adol., Lirstal 4. 07.11.1738 Maria Barbara + 07.05.1739 (0,5 J)(1/287/8) Maria Petri, adol., Arbach; Johannes Lanser, adol., Uersfeld 5. Tochter + 08.11.1740 (1/290/10) Bemerkung zur Geburt: in necessitate baptizata. 6. Tochter + 20.01.1743 (1/295/6) Bemerkung zum Tod: Nottaufe 208 Lirstal Diederichs Anton Johanna + 07.05.1741 (55 J) (1/293/2) + 29.07.1743 (1/299/1) 1. Anton oo 14.05.1754 Gertrud Clasen 262 2. Tochter 3. 15.04.1734 Nikolaus Nikolaus Lanser, Oberelz; Anna Catharina Diederichs, Lirstal 4. 03.11.1736 Gertrud Peter Diederichs, adol., Lirstal; Gertrud Morsch, adol., Lirstal 5. 21.09.1739 Maria + 03.02.1745 (5 J)(1/303/1) Maria Diederichs, Mädchen; Johann Jakob Petri, adol. Frau ist beim Tod Witwe, der Mann stirbt in Dürbach. 209 Kolverath Diederichs Johann Maria + 02.03.1764 (1/366/4) Bemerkung zum Tod der Frau: Brustfieber 1. 20.03.1735 Jakob + 02.06.1735 (7W?)(1/279/5) Jakob Hoff, Retterath; Maria, Fv Franz Schmit, Retterath 2. 11.08.1736 Gertrud oo 31.01.1759 Johannes Werhahn 2844 Gertrud Schmitz, Mädchen; Jakob Härig, Arbach 3. 27.03.1739 Matthias oo 02.10.1764 Catharina Kreuser 289 Matthias Simonis, Schöffe, Kolverath; Gertrud, Fv Johannes Kremer (Hofmann), Salcherath 4. 23.04.1749 Johann Heinrich Johann Heinrich Schneider, Kolverath; Margaretha Weber Die Frau ist bei ihrem Tode Witwe. 210 Retterath Diederich Bartholomäus Catharina w. Ehe --> 211 + 13.02.1751 (1/313/2) + 27.05.1735 (1/279/4) 1. Peter 2. Sohn 3. Nikolaus 211 Retterath II ??.08.1735 Knipers Elisabeth 1/391/3 aus Mannebach w. Ehe --> 212 + 28.01.1741 (1/291/6) 1. 03.06.1736 Matthias Matthias Bommerschöach?, Retterath; Anna Mandt, Retterath 212 Retterath III 17.07.1742 Burg Maria 1/399/1 aus Retterath + 26.08.1785 (2/179/4) Bemerkung zum Tod der Frau: Die Friedhofsbelegung wird hier mit Nummer 1 angezeigt. 1. 10.02.1745 Gertrud Nikolaus Schmit, Retterath; Gertrud Stortz, Mädchen, Dürbach 2. 04.06.1747 Matthias + 07.02.1749 (1/309/13) Matthias Miesen, adol., Retterath; Anna Margaretha, Fv Reinard Bohr, Schönbach Bemerkung zum Tod: Zuordnung unsicher siehe auch Diederichs Bartholomäus/Hoof Maria 213 Dürbach Diederichs Peter Schöffe + 22.11.1735 (56J) (1/279/11) 214 Lirstal Diederichs Johannes 09.10.1736 Schneider Maria Elisabeth 1/391/7 aus Lirstal aus Oberelz + 27.01.1764 (1/366/1) Bemerkung zum Tod der Frau: schlimmes Fieber 1. 08.02.1738 Matthias Matthias Schneider, adol., Oberelz; Elisabeth Schneider, adol., Oberelz 2. Tochter + 30.08.1742 (3 J)(1/295/2) Bemerkung zum Tod: Zuordnung unsicher 3. 04.04.1741 Maria Johann Schneider, Oberelz; Maria Diederichs, Lirstal 4. Kind + 14.07.1743 (1/298/7) Bemerkung zur Geburt: Zuordnung unsicher Bemerkung zum Tod: Nottaufe 5. 31.05.1744 Anna Maria Peter Kevenheim, Lirstal; Anna Maria Schneider, Oberelz 6. 30.07.1747 Nikolaus Nikolaus Diederichs, adol., Lirstal; Gertrud Karst, adol., Oberelz 7. 07.12.1751 Maria Catharina Maria Diederichs, Lirstal; Nikolaus Schmitz, Lirstal 8. 23.09.1754 Oswald Oswald Stephens, Lirstal; Maria, Fv Nikolaus Peters, Lirstal 9. 23.03.1759 Susanna + 04.07.1763 (4 J 4 M)(1/361/7) Susanna, Fv Peter Keffenheim, Lirstal; Theodor Karst, adol., Oberelz 1754 jun.; Johannes Diederichs 1763 bereits gestorben. 215 Lirstal Diederichs Anton 05.02.1737 Jox Gertrud 1/392/4 aus Lirstal aus Lirstal 1. 16.11.1737 Johannes oo 04.05.1763 Anna Maria Kreuser 287 Johannes Diederichs; Gertrud Miesen, Eppenberg 2. 09.02.1740 Nikolaus oo 26.02.1778 Anna Jax 321 Nikolaus Diederichs, adol.; Anna Wirtz, Lirstal 3. 15.01.1742 Maria + 22.02.1745 (3 J)(1/303/4) Maria, Tv Johann Jox, Lirstal; Nikolaus Jox, Lirstal 4. 22.02.1744 Peter oo 04.02.1772 Gertrud Simonis 304 Peter Einig, Salcherath; Maria Diederichs, Jungfrau, Lirstal 5. 01.09.1746 Maria Maria Lansers, adol., Uersfeld; Stephan Diederich, adol., Mannebach 6. 25.10.1750 Matthias + 26.07.1751 (9 M)(1/315/1) Matthias Diederichs, Uersfeld; Gertrud Pieters, Mädchen, Dürbach 7. 29.10.1752 Margaretha + 29.01.1753 (3 M 4 T)(1/322/2) Margaretha Miesen, Jungfrau, Eppenberg; Peter Kevenheim, adol., Lirstal 1751 Anton Diederich jun. 216 Mannebach Diederichs Lukas, Witwer + 25.04.1737 (94J) (1/283/7) 217 Retterath Diederichs Johann Peter, ledig Küster + 03.08.1737 (1/283/13) 218 Diederichs Paul 04.02.1738 Wetlich Agnes 1/394/2 aus Lirstal aus Meiserich 219 Arbach Diederichs Peter Anna Gertrud 1. 19.08.1738 Jakob Jakob Härig, Arbach; Maria Diederichs, Mädchen 220 Mannebach Diederichs Paul Maria + 30.05.1737 (75J) (1/283/9) + 29.01.1739 (92 J) (1/286/3) 221 Diederichs Anna Maria + 08.06.1739 (20 J) (1/287/11) Bemerkung zum Tod: gestorben in der Mühle Arenaria? bei Ulmen 222 Mannebach Diederichs Johann Anna + 12.02.1743 (1/297/2) 1.
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