m Derby Day Today-In The 'Oqmte^ Sororitiesn ^Vi'^c ~~ MAR 25 1960 *es, fo 'Strip' VOL. XXXV, No. urriccane Qn Field UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI CORAL GABLES, FLA. MAKCH 25,1960 A in "outhouses" on the St3t5 Sd- Id,, UM's 1122 sorori- ^^ vie this afternafternooo n for rLTm the Hth annual honors top AND ELECTIONS! perby D"Ch* i fraternity sponsors simi. iddv Spring Derby Day for I! &Ws sororities. ^ „,ritv will be stationed ^So^on the field in USG Week: in an ss wit*h~ th e "Day in the ^-throughout "Snatch Tinted members of Sigma Jazz, Races, rf'ote their top hats C «Tcamims. Girls are sup- ^i^atch them away, and STliS must then try to Lecture, Etc. recover them. By BARBARA McALPINE i .ls0 a variety of events are in 1 Activities ranging from student elections to bike Lr participants on the m- races, from Drew Pearson's lecture to Kai Winding's p.m. horn will highlight Undergraduate Student Govern­ I A four-legged race, strip ment Week, beginning Monday. {ease obstacle course and Strip The elections will be held Thursday and Friday for Tease are among the events positions on the USG Council and for school govern­ planned. ment offices. 4- from Miller Drive to Dickinson, I An egg and pepper contest, ALSO ON the ballot will be a to Walsh. The course whips on mystery event and baby-bottle referendum issue giving stu­ around to Ponce de Leon and sucking contests are also on the dents the opportunity to choose back up Miller Drive. The Derby Day agenda. between future final exam entire route will be closed to Highlighting the events of the "time breaks" and normal six- traffic during the race. day Easter vacations, "Day in the Ozarks" will be the There will be a meeting for presentation of a Spirit Trophy. Polls will be opened from contestants Tuesday at 3 p.m. in Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority 8:30 to 4:00 during the two days. Room 6 of the Student Union. won last year. Voting machines for the School of Business and College of Arts GAMMA ALPHA CHI, na­ Five sorority girls were chos­ and Sciences will be in the tional professional advertising en Tuesday as finalists for Snake Pit in the Memorial fraternity for women, will dis­ Derby Day Queen. The queen Building; for the School of Ed­ play "Blueprints for Fashion" will be announced this after­ ucation, in the Merrick Build­ in the Joe and Emily Lowe Art noon. ing Book Store; the School of Gallery at 2:30 Monday. Models, Engineering, the Engineering including "Miss Sorority Mod­ Finalists for the crown are Jo Building, and the Music School, el" and UM hostesses, will show Ann Pflug, Debby Weston, Mari­ the Music Building. how to build a wardrobe by lyn Taylor, Caryl Durham and planning. Door prizes will be Gwen Crowe. The week slides on with given. trombonist Kai Winding's A pre-game parade will fea­ A fashion feature for men is open-air jazz concert Tues­ ture representatives from each of the USG sponsored "Dress day night. The concert begins the 12 sororities. Right Contest." It will be held at 7:00 in the fenced-in Ath­ throughout USG Week. Chairman for Derby Day is letic Field. Sigma Chi's Joe Enriquez. Bill Entrants must meet at 3 Lo Cprto is vice-chairman. Miss Charity Drive, (Judy p.m. today at the USG office, Dickinson, will give a helping Room 6, Student Union. hand with canisters and ribbons to encourage givers to give and Booming drums Monday will Dr. Bestor, Photo by Gulliver collectors to collect for the signal the gentle tapping of the COUPLE WATCHES DYING LIGHTS OF CARNI-GRAS USG Week Charity Drive. The Iron Arrow, highest local men's • See Page 9 proceeds collected Monday honorary. ODK, national men's through Wednesday will be di­ honorary, taps Wednesday. Al­ School Critic, vided among the Ashe Memor­ pha Sigma Epsilon, sophomore ial Fund, the United Fund and scholastic honorary, will tap Talks Today the World University Fund. Tuesday. Shall We USG Week Calendar USG Week ends with soft USG Week rolls around Dr. Arthur Bestor, distinguish­ All week: Charity Drive Kappa tapping; Bicycle Race corners and curves in the lights at a banquet for student leaders at the Pub Restaurant ed educator and professor of his­ Monday: Iron Arrow tapping; —3 to 5 p.m.—around the "Little 500" bike race at 3 Dance... Or Saturday night. The new Coun­ tory at the University of Illinois, Gamma Alpha Chi Fashion campus p.m. Wednesday. The race JU discuss "The World-Wide cil members willibe introduced • More on play, Page 11. Show—2:30 Lowe Art Gal­ Thursday: Student Elections begins and ends in front of struggle for Men's Minds" today the Student Union Circle. and the "Who's Who" certifi­ lery Friday: Student Elections; at 3:30 P-m. in 720 Dorm's Great The( arrival of a French touring cates will be announced and Lou company to Miami created a bit Tuesday: Alpha Sigma Epsilon Drew Pearson lecture—3:30 The route will take S-curves presented. of a mixup this week. It seems tapping; Jazz Coneert-Kai p.m. —720 Dormitory — 50 °ne of America's severest crit- that UM French instructors want Winding Septet-7 to 9 p.m. cents students. B1? ^^ve" education, Dr. Athletic Field *** * the fifth lecturer in the their students to attend the Saturday: Student Leader's Wednesday: Qmicron Delta UnlS ^ ^nsored by the troupe's production of Moliere's Banquet, 6 p.m.—Pub graduate Student Govern- "Le Misanthrope" tomorrow J* and Delta Theta Mu, Arts night. ) ^Sciences honor society. But tomorrow night is also Men's Residence Halls Associa­ eranLe?Ucator has bitten sev- f induding TheResto tion's biggest formal of the year Pearson To Speak CjT ng m" 0ur Public- at the DuPont Plaza Hotel. Sev­ Hool? ^^ eral students who had already C? £* Educational Waste- article arranged to attend the dance is­ Wrom, ., "What Went sued cornplaints to the Dean ot PrmS ^ S" Schools" was —Drew, That Is S News and World Men's office this week concerning Rep0rt A - Comjr^ Y38'^printed in the their professors' "strong recom­ Drew Pearson, Washington's During his 63 years he has. ^ssional Record. mendation" that they^ attend the most controversial columnist, will criticized and fought government performance at Gables High speak on the U.S.'s shifting power officials, members of Congress and School. in world affairs next Friday as a business leaders whenever he felt "There is no official departmen­ part of USG Week. they were not "acting toward tal policy about whether students His lecture at 3:30 in the lounge public interest." must attend the play or not of the 720 Dormitory deals with He still has his running feud ^eli Attache said Dr. William Dismukes head the subject, "Is the U.S. Becom­ going with former President Har­ 8iti of the Modem Lon*^ De­ ing a Second Rate Power?" ry S. Truman. ^ ug Campus ment "But some instructors may The controversial figure whose After a college career during have made this request. "Washington Merry - Go - Round" which he made Phi Beta Kappa, ^^re^L^011' counselor for "Attendance by French stu­ column appears in papers he spent three years as seaman, the tf^wtion Bureau dents is certainly optional,^ throughout the nation, has been teacher and foreign editor before ?, Jwael'. aabassy» will speak I'm sure their grades wont sutler the target for vitriolic shots as he hit the nation's capital with atio P blems if they don't go." twin* the book Washington Merry-Go- B ^at9 S of foreign well as such praise as "the col­ *° ajn. Thursday in Said Dean of Men Ben David umnist whose writings exert the Round. Since December 13, 1932, .*he Lectur e Hall. "There is ^o real conflict about greatest influence in the nation," his column has been a source of G<*eiw!*** edl' sponsored by the as polled by the Saturday Review continuing comment on the.U.S. HOWEVER, YOU DONT HAVE TO GIVE THIS MUCH! ^stude^^^nis.open want to see this famous play ana of Literature. political scene. Judy Dickinson Mascots USG Charity Drive cast." PACE Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE wmmmmm mm wmmm SCHOOL OF EDUCATION sideration. Che ^^ Theodore Klein JUNIOR CLASS Vice President Jerry Gross ck 0r Lawrence Weiner SOPHOMORE COUNCIL Rep­ the paper ballot, whe/ ** % Sample Ballot: (vote for one): SOPHOMORE CLASS Secre­ nv< resentatives (vote for two): the polls: %g^ SCHOOL OF EDUCATION John W. Callahan tary Treasurer (vote for one): Jean Alpert Audrey Borok (uncontested): Helen M. Scapp I am in fav0r . USG Council Eileen Mulgrew Larry Kurland Barbara Newman JUNIOR CLASS Secretary- the Easter vacation 0^8 Marilyn Wilson Jay Welcom U rsc Representatives: Treasurer (vote for one): days-these four da v Wl I SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING * * * split equally ays^ | Shari Friedman All other offices are either (2)bef COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCI­ (uncontested) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AD­ Arlene Rabinowitz uncontested or unfilled, ac­ ENCES (vote for two): Maxwell Sudakow final exam period (n ch MINISTRATION cording to the Student Ac­ SOPHOMORE CLASS President ent vacation fa ^ **•« Michael S. Gold SCHOOL OF MUSIC (uncon­ JUNIOR COUNCIL Represen­ tivities Office. Slx Jerry Levy tested) (vote for one): tatives (vote for four): days.) ^ j Kay Nabors Sam Behar Ralph Comito Paul B. Christy Allan Rosenbaum > Richard Friedman Peter Goldberg Referendum I am in favor of k<w Gregory Zell Barbara Trovers Jose E.
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