HEALTH Color Us Well Healing with color, body tapping, and directed energy. BY CJ PUOTINEN an exposure to color change your Healing with color health? What about tapping on When photobiologist John Ott pioneered What you can do . key acupuncture points or other time-lapse photography, he discovered N Always consult a veterinarian if body parts? And is there any way the vital role that full-spectrum natural your dog is ill. to focus or concentrate naturally light plays in the development of plants occurringC energy so that it has a more and animals. He also discovered that color therapeutic effect? can have a profound effect at the cellular N Study the effects different colors Veterinarians and other healthcare level. have on health and healing. practitioners who experiment with energy Whenever he photographed living cells healing deal with these and related ques- under electron microscopes, Ott noticed N Look for ways to expose your dog tions when they address the “etheric body,” that changing the color filters on his camera to helpful colors. the invisible part of the patient that is also lens changed the cells’ behavior. When described as the vital or energy body. Im- he was hired to document the effects of N Download EFT’s proving the etheric body’s energy flow or pharmaceutical drugs on living cells, lens free manual state, they say, stimulates a self-healing color changes had a more dramatic effect and try the mechanism that encourages the body to on the cells than the drugs did. technique on repair itself, often in record time. In animal research, prolonged expo- yourself and Like homeopathy, flower essences, sure to a single color has caused female your dog. Reiki, crystals, acupuncture, therapeutic reproductive problems, fur loss, toxic touch, and the other energy healing tech- symptoms, digestive disorders, male steril- niques we’ve described in the past four ity, abnormal bone development, abnormal • The U.S. Navy uses colored light to issues, the modalities we’ll describe below, body weight, and cataracts. treat injuries. in this conclusion to our “energy medicine” However, short-term exposure to colors series, can be used alone or in combination has had the opposite effect. In the late 19th • Medical research shows that blue light with conventional or alternative therapies century, English physicians discovered suppresses the metastasis of melanoma and are widely considered to be free from that exposure to light of different colors cells in mice, red light has anti-inflamma- adverse side effects. caused measurable improvements to their tory effects, and full-spectrum light, which patients. Years later, scientists in Europe contains all colors, is a successful treat- and elsewhere explored the ways in which ment for depression caused by seasonal exposure to color influences health. In the affective disorder. United States, color was a popular healing therapy until the 1940s and ’50s, when • Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are com- lobbying efforts by conventional physi- mon in medical devices that relieve pain cians convinced the U.S. Food and Drug and fight infection with red, blue, and other Administration to make the use and sale colors. of medical color projection equipment illegal. When William Campbell Douglass, Many physicians will tell you that color MD, became interested in color treatments, therapy is still on the fringes of modern one of his patients had a large ulcer on medicine, but look at some of the applica- the side of her leg that was five years old, tions used today: half an inch deep, and full of pus. She had tried salves, antibiotics, and various • The maternity wards of major hospitals surgical interventions (debridement or routinely use blue light to treat neonatal There are a number of devices that scraping) over the course of a year with can be used to direct healing, colored jaundice. no improvement. light at your dog, like this Spectrahue As he describes In his book Color Me model. Owners can also use household • NASA uses red light to speed the heal- Healthy, Dr. Douglass treated the ulcer by items to provide color therapy. ing of injuries in space. shining indigo light on it. The patient con- 18|FEBRUARY 2008 Copyright © 2008, Belvoir Media Group, LLC TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL (800) 829-9165 tinued this therapy at home twice Connecticut, seems to enjoy her a day, one hour at a time, and soon Spectro-chrome tonations. “She new skin covered the open sore. goes right for the light and lies Within a week she was free from under it for her snooze,” McGuire pain for the first time since the ul- says. “The colors help with her cer developed, and six weeks after kidney disease and other symp- her initial treatment she returned to toms, and she actually positions show Dr. Douglass a leg that had herself for best results. Animals almost completely healed. are so smart! My vet doesn’t want “I know it’s hard to believe,” to know the details, but he says I he says, “but color therapy really should keep doing whatever I’m works. And not just for external doing because it’s working so wounds. It also works for many well.” internal ailments at which modern Pamela Fisher, DVM, a holis- medicine just throws useless drugs tic veterinarian in North Canton, and surgery.” Ohio, has treated almost a hundred Many veterinarians, ophthal- canine patients with Lumalight mologists, and other healthcare color during the past year, most professionals who treat patients Like most dogs, this Bichon Frise is quite comfortable of them for skin, digestive, emo- with color follow the guidelines of and enjoys receiving color therapy. Photo courtesy of tional, or respiratory problems. the Dinshah Health Society, which Julianne Bien, Spectrahue Light & Sound, Inc. “When cooling blues are ap- publishes books and instructions plied to hot spots or other inflamed for using Spectro-chrome equipment con- almost always triggers improvement.” skin conditions,” she says, “there is an in- sisting of color filter material and a light Ojito, a Chow-mix belonging to Eliza- stant calming and skin color change, from source such as a slide projector, lamp, beth Heaney of Tucson, Arizona, pinched a red and irritated to more normal, which flashlight, or the sun. nerve in her back and was in too much pain starts the healing process.” Each color has its own wavelength to eat or drink for three days. “About 15 Color therapy tonations usually last and frequency. Red, orange, and yellow minutes into her color treatment,” says He- half an hour to an hour, but Dr. Fisher‘s are stimulating; green is said to bring the aney, “Ojito abruptly stood up and began single-color Lumalight treatments seldom body into balance; and blue, indigo, and to drink from her water dish. By the end of take more than a few seconds. “The results violet are at the calming or sedating end of the treatment she was eating hungrily. The are actually that fast,” she says. the spectrum. The Spectro-chrome system change was remarkable, from barely lifting One of Dr. Fisher’s patients is Michael, also uses lemon, turquoise, purple, ma- her head to walking around and wagging a 16-year-old West Highland White Ter- genta, and scarlet. As explained in Darius her tail. She’s been fine ever since.” rier belonging to Lyn Sabino of Canton, Dinshah’s book Let There Be Light, every A fungal infection called Valley Fever Ohio, who has chronic lung problems. His physical condition has its own protocol or is a serious problem in Arizona, and when bronchial dilating medication was recently sequence of color treatments, and drinking it settled in her lungs, Kali, a nine-year- changed by another veterinarian, and after water can be treated with color for internal old Wheaten Terrier, coughed as often as two doses on the new medicine, he grew and external application. 20 times a minute. “She did not respond weak and struggled for breath. A more elaborate and expensive color to prescription drugs,” says her owner, “His condition was serious,” says Dr. therapy system is the Lumalight, devel- L. Enlow, “but color therapy stopped Fisher, “and it was getting worse. I ap- oped by Spectrahue Light & Sound, which her coughing, and a chest X-ray taken plied cooling blue color to his chest and shines light through mineral-based glass after a few months of ongoing color treat- heart area, and within a few seconds his color lenses. ments showed that the virus was greatly labored breathing calmed and the color of reduced.” his mucous membranes improved, becom- Rainbow of benefits Color therapy doesn’t have to involve ing more pink due to better oxygenation. Lynn Younger, who lives in Sedona, elaborate equipment, says Younger. “You He continued to improve, and I sent him Arizona, has worked with dogs and other can tonate water in colored glass jars or home with color-treated water for contin- animals for 10 years using Colorpuncture, bottles simply by placing them in the sun. ued application.” a European modality of acupuncture that For a dog with arthritis, you could keep Dr. Fisher reports that separation substitutes concentrated Lumalight for water in a red glass container and then ap- anxiety, thunder phobia, fears, incessant acupuncture needles. “During this time,” ply it as a spray or wash. You could also barking, inappropriate urination, and she says, “I’ve treated hundreds of canines have the dog lie on a red towel. There are other emotional or behavioral issues also in person and thousands by long distance, many ways to expose dogs to color. In my respond quickly to color therapy.
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