WINTER 2003 THE DPS QUARTERLY The DPS Quarterly A Department of Public Safety publication bringing professionalism and humanity together. Winter 2003 Inside Stories Department Reorganization Announced do just that. I think it is always important to understand that the work that we per- The Haz-men ........................... 13 form is ultimately for the benefit of the people we serve. We believe these changes will improve our ability to serve the State.” The Wildlife Investigation Bureau, pre- viously a separate unit within Fish and Wildlife Protection, will continue their work of focusing on illegal guiding and commercial sport fishing and hunting practices. The Bureau will, however, be- CSI: Soldotna .......................... 18 come a part of the recently reorganized Alaska Bureau of Investigation. Our goal is to further our previously announced Commissioner Bill Tandeske, an- concept of a “statewide investigations” nounced his planned reorganization of the function. Department of Public Safety. Changes are also being made to the “There has been considerable discus- Department’s Division of Administrative sion over the past six months regarding Services. This division is currently re- potential reorganization of the department, sponsible for budget, fiscal, procurement, “ said Tandeske, “and we are now ready records and identification, information to move forward.” systems, and human resources for the de- Dragon Slayers ....................... 21 Effective Monday, August 4, 2003, the partment. Under the new organization, Division of Fish and Wildlife Protection budget, fiscal, human resources, and pro- became a statewide bureau within the Di- curement will remain within the Division of vision of Alaska State Troopers. This new Administrative Services. Records and bureau will be known as the Alaska Bu- Identification and Information Systems reau of Wildlife Enforcement (ABWE). will combine with the State Crime Lab to ABWE will be a statewide unit with re- become the Statewide Services Unit under gional supervisors in Juneau, Palmer, the Commissioner’s office. These state- Kenai, Kodiak, Fairbanks, and Anchorage wide services support law enforcement, (responsible for Western Alaska) each re- other agencies, and the public. Suspicious Fire ....................... 23 porting to a commander in Anchorage. “I believe we have a tremendous op- “It is my goal, and that of my leader- portunity to be better at all that we do," ship team, to implement these changes said Commissioner Tandeske. “The ac- with little to no disruption to public ser- tions that we are taking are based on the vice” said Tandeske. “Despite changes premise that we expect the department to that are being made, all of the core mis- be the statewide leader in the services we sions and functions of the Department of provide. We want the department to be Public Safety will remain. Troopers who known as the most professional and re- have been protecting Alaska’s valuable sponsive organization in State fish and wildlife resources will continue to government.” 1 THE DPS QUARTERLY WINTER 2003 New Department Personnel Commissioner Bill Tandeske an- forcement and security in the military, Identification, Crime Lab, and Permits nounced the selection of two new state, and private sector. Spencer brings and Licensing. Shade comes to DPS members of the DPS leadership team. with him a tremendous base of knowledge from private sector security and has 22 Administrative Services: Mr. Dan about state processes and obvious enthu- years of experience in the law enforce- Spencer joins DPS in Juneau effective siasm about coming to DPS. ment and security fields. September 16th and will serve as Ad- Statewide Services: Mr. Dave Schade Commissioner Tandeske commented, ministrative Services Director. Spencer joins DPS in Anchorage effective Septem- “Both of these gentlemen are tremen- has served in the same position for the ber 9th as the Director of the newly dous additions to our leadership team. Department of Administration for the formed Statewide Services Division. In Please welcome both to DPS and help past four years. He has a wide variety this position, Schade will be responsible them learn all they can about our depart- of experiences which include law en- for Information Systems, Records and ment.” Colonel Grimes Announced Personnel Assignments future is to put the right people in the Southcentral Region of ABWE. Effective right places. This is an ongoing process immediately. upon which we will rely, to keep us on the Capt. Jeff Babcock moved from Palmer path to excellence in everything we do. to my staff as Division Staff Supervisor re- In an effort to keep you informed of our sponsible for supervising the Aircraft and progress to date, I want to make everyone Vessel Sections as well as some staff func- aware of the following changes in assign- tions. Effective immediately. ments: Capt. David Hudson moved from Divi- As previously announced, Lt. Duke sion Staff Supervisor to a newly formed Ballard moved to Anchorage from Bethel, headquarters staff function called “Profes- and will supervise the Anchorage Judicial sional Standards”, which will be Services Unit. Effective September 16, responsible for inspection and review of 2003 all divisions and entities in the department Lt. Dan Lowden moved into AST in an effort to improve our quality of ser- Headquarters to join my staff, working to vice and our work processes. Effective consolidate our many large grant pro- immediately. grams and work other special projects that Captain Howard Starbard is now the directly support field operations. Effec- Detachment Commander of W Detach- I would like to announce several per- tive September 16, 2003. ment (ABWE) and will directly supervise sonnel assignment changes that are an Lt. Rodney Dial moved into C Detach- the Lieutenants in charge of the six re- integral part of the reorganization and ment Headquarters as the Deputy gional areas. change process the department has been Commander, supervising AST functions in Major Jim Cockrell is the Administra- undergoing for the last several months. rural Alaska. Effective September 16, 2003. tive Commander of AST, and will oversee These changes are designed to take the Lt. Ralph Reyes remains on my staff, all Vessel and Aircraft issues, budget and greatest advantage of the individual but is now supervising the Recruitment all other administrative functions, as well strengths and skills that the members of Unit, an assignment he held previously as directly supervising Judicial Services our leadership team have to offer. Our or- and with which he is quite familiar. Effec- and the Emergency Operations Center. ganization is facing challenges as to how tive September 16, 2003. Administrative Assistant Lois Waugh we do our every day business and we Lt. Will Ellis, currently on military and Administrative Assistant Sandy have re-focused on a “back to basics” ap- leave, will move from Juneau to Kodiak Is- Belcher have merged the administrative proach to providing public safety services land to supervise the Southwestern functions that historically were done to our communities. We are looking at ev- Region of ABWE. Effective when he re- separately by both Divisions, so that no erything we do to ensure that it is turns from leave. duplication of effort exists. AA Waugh appropriate to our core missions and, if Lt. Joanna Roop moved from Kodiak will handle all employee moves, bids and so, that we are doing it right, and as effi- to Anchorage to supervise the Western transfers, as well as some budget matters ciently as possible. Region of ABWE. Effective immediately. and all procurement issues for the entire A basic premise to building a leader- Lt. Charlie Yoder moved from the Air- Division. AA Belcher will handle all Work- ship team to take our department into the craft Section to Palmer, to supervise the (Col. Grimes, continued on page 3) 2 WINTER 2003 THE DPS QUARTERLY Col. Grimes, continued from page 2 place Alaska matters, badges, and IDs, in- Training Academy; Sgt. Todd Sharp was promotions and other possible reassign- ventory, and remote transfer notices for promoted to Lieutenant, ABWE Southeast ments. For those of you interested in the entire Division. Region; and Sgt. Pete Mlynarik was pro- these promotional opportunities, we Additionally, I have made several pro- moted to Lieutenant, Supervisor Bethel strongly encourage you to participate in motions as part of this same process: Sgt. AST. the process and compete. Hans Brinke was promoted to Lieutenant, With this much change occurring in so Once again, managing change can be a Deputy Commander of ABADE; Lt. John many areas, it is very important that you challenge. My goal is to focus on what Glick was promoted to Captain, Com- be patient as personnel accomplish their we can potentially do better than any mander of C Detachment; Trp. Chad moves and learn their new responsibilities. other law enforcement organization, and Goeden was promoted to Corporal, DPS These moves will precipitate additional stay solidly on that path to excellence. Colonel Julia Grimes Announced Promotions John Glick Promoted To Captain “Each is moving the next step up from Hans Brinke Promoted To Lieutenant their current position so I’m expecting a Colonel Julia Grimes, announced ment will be as Detachment Commander smooth and easy transition for everyone several promotions within the division. for C Detachment and VPSO Program involved. And, each has extensive experi- First is Lt. John Glick, C Detachment, Manager. ence with WAANT. I plan to use that Deputy Commander, to Captain, C Detach- Lt. Brinke: experience to support Governor (Frank) ment, Commander; and second, the Lt. Brinke has approximately 12 years Murkowski’s commitment to fighting ille- promotion of Sgt. Hans Brinke, Alaska of service with AST. After graduating gal drugs and alcohol in Western Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Enforcement, from the Public Safety Academy in 1991, Alaska.” to Lieutenant, Deputy Commander of his first assignment was with AST An- Alaska Bureau of Alcohol and Drug En- chorage Patrol, followed by a transfer to forcement.
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