THE FOWLER Vol. 1—No. 30 Fowler, Michigan, Thursday, January 13, 1938 Price Per Copy, Five Cents AMATEUR CONTEST Fowler News In Brief PROVES EXCITING Joseph Fox, Prominent I>ast Sunday night at the Fowler Several from here attended the Opera House, the Amateur Con­ test conducted by “The Lowry- Miss Doris Fox was a caller in St. Jo.seph Baz.var at Pe- wair.o, la. t Cu:-..;lay ..-"'...rnoon and Slout Players” drew a large crowd Died Tuesday St. Johns, Saturday. evening. and was extremely intere.sting to all, besides uncovering some ex ­ PORTLAND PUBLISHER John Fox and John Fink were ceptional talent right here in our Joseph Fox, a life long resi­ in Westphalia, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Fink and dau ­ VICTIM OF ILLNESS ghter, Helen called on Mr. and own community. dent of this community and an Mrs. George Holden and Mrs. Three cash prizes were awarded Fred J. Mauren, 69, editor and esteemed citizen and business Victor Torok was in Saginaw, going as follows: first prize was last Sunday afternoon. Lydia Fisher, at St. Johns, last publisher of the Portland Review man of Fowler for the past forty Tuesday evening. (judged by the audience whole­ since 1904, die at his home here heartedly to go to Georgia and years died at his home here Frank Conley of Maple Rapids, Monday after a long illness. Tuesday afternoon. The Fowler Sub-Council of the Loretta Cunningham. Alice Win- Mr. Mauren spent his entire life was a caller in town, last Thurs­ ons and Joan Salisbury carried off Deceased done much towards day. Knights of Colun.bus, held their in Portland, starting his newspa­ usual monthly meeting at the Holy second honors while little Eunice per carefer with the Portland Cour ­ the betterment and building up Trinity Auditorium, last Monday Kramer was awarded third place. ier. of F'owler during his many ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dieter attend ­ Each and everyone of the contest ­ ed the St. Joseph Parish Bazaar evening. Several Knights from Surviving is one son, Fred. jr. tive years in business here, and Ionia attended also. ants is to be congratulated and Funeral services were held Wenes- at Pewamo, last Sunday evening. community. his passing away is sadly felt day. Next Sunday night, the Lowry- by his many friends and busi­ Mrs. Edna Tait and daughter, The Misses Rita Rochon and Christy Christansen of Detroit, Slout Players will present the play ness associates, who grieve with Flossie Gorham, were in St. Johns, “Tumbleweed,” which was to have the family in their hour of sad ­ last Saturday afternoon. spent several days of last week with the former ’s sister, Mr. and been presented last week but could ness. not due to late arrival of the Bowling News The Ladies ’ Aid Society met at Mrs. Hilary Hafner and daughter, Funeral services will be held Patricia. manuscript. “Tumbleweed ” accord ­ the home of Mrs. William Eiseler, ing to the Lowry-Slout manage ­ Bowling got into high gear Monday Friday morning from Most last W'ednesday afternoon. ment is one of the best plays they when the first two teams of the eight Holy Trinity church at nine Quite a large number of people have had the opportunity of pre­ team league got under way. o ’clock, Rev, Father George Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hufnagel of attended the funeral of Mark Due to the K. of C. meeting the R. Kramer, which took place last senting and thus they are making Esper, officiating. Interment Lansing, called at the home of an unusual effort to give a fine Schueller and the Albert Weber teams Mrs. Catherine Fink, Sunday aft­ Wednesday morning at St. Jo ­ bowled in place of the Frank Fedewa will be made in the Catholic seph’s church. St. Johns. producion to the play. ernoon. “Tumbleweed ” is laid in South­ & John Fink teams. The Schuelier’s cemetery west of town. took two out of three games from the Miss Elizabeth McDonald, a ern California near Salinas and Mrs. Julia Cagrney and daugh ­ develops it’s plot around the im­ Weber’s Monday. OBITUARY ter, Margaret Ann, spent the member of the faculty of the high Tuesday evening the Peter Edinger school is back at work after hav­ mense lettuce industry in that Joseph Fox was bom, Feb. 8,1865 on a week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jo ­ part of the country. It deals with team trimed the E. Halfman team for farm northeast of the village of West­ ing been a patient at the Bron- three straights, although each game was seph Fox. modem labor troubles and the phalia. On October 25, 1898, he was stetter hospital at Mt. Pleasant. won by a small margin of pins. > ----------------------- question of whether or not women united in marriage to Anna Simon of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pung of we feel proud to have them in our Wedensday evening the V. Goerge Dallas township. They lived in Pe­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fenrholz Westphalia, called on Mr. and Mrs. team took all three games from the N. wamo one year after which they moved attended the funeral of Mrs. Ed ­ should take men ’s jobs. The com­ Ernest Halfinann and family last edy will be supplied ir generoua Hufnagel team, and showed little mercy to this village where they have lived ward Schrader, which was held at Sunday. doses. Dick Caldwell will be seen beating them by a good majority. since. ' the Evangelical Lutheran Church the young fanner who is inter- The highlights Wedensday evening in Riley, last Wednesday after­ About 25 years ago he established Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Meyer e.stod both in lettuce and his new ' was Orville Fleck with a high score of noon. himself in business in which he was very and children, Mary Etta and wife. Evelyn Easter will be a 221, and Harald Frechen with a 43 in successful!. Four years ago, due to in. lames, were Sunday guests of tile seventh fiame and ending with a 133 Ernest Halfmann returned to young “hitch-hiker” who drops by | creasing age he retired, turning nhe Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Meyer. looking for work. Gordon Ray, with five straight strikes. business over to his son, Lawrence. his home from the Clinton Mem- The high score on the alleys this sea­ Bert C. Arnold. Ora Ackley and Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Anna Mr. and Mrs. Al. Taffel of Mus­ oria hospital at St. Johns, where son is now held by Al Hufnagel. Al L. Vern Slout will all have good Fox, four daughters, Mrs. J. H. Pohl of kegon Heights, were week-end he was a patient for several days rolled 233 in a practice game- because of a throat ailment. He parts. Vaudeville will again be of- j St. Johns, Mrs. Juliann Cagney of guests of Mrs. Edna Tait and fered between the acts. I Due to the last two teams bowling on daughter, Flossie Gorham. is getting along very well. Thursday night and the Post is printed Kalamazoo, Agatha of Lansing and on Thursday afternoon a record of these Doris at home; two sons, Lawerencefll FOWLER GIRL BRIDE BEANS WILL BE FED John of this village. Two grandchild ­ Mrs. Mary Eiseler, Mrs. Fred TO STATE UNEMPLOYED games cannot be given. Meyer, Howard WelHousen and OF ST. JOHNS MAN In nert weeks issue a complete record ren, Margaret Ann Cagney of Kalama­ Alonzo Ei.seler, attended and O. E. will be printed of this weeks games zoo and Mary Ann Fox of this village. Announcement has been made of The Federal Surplus Commodi- i Four sisters. Sister M. Paula of Ra­ S. meeting at Pewamo, last W'ed- ties corporation announced Satur-1 with individual scores, games won and nesday evening. the marriage of Mias Frances F if- percentage of the teams.. cine, Wisconsin, Mrs. Carl Fedewa & nagle of Fowler to Conservati j.i '’^y the purchase of ."OO.ODO pounds , Mrs. Frank Smith of Westphalia and Officer Frank Bishop of Gr of Vienns —10 carloads —to relieve I Mrs. Joseph Smith of Beal City; three '» V Mr. and Mrs. LaRue A. Weaver, Mrs. Dorthy and Rita Millet of St. bush on New Year’s Day. ihe price -depressing surplus in Mich­ brothers, Anthony of Lansing, Louis & attended the funeral of Mrs. Sarah igan. Johns visited Mary Torak Friday. Root, at Middleton, Sunday after­ ceremony took place at 6 o ’clock in William of Wostphalia as well as many J. P. Hatch, head of the agency ' Mrs. Frederick Rowell Jr. spent a other relatives and friends. noon. Mrs. Root was an aunt of the St. Joseph rectory with tic few days with her parents Mrs. Vic­ Rev. W. B. Bath officiating. They in Michigan, said bis would be ^ Mr. Weaver.- taken at the Lansing office Tues- ! tor Torok and family. were attended by Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sturgis who has been employed William Hufnagle of Fowler, bro ­ day for additional purchases. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trierweil- Hatch said sales must be in car ished enjoyment. The party by the Consumers Power Co. the past ther and sister-in-law of the bride. held three miles north and one er of Lansing, called on Mr. and load lots, on a bid-and acceptance four m'lnths has been laid off and now Miss Hufnagle is the daughter mile of Fowler. Mrs. Louis H. George and Mr. and basis. you will find him at his home here where of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hufnagle Mrs. Vincent Goerge and aughter, The beans will be distributed to Miss E.
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