. DmgSr a^HSsues -- B l Dectlo girls sistay unbeaafen - -2 ^ , G lasassified Lightiring conte5St yiiuTi(iib.d.T'i Y o u r Despsite pani(tc: .............. tmllof, 7. I V a l l e r Wirine3rs - C1 |s*>6214. C e n t e r Womjlan's life;saved - j M a r'kctplaoc k g E l : B1- S ■ T F fT S ) ' p ' r o f tUnIe Inc. ‘0 - ■ g 84th yoar, No. 356 Twin Falls,t Id e * . f-'Ty ur ,4,15 Friday. Deceecember 22.1989 . f o m e s ^ i i O ]>p upv p r e s ^$-searreh foir Nori'Iega , The Associa:iated Press “ officials ordered troops>s andui armored vehicles ^ Nam es-of--m en l ^ e d -A2------.-^lo;cncirclc;thc:U;S;.-Emb imbassy-bcca«sc:nf-it!p'- ---■'•7 ------- --------------------p a n a m ;^ ; in business •> A3 ------CTnb3!7srhcrc-tv35-5urrCTi d u c k e d ococcasional gunfire in "nn ^ o ^ r r , CSStefST; forces. ns Thursday and ringciie d th e M ilitary aispects s f of day - A5 Defense Secretary DickDid Cheney said in a - Nicaroguoilan and Cuban embassiesics w ith M agic VaU.lUey reac tio n - B l TV interview that reinforiforcem ents sent to aid arm ored percrsonncl carriers in c.<isc theeelusive e ■ Ihc troops basra in Pana;anamu muy be ubic to Gen. Manueuci Antonio Noriega was in.-iiiwide. , leave "within o few week;ecks." Earlier, officials ; Santo Tomus Hospital, thc ' ? T housandids of U.S. servicemen swepvept into ‘doctor at S: J® said they hoped thc actioiction could lake three * the capitalI onc thc sccond day of theircirhuBc one nearest I’anI’anunian Defense • Forces days. aid 80 dead were brought in offensive,. encounteringe some shootiiOting bv ■‘‘••adtjuarters, said A Spanish photogmpheipher was kilied and un I Noricga-loyoyolists-ond hunting for Smi in g ;>nd "about 1.0 0 0 " iinjured were treated. • English photographer waswa; injured Thursday ■ He could give no - AmericansI believedb lo bc hostages, ^ no breakdown of civilians or during a crossfire betweeween U.S. troops who ivilian paramilitaiy “Dignity .......... n Looters sws> arm ed-thc sirecis like locusts,lo fnililary. The civil y mistook cach olher forr PonamunisinPa: forces in _______________ T housands.s. from children In g randmiIpiircnis Ballalions" and sorsome of Noriega’s elite unils.•*1__ ihc-M arriotl-lIotcUpa-parking-lot,-;-olhcr---------- stripped storore shelves down lo bare wwood6 ' on such as the Machochos de Monte, wear civiliann journalists said. - Central Aver'cnue. clothing. New President Guillermermo Endara. sworn in ■gsii^CiLr • -i_____P entagon.in.olficinls said_U_^5i^iro_(yrops had___ China on Fridriday_canie to Noriega'ss hv a Panamanian iudi?.uUlc_n.s__U„ S f o rc.es_______ miliiary conantrol of Panama City. Theyiicy said defcn.sc, saying U.S.U.! troops invaded because:e invaded ul midiiiglil Tucsi'uesday, announced an - - most-unit^o-of-Noriega’s- Defense- Forccrces-had tlic-Panumoniann strongmans opposed U.S.>. IR-hour curfcw thal endsids 01i 6 a.m. Friday. It - - fled into tlieic jungles; and U.S, troops; m ay bc nllcrnpis to gain1 permanentpc conlrol over thele had no immediate effect:l onor the crowds._______ .^-ordered-in-to-to-follow-them;— ------------------— ---------- Panama-Canalr^n- ^5 Scattercd~bursLs ot gunfgunfire camc from thc T hey.repopone3.21., Americans, killedlc<L 2nK_Agcn,cy_.cul led.J^-it..!i.r.rathcj_noyel..and. d.,poor.ncighbQrhood-of_S,iLSon-Migueliio and _ .. and four missing in two daysda of sensational" cliche:he ihat Americo sent troopsIS from a ccntral hotelI districtdii taken over ffBfrntt fighting. lo bring to trialai "w• ^t it called a 'drugg_ tct^o_rarily_^y urinedI NoriegaNt supporters.___ __ IW ltntt Figurcs'foforPanamnnlan'casunlties" CS'Were tnifncK^er.'^ They did nof appear'car to bc seeking hard to comi me by. An exhausted cmer^urgency In Managua,. tlthe Nicoraguon capital.I- -S e e PANAM A (ton Page A2 ^ P e n itagon fi-ears loniig-term lPanamaI fight^ By-SUSANNNE M. SCHAFER — " .operation anymore." 77ic Associitunted Press ~ A nalysis Asked if U.S. militaryry unilsu might well be - facing n prolracled guerriierrilla battle in urban BqH K WASHINGIGTON — Penlagon ofTlciiilsills fear elsewhere, officialsals said. and country arcxs in theireir se.irchs for Noriega. octions by' Noriega1 loyalists — lalta k in g "This is a key day because il will determinec thc official answered. "Ye}•Yes. It very well may Americans hostage,ho perhaps, or allackinj:ing the wheliier the Panamtiimaniun Defense Forccs andJ be.” ' Panama Cunanal — could force U.S. troojoops to the dignity baltalicalions ure consolidating, orr President Bush, asked;ed at a session with tran sform thn:hcir ‘‘mop-up” openilionI irinto a whelher thc^_remannain as pockets of resistancei;_j:ttpimi:is_--whcthcr. .lie,.lie believed the - . ^ ■ long-term gueuerrillo engagcmcnl. ' "lliai can t e cut o>ut u t:and neutralized," snid thec intervention would bccomebcc a guerrilla Thc nation’n’s ipiiitary leaders were loolooking highly placcd officer,ol who spoke oiili opcraiion, said. "1 don’tI thinkihii so.” adding lhat ' r ~ _________ lit T h u rsd aly’s y Day 2 of "Operation)n Ju st condition h e not be iidentified by name. _ Noriega has__b e e n sistripped of his ------- ---------------Causir-as-coifruciiil iirih'(rtatlTe'for contriiil'rbl'of ^A'fikcil'liow-Ion'gong'he'bcIieVed”tlie strike'e commuriica'tions capabnitiinities and the support ~ thc Central AAmerican nalion. said onee 1high- forcc of thousandsJs cof U.S. troops will remain1 of miliiary forccs thal1 wouldwt allow hitn lo level iiillitary■yofnciul. - ' • in the country, thele oofficial .said, "1 dcin’t think^ m ounl an opposilion in Ihc countryside. T h c fear is thnt unless Manuel Antintohio anybody .here know;ows." "He hasn't been in a junjungle in a long time. ;l N o rie g a ’s sisupportcrs.arc. captured:d and Remarking- thatlat thc forccs were goingi And it's lough living, andanc he’s been living • • ■ disarm ed, thehey could continue to threnreaten house-tcthouse in ttheir efforts to clean outt high off thc hog. ofT thee Pan.imanianP; people. • Panamaniann citizens and thc lives of Ihc ihe remiiining Nonroriegu loyalists in Panamu1 And so we don't e.xpcct"t" a kind of mountain 1 35.000 Amcrii;ricans.living in the country.y. ior at City -— and couldild bc forced to search thc: guerrilla organiAition to0 arisear reminiscent of . | .1 the least offeTer a serious disruption lo any ■ countryside in searc:arch of the deposed generalI lhat led by Cuba's Fidcl1 CiCastro in the l‘)5()s. Jid. "It’s not ju st u m op-up APAPUM.phoio retui;n to ninormalcy at the ciinulII und •— Oie ofTleiul said. ’ • Scc'STAY onDn PPage A 2 j ,. A m erican s o ld ieler r stands guord outsidede Comandancia on Thunlursday ■ H b^ush sayss U.S. iNerve centeri ttotal wre(3ck H | ■ ; -The Associasted Presss - , -----tnetaltal roofing, burned stocks-of-v’]f-wcapons,~ widll stay Uluntil __ . j •- picce:ccs of blocks and tile. HHi ig h -rise : PANAMA CITY.-l'.•Panama — Thc buildiIdings were deserted and largerge portions “Comandancia” compmplcx that was thc ofthethe area had been rcduccd to bl nerve center for WM a n u e l A n to n io rubbleble and twisted pipes. 3b is comnplete Noriega’s regime is; a dank and gutted Oul)utsidc the commandoncia. ruin, bristliflg-wilh U.S,I.s. soldiers trymg to - fencece V as 'stnjng with colorcdJ li,lights : Ahsw im cd'h 'c.w --------------- root out the lost snipers)crs of the dictator’s Chrisristmas. Walls were blackc o r forccs still roaming tliele ccity. pocke;ked with SO caliber bullet h or /ASHINGTON — Presideidcnt Bush vowed A group of reporters,y^, escorted into thc ' simpljiply blown away. The roof waswas twisted jrsday that American troo]roops would scour area for a look at the sitsites of the heaviest and1 ironi bars hung limply frofr m thc j a Ponaram a "as long as il lakes"' to capture M anuel fighting in the U.S. invajivasion, were hustled windoidows. Sai^one soldicrs|J^Th'There was SSA Antononio Noriega., •^-^baclTlnro-Tho'varrwiihI i I h “a-v/a rn i n g-fr 6 m“ ah” aaw w csdihc-arriduht^f fTrcpowetwer put op— " -R c.c said thc loss of Americancun lives in combat ------ ^fdicrs; Tlicfc was occ: ■plactr*’ ■ ■ ' ^ ---^IQ 9-9-been—worth-M— tind^il-c a H c d -th c -U T S .-------------- from a high*rise'apartmrtment building that Atit thet edge of thc rubble of the several commimitmcnl open-ended, xpressing sorrow over thc d( makes a backdrop to thche comandancia.i - block:cks around thc commandancij r c deaths. Bush said j • The entrance to the: area,on a poor section grislylly sccnc from thc early fighIghting: A W m "m ilitlitary caKualtio^-ari^-a-htirilciir4lon-whieh-u-fiution i ------ STTun'ama'City'cnneilleit'Chorrl 11 orw fl5~ c ii mn pupi c r c ffrrm a fc-lhrrU n(s~^^M E^ must-<l-endu^e-Qnd•^!l-prt^sidents-ha‘t-havt‘-to-face-ii|vt«, ------------- which.wc-canncycLacceptZ—. Jittered with the wreckackflge of three cars. heiRhtght with a bodv sprawled i>cross.tfii;-.lLocr j^^^^ Across the intersectioition, someone had remairams of the front seat, Scvi:veral congressmen called foh thc troops lo Ija- I painted on the bottomom of a billboard: Soldoldiers explained that when tlthe brougIght home quickly, tlioughjh onec — Rep. Les > •‘Ynnqtii go hom^.” _____________________ rwgnuU■vltmp.vgdJnjgj^g.nroa.
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